221 resultados para DGGE


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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die Methylierung von Quecksilber in Intestinaltrakt des Kompostwurms Eisenia foetida untersucht. Des Weiteren wurden aerobe und anaerobe Mikroorganismen aus dem Darmtrakt von Eisenia fotida isoliert, identifiziert und auf ihr Potential zur Methylierung von Quecksilber getestet. Die Bestimmung von Methylquecksilber erfolgte mittels GC-ICPMS (Gaschromatographie mit induktiv gekoppelter Plasma-Massenspektrometrie) und GC-AFS (Gaschromatographie- Atomfluoreszenzspektrometrie). Für die GC-ICPMS erfolgte die Quantifizierung des Methylquecksilbers mittels der Isotopenverdünnungsmethode. Die Extraktion des Methylquecksilbers aus dem Wurmgewebe erfolgte durch einen alkalischen Aufschluss mit TMAH (Tetramethylammoniumhydroxid) und anschließender Derivatisierung des Methylquecksilbers durch Natriumtetrapropylborat. Für die Extraktion des gebildeten Methylquecksilbers aus Bakterienkulturen wurde eine Extraktion mit einer methanolischen Kaliumhydroxidlösung verwendet. Wie bei dem Wurmgewebe wurde das Methylqueckilsber ebenfalls mit Natriumtetrapropylborat derivatisiert.rnrnFür die Untersuchung einer in vivo Methylquecksilberbildung in bodenlebenden Invertebraten wurde der Kompostwurm Eisenia foetida als Modellorganismus verwendet. Die Tiere wurden aus einer Kultur in einen Boden überführt, der mit anorganischem Quecksilber versetzt wurde. Nach zehn Tagen Inkubationszeit wurden die Würmer entnommen und das Methylquecksilber extrahiert. Um eine mögliche Methylierung von Quecksilber durch Bodenorganismen auszuschließen wurde sowohl steriles als auch unsteriles Bodenmaterial verwendet. In den Wurmproben aus dem unsterilen Bodenmaterial konnte eine Konzentration an Methylquecksilber von 17,4 ng/g Trockengewicht (Boden ohne Zugabe von Quecksilber) und 62,4 ng/g Trockengewicht (Boden mit Quecksilberzugabe). Bei den Wurmproben aus sterilem Bodenmaterial lag die Konzentration an Methylquecksilber bei 17,2 ng/g Trockengewicht (Boden ohne Zugabe von Quecksilber) und 51,9 ng/g Trockengewicht (Boden mit Quecksilberzugabe).rnrnBei den Bakterienkulturen konnte in Reinkulturen keine Methylierung von Quecksilber nachgewiesen werden. In einer fakultativ anaeroben Mischkultur konnte eine Methylierung von Quecksilber beobachtet werden. Für die Identifizierung der Mikroorganismen wurde die 16s rDNA mittels PCR amplifiziert und anschließend über eine DGGE aufgetrennt. Die Banden wurden ausgeschnitten und sequenziert. Dabei konnten drei Enterobacteriaceen identifiziert werden.rn


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Studies on soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration in perennial energy crops are available for North-Central Europe, while there is insufficient information for Southern Europe. This research was conducted in the Po Valley, a Mediterranean-temperate zone characterised by low SOC levels, due to intensive management. The aim was to assess the factors influencing SOC sequestration and its distribution through depth and within soil fractions, after a 9-year old conversion from two annual systems to Miscanthus (Miscanthus × giganteus) and giant reed (Arundo donax). The 13C natural abundance was used to evaluate the amount of SOC in annual and perennial species, and determine the percentage of carbon derived from perennial crops. SOC was significantly higher under perennial species, especially in the topsoil (0-0.15 m). After 9 years, the amount of C derived from Miscanthus was 18.7 Mg ha-1, mostly stored at 0-0.15 m, whereas the amount of C derived from giant reed was 34.7 Mg ha-1, evenly distributed through layers. Physical soil fractionation was combined with 13C abundance analysis. C derived from perennial crops was mainly found in macroaggregates. Under giant reed, more newly derived-carbon was stored in microaggregates and mineral fraction than under Miscanthus. A molecular approach based on denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) allowed to evaluate changes on microbial community, after the introduction of perennial crops. Functional aspects were investigated by determining relevant soil enzymes (β-glucosidase, urease, alkaline phosphatase). Perennial crops positively stimulated these enzymes, especially in the topsoil. DGGE profiles revealed that community richness was higher in perennial crops; Shannon index of diversity was influenced only by depth. In conclusion, Miscanthus and giant reed represent a sustainable choice for the recovery of soils exhausted by intensive management, also in Mediterranean conditions and this is relevant mainly because this geographical area is notoriously characterised by a rapid turnover of SOC.


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Gut microbial acquisition during the early stage of life is an extremely important event since it affects the health status of the host. In this contest the healthy properties of the genus Bifidobacterium have a central function in newborns. The aim of this thesis was to explore the dynamics of the gut microbial colonization in newborns and to suggest possible strategies to maintain or restore a correct balance of gut bacterial population in infants. The first step of this work was to review the most recent studies on the use of probiotics and prebiotics in infants. Secondly, in order to prevent or treat intestinal disorders that may affect newborns, the capability of selected Bifidobacterium strains to reduce the amount of Enterobacteriaceae and against the infant pathogen Streptococcus agalactiae was evaluated in vitro. Furthermore, the ability of several commercial fibers to stimulate selectively the growth of bifidobacterial strains was checked. Finally, the gut microbial composition in the early stage of life in response to the intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis (IAP) against group B Streptococcus was studied using q-PCR, DGGE and next generation sequencing. The results globally showed that Bifidobacterium breve B632 strain is the best candidate for the use in a synbiotic product coupled to a mixture of two selected prebiotic fibers (galactooligosaccharides and fructooligosaccharides) for gastrointestinal disorders in infants. Moreover, the early gut microbial composition was affected by IAP treatment with infants showing lower counts of Bifidobacterium spp. and Bacteroides spp. coupled to a decrement of biodiversity of bacteria, compared to control infants. These studies have shown that IAP could affect the early intestinal balance in infants and they have paved the way to the definition of new strategies alternative to antibiotic treatment to control GBS infection in pregnant women.


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The investigation of phylogenetic diversity and functionality of complex microbial communities in relation to changes in the environmental conditions represents a major challenge of microbial ecology research. Nowadays, particular attention is paid to microbial communities occurring at environmental sites contaminated by recalcitrant and toxic organic compounds. Extended research has evidenced that such communities evolve some metabolic abilities leading to the partial degradation or complete mineralization of the contaminants. Determination of such biodegradation potential can be the starting point for the development of cost effective biotechnological processes for the bioremediation of contaminated matrices. This work showed how metagenomics-based microbial ecology investigations supported the choice or the development of three different bioremediation strategies. First, PCR-DGGE and PCR-cloning approaches served the molecular characterization of microbial communities enriched through sequential development stages of an aerobic cometabolic process for the treatment of groundwater contaminated by chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons inside an immobilized-biomass packed bed bioreactor (PBR). In this case the analyses revealed homogeneous growth and structure of immobilized communities throughout the PBR and the occurrence of dominant microbial phylotypes of the genera Rhodococcus, Comamonas and Acidovorax, which probably drive the biodegradation process. The same molecular approaches were employed to characterize sludge microbial communities selected and enriched during the treatment of municipal wastewater coupled with the production of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA). Known PHA-accumulating microorganisms identified were affiliated with the genera Zooglea, Acidovorax and Hydrogenophaga. Finally, the molecular investigation concerned communities of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contaminated soil subjected to rhizoremediation with willow roots or fertilization-based treatments. The metabolic ability to biodegrade naphthalene, as a representative model for PAH, was assessed by means of stable isotope probing in combination with high-throughput sequencing analysis. The phylogenetic diversity of microbial populations able to derive carbon from naphthalene was evaluated as a function of the type of treatment.


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Im Verlauf der Forschungsarbeit wurden Proben aus fünf, mit nachwachsenden Rohstoffen (NawaRo) beschickten, landwirtschaftlichen Biogasanlagen (BGA) auf die Biozönose methanogener Archaea hin molekularbiologisch untersucht. Über „amplified rDNA restriction analysis“-Screening (ARDRA) von Bibliotheken auf Basis von 16S rRNA-Genfragmenten konnte anhand zweier beispielhafter BGA das Vorkommen von Vertretern der Gattungen Methanoculleus (Mcu.), Methanobacterium (Mb.), Methanosarcina (Msc.) und Methanosaeta (Mst.) nachgewiesen werden. Mittels denaturierender Gradienten-Gelelektrophorese (DGGE) wurde das Vorkommen dieser Mikroorganismen auch in den übrigen Anlagen gezeigt. Ergänzend dazu wurde in drei Anlagen Methanospirillum hungatei nachgewiesen. Nach Ausarbeitung gattungsspezifischer Isolierungsstrategien konnten insgesamt zehn Vertreter der Gattung Methanobacterium (Isolate Mb1 bis Mb10) und jeweils ein Vertreter der Gattungen Methanoculleus (Isolat Mcu(1)), Methanosarcina (Isolat NieKK) und Methanosaeta (Isolat Mst1.3) aus den BGA-Proben isoliert werden. Durch in silico-Abgleich der partiellen 16S rRNA-Gensequenzen wurden diese als Verwandte von Mb. formicicum MFT, Mcu. bourgensis MS2T, Msc. mazei S-6T und Mst. concilii FE mit einer Sequenzidentität > 97% identifiziert. Im Laufe weiterer molekularbiologischer Untersuchungen mittels DGGE und ARDRA-Analyse konnten die Isolate den Referenzstämmen zugeordnet werden. In Bezug auf die Gattung Methanobacterium ergaben sich jedoch leichte Abweichungen. Diese bestätigten sich in vergleichenden Analysen des genomischen Fingerabdrucks in der „specifically amplified polymorphic DNA“-PCR (SAPD-PCR), welche im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erstmalig erfolgreich auf archaeelle Organismen angewandt wurde. Hier zeigten die Isolate zwei von den Fingerabdrücken der untersuchten Referenzstämme verschiedene Hauptamplifikationsmuster. Aufgrund der Vielzahl der Isolate sowie dem signifikanten Vorkommen in qPCR-Analysen und Klonbibliotheken fokussierten sich die weiteren Arbeiten zur genauen Untersuchung dieser Abweichungen auf phylogenetische Analysen der Gattung Methanobacterium und die Entwicklung von Nachweissystemen. Die Aufklärung eines Großteils der 23S rRNA-Gensequenzen der Isolate und von ausgewählten Typstämmen ermöglichte ergänzende phylogenetische Untersuchungen zu durchgeführten 16S rRNA-Analysen. Dabei wurden die Isolate jeweils in einem eigenen Cluster abseits der meisten Referenzstämme aus der Gattung Methanobacterium positioniert. Analog zur Musterbildung im Rahmen der SAPD-Analyse zeigte sich eine Differenzierung in zwei Äste und ergab in Übereinstimmung mit den in silico-Sequenzabgleichen den höchsten Verwandtschaftsgrad mit Mb. formicicum MFT. Die Eignung der SAPD-PCR zur Ableitung spezifischer Primerpaare konnte erstmals auch für methanogene Archaea gezeigt werden. Die Ableitung zweier Primerpaare mit Spezifität für die Methanobacterium-Isolate Mb1 bis Mb10 sowie für den Typstamm Mb. formicicum MFT gelang und konnte im Rahmen eines Direkt-PCR-Nachweises erfolgreich auf Reinkulturen und Fermenterproben angewandt werden. Unter Einbezug der sequenzierten 23S rRNA-Genfragmente gelang die Erstellung von Oligonukleotid-Sonden für den Einsatz in Fluoreszenz in situ-Hybridisierungsexperimenten. Im Praxistest ergab sich für diese Sonden eine Spezifität für alle getesteten Vertreter der Gattung Methanobacterium sowie für Methanosphaera stadtmanae MCB-3T und Methanobrevibacter smithii PST.rnSomit konnten im Laufe der Arbeit die dominanten methanogenen Archaea in NawaRo-BGA in mehrphasigen Experimenten nachgewiesen, quantifiziert und auf nur wenige Gattungen eingegrenzt werden. Vertreter der vier dominanten Gattungen wurden isoliert und Nachweissysteme für Arten der Gattung Methanobacterium erstellt.rn


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Hefen der Gattung Saccharomyces und Milchsäurebakterien sind bei der Weinbereitung von besonderer Bedeutung. Neben der alkoholischen Gärung sind Hefen an der Ausbildung von Aromastoffen beteiligt. Milchsäurebakterien spielen eine Rolle beim biologischen Säureabbau (malolaktische Fermentation), können jedoch aufgrund ihrer Stoffwechseleigenschaft weitere Aromamodifikationen bewirken. Die Zusammensetzung der mikrobiellen Flora zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten der Weinbereitung hat einen direkten Einfluss auf die Qualität der Weine, welche sich sowohl positiv als auch negativ verändern kann. Daher ist die zuverlässige Identifizierung und Differenzierung verschiedener Mikroorganismen auf Art- aber auch Stamm-Ebene während der Vinifikation von Bedeutung.rnDer erste Teil dieser Arbeit beschäftigte sich mit der Differenzierung von Hefearten der Gattung Saccharomyces, welche mit Hilfe konventioneller Methoden nicht eindeutig identifiziert werden können. Unter Verwendung des DNA-Fingerprintverfahrens Specifically Amplified Polymorphic DNA (SAPD)-PCR sowie der Matrix-Assisted-Laser-Desorption/Ionization-Time-Of-Flight-Mass-Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) war eine Differenzierung dieser taxonomisch sehr nah verwandten Arten möglich. Weiterhin konnten interspezifische Hybridstämme detektiert werden. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde der Hybridcharakter des Stammes NCYC 3739 (S. cerevisiae x kudriavzevii) entdeckt. Um die Elternspezies eines Hybridstamms zuverlässig zu bestimmen, sind weiterführende Genanalysen notwendig. Hierzu konnte eine Restriktionsfragmentlängenpolymorphismus (RFLP)-Analyse verschiedener genetischer Marker erfolgreich herangezogen werden.rnIm Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde weiterhin ein Schnellidentifizierungssystem zum Nachweis weinrelevanter Milchsäurebakterien entwickelt. Mit Hilfe der Sequence Characterized Amplified Region (SCAR)-Technik konnten artspezifische Primer generiert werden, welche auf der Grundlage charakteristischer Fragmente der SAPD-PCR abgeleitet wurden. Durch die Anwendung dieser Primer in einer Multiplex-PCR-Reaktion war die Detektion verschiedener, einerseits häufig in Wein vorkommender und andererseits potentiell an der Ausbildung von Weinfehlern beteiligter Milchsäurebakterien-Arten möglich. Die ermittelte Nachweisgrenze dieser Methode lag mit 10^4 - 10^5 Zellen/ml im Bereich der Zelltiter, die in Most und Wein anzutreffen sind. Anhand der Untersuchung verschiedener Weinproben von Winzern in Rheinhessen wurde die Praxistauglichkeit dieser Methode demonstriert. rnUm die gesamten Milchsäurebakterien-Population im Verlauf der Weinbereitung zu kontrollieren, kann die Denaturierende Gradienten-Gelelektrophorese herangezogen werden. Hierzu wurden in dieser Arbeit Primer zur Amplifikation eines Teilbereichs des rpoB-Gens abgeleitet, da dieses Gen eine Alternative zur 16S rDNA darstellt. Die DNA-Region erwies sich als geeignet, um zahlreiche weinrelevante Milchsäurebakterien-Arten zu differenzieren. In einigen ersten Versuchen konnte gezeigt werden, dass diese Methode für eine praktische Anwendung in Frage kommt.rnOenococcus oeni ist das wichtigste Milchsäurebakterien während der malolaktischen Fermentation und wird häufig in Form kommerzieller Starterkulturen eingesetzt. Da verschiedene Stämme unterschiedliche Eigenschaften aufweisen können, ist es von Bedeutung, die Identität eines bestimmten Stammes zweifelsfrei feststellen zu können. Anhand der Analyse verschiedener O. oeni-Stämme aus unterschiedlichen Weinbaugebieten konnte gezeigt werden, dass sowohl die nested SAPD-PCR als auch die MALDI-TOF-MS genügend Sensitivität aufweisen, um eine Unterscheidung auf Stamm-Ebene zu ermöglichen, wobei die mittels nSAPD-PCR ermittelten Distanzen der Stämme zueinander mit deren geographischer Herkunft korrelierte.rnDie in der vorliegenden Arbeit entwickelten Methoden können dazu beitragen, den Prozess der Weinherstellung besser zu kontrollieren und so eine hohe Qualität des Endproduktes zu gewährleisten.rn


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Musculoskeletal infections are infections of the bone and surrounding tissues. They are currently diagnosed based on culture analysis, which is the gold standard for pathogen identification. However, these clinical laboratory methods are frequently inadequate for the identification of the causative agents, because a large percentage (25-50%) of confirmed musculoskeletal infections are false negatives in which no pathogen is identified in culture. My data supports these results. The goal of this project was to use PCR amplification of a portion of the 16S rRNA gene to test an alternative approach for the identification of these pathogens and to assess the diversity of the bacteria involved. The advantages of this alternative method are that it should increase sample sensitivity and the speed of detection. In addition, bacteria that are non-culturable or in low abundance can be detected using this molecular technique. However, a complication of this approach is that the majority of musculoskeletal infections are polymicrobial, which prohibits direct identification from the infected tissue by DNA sequencing of the initial 16S rDNA amplification products. One way to solve this problem is to use denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) to separate the PCR products before DNA sequencing. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) separates DNA molecules based on their melting point, which is determined by their DNA sequence. This analytical technique allows a mixture of PCR products of the same length that electrophoreses through agarose gels as one band, to be separated into different bands and then used for DNA sequence analysis. In this way, the DGGE allows for the identification of individual bacterial species in polymicrobial-infected tissue, which is critical for improving clinical outcomes. By combining the 16S rDNA amplification and the DGGE techniques together, an alternative approach for identification has been used. The 16S rRNA gene PCR-DGGE method includes several critical steps: DNA extraction from tissue biopsies, amplification of the bacterial DNA, PCR product separation by DGGE, amplification of the gel-extracted DNA, and DNA sequencing and analysis. Each step of the method was optimized to increase its sensitivity and for rapid detection of the bacteria present in human tissue samples. The limit of detection for the DNA extraction from tissue was at least 20 Staphylococcus aureus cells and the limit of detection for PCR was at least 0.05 pg of template DNA. The conditions for DGGE electrophoreses were optimized by using a double gradient of acrylamide (6 – 10%) and denaturant (30-70%), which increased the separation between distinct PCR products. The use of GelRed (Biotium) improved the DNA visualization in the DGGE gel. To recover the DNA from the DGGE gels the gel slices were excised, shredded in a bead beater, and the DNA was allowed to diffuse into sterile water overnight. The use of primers containing specific linkers allowed the entire amplified PCR product to be sequenced and then analyzed. The optimized 16S rRNA gene PCR-DGGE method was used to analyze 50 tissue biopsy samples chosen randomly from our collection. The results were compared to those of the Memorial Hermann Hospital Clinical Microbiology Laboratory for the same samples. The molecular method was congruent for 10 of the 17 (59%) culture negative tissue samples. In 7 of the 17 (41%) culture negative the molecular method identified a bacterium. The molecular method was congruent with the culture identification for 7 of the 33 (21%) positive cultured tissue samples. However, in 8 of the 33 (24%) the molecular method identified more organisms. In 13 of the 15 (87%) polymicrobial cultured tissue samples the molecular method identified at least one organism that was also identified by culture techniques. Overall, the DGGE analysis of 16S rDNA is an effective method to identify bacteria not identified by culture analysis.


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We evaluated above- and belowground ecosystem changes in a 16 year, combined fertilization and warming experiment in a High Arctic tundra deciduous shrub heath (Alexandra Fiord, Ellesmere Island, NU, Canada). Soil emissions of the three key greenhouse gases (GHGs) (carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide) were measured in mid-July 2009 using soil respiration chambers attached to a FTIR system. Soil chemical and biochemical properties including Q10 values for CO2, CH4, and N2O, Bacteria and Archaea assemblage composition, and the diversity and prevalence of key nitrogen cycling genes including bacterial amoA, crenarchaeal amoA, and nosZ were measured. Warming and fertilization caused strong increases in plant community cover and height but had limited effects on GHG fluxes and no substantial effect on soil chemistry or biochemistry. Similarly, there was a surprising lack of directional shifts in the soil microbial community as a whole or any change at all in microbial functional groups associated with CH4 consumption or N2O cycling in any treatment. Thus, it appears that while warming and increased nutrient availability have strongly affected the plant community over the last 16 years, the belowground ecosystem has not yet responded. This resistance of the soil ecosystem has resulted in limited changes in GHG fluxes in response to the experimental treatments.


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On-deck CO2-Fe-manipulated incubation experiments were conducted using surface seawater collected from the Western Subarctic Gyre of the NW Pacific in the summer of 2008 to elucidate the impacts of ocean acidification and Fe enrichment on the abundance and community composition of phytoplankton and eubacteria in the study area. During the incubation, excluding the initial period, the mean partial pressures of CO2 in non-Fe-added bottles were 230, 419, 843, and 1124 µatm, whereas those in Fe-added treatments were 152, 394, 791, and 1008 µatm. Changes in the abundance and community composition of phytoplankton were estimated using HPLC pigment signatures with the program CHEMTAX and flow cytometry. A DGGE fingerprint technique targeting 16S rRNA gene fragments was also used to estimate changes in eubacterial phylotypes during incubation. The Fe addition induced diatom blooms, and subsequently stimulated the growth of heterotrophic bacteria such as Roseobacter, Phaeobacter, and Alteromonas in the post-bloom phase. In both the Fe-limited and Fe-replete treatments, concentrations of 19'-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin, a haptophyte marker, and the cell abundance of coccolithophores decreased at higher CO2 levels (750 and 1000 ppm), whereas diatoms exhibited little response to the changes in CO2 availability. The abundances of Synechococcus and small eukaryotic phytoplankton (<10 µm) increased at the higher CO2 levels. DGGE band positions revealed that Methylobacterium of Alphaproteobacteria occurred solely at lower CO2 levels (180 and 380 ppm) during the post-bloom phase. These results suggest that increases in CO2 level could affect not only the community composition of phytoplankton but also that of eubacteria. As these microorganisms play critical roles in the biological carbon pump and microbial loop, our results indicate that the progression of ocean acidification can alter the biogeochemical processes in the study area.


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As part of the PeECE II mesocosm project, we investigated the effects of pCO2 levels on the initial step of heterotrophic carbon cycling in the surface ocean. The activities of microbial extracellular enzymes hydrolyzing 4 polysaccharides were measured during the development of a natural phytoplankton bloom under pCO2 conditions representing glacial (190 µatm) and future (750 µatm) atmospheric pCO2. We observed that (1) chondroitin hydrolysis was variable throughout the pre-, early- and late-bloom phases, (2) fucoidanase activity was measurable only in the glacial mesocosm as the bloom developed, (3) laminarinase activity was low and constant, and (4) xylanase activity declined as the bloom progressed. Concurrent measurements of microbial community composition, using denaturing-gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), showed that the 2 mesocosms diverged temporally, and from one another, especially in the late-bloom phase. Enzyme activities correlated with bloom phase and pCO2, suggesting functional as well as compositional changes in microbial communities in the different pCO2 environments. These changes, however, may be a response to temporal changes in the development of phytoplankton communities that differed with the pCO2 environment. We hypothesize that the phytoplankton communities produced dissolved organic carbon (DOC) differing in composition, a hypothesis supported by changing amino acid composition of the DOC, and that enzyme activities responded to changes in substrates. Enzyme activities observed under different pCO2 conditions likely reflect both genetic and population-level responses to changes occurring among multiple components of the microbial loop.


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The effects of CO2-induced seawater acidification on plankton communities were also addressed in a series of 3 mesocosm experiments, called the Pelagic Ecosystem CO2 Enrichment (PeECE I-III) studies, which were conducted in the Large-Scale Mesocosm Facilities of the University of Bergen, Norway in 2001, 2003 and 2005, respectively. Each experiment consisted of 9 mesocosms, in which CO2 was manipulated to initial concentrations of 190, 350 and 750 µatm in 2001 and 2003, and 350, 700 and 1050 µatm in 2005. The present dataset concerns PeECE III.


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Actualmente, la reducción de materias activas (UE) y la implantación de la nueva Directiva comunitaria 2009/128/ que establece el marco de actuación para conseguir un uso sostenible de los plaguicidas químicos y la preferencia de uso de métodos biológicos, físicos y otros no químicos, obliga a buscar métodos de control menos perjudiciales para el medio ambiente. El control biológico (CB) de enfermedades vegetales empleando agentes de control biológico (ACB) se percibe como una alternativa más segura y con menor impacto ambiental, bien solos o bien como parte de una estrategia de control integrado. El aislado 212 de Penicillium oxalicum (PO212) (ATCC 201888) fue aislado originalmente de la micoflora del suelo en España y ha demostrado ser un eficaz ACB frente a la marchitez vascular del tomate. Una vez identificado y caracterizado el ACB se inició el periodo de desarrollo del mismo poniendo a punto un método de producción en masa de sus conidias. Tras lo cual se inició el proceso de formulación del ACB deshidratando las conidias para su preservación durante un período de tiempo mayor mediante lecho fluido. Finalmente, se han desarrollado algunos formulados que contienen de forma individual diferentes aditivos que han alargado su viabilidad, estabilidad y facilitado su manejo y aplicación. Sin embargo, es necesario seguir trabajando en la mejora de su eficacia de biocontrol. El primer objetivo de esta Tesis se ha centrado en el estudio de la interacción ACB-patógeno-huésped que permita la actuación de P.oxalicum en diferentes patosistemas. Uno de los primeros puntos que se abordan dentro de este objetivo es el desarrollo de nuevas FORMULACIONES del ACB que incrementen su eficacia frente a la marchitez vascular del tomate. Las conidias formuladas de PO212 se obtuvieron por la adición conjunta de distintos aditivos (mojantes, adherentes o estabilizantes) en dos momentos diferentes del proceso de producción/secado: i) antes del proceso de producción (en la bolsa de fermentación) en el momento de la inoculación de las bolsas de fermentación con conidias de PO212 o ii) antes del secado en el momento de la resuspensión de las conidias tras su centrifugación. De las 22 nuevas formulaciones desarrolladas y evaluadas en plantas de tomate en ensayos en invernadero, seis de ellas (FOR22, FOR25, FOR32, FOR35, FOR36 y FOR37) mejoran significativamente (P=0,05) el control de la marchitez vascular del tomate con respecto al obtenido con las conidias secas de P.oxalicum sin aditivos (CSPO) o con el fungicida Bavistin. Los formulados que mejoran la eficacia de las conidias secas sin aditivos son aquellos que contienen como humectantes alginato sódico en fermentación, seguido de aquellos que contienen glicerol como estabilizante en fermentación, y metil celulosa y leche desnatada como adherentes antes del secado. Además, el control de la marchitez vascular del tomate por parte de los formulados de P. oxalicum está relacionado con la fecha de inicio de la enfermedad. Otra forma de continuar mejorando la eficacia de biocontrol es mejorar la materia activa mediante la SELECCIÓN DE NUEVAS CEPAS de P. oxalicum, las cuales podrían tener diferentes niveles de eficacia. De entre las 28 nuevas cepas de P. oxalicum ensayadas en cámara de cultivo, sólo el aislado PO15 muestra el mismo nivel de eficacia que PO212 (62-67% de control) frente a la marchitez vascular del tomate en casos de alta presión de enfermedad. Mientras que, en casos de baja presión de enfermedad todas las cepas de P. oxalicum y sus mezclas demuestran ser eficaces. Finalmente, se estudia ampliar el rango de actuación de este ACB a OTROS HUÉSPEDES Y OTROS PATÓGENOS Y DIFERENTES GRADOS DE VIRULENCIA. En ensayos de eficacia de P. oxalicum frente a aislados de diferente agresividad de Verticillium spp. y Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici en plantas de tomate en cámaras de cultivo, se demuestra que la eficacia de PO212 está negativamente correlacionada con el nivel de enfermedad causada por F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici pero que no hay ningún efecto diferencial en la reducción de la incidencia ni de la gravedad según la virulencia de los aislados. Sin embargo, en los ensayos realizados con V. dahliae, PO212 causa una mayor reducción de la enfermedad en las plantas inoculadas con aislados de virulencia media. La eficacia de PO212 también era mayor frente a aislados de virulencia media alta de F. oxysporum f. sp. melonis y F. oxysporum f. sp. niveum, en plantas de melón y sandía, respectivamente. En ambos huéspedes se demuestra que la dosis óptima de aplicación del ACB es de 107 conidias de PO212 g-1 de suelo de semillero, aplicada 7 días antes del trasplante. Además, entre 2 y 4 nuevas aplicaciones de PO212 a la raíces de las plantas mediante un riego al terreno de asiento mejoran la eficacia de biocontrol. La eficacia de PO212 no se limita a hongos patógenos vasculares como los citados anteriormente, sino también a otros patógenos como: Phytophthora cactorum, Globodera pallida y G. rostochiensis. PO212 reduce significativamente los síntomas (50%) causados por P. cactorum en plantas de vivero de fresa, tras la aplicación del ACB por inmersión de las raíces antes de su trasplante al suelo de viveros comerciales. Por otra parte, la exposición de los quistes de Globodera pallida y G. rostochiensis (nematodos del quiste de la patata) a las conidias de P. oxalicum, en ensayos in vitro o en microcosmos de suelo, reduce significativamente la capacidad de eclosión de los huevos. Para G. pallida esta reducción es mayor cuando se emplean exudados de raíz de patata del cv. 'Monalisa', que exudados de raíz del cv. 'Desirée'. No hay una reducción significativa en la tasa de eclosión con exudados de raíz de tomate del cv. 'San Pedro'. Para G. rostochiensis la reducción en la tasa de eclosión de los huevos se obtiene con exudados de la raíz de patata del cv. 'Desirée'. El tratamiento con P. oxalicum reduce también significativamente el número de quistes de G. pallida en macetas. Con el fin de optimizar la aplicación práctica de P. oxalicum cepa 212 como tratamiento biológico del suelo, es esencial entender cómo el entorno físico influye en la capacidad de colonización, crecimiento y supervivencia del mismo, así como el posible riesgo que puede suponer su aplicación sobre el resto de los microorganismos del ecosistema. Por ello en este segundo objetivo de esta tesis se estudia la interacción del ACB con el medio ambiente en el cual se aplica. Dentro de este objetivo se evalúa la INFLUENCIA DE LA TEMPERATURA, DISPONIBILIDAD DE AGUA Y PROPIEDADES FÍSICO-QUÍMICAS DE LOS SUELOS (POROSIDAD, TEXTURA, DENSIDAD...) SOBRE LA SUPERVIVENCIA Y EL CRECIMIENTO DE PO212 en condiciones controladas elaborando modelos que permitan predecir el impacto de cada factor ambiental en la supervivencia y crecimiento de P. oxalicum y conocer su capacidad para crecer y sobrevivir en diferentes ambientes. En las muestras de suelo se cuantifica: i) la supervivencia de Penicillium spp. usando el recuento del número de unidades formadoras de colonias en un medio de cultivo semi-selectivo y ii) el crecimiento (biomasa) de PO212 mediante PCR en tiempo real. En los resultados obtenidos se demuestra que P. oxalicum crece y sobrevive mejor en condiciones de sequía independientemente de la temperatura y del tipo de suelo. Si comparamos tipos de suelo P. oxalicum crece y sobrevive en mayor medida en suelos areno-arcillosos con un bajo contenido en materia orgánica, un mayor pH y una menor disponibilidad de fósforo y nitrógeno. La supervivencia y el crecimiento de P. oxalicum se correlaciona de forma negativa con la disponibilidad de agua y de forma positiva con el contenido de materia orgánica. Sólo la supervivencia se correlaciona también positivamente con el pH. Por otro lado se realizan ensayos en suelos de huertos comerciales con diferentes propiedades físico-químicas y diferentes condiciones ambientales para ESTUDIAR EL ESTABLECIMIENTO, SUPERVIVENCIA Y DISPERSIÓN VERTICAL Y MOVILIDAD HORIZONTAL DE PO212. P. oxalicum 212 puede persistir y sobrevivir en esos suelos al menos un año después de su liberación pero a niveles similares a los de otras especies de Penicillium indígenas presentes en los mismos suelos naturales. Además, P. oxalicum 212 muestra una dispersión vertical y movilidad horizontal muy limitada en los diferentes tipos de suelo evaluados. La introducción de P. oxalicum en un ambiente natural no sólo implica su actuación sobre el microorganismo diana, el patógeno, si no también sobre otros microorganismos indígenas. Para EVALUAR EL EFECTO DE LA APLICACIÓN DE P. oxalicum SOBRE LAS POBLACIONES FÚNGICAS INDIGENAS PRESENTES EN EL SUELO de dos huertos comerciales, se analizan mediante electroforesis en gradiente desnaturalizante de poliacrilamida (DGGE) muestras de dichos suelos a dos profundidades (5 y 10 cm) y a cuatro fechas desde la aplicación de P. oxalicum 212 (0, 75, 180 y 365 días). El análisis de la DGGE muestra que las diferencias entre las poblaciones fúngicas se deben significativamente a la fecha de muestreo y son independientes del tratamiento aplicado y de la profundidad a la que se tomen las muestras. Luego, la aplicación del ACB no afecta a la población fúngica de los dos suelos analizados. El análisis de las secuencias de la DGGE confirma los resultados anteriores y permiten identificar la presencia del ACB en los suelos. La presencia de P. oxalicum en el suelo se encuentra especialmente relacionada con factores ambientales como la humedad. Por tanto, podemos concluir que Penicillium oxalicum cepa 212 puede considerarse un óptimo Agente de Control Biológico (ACB), puesto que es ecológicamente competitivo, eficaz para combatir un amplio espectro de enfermedades y no supone un riesgo para el resto de microorganismos fúngicos no diana presentes en el lugar de aplicación. ABSTRACT Currently, reduction of active (EU) and the implementation of the new EU Directive 2009/128 which establishing the framework for action to achieve the sustainable use of chemical pesticides and preference of use of biological, physical and other non-chemical methods, forces to look for control methods less harmful to the environment. Biological control (CB) of plant diseases using biological control agents (BCA) is perceived as a safer alternative and with less environmental impact, either alone or as part of an integrated control strategy. The isolate 212 of Penicillium oxalicum (PO212) (ATCC 201888) was originally isolated from the soil mycoflora in Spain. P. oxalicum is a promising biological control agent for Fusarium wilt and other tomato diseases. Once identified and characterized the BCA, was developed a mass production method of conidia by solid-state fermentation. After determined the process of obtaining a formulated product of the BCA by drying of product by fluid-bed drying, it enables the preservation of the inoculum over a long period of time. Finally, some formulations of dried P. oxalicum conidia have been developed which contain one different additive that have improved their viability, stability and facilitated its handling and application. However, further work is needed to improve biocontrol efficacy. The first objective of this thesis has focused on the study of the interaction BCA- pathogen-host, to allow P.oxalicum to work in different pathosystems. The first point to be addressed in this objective is the development of new FORMULATIONS of BCA which increase their effectiveness against vascular wilt of tomato. PO212 conidial formulations were obtained by the joint addition of various additives (wetting agents, adhesives or stabilizers) at two different points of the production-drying process: i) to substrate in the fermentation bags before the production process, and (ii) to conidial paste obtained after production but before drying. Of the 22 new formulations developed and evaluated in tomato plants in greenhouse tests, six of them (FOR22 , FOR25 , FOR32 , FOR35 , FOR36 and FOR3) improved significantly (P = 0.05) the biocontrol efficacy against tomato wilt with respect to that obtained with dried P.oxalicum conidia without additives (CSPO) or the fungicide Bavistin. The formulations that improve the efficiency of dried conidia without additives are those containing as humectants sodium alginate in the fermentation bags, followed by those containing glycerol as a stabilizer in the fermentation bags, and methylcellulose and skimmed milk as adherents before drying. Moreover, control of vascular wilt of tomatoes by PO212 conidial formulations is related to the date of disease onset. Another way to further improve the effectiveness of biocontrol is to improve the active substance by SELECTION OF NEW STRAINS of P. oxalicum, which may have different levels of effectiveness. Of the 28 new strains of P. oxalicum tested in a culture chamber, only PO15 isolate shows the same effectiveness that PO212 (62-67 % of control) against tomato vascular wilt in cases of high disease pressure. Whereas in cases of low disease pressure all strains of P. oxalicum and its mixtures effective. Finally, we study extend the range of action of this BCA TO OTHER GUESTS AND OTHER PATHOGENS AND DIFFERENT DEGREES OF VIRULENCE. In efficacy trials of P. oxalicum against isolates of different aggressiveness of Verticillium spp. and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici in tomato plants in growth chambers, shows that the efficiency of PO212 is negatively correlated with the level of disease caused by F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici. There is not differential effect in reducing the incidence or severity depending on the virulence of isolates. However, PO212 cause a greater reduction of disease in plants inoculated with virulent isolates media of V. dahlia. PO212 efficacy was also higher against isolates of high and average virulence of F. oxysporum f. sp. melonis and F. oxysporum f. sp. niveum in melon and watermelon plants, respectively. In both hosts the optimum dose of the BCA application is 107 conidia PO212 g-1 soil, applied on seedlings 7 days before transplantation into the field. Moreover, the reapplication of PO212 (2-4 times) to the roots by irrigation into the field improve efficiency of biocontrol. The efficacy of PO212 is not limited to vascular pathogens as those mentioned above, but also other pathogens such as Oomycetes (Phytophthora cactorum) and nematodes (Globodera pallida and G. rostochiensis). PO212 significantly reduces symptoms (50 %) caused by P. cactorum in strawberry nursery plants after application of BCA by dipping the roots before transplanting to soil in commercial nurseries. Moreover, the exposure of G. pallida and G. rostochiensis cysts to the conidia of P. oxalicum, in in vitro assays or in soil microcosms significantly reduces hatchability of eggs. The reduction in the rate of G. pallida juveniles hatching was greatest when root diffusates from the `Monalisa´ potato cultivar were used, followed by root diffusates from the `Désirée´ potato cultivar. However, no significant reduction in the rate of G. pallida juveniles hatching was found when root diffusates from the ‘San Pedro” tomato cultivar were used. For G. rostochiensis reduction in the juveniles hatching is obtained from the root diffusates 'Desirée' potato cultivar. Treatment with P. oxalicum also significantly reduces the number of cysts of G. pallida in pots. In order to optimize the practical application of P. oxalicum strain 212 as a biological soil treatment, it is essential to understand how the physical environment influences the BCA colonization, survival and growth, and the possible risk that can cause its application on other microorganisms in the ecosystem of performance. Therefore, the second objective of this thesis is the interaction of the BCA with the environment in which it is applied. Within this objective is evaluated the INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE, WATER AVAILABILITY AND PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF SOILS (POROSITY, TEXTURE, DENSITY...) ON SURVIVAL AND GROWTH OF PO212 under controlled conditions to develop models for predicting the environmental impact of each factor on survival and growth of P. oxalicum and to know their ability to grow and survive in different environments. Two parameters are evaluated in the soil samples: i) the survival of Penicillium spp. by counting the number of colony forming units in semi-selective medium and ii) growth (biomass) of PO212 by real-time PCR. P. oxalicum grows and survives better in drought conditions regardless of temperature and soil type. P. oxalicum grows and survives more in sandy loam soils with low organic matter content, higher pH and lower availability of phosphorus and nitrogen. Survival and growth of P. oxalicum negatively correlates with the availability of water and positively with the organic content. Only survival also correlated positively with pH. Moreover, trials are carried out into commercial orchards soils with different physic-chemical properties and different environmental conditions TO STUDY THE ESTABLISHMENT, SURVIVAL, VERTICAL DISPERSION AND HORIZONTAL SPREAD OF PO212. P. oxalicum 212 can persist and survive at very low levels in soil one year after its release. The size of the PO212 population after its release into the tested natural soils is similar to that of indigenous Penicillium spp. Furthermore, the vertical dispersion and horizontal spread of PO212 is limited in different soil types. The introduction of P. oxalicum in a natural environment not only involves their action on the target organism, the pathogen, but also on other indigenous microorganisms. TO ASSESS THE EFFECT OF P. oxalicum APPLICATION ON SOIL INDIGENOUS FUNGAL COMMUNITIES in two commercial orchards, soil samples are analyzed by Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis polyacrylamide (DGGE). Samples are taken from soil at two depths (5 and 10 cm) and four dates from the application of P. oxalicum 212 (0, 75, 180 and 365 days). DGGE analysis shows that differences are observed between sampling dates and are independent of the treatment of P. oxalicum applied and the depth. BCA application does not affect the fungal population of the two soil analyzed. Sequence analysis of the DGGE bands confirms previous findings and to identify the presence of BCA on soils. The presence of P. oxalicum in soil is especially related to environmental factors such as humidity. Therefore, we conclude that the 212 of strain Penicillium oxalicum can be considered an optimum BCA, since it is environmentally competitive and effective against a broad spectrum of diseases and does not have any negative effect on soil non-target fungi communities.