723 resultados para Conspicuous consumption
OBJECTIVES AND METHODS: This study indicates the prevalence, the characteristics, and the screening methods of patients with at risk alcohol drinking at the University Medical Clinic of Lausanne. RESULTS: The results reported demonstrate that one patient out of six is a drinker at risk without criteria for alcohol-dependance. The questionnaire AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test) with a cut-off of five points seems to be the best screening test for at risk alcohol consumption. CONCLUSIONS: The high prevalence of at risk drinking in this study, combined with scientific evidence of the efficiency of brief interventions in changing drinking habits, emphasises the importance of alcohol screening for all patients attending outpatient medical settings.
This paper analyzes the role of the energy transformation index and of final energy consumption per GDP unit in the disparities in energy intensity across countries. In that vein, we use a Theil decomposition approach to analyze global primary energy intensity inequality as well as inequality across different regions of the world and inequality within these regions. The paper first demonstrates the pre-eminence of divergence in final energy consumption per GDP unit in explaining global primary energy intensity inequality and its evolution during the 1971-2006 period. Secondly, it shows the lower (albeit non negligible) impact of the transformation index in global primary energy inequality. Thirdly, the relevance of regions as unit of analysis in studying crosscountry energy intensity inequality and their explanatory factors is highlighted. And finally, how regions around the world differ as to the relevance of the energy transformation index in explaining primary energy intensity inequality.
The presence of Vibrio cholerae non-O1 in water supplies for human consumption in the city of Campeche and rural locality of Bécal was investigated. V. cholerae non-O1 was detected in 5.9% of the samples obtained in deep pools of Campeche. Studies conducted in Bécal and neighbourhood of Morelos in Campeche indicated that collected samples harbored V. cholerae non-O1 in 31.5% and 8.7% respectively. There was a particular pattern of distribution of V. cholerae non-O1 serotypes among different studied regions. Accordingly, V. cholerae non-O1 serotype O14 predominated in the deep pools of Campeche and together with V. cholerae non-O1, O155 were preferentially founds in samples taken from intradomiciliary faucets in the neighbourhood of Morelos. Samples from Bécal predominantly presented the serotype O112. 60% and 53.8% of all studied strains of V. cholerae non-O1 proved to be resistant to ampicillin and carbenicillin. 3.1%, 7.7% and 6.2% presented resistant to doxycycline, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and erythromycin respectively. The study showed the necessity of performing a strong epidemiologic surveillance for emergence and distribution of V. cholerae non-O1
In several colour polymorphic species, morphs differ in thermoregulation either because dark and pale surfaces absorb solar radiation to a different extent and/or because morphs differ in key metabolic processes. Morph-specific thermoregulation may potentially account for the observation that differently coloured individuals are frequently not randomly distributed among habitats, and differ in many respects, including behaviour, morphology, survival and reproductive success. In a wild population of the colour polymorphic tawny owl Strix aluco, a recent cross-fostering experiment showed that offspring raised and born from red mothers were heavier than those from grey mothers. In the present study, we tested in the same individuals whether these morph-specific offspring growth patterns were associated with a difference in metabolic rate between offspring of red and grey mothers. For this purpose, we measured nestling oxygen consumption under two different temperatures (laboratory measurements: 4 and 20 degrees C), and examined the relationships between these data sets and the colour morph of foster and biological mothers. After controlling for nestling body mass, oxygen consumption at 20 degrees C was greater in foster offspring raised by grey foster mothers. No relationship was found between nestling oxygen consumption and coloration of their biological mother. Therefore, our study indicates that in our experiment offspring raised by grey foster mothers showed not only a lower body mass than offspring raised by red foster mothers, but also consumed more oxygen under warm temperature. This further indicates that rearing conditions in nests of grey mothers were more stressful than in nests of red mothers.
Moderate alcohol consumption has been associated with lower coronary artery disease (CAD) risk. However, data on the CAD risk associated with high alcohol consumption are conflicting. The aim of this study was to examine the impact of heavier drinking on 10-year CAD risk in a population with high mean alcohol consumption. In a population-based study of 5,769 adults (aged 35 to 75 years) without cardiovascular disease in Switzerland, 1-week alcohol consumption was categorized as 0, 1 to 6, 7 to 13, 14 to 20, 21 to 27, 28 to 34, and > or =35 drinks/week or as nondrinkers (0 drinks/week), moderate (1 to 13 drinks/week), high (14 to 34 drinks/week), and very high (> or =35 drinks/week). Blood pressure and lipids were measured, and 10-year CAD risk was calculated according to the Framingham risk score. Seventy-three percent (n = 4,214) of the participants consumed alcohol; 16% (n = 909) were high drinkers and 2% (n = 119) very high drinkers. In multivariate analysis, increasing alcohol consumption was associated with higher high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (from a mean +/- SE of 1.57 +/- 0.01 mmol/L in nondrinkers to 1.88 +/- 0.03 mmol/L in very high drinkers); triglycerides (1.17 +/- 1.01 to 1.32 +/- 1.05 mmol/L), and systolic and diastolic blood pressure (127.4 +/- 0.4 to 132.2 +/- 1.4 mm Hg and 78.7 +/- 0.3 to 81.7 +/- 0.9 mm Hg, respectively) (all p values for trend <0.001). Ten-year CAD risk increased from 4.31 +/- 0.10% to 4.90 +/- 0.37% (p = 0.03) with alcohol use, with a J-shaped relation. Increasing wine consumption was more related to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, whereas beer and spirits were related to increased triglyceride levels. In conclusion, as measured by 10-year CAD risk, the protective effect of alcohol consumption disappears in very high drinkers, because the beneficial increase in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol is offset by the increases in blood pressure levels.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between usual and acute alcohol consumption among injured patients and, when combined, how they covary with other injury attributes. METHODS: Data from a randomised sample of 486 injured patients interviewed in an emergency department (Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland) were analysed using the chi(2) test for independence and cluster analysis. RESULTS: Acute alcohol consumption (24.7%) was associated with usual drinking and particularly with high volumes of consumption. Six injury clusters were identified. Over-representations of acute consumption were found in a cluster typical of injuries sustained through interpersonal violence and in another formed by miscellaneous circumstances. A third cluster, typical of sports injuries, was linked to a group of frequent heavy episodic drinkers (without acute consumption). CONCLUSIONS: Among injured patients, acute alcohol consumption is common and associated with usual drinking. Acute and/or usual consumption form part of some, but not all, injury clusters.
BACKGROUND: Greater tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption and lower body mass index (BMI) increase odds ratios (OR) for oral cavity, oropharyngeal, hypopharyngeal, and laryngeal cancers; however, there are no comprehensive sex-specific comparisons of ORs for these factors. METHODS: We analyzed 2,441 oral cavity (925 women and 1,516 men), 2,297 oropharynx (564 women and 1,733 men), 508 hypopharynx (96 women and 412 men), and 1,740 larynx (237 women and 1,503 men) cases from the INHANCE consortium of 15 head and neck cancer case-control studies. Controls numbered from 7,604 to 13,829 subjects, depending on analysis. Analyses fitted linear-exponential excess ORs models. RESULTS: ORs were increased in underweight (<18.5 BMI) relative to normal weight (18.5-24.9) and reduced in overweight and obese categories (>/=25 BMI) for all sites and were homogeneous by sex. ORs by smoking and drinking in women compared with men were significantly greater for oropharyngeal cancer (p < 0.01 for both factors), suggestive for hypopharyngeal cancer (p = 0.05 and p = 0.06, respectively), but homogeneous for oral cavity (p = 0.56 and p = 0.64) and laryngeal (p = 0.18 and p = 0.72) cancers. CONCLUSIONS: The extent that OR modifications of smoking and drinking by sex for oropharyngeal and, possibly, hypopharyngeal cancers represent true associations, or derive from unmeasured confounders or unobserved sex-related disease subtypes (e.g., human papillomavirus-positive oropharyngeal cancer) remains to be clarified.
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether, during hemorrhagic shock, the effect of epinephrine on energy metabolism could be deleterious, by enhancing the oxygen requirement at a given level of oxygen delivery (DO2). DESIGN: Prospective, randomized, control trial. SETTING: Experimental laboratory. SUBJECTS: Two groups of seven mongrel dogs were studied. The epinephrine group received a continuous infusion of epinephrine (1 microgram/min/kg) while the control group received saline. INTERVENTION: Dogs were anesthetized with pentobarbital, and shock was produced by stepwise hemorrhage. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Oxygen consumption (VO2) was continuously measured by the gas exchange technique, while DO2 was independently calculated from cardiac output (measured by thermodilution) and blood oxygen content. A dual-lines regression fit was applied to the DO2 vs. VO2 plot. The intersection of the two regression lines defined the critical value of DO2. Values above critical DO2 belonged to phase 1, while phase 2 occurred below critical DO2. In the control group, VO2 was independent of DO2 during phase 1; VO2 was dependent on DO2 during phase 2. In the epinephrine group, the expected increase in VO2 (+19%) and DO2 (+50%) occurred under normovolemic conditions. During hemorrhage, VO2 immediately decreased, and the slope of phase 1 was significantly (p < .01) different from zero, and was significantly (p < .05) steeper than in the control group (0.025 +/- 0.005 vs. 0.005 +/- 0.010). However, the critical DO2 (8.7 +/- 1.7 vs. 9.7 +/- 2.4 mL/min/kg), the critical VO2 (5.6 +/- 0.5 vs. 5.5 +/- 0.9 mL/min/kg), and the slope of phase 2 (0.487 +/- 0.080 vs. 0.441 +/- 0.130) were not different from control values. CONCLUSIONS: The administration of pharmacologic doses of epinephrine significantly increased VO2 under normovolemic conditions due to the epinephrine-induced thermogenic effect. This effect progressively decreased during hemorrhage. The critical DO2 and the relationship between DO2 and VO2 in the supply-dependent phase of shock were unaffected by epinephrine infusion. These results suggest that during hemorrhagic shock, epinephrine administration did not exert a detrimental effect on the relationship between DO2 and VO2.
Accounting for Big City Growth in Low Paid Occupations: Immigration and/or Service Class Consumption
Growth of 'global cities' in the 1980s was supposed to have involved an occupational polarisation, including growth of low paid service jobs. Though held to be untrue for European cities, at the time, some such growth did emerge in London a decade later than first reported for New York. The question is whether there was simply a delay before London conformed to the global city model, or whether another distinct cause was at work in both cases. This paper proposes that the critical factor in both cases was actually an upsurge of immigration from poor countries providing an elastic supply of cheap labour. This hypothesis and its counterpart based on growth in elite jobs are tested econometrically for the British case with regional data spanning 1975-2008, finding some support for both effects, but with immigration from poor countries as the crucial influence in late 1990s London. Keywords: regional labour markets; wages; employment; international migration; consumer demand JEL Codes: J21, J23, F22, R12
The relationship between coffee drinking and the risk of digestive tract neoplasms was analyzed in a case-control study of 50 cases of cancer of the mouth or pharynx, 209 of the esophagus, 397 of the stomach, 455 of the colon, 295 of the rectum, 151 of the liver, 214 of the pancreas, and 1944 control subjects admitted for acute, non-digestive tract disorders. There was no significant or consistent association between coffee and cancers of the mouth or pharynx, esophagus, stomach, liver, or pancreas. In particular, for pancreatic cancer, the multivariate relative risks for the intermediate and upper tertiles were 1.05 and 1.01, respectively. There were significant inverse trends in risk with measures of coffee consumption for colon and rectal cancers, the multivariate relative risks according to tertiles of coffee consumption being 0.86 and 0.64 for colon and 0.97 and 0.66 for rectum. This apparent protection is in agreement with some (but not all) previous epidemiological evidence and finds a possible biological interpretation in terms of interference on bile secretion, causing reduced bile acid and neutral sterol concentrations in the bowel. In conclusion, the results of this study, the major interest of which lies in the opportunity of drawing up an overall pattern of risk for various digestive neoplasms, offer further reassurance as regards the effects of coffee on digestive tract carcinogenesis.
Aim and purpose: Moderate alcohol consumption has been associated with lower risk of diabetes mellitus, but few data exist on the metabolic syndrome and on the metabolic impact of heavy drinking. The aim of our study was to investigate the complex relationship between alcohol and the metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus in a population-based study in Switzerland with high mean alcohol consumption. Design and methods: In 6188 adults aged 35 to 75, alcohol consumption was categorized as 0, 1-6, 7-13, 14-20, 21-27, 28-34 and >= 35 drinks/week or as nondrinkers, moderate (1-13 drinks), high (14-34 drinks) and very high (>= 35 drinks) alcohol consumption. The metabolic syndrome was defined according to the ATP-III criteria and diabetes mellitus as fasting glycemia >= 7 mmol/l or self-reported medication.We used multivariate analysis adjusted for age, gender, smoking status, physical activity and education level to determine the prevalence of the conditions according to drinking categories. Results: 73% (n = 4502) of the participants consumed alcohol, 16% (n = 993) were high drinkers and 2% (n = 126) very high drinkers. In multivariate analysis, alcohol consumption had a U-shaped relationship with the metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus. The prevalence of the metabolic syndrome significantly differed between nondrinkers (24%), moderate (19%), high (20%) and very high drinkers (29%) (P<= 0.005). The prevalence of diabetes mellitus also significantly differed between nondrinkers (6.0%), moderate (3.6%), high (3.8%) and very high drinkers (6.7%) (P<= 0.05). These relationships did not differ according to beverage types. Conclusions: The prevalence of the metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus decrease with moderate alcohol consumption and increase with heavy drinking, without differences according to beverage types. Recommending to limit alcohol consumption to 1-2 drinks/day might help prevent these conditions in primary care Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes Mellitus.
Attrition in longitudinal studies can lead to biased results. The study is motivated by the unexpected observation that alcohol consumption decreased despite increased availability, which may be due to sample attrition of heavy drinkers. Several imputation methods have been proposed, but rarely compared in longitudinal studies of alcohol consumption. The imputation of consumption level measurements is computationally particularly challenging due to alcohol consumption being a semi-continuous variable (dichotomous drinking status and continuous volume among drinkers), and the non-normality of data in the continuous part. Data come from a longitudinal study in Denmark with four waves (2003-2006) and 1771 individuals at baseline. Five techniques for missing data are compared: Last value carried forward (LVCF) was used as a single, and Hotdeck, Heckman modelling, multivariate imputation by chained equations (MICE), and a Bayesian approach as multiple imputation methods. Predictive mean matching was used to account for non-normality, where instead of imputing regression estimates, "real" observed values from similar cases are imputed. Methods were also compared by means of a simulated dataset. The simulation showed that the Bayesian approach yielded the most unbiased estimates for imputation. The finding of no increase in consumption levels despite a higher availability remained unaltered. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
As a part of the HIV behavioural surveillance system in Switzerland, repeated cross-sectional surveys were conducted in 1993, 1994, 1996, 2000 and 2006 among attenders of all low threshold facilities (LTFs) with needle exchange programmes and/or supervised drug consumption rooms for injection or inhalation in Switzerland. Data were collected in each LTF over five consecutive days, using a questionnaire that was partly completed by an interviewer and partly self administered. The questionnaire was structured around three topics: socio-demographic characteristics, drug consumption, health and risk/preventive behaviour. Analysis was restricted to attenders who had injected drugs during their lifetime (IDUs). Between 1993 and 2006, the median age of IDUs rose by 10 years. IDUs are severely marginalised and their social situation has improved little. The borrowing of used injection equipment (syringe or needle already used by other person) in the last six months decreased (16.5% in 1993, 8.9% in 2006) but stayed stable at around 10% over the past three surveys. Other risk behaviour, such as sharing spoons, cotton or water, was reported more frequently, although also showed a decreasing trend. The reported prevalence of HIV remained fairly stable at around 10% between 1993 and 2006; reported levels of hepatitis C virus (HCV) prevalence were high (56.4% in 2006). In conclusion, the overall decrease in the practice of injection has reduced the potential for transmission of infections. However as HCV prevalence is high this is of particular concern, as the current behaviour of IDUs indicates a potential for further spreading of the infection. Another noteworthy trend is the significant decrease in condom use in the case of paid sex.
This Summary Report describes the methods used and the main findings with regard to food and beverage consumption, nutrient intakes, and anthropometric, physical activity and attitudinal data from the North/South Ireland Food Consumption Survey (NSIFCS). This survey investigated habitual food and beverage consumption, lifestyle, health indicators and attitudes to food and health in a representative sample (n=1379) of the 18-64 year old adult population in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland during 1997-1999.