393 resultados para CFRP incollaggi adesivi acciaio invecchiamento taglio
Il lavoro di indagine che è stato sviluppato nella presente tesi è volto a valutare, attraverso metodi FEM, ossia tecniche numeriche computazionali, le sollecitazioni e le deformazioni che agiscono sul telaio di uno "Stampo", macchina che realizza l'operazione di calandratura della lamiera nella produzione di tubi di acciaio a saldatura elicoidale. In particolare l’analisi riportata in questo documento può ritenersi uno studio preliminare che ha lo scopo di creare un simulatore tenso-deformativo che permetta di realizzare un futuro lavoro di validazione del modello, quindi esso è stato realizzato nel modo più flessibile possibile, in modo che sia agevole, anche in un secondo tempo, introdurvi delle modifiche. Il Software utilizzato per la realizzazione dell'analisi FEM è Salomé-Meca accompagnato dal risolutore Code Aster. Oltre all'analisi sul Telaio dello Stampo si è effettuato uno studio preliminare, di validità generale, in cui si riportano in dettaglio le operazioni da effettuare per lo studio degli Assembly. In particolare è stato utilizzato il software Efficient per la creazione del file di comando.
Essendo l’Italia un territorio soggetto a violenti e frequenti sismi, ed avendo un importante patrimonio in muratura, è interessante studiare il rapporto tra i due. La muratura è maggiormente resistente contro forze che agiscono nel suo piano, che generano quindi uno sforzo di taglio. Si andrà dunque a valutare sperimentalmente la resistenza a taglio delle murature. Tale campagna sperimentale sarà svolta su campioni di muratura sotto forma di triplette confezionate con due tipi di malta diversi a tre livelli di precompressione differenti. I risultati così ottenuti saranno infine rielaborati in un grafico, il grafico della legge di Coulomb, che mira a cercare un legame lineare tra le tau e le sigma di precompressione. Un valore aggiunto dello studio sta nel monitoraggio costante della prova, dal quale si nota che la precompressione durante questa varia. Portando dunque a due risultati diversi: il primo è un legame tau-sigma con livelli di sigma normativi e uno con legami di sigma effettivi della rottura. La campagna sperimentale, inoltre, comprende anche la valutazione del modulo elastico per i singoli campioni di laterizio e di malta. La malta sarà provata anche per la resistenza a flessione e compressione.
L'elaborato tratta, inizialmente, delle generalità dei materiali compositi, facendo particolare riferimento agli elementi che contraddistinguono i materiali protagonisti di questa campagna sperimentale (resine epossidiche, fibre, IMR, binder). Successivamente si passa alla trattazione delle varie tecniche usate per produrre un componente in materiale composito, soffermandosi maggiormente sulla tecnica dell’HP-RTM. Inoltre, poichè nell’elaborazione dei risultati ottenuti sono utilizzati curve gaussiane e istogrammi, è inserito un capitolo con informazioni generali sulla statistica e sulle principali distribuzioni di probabilità. Sono, infine, elencati e spiegati i vari materiali utilizzati, con le varie apparecchiature e i due metodi di invecchiamento, igroscopico e termico.
Abstract: We present an optical sensing methodology to estimate the fatigue damage stateof structures made of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP), by measuring variations on the surface roughness. Variable amplitude loads (VAL), which represent realistic loads during aeronautical missions of fighter aircraft (FALSTAFF) have been applied to coupons until failure. Stiffness degradation and surface roughness variations have been measured during the life of the coupons obtaining a Pearson correlation of 0.75 between both variables. The data were compared with a previous study for Constant Amplitude Load (CAL) obtaining similar results. Conclusions suggest that the surface roughness measured in strategic zones is a useful technique for structural health monitoring of CFRP structures, and that it is independent of the type of load applied. Surface roughness can be measured in the field by optical techniques such as speckle, confocal perfilometers and interferometry, among others.
This work presents an optical non-contact technique to evaluate the fatigue damage state of CFRP structures measuring the irregularity factor of the surface. This factor includes information about surface topology and can be measured easily on field, by techniques such as optical perfilometers. The surface irregularity factor has been correlated with stiffness degradation, which is a well-accepted parameter for the evaluation of the fatigue damage state of composite materials. Constant amplitude fatigue loads (CAL) and realistic variable amplitude loads (VAL), representative of real in- flight conditions, have been applied to “dog bone” shaped tensile specimens. It has been shown that the measurement of the surface irregularity parameters can be applied to evaluate the damage state of a structure, and that it is independent of the type of fatigue load that has caused the damage. As a result, this measurement technique is applicable for a wide range of inspections of composite material structures, from pressurized tanks with constant amplitude loads, to variable amplitude loaded aeronautical structures such as wings and empennages, up to automotive and other industrial applications.
This paper compares and reviews the recommendations and contents of the guide for the design and construction of externally bonded FRP systems for strengthening concrete structures reported by ACI committee 440 and technical report of Externally bonded FRP reinforcement for RC structures (FIB 14) in application of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites in strengthening of an aging reinforced concrete headstock. The paper also discusses the background, limitations, strengthening for flexure and shear, and other related issues in use of FRP for strengthening of a typical reinforced concrete headstock structure such as durability, de-bonding, strengthening limits, fire and environmental conditions. A case study of strengthening of a bridge headstock using FRP composites is presented as a worked example in order to illustrate and compare the differences between these two design guidelines when used in conjunction with the philosophy of the Austroads (1992) bridge design code.
Paesaggio ed infrastrutture viarie sono un binomio molto forte: il primo ha insito il concetto di accessibilità, in quanto non può esistere senza la presenza di un osservatore; la strada, invece, trova i fattori che la connotano nel suo rapporto con la morfologia su cui insiste. Le infrastrutture viarie sono elemento strutturale e strutturante non solo di un territorio, ma anche di un paesaggio. Le attuali esigenze di mobilità portano oggi a ripensare ed adeguare molte infrastrutture viarie: laddove è possibile si potenziano le strutture esistenti, in diversi casi si ricorre a nuovi tracciati o a varianti di percorso. Porsi il problema di conservare itinerari testimoni della cultura materiale ed economica di una società implica considerazioni articolate, che travalicano i limiti del sedime: una via è un organismo più complesso della semplice linea di trasporto in quanto implica tutta una serie di manufatti a supporto della mobilità e soprattutto il corridoio infrastrutturale che genera e caratterizza, ovvero una porzione variabile di territorio definita sia dal tracciato che dalla morfologia del contesto. L’evoluzione dei modelli produttivi ed economici, che oggi porta quote sempre maggiori di popolazione a passare un tempo sempre minore all’interno del proprio alloggio, rende la riflessione sulle infrastrutture viarie dismesse o declassate occasione per la progettazione di spazi per l’abitare collettivo inseriti in contesti paesaggistici, tanto urbani che rurali, tramite reti di percorsi pensate per assorbire tagli di mobilità specifici e peculiari. Partendo da queste riflessioni la Tesi si articola in: Individuazioni del contesto teorico e pratico: Lo studio mette in evidenza come la questione delle infrastrutture viarie e del loro rapporto con il paesaggio implichi riflessioni incrociate a diversi livelli e tramite diverse discipline. La definizione dello spazio fisico della strada passa infatti per la costruzione di un itinerario, un viaggio che si appoggia tanto ad elementi fisici quanto simbolici. La via è un organismo complesso che travalica il proprio sedime per coinvolgere una porzione ampia di territorio, un corridoio variabile ed articolato in funzione del paesaggio attraversato. Lo studio propone diverse chiavi di lettura, mettendo in luce le possibili declinazioni del tema, in funzione del taglio modale, del rapporto con il contesto, del regime giuridico, delle implicazioni urbanistiche e sociali. La mobilità dolce viene individuata quale possibile modalità di riuso, tutela e recupero, del patrimonio diffuso costituito dalle diversi reti di viabilità. Antologia di casi studio: Il corpo principale dello studio si basa sulla raccolta, analisi e studio dello stato dell’arte nel settore; gli esempi raccolti sono presentati in due sezioni: la prima dedicata alle esperienze più significative ed articolate, che affrontano il recupero delle infrastrutture viarie a più livelli ed in modo avanzato non concentrandosi solo sulla conversione del sedime, ma proponendo un progetto che coinvolga tutto il corridoio attraversato dall’infrastruttura; la seconda parte illustra la pratica corrente nelle diverse realtà nazionali, ponendo in evidenza similitudini e differenze tra i vari approcci.
Advanced composite materials offer remarkable potential in the strengthening of Civil Engineering structures. This research is targeted to provide in depth knowledge and understanding of bond characteristics of advanced and corrosion resistant material carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) that has a unique design tailor-ability and cost effective nature. The objective of this research is to investigate and compare the bonding mechanism between CFRP strengthened single and double strap steel joints. Investigations have been made in regards to failure mode, ultimate load and effective bond length for CFRP strengthened double and single strap joints. A series of tensile tests were conducted with different bond lengths for both type of joints. The bond behaviour of these specimens was further investigated by using nonlinear finite element analysis. Finally a bilinear relationship of shear stress-slip has been proposed by using the Finite element model for single and double strap joints.
This research was a step forward in developing bond strength of CFRP strengthened steel hollow sections under tension loads. The studies have revealed the ultimate load carrying capacity of the CFRP strengthened steel hollow sections and the stress distribution for different orientations of the CFRP sheet at different layers. This thesis presents a series of experimental and finite element analysis to determine a good understanding of the bond characteristics of CFRP strengthened steel hollow sections.
In this study, experimental and numerical investigations have been conducted to explore the possibility of using A0 mode in Lamb waves to detect the position of delamination in carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) laminated beams. An experimental technique for exciting and sensing the pure A0 mode has been developed. By measuring the propagation speed of A0 mode and traveling time of a signal reflected from the delamination, its location can be identified experimentally and numerically. Moreover, the numerical analysis has been extended to gain a better understanding of the complex interaction between A0 mode and a long delamination case.
The use of circular hollow steel members has attracted a great deal of attention during past few years because of having excellent structural properties, aesthetic appearance, corrosion and fire protection capability. However, no one can deny the structural deficiency of such structures due to reduction of strength when they are exposed to severe environmental conditions such as marine environment, cold and hot weather. Hence strengthening and retrofitting of structural steel members is now very imperative. This paper presents the findings of a research program that was conducted to study the bond durability of carbon fibre-reinforced polymer (CFRP) strengthened steel tubular members under cold weather and tested under four-point bending. Six number of CFRP-strengthened specimens and one unstrengthened specimen were considered in this program. The three specimens having sand blasted surface to be strengthened was pre-treated with MBrace primer and other three were remained untreated and then cured under ambient temperature at least four weeks and cold weather (3 C) for three and six months period of time. Quasi-static tests were then performed on beams to failure under four-point bending. The structural response of each specimen was predicted in terms of failure load, mid-span deflection, composite beam behaviour and failure mode. The research outcomes show that the cold weather immersion had an adverse effect on durability of CFRP-strengthened steel structures. Moreover, the epoxy based adhesion promoter was found to enhance the bond durability in plastic range. The analytical models presented in this study were found to be in good agreement in terms of predicting ultimate load and deflection. Finally, design factors are proposed to address the short-terms durability performance under cold weather.
By taking the advantage of the excellent mechanical properties and high specific surface area of graphene oxide (GO) sheets, we develop a simple and effective strategy to improve the interlaminar mechanical properties of carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) laminates. With the incorporation of graphene oxide reinforced epoxy interleaf into the interface of CFRP laminates, the Mode-I fracture toughness and resistance were greatly increased. The experimental results of double cantilever beam (DCB) tests demonstrated that, with 2 g/m2 addition of GO, the Mode-I fracture toughness and resistance of the specimen increase by 170.8% and 108.0%, respectively, compared to those of the plain specimen. The improvement mechanisms were investigated by the observation of fracture surface with scanning electron microscopies. Moreover, finite element analyses were performed based on the cohesive zone model to verify the experimental fracture toughness and to predict the interfacial tensile strength of CFRP laminates.
In this work, an attempt is made to induce porosity of varied levels in carbon fiber reinforced epoxy based polymer composite laminates fabricated using prepregs by varying the fabrication parameters such as applied vacuum, autoclave pressure and curing temperature. Different NDE tools have been utilized to evaluate the porosity content and correlate with measurable parameters of different NDE techniques. Primarily, ultrasonic imaging and real time digital X-ray imaging have been tried to obtain a measurable parameter which can represent or reflect the amount of porosity contained in the composite laminate. Also, effect of varied porosity content on mechanical properties of the CFRP composite materials is investigated through a series of experimental investigations. The outcome of the experimental approach has yielded interesting and encouraging trend as a first step towards developing an NDE tool for quantification of effect of varied porosity in the polymer composite materials.
Structural adhesive bonding is widely used to execute assemblies in automobile and aerospace structures. The quality and reliability of these bonded joints must be ensured during service. In this context non destructive evaluation of these bonded structures play an important role. Evaluation of adhesively bonded composite single lap shear joints has been attempted through experimental approach. Series of tests, non-destructive as well as destructive were performed on different sets of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite lap joint specimens with varied bond quality. Details of the experimental investigations carried out and the outcome are presented in this paper.
Experimental and numerical investigations were carried out using lamb waves to study the degradation in adhesive joints made of carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) adherends and epoxy adhesive. Degradation was inducted into the epoxy adhesive by adding different amounts of polyvinyl alcohol. Fundamental lamb wave modes were excited in the CFRP adherends using piezoelectric transducer disks and made to propagate through the adhesive layer. The received waveforms across adhesive joints with varied degradation were studied. A 2D finite element model was utilized to verify the experimental results. Good correlation was observed between numerical and experimental results. Details of the investigation and results obtained are presented in the paper.