979 resultados para Bulk Kondo


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Mastitis is the most common infectious disease affecting dairy cattle; in addition, it remains the most economically important disease of dairy industries around the world. Streptococcus agalactiae, a contagious pathogen associated with subclinical mastitis, is highly infectious. This bacterium can cause an increase in bulk tank bacterial counts (BTBC) and bulk tank somatic cell counts (BTSCC). The microbiological identification of S. agalactiae in samples from bulk tanks is an auxiliary method to control contagious mastitis. Thus, there are some limitations for time-consuming cultures or identification methods and additional concerns about the conservation and transport of samples. Bulk tank samples from 247 dairy farms were cultured and compared through polymerase chain reaction (PCR), directed to 16S rRNA genes of S. agalactiae, followed by BTBC and S. agalactiae isolation. The mean value of BTBC was 1.08 x 10(6) CFU mL(-1) and the bacterium was identified through the microbiological method in 98 (39.7%; CI95% = 33.8-45.9%) and through PCR in 110 (44.5%; CI95% = 38.5-50.8%) samples. Results indicated sensitivity of 0.8571 +/- 0.0353 (CI95% = 0.7719-0.9196) and specificity of 0.8255 +/- 0.0311 (CI95% = 0.7549-0.8827). The lack of significant difference between microbiological and molecular results (kappa = 0.6686 +/- 0.0477 and CI95% = 0.5752-0.7620) indicated substantial agreement between the methods. This suggests that PCR can be used for bulk tank samples to detect contagious mastitis caused by S. agalactiae. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, the combination of the Dynamic Threshold (DT) voltage technique with a non-planar structure is experimentally studied in triple-gate FinFETs. The drain current, transconductance, resistance, threshold voltage, subthreshold swing and Drain Induced Barrier Lowering (DIBL) will be analyzed in the DT mode and the standard biasing configuration. Moreover, for the first time, the important figures of merit for the analog performance such as transconductance-over-drain current, output conductance. Early voltage and intrinsic voltage gain will be studied experimentally and through three-dimensional (3-D) numerical simulations for different channel doping concentrations in triple-gate DTMOS FinFETs. The results indicate that the DTMOS FinFETs always yield superior characteristic; and larger transistor efficiency. In addition, DTMOS devices with a high channel doping concentration exhibit much better analog performance compared to the normal operation mode, which is desirable for high performance low-power/low-voltage applications. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We consider an alternative explanation for the deficit of nu(e) in Ga solar neutrino calibration experiments and of the (nu) over bar (e) in short-baseline reactor experiments by a model where neutrinos can oscillate into sterile Kaluza-Klein modes that can propagate in compactified submicrometer flat extra dimensions. We have analyzed the results of the gallium radioactive source experiments and 19 reactor experiments with baseline shorter than 100 m, and showed that these data can be fit into this scenario. The values of the lightest neutrino mass and of the size of the largest extra dimension that are compatible with these experiments are mostly not excluded by other neutrino oscillation experiments.


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The energetic stability and the electronic properties of vacancies (VX) and antisites (XY) in PbSe and PbTe are investigated. PbSe and PbTe are narrow band gap semiconductors and have the potential to be used in infrared detectors, laser, and diodes. They are also of special interest for thermoelectric devices (TE). The calculations are based in the Density Functional Theory (DFT) and the General Gradient Approximation (GGA) for the exchange-correlation term, as implemented in the VASP code. The core and valence electrons are described by the Projected Augmented Wave (PAW) and the Plane Wave (PW) methods, respectively. The defects are studied in the bulk and nanowire (NW) system. Our results show that intrinsec defects (vacancies and antisites) in PbTe have lower formation energies in the NW as compared to the bulk and present a trend in migrate to the surface of the NW. For the PbSe we obtain similar results when compare the formation energy for the bulk and NW. However, the Pb vacancy and the antisites are more stable in the core of the NW. The intrinsec defects are shallow defects for the bulk system. For both PbSe and PbTe VPb is a shallow acceptor defect and VSe and VT e are shallow donor defects for the PbSe and PbTe, respectively. Similar electronic properties are observed for the antisites. For the Pb in the anion site we obtain an n-type semiconductor for both PbSe and PbTe, SeP b is a p-type for the PbSe, and T eP b is a n-type for PbTe. Due the quantum con¯nement effects present in the NW (the band gap open), these defects have different electronic properties for the NW as compared to the bulk. Now these defects give rise to electronic levels in the band gap of the PbTe NW and the VT e present a metallic character. For the PbSe NW a p-type and a n-type semiconductor is obtained for the VP b and P bSe, respectively. On the other hand, deep electronic levels are present in the band gap for the VSe and SePb. These results show that due an enhanced in the electronic density of states (DOS) near the Fermi energy, the defective PbSe and PbTe are candidates for efficient TE devices.


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The aim of this PhD thesis is to investigate the orientational and dynamical properties of liquid crystalline systems, at molecular level and using atomistic computer simulations, to reach a better understanding of material behavior from a microscopic point view. In perspective this should allow to clarify the relation between the micro and macroscopic properties with the objective of predicting or confirming experimental results on these systems. In this context, we developed four different lines of work in the thesis. The first one concerns the orientational order and alignment mechanism of rigid solutes of small dimensions dissolved in a nematic phase formed by the 4-pentyl,4 cyanobiphenyl (5CB) nematic liquid crystal. The orientational distribution of solutes have been obtained with Molecular Dynamics Simulation (MD) and have been compared with experimental data reported in literature. we have also verified the agreement between order parameters and dipolar coupling values measured in NMR experiments. The MD determined effective orientational potentials have been compared with the predictions of Maier­Saupe and Surface tensor models. The second line concerns the development of a correct parametrization able to reproduce the phase transition properties of a prototype of the oligothiophene semiconductor family: sexithiophene (T6). T6 forms two crystalline polymorphs largely studied, and possesses liquid crystalline phases still not well characterized, From simulations we detected a phase transition from crystal to liquid crystal at about 580 K, in agreement with available experiments, and in particular we found two LC phases, smectic and nematic. The crystal­smectic transition is associated to a relevant density variation and to strong conformational changes of T6, namely the molecules in the liquid crystal phase easily assume a bent shape, deviating from the planar structure typical of the crystal. The third line explores a new approach for calculating the viscosity in a nematic through a virtual exper- iment resembling the classical falling sphere experiment. The falling sphere is replaced by an hydrogenated silicon nanoparticle of spherical shape suspended in 5CB, and gravity effects are replaced by a constant force applied to the nanoparticle in a selected direction. Once the nanoparticle reaches a constant velocity, the viscosity of the medium can be evaluated using Stokes' law. With this method we successfully reproduced experimental viscosities and viscosity anisotropy for the solvent 5CB. The last line deals with the study of order induction on nematic molecules by an hydrogenated silicon surface. Gaining predicting power for the anchoring behavior of liquid crystals at surfaces will be a very desirable capability, as many properties related to devices depend on molecular organization close to surfaces. Here we studied, by means of atomistic MD simulations, the flat interface between an hydrogenated (001) silicon surface in contact with a sample of 5CB molecules. We found a planar anchoring of the first layers of 5CB where surface interactions are dominating with respect to the mesogen intermolecular interactions. We also analyzed the interface 5CB­vacuum, finding a homeotropic orientation of the nematic at this interface.


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In questa tesi viene descritto lo studio delle fasi liquido-cristalline del 4-n-ottil-4-cianobifenile eseguito tramite simulazioni al calcolatore molecular dynamics, sia per campioni bulk che per film smectici sottili. Impiegando un campo di forze "molecular mechanics" precedentemente usato con successo per studiare sistemi composti da 250 molecole della serie degli n-cianobifenili (nCB, con n pari a 4-8 atomi di carbonio nella catena alifatica), si è simulato il comportamento di un sistema bulk di 750 molecole e di un film smectico di 1500 molecole. Nel primo caso, sottoponendo il campione a un graduale raffreddamento, si è osservata la formazione spontanea di fasi ordinate quali quella nematica e quella smectica. Nel secondo caso, invece, si è studiata l'influenza dell'interfaccia con il vuoto sull'ordine posizionale e orientazionale di film sottili di diverso spessore e temperatura. Si sono confrontate le proprietà di entrambi i sistemi simulati con i dati sperimentali disponibili in letteratura, confermando la bontà del modello nel riprodurre fedelmente le caratteristiche dei campioni reali.


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Durch das Anlegen eines elektrischen Feldes an eine Feldeffektanordung kann die Anzahl der freien Ladungstraeger im Kanalmaterial direkt moduliert und der Einfluá auf die Transporteigenschaften und den damit zusammenhaengenden typischen Energieskalen untersucht werden. Mit der Konzeption und dem Aufbau einer Praeparationsapparatur, sowie der Etablierung eines Praeparationsprozesses zur Herstellung duenner epitaktischer Schichten des Kondo-Halbmetalls CeSb sollte im Rahmen dieser Arbeit der Grundstein fuer die Realisierung einer dazu notwendigen Feldeffektanordnung gelegt werden. Mit dem Verfahren der Molekularstrahlepitaxie konnten sowohl (100)- als auch (111)-orientierte phasenreine CeSb-Schichten hergestellt werden. In Abhaengigkeit der Sb-Verdampfertemperatur wurden fuer das Schichtwachstum auf Saphir (1120) zwei voneinander getrennte Bereiche der Phasenbildung gefunden, in denen jeweils die (111)- respektive die (100)-Wachstumsrichtung dominiert. Das beobachtete Re-Entrance-Verhalten beruht auf dem Einfluss der Sb-Tiegeltemperatur auf Verdampfungsrate und Strahlzusammensetzung. Durch die Verwendung von Saphir (0001)-Substraten konnte das Wachstum (111)-orientierter Schichten massgeblich verbessert werden. Die Untersuchung der elektronischen Eigenschaften mittels Magnetotransportmessungen ergab eine weitreichende šbereinstimmung mit den bekannten Einkristallergebnissen. In Uebereinstimmung mit den Ergebnissen der an der ETH Zuerich durchgefuehrten MOKE-Untersuchungen laesst sich aus den Hallmessungen auf eine Reduktion der freien Ladungstraeger in den duennen Schichten schliessen.


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Co- und Fe-dotierte Rutil- und Anatas-Bulkproben wurden über einen Sol-Gel Prozess und anschließende thermische Behandlung dargestellt und auf ihre Zugehörigkeit zu der Gruppe der verdünnten magnetischen Oxide untersucht. Die Untersuchungen der dotierten Rutil-Proben mittels Röntgenbeugung, Elektronenmikroskopie und magnetischen Methoden zeigen, dass die Löslichkeit von Co und Fe in der TiO2-Modifikation Rutil sehr gering ist. Oberhalb von 1at% Co bzw. Fe wird neben Rutil die Bildung der Oxide CoTiO3 bzw. Fe2TiO5 beobachtet. Weitere thermische Behandlung im Argon-H2-Strom führte aufgrund der Bildung von metallischem Co bzw. Fe zu einem ferromagnetischen Verhalten. Die TiO2-Modifikation Anatas besitzt eine höhere Löslichkeit, so dass erst oberhalb von 4at% Co bzw. 10at% Fe die Phasen Co3O4 bzw. FeTiO3 neben Anatas auftreten. Entsprechende Proben zeigen ein paramagnetisches Verhalten. Oberhalb der Löslichkeitsgrenze führt die Reduktion im Argon-H2-Strom zu einem ferromagnetischen Verhalten, welches auf metallisches Co bzw. Fe zurückzuführen ist. Analog zu den Bulkproben wurden Co- und Fe-dotierte TiO2-Nanodrähte hergestellt. Das magnetische Verhalten der Fe-dotierten TiO2-Nanodrähte entspricht dem der Fe-dotierten Anatas-Bulkproben. Dagegen führt die Co-Dotierung nicht zu einem Einbau in die TiO2-Nanodrähte, sondern zur Bildung von CoOx-Nanopartikeln. Die entsprechenden Proben zeigen ein schwach ferromagnetisches Verhalten. Dies ist jedoch nicht auf eine ferromagnetische Dotierung der TiO2-Nanodrähte zurückzuführen, sondern auf nicht kompensierte Momente an den Oberflächen der als Verunreinigungen auftretenden CoOx-Nanopartikel. Zusammenfassend wird festgestellt, dass die Löslichkeit von Co und Fe in TiO2 für die Ausbildung eines ferromagnetischen Verhaltens zu gering ist. Der beobachtete Ferromagnetismus lässt sich eindeutig auf magnetische Verunreinigungen zurückführen. Somit können die dotierten TiO2 Proben nicht den verdünnten magnetischen Oxiden zugeordnet werden.


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This PhD thesis concerns geochemical constraints on recycling and partial melting of Archean continental crust. A natural example of such processes was found in the Iisalmi area of Central Finland. The rocks from this area are Middle to Late Archean in age and experienced metamorphism and partial melting between 2.7-2.63 Ga. The work is based on extensive field work. It is furthermore founded on bulk rock geochemical data as well as in-situ analyses of minerals. All geochemical data were obtained at the Institute of Geosciences, University of Mainz using X-ray fluorescence, solution ICP-MS and laser ablation-ICP-MS for bulk rock geochemical analyses. Mineral analyses were accomplished by electron microprobe and laser ablation ICP-MS. Fluid inclusions were studied by microscope on a heating-freezing-stage at the Geoscience Center, University Göttingen. Part I focuses on the development of a new analytical method for bulk rock trace element determination by laser ablation-ICP-MS using homogeneous glasses fused from rock powder on an Iridium strip heater. This method is applicable for mafic rock samples whose melts have low viscosities and homogenize quickly at temperatures of ~1200°C. Highly viscous melts of felsic samples prevent melting and homogenization at comparable temperatures. Fusion of felsic samples can be enabled by addition of MgO to the rock powder and adjustment of melting temperature and melting duration to the rock composition. Advantages of the fusion method are low detection limits compared to XRF analyses and avoidance of wet-chemical processing and use of strong acids as in solution ICP-MS as well as smaller sample volumes compared to the other methods. Part II of the thesis uses bulk rock geochemical data and results from fluid inclusion studies for discrimination of melting processes observed in different rock types. Fluid inclusion studies demonstrate a major change in fluid composition from CO2-dominated fluids in granulites to aqueous fluids in TTG gneisses and amphibolites. Partial melts were generated in the dry, CO2-rich environment by dehydration melting reactions of amphibole which in addition to tonalitic melts produced the anhydrous mineral assemblages of granulites (grt + cpx + pl ± amph or opx + cpx + pl + amph). Trace element modeling showed that mafic granulites are residues of 10-30 % melt extraction from amphibolitic precursor rocks. The maximum degree of melting in intermediate granulites was ~10 % as inferred from modal abundances of amphibole, clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene. Carbonic inclusions are absent in upper-amphibolite facies migmatites whereas aqueous inclusion with up to 20 wt% NaCl are abundant. This suggests that melting within TTG gneisses and amphibolites took place in the presence of an aqueous fluid phase that enabled melting at the wet solidus at temperatures of 700-750°C. The strong disruption of pre-metamorphic structures in some outcrops suggests that the maximum amount of melt in TTG gneisses was ~25 vol%. The presence of leucosomes in all rock types is taken as the principle evidence for melt formation. However, mineralogical appearance as well as major and trace element composition of many leucosomes imply that leucosomes seldom represent frozen in-situ melts. They are better considered as remnants of the melt channel network, e.g. ways on which melts escaped from the system. Part III of the thesis describes how analyses of minerals from a specific rock type (granulite) can be used to determine partition coefficients between different minerals and between minerals and melt suitable for lower crustal conditions. The trace element analyses by laser ablation-ICP-MS show coherent distribution among the principal mineral phases independent of rock composition. REE contents in amphibole are about 3 times higher than REE contents in clinopyroxene from the same sample. This consistency has to be taken into consideration in models of lower crustal melting where amphibole is replaced by clinopyroxene in the course of melting. A lack of equilibrium is observed between matrix clinopyroxene / amphibole and garnet porphyroblasts which suggests a late stage growth of garnet and slow diffusion and equilibration of the REE during metamorphism. The data provide a first set of distribution coefficients of the transition metals (Sc, V, Cr, Ni) in the lower crust. In addition, analyses of ilmenite and apatite demonstrate the strong influence of accessory phases on trace element distribution. Apatite contains high amounts of REE and Sr while ilmenite incorporates about 20-30 times higher amounts of Nb and Ta than amphibole. Furthermore, trace element mineral analyses provide evidence for magmatic processes such as melt depletion, melt segregation, accumulation and fractionation as well as metasomatism having operated in this high-grade anatectic area.


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When non-adsorbing polymers are added to an isotropic suspension of rod-like colloids, the colloids effectively attract each other via depletion forces. Monte Carlo simulations were performed to study the phase diagram of such rod-polymer mixtures. The colloidal rods were modelled as hard spherocylinders; the polymers were described as spheres of the same diameter as the rods. The polymers may overlap with no energy cost, while overlap of polymers and rods is forbidden. In this thesis the emphasis was on the depletion effects caused by the addition of spheres on the isotropic phase of rod-like particles. Although most of the present experimental studies consider systems close to or beyond the isotropic-nematic transition, the isotropic phase with depletion interactions turns out to be a not less interesting topic. First, the percolation problem was studied in canonical simulations of a system of hard rods and soft spheres, where the amount of depletant was kept low to prevent phase separation of the mixture. The lowering of the percolation threshold seen in experiment is confirmed to be due to the depletion interactions. The local changes in the structure of the fluid of rods, which were measured in the simulations, indicated that the depletion forces enhance local alignment and aggregation of the rods. Then, the phase diagram of isotropic-isotropic demixing of short spherocylinders was calculated using grand canonical ensemble simulations with successive umbrella sampling. Finite size scaling analysis allowed to estimate the location of the critical point. Also, estimates for the interfacial tension between the coexisting isotropic phases and analyses of its power-law behaviour on approach of the critical point are presented. The obtained phase diagram was compared to the predictions of the free volume theory. After an analysis of the bulk, the phase behaviour in confinement was studied. The critical point of gas-liquid demixing is shifted to higher concentrations of rods and smaller concentrations of spheres due to the formation of an orientationally ordered surface film. If the separation between the walls becomes very small, the critical point is shifted back to smaller concentrations of rods because the surface film breaks up. A method to calculate the contact angle of the liquid-gas interface with the wall is introduced and the wetting behaviour on the approach to the critical point is analysed.


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Superconduttori bulk in MgB2, ottenuti con tecnologia Mg-RLI brevettata da Edison Spa, sono stati oggetto di un'approfondita analisi in termini di forze di levitazione. Questo studio è stato preliminare per la progettazione di un innovativo sistema di levitazione lineare. I risultati ottenuti sperimentalmente sono stati validati attraverso modelli numerici sviluppati ad hoc. I campioni oggetto dello studio sono tre bulk in MgB2 rappresentativi delle tipiche forme usate nelle applicazioni reali: un disco, un cilindro, una piastra. I bulk sono stati misurati con un sistema di misura per le forze di levitazione realizzato a tale scopo. Un protocollo sperimentale è stato seguito per la caratterizzazione di base, sia in condizioni Field Cooling sia Zero Field Cooling, al quale sono state affiancate prove specifiche come la possibilità di mantenere inalterate le proprietà superconduttive attraverso la giunzione di più campioni con la tecnologia Mg-RLI. Un modello numerico è stato sviluppato per convalidare i risultati sperimentali e per studiare l'elettrodinamica della levitazione. Diverse configurazioni di rotori magnetici sono state accoppiate con un cilindro in MgB2 con lo scopo di valutare la soluzione ottimale; questo tema è stato apporofondito attraverso lo sviluppo di un software di simulazione che può tenere conto sia del numero di magneti sia della presenza di anelli in materiale magneti intercalati fra di essi. Studi analoghi sono stati portati avanti su una piastra di MgB2 per simulare il comportamento di una geometria piana. Un sistema di raffreddamento innovativo basato sull'azoto solido è stato studiato per poterlo accoppiare con un sistema di levitazione. Il criostato progettato è costituito da due dewar, uno dentro l'altro; quello interno ha lo scopo di raffreddare l'MgB2 mentre quello esterno di limitare delle perdite verso l'esterno. Il criopattino così ottenuto è accoppiato in condizioni FC ad una rotaia formata da magneti permanenti in NdFeB.


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One of the most diffused electronic device is the field effect transistor (FET), contained in number of billions in each electronic device. Organic optoelectronics is an emerging field that exploits the unique properties of conjugated organic materials to develop new applications that require a combination of performance, low cost and processability. Organic single crystals are the material with best performances and purity among the variety of different form of organic semiconductors. This thesis is focused on electrical and optical characterization of Rubrene single crystal bulk and thin films. Rubrene bulk is well known but for the first time we studied thin films. The first Current-voltage characterization has been performed for the first time on three Rubrene thin films with three different thickness to extract the charge carriers mobility and to assess its crystalline structure. As results we see that mobility increase with thickness. Field effect transistor based on Rubrene thin films on $SiO_2$ have been characterize by current-voltage (I-V) analyses (at several temperatures) and reveals a hopping conduction. Hopping behavior probably is due to the lattice mismatch with the substrate or intrinsic defectivity of the thin films. To understand effects of contact resistance we tested thin films with the Transmission Line Method (TLM) method. The TLM method revealeds that contact resistance is negligible but evidenced a Schottky behavior in a limited but well determined range of T. To avoid this effect we carried out annealing treatment after the electrode evaporation iswe performed a compete I-V characterization as a function of in temperature to extract the electronic density of states (DOS) distribution through the Space Charge Limited Current (SCLC) method. The results show a DOS with an exponential trenddistribution, as expected. The measured mobility of thin films is about 0.1cm^2/Vs and it increases with the film thickness. Further studies are necessary to investigate the reason and improve performances. From photocurrent spectrum we calculated an Eg of about 2.2eV and both thin films and bulk have a good crystal order. Further measurement are necessary to solve some open problems


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The aim of Tissue Engineering is to develop biological substitutes that will restore lost morphological and functional features of diseased or damaged portions of organs. Recently computer-aided technology has received considerable attention in the area of tissue engineering and the advance of additive manufacture (AM) techniques has significantly improved control over the pore network architecture of tissue engineering scaffolds. To regenerate tissues more efficiently, an ideal scaffold should have appropriate porosity and pore structure. More sophisticated porous configurations with higher architectures of the pore network and scaffolding structures that mimic the intricate architecture and complexity of native organs and tissues are then required. This study adopts a macro-structural shape design approach to the production of open porous materials (Titanium foams), which utilizes spatial periodicity as a simple way to generate the models. From among various pore architectures which have been studied, this work simulated pore structure by triply-periodic minimal surfaces (TPMS) for the construction of tissue engineering scaffolds. TPMS are shown to be a versatile source of biomorphic scaffold design. A set of tissue scaffolds using the TPMS-based unit cell libraries was designed. TPMS-based Titanium foams were meant to be printed three dimensional with the relative predicted geometry, microstructure and consequently mechanical properties. Trough a finite element analysis (FEA) the mechanical properties of the designed scaffolds were determined in compression and analyzed in terms of their porosity and assemblies of unit cells. The purpose of this work was to investigate the mechanical performance of TPMS models trying to understand the best compromise between mechanical and geometrical requirements of the scaffolds. The intention was to predict the structural modulus in open porous materials via structural design of interconnected three-dimensional lattices, hence optimising geometrical properties. With the aid of FEA results, it is expected that the effective mechanical properties for the TPMS-based scaffold units can be used to design optimized scaffolds for tissue engineering applications. Regardless of the influence of fabrication method, it is desirable to calculate scaffold properties so that the effect of these properties on tissue regeneration may be better understood.


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X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) is one of the most universal and powerful tools for investigation of chemical states and electronic structures of materials. The application of hard x-rays increases the inelastic mean free path of the emitted electrons within the solid and thus makes hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HAXPES) a bulk sensitive probe for solid state research and especially a very effective nondestructive technique to study buried layers.rnThis thesis focuses on the investigation of multilayer structures, used in magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs), by a number of techniques applying HAXPES. MTJs are the most important components of novel nanoscale devices employed in spintronics. rnThe investigation and deep understanding of the mechanisms responsible for the high performance of such devices and properties of employed magnetic materials that are, in turn, defined by their electronic structure becomes feasible applying HAXPES. Thus the process of B diffusion in CoFeB-based MTJs was investigated with respect to the annealing temperature and its influence on the changes in the electronic structure of CoFeB electrodes that clarify the behaviour and huge TMR ratio values obtained in such devices. These results are presented in chapter 6. The results of investigation of the changes in the valence states of buried off-stoichiometric Co2MnSi electrodes were investigated with respect to the Mn content α and its influence on the observed TMR ratio are described in chapter 7.rnrnMagnetoelectronic properties such as exchange splitting in ferromagnetic materials as well as the macroscopic magnetic ordering can be studied by magnetic circular dichroism in photoemission (MCDAD). It is characterized by the appearance of an asymmetry in the photoemission spectra taken either from the magnetized sample with the reversal of the photon helicity or by reversal of magnetization direction of the sample when the photon helicity direction is fixed. Though recently it has been widely applied for the characterization of surfaces using low energy photons, the bulk properties have stayed inaccessible. Therefore in this work this method was integrated to HAXPES to provide an access to exploration of magnetic phenomena in the buried layers of the complex multilayer structures. Chapter 8 contains the results of the MCDAD measurements employing hard x-rays for exploration of magnetic properties of the common CoFe-based band-ferromagnets as well as half-metallic ferromagnet Co2FeAl-based MTJs.rnrnInasmuch as the magnetoresistive characteristics in spintronic devices are fully defined by the electron spins of ferromagnetic materials their direct measurements always attracted much attention but up to date have been limited by the surface sensitivity of the developed techniques. Chapter 9 presents the results on the successfully performed spin-resolved HAXPES experiment using a spin polarimeter of the SPLEED-type on a buried Co2FeAl0.5Si0.5 magnetic layer. The measurements prove that a spin polarization of about 50 % is retained during the transmission of the photoelectrons emitted from the Fe 2p3/2 state through a 3-nm-thick oxide capping layer.rn


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Functional and smart materials have gained large scientific and practical interest in current research and development. The Heusler alloys form an important class of functional materials used in spintronics, thermoelectrics, and for shape memory alloy applications. An important aspect of functional materials is the adaptability of their physical properties. In this work functional polycrystalline bulk and epitaxial thin film Heusler alloys are characterized by means of spectroscopic investigation methods, X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX). With EDX the homogeneity of the samples is studied extensively. For some cases of quaternary compounds, for example Co2(MnxTi1−x)Sn and Co2(Mn0.5Dy0.5)Sn, an interesting phase separation in two nearly pure ternary Heusler phases occurs. For these samples the phase separation leads to an improvement of thermoelectric properties. XMCD as the main investigation method was used to study Co2TiZ (Z = Si, Sn, and Sb), Co2(MnxTi1−x)Si, Co2(MnxTi1−x)Ge, Co2Mn(Ga1−xGex), Co2FeAl, Mn2VAl, and Ni2MnGa Heusler compounds. The element-specific magnetic moments are calculated. Also, the spin-resolved unoccupied density of states is determined, for example giving hints for half-metallic ferromagnetism for some Co-based compounds. The systematic change of the magnetic moments and the shift of the Fermi energy is a proof that Heusler alloys are suitable for a controlled tailoring of physical properties. The comparison of the experimental results with theoretical predictions improves the understanding of complex materials needed to optimize functional Heusler alloys.