908 resultados para Advanced Oxidation Processes
Mineralization of organic matter and the subsequent dissolution of calcite were simulated for surface sediments of the upper continental slope off Gabon by using microsensors to measure O2, pH, pCO2 and Ca2+ (in situ), pore-water concentration profiles of NO3-, NH4+, Fe2+, and Mn2+ and SO42- (ex situ), as well as sulfate reduction rates derived from incubation experiments. The transport and reaction model CoTReM was used to simulate the degradation of organic matter by O2, [NO3]-, Fe(OH)3 and [SO4]2-, reoxidation reactions involving Fe2+ and Mn2+, and precipitation of FeS. Model application revealed an overall rate of organic matter mineralization amounting to 50 µmol C cm**-2 yr**-1, of which 77% were due to O2, 17% to [NO3]- and 3% to Fe(OH)3 and 3% to [SO4]2-. The best fit for the pH profile was achieved by adapting three different dissolution rate constants of calcite ranging between 0.01 and 0.5% d-1 and accounting for different calcite phases in the sediment. A reaction order of 4.5 was assumed in the kinetic rate law. A CaCO3 flux to the sediment was estimated to occur at a rate of 42 g m**-2 yr**-1 in the area of equatorial upwelling. The model predicts a redissolution flux of calcite amounting to 36 g m**-2 yr**-1, thus indicating that ~90% of the calcite flux to the sediment is redissolved.
The outer western Crimean shelf of the Black Sea is a natural laboratory to investigate effects of stable oxic versus varying hypoxic conditions on seafloor biogeochemical processes and benthic community structure. Bottom-water oxygen concentrations ranged from normoxic (175 µmol O2/L) and hypoxic (< 63 µmol O2/L) or even anoxic/sulfidic conditions within a few kilometers' distance. Variations in oxygen concentrations between 160 and 10 µmol/L even occurred within hours close to the chemocline at 134 m water depth. Total oxygen uptake, including diffusive as well as fauna-mediated oxygen consumption, decreased from 15 mmol/m**2/d on average in the oxic zone, to 7 mmol/m**2/d on average in the hypoxic zone, correlating with changes in macrobenthos composition. Benthic diffusive oxygen uptake rates, comprising respiration of microorganisms and small meiofauna, were similar in oxic and hypoxic zones (on average 4.5 mmol/m**2/d), but declined to 1.3 mmol/m**2/d in bottom waters with oxygen concentrations below 20 µmol/L. Measurements and modeling of porewater profiles indicated that reoxidation of reduced compounds played only a minor role in diffusive oxygen uptake under the different oxygen conditions, leaving the major fraction to aerobic degradation of organic carbon. Remineralization efficiency decreased from nearly 100 % in the oxic zone, to 50 % in the oxic-hypoxic zone, to 10 % in the hypoxic-anoxic zone. Overall, the faunal remineralization rate was more important, but also more influenced by fluctuating oxygen concentrations, than microbial and geochemical oxidation processes.
Los fármacos en el agua han sido considerados en los últimos años un problema medioambiental grave, y se ha incrementado el interés por los efectos que pueden producirse en el medio acuático. Aunado a este problema se encuentra el consumo excesivo de medicamentos no controlados, los cuales pueden ser desechados sin tener el tratamiento adecuado; por lo que se ingresan a los cursos de agua. Estos contaminantes emergentes son compuestos cuyo vertido supone un problema sanitario y ambiental. Se trata de contaminantes solubles en agua por lo que son capaces de estar presentes en todas las etapas del ciclo del agua. Han sido numerosos estudios los que se han realizado en diferentes países, ya que su presencia se ha convertido en un tema emergente en la química del medio ambiente, debido a que en las investigaciones realizadas muestran que no hay una eliminación completa a pesar de los distintos procesos que se aplican en las plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales. Esta contaminación, incrementa la necesidad de conocer cuál es el efecto toxicológico sobre los organismos acuáticos y, en consecuencia, en las personas. La bacteria Escherichia Coli, es un organismo muy estudiado, debido a que se encuentra en los intestinos de los animales y humanos y por lo consiguiente en las aguas negras. Teniendo en cuenta la crítica situación, se planteó estudiar el efecto sobre la bacteria E. coli de 4 fármacos: Atenolol, Azitromicina, Estradiol e Ibuprofeno, para conocer cual era su comportamiento y el efecto que podían producir la presencia de los fármacos en la eliminación por procesos de oxidación. Así también, los efectos producidos sobre E. Coli, después de estar en contacto con los fármacos 1, 3 y 7 días. Se observó que los fármacos tienen efectos en el aumento o eliminación de los microrganismos dependiendo de los tiempos de exposición y la concentración del fármaco. Así mismo se observó que los microorganismos asimilan mejor las concentraciones menores de fármacos, a tiempos de contacto mayores de 24 horas. Con todos los desinfectantes de estudio se observaron ligeras resistencias de la bacteria ante la presencia de los fármacos. Drugs in water have been considered in recent years a serious environmental problem, and has increased interest in the effects that may occur in the aquatic environment. Added to this problem is the excessive consumption of non-controlled drugs, which can be disposed of without proper treatment, so they enter waterways. These are compounds emerging contaminants being discharged is a health and environmental problem. It is water soluble contaminants and are therefore able to be present in all stages of the water cycle. There have been numerous studies conducted in different countries, since their presence has become an emerging issue in environmental chemistry, because in the research shows that there isn’t a removal despite the different processes used in wastewater treatment plants. This contamination, increases the need to know what is the toxicological effects on aquatic organisms and, consequently, in people. The bacterium Escherichia coli, is a well-studied organism because it is found in the intestines of animals and humans and is therefore in the wastewater. Given the critical situation, was proposed to study the effect on the bacterium E. coli of 4 drugs: Atenolol, Azithromycin, Estradiol and Ibuprofen, to know what his behavior and the effect it could produce the presence of drugs in the removal by oxidation processes. Also, the effects on E. Coli, after being in contact with the drug 1, 3 and 7 days. It was noted that the drugs have effects on the growth or elimination of microorganisms depending on exposure time and the drug concentration. Also it was observed that the microorganisms assimilate lower concentrations of drug better over 24 hours. With all disinfectants study were observed resistances of the bacteria in the presence of the drugs.
Muitos oxidantes químicos reativos acarretam na ruptura de estruturas moleculares complexas de vários tipos de compostos orgânicos decompondo-as em estruturas mais simples e propiciando condições melhores para uma efetiva ação de micro-organismos na degradação biológica. A presença de hormônios, entre eles o 17β-estradiol, em estações de tratamento de esgoto e em águas subterrâneas e superficiais mostra a necessidade de uma avaliação dos processos de tratamento convencionais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a análise e remoção de hormônios através de técnicas de cloração e ozonização de amostras reais de águas de saída de filtro de estações de tratamento de água (ETAs), operadas pelo Serviço Autônomo de Água e Esgoto (SAAE) de São Carlos (ETA Centro), que capta águas dos ribeirão Feijão e córrego Espraiado e pela Sociedade de Abastecimento de Água e Saneamento S/A (SANASA) de Campinas (ETAs 3 e 4), que capta águas do rio Atibaia. Foram realizados ensaios contaminando-se as amostras com 17β-estradiol, que é o hormônio natural mais presente no meio ambiente, em concentração de 6.000 ng L-1, submetendo-se tratamento com dosagens em torno de 0,5 e 2,0 mg L-1 desses oxidantes, em tempos de contato de, respectivamente, 10 e 30 min. As amostras submetidas à contaminação e tratamento e as de controle (sem contaminação e tratamento) foram analisadas através da remoção do 17β-estradiol com a verificação da atividade estrogênica das amostras por ensaios de Sistema de Expressão de Estrogênio Induzida por Levedura Bioluminescente (BLYES), que apresentou-se como uma ferramenta simples. Os resultados apresentados neste trabalho demonstram que a oxidação por ozônio se mostrou mais eficiente do que aquela por cloro para a remoção da atividade estrogênica causada, única e exclusivamente, pelo 17β-estradiol para uma dosagem inicial desse hormônio relativamente alta (6.000 ng L-1). Todavia, em todos os ensaios a concentração final da atividade estrogênica permaneceu acima do limite de quantificação desses hormônio, indicando que a remoção não foi completa, mesmo em condições favoráveis, isto é, matriz limpa, com padrões de potabilidade para os parâmetros físico-químicos.
Rates of organic matter (OM) transformation within the production-destruction cycle of the White Sea were estimated on the basis of measured activity values of redox enzymes of the electron transport system and of hydrolytic enzymes (phosphatase and protease). It was found that OM oxidation processes were the most intensive in the Kandalaksha Bay, while minimum oxidation rates were characteristic of central parts of the Dvina and Onega bays. It was revealed that the highest rates of phosphate mineralization were characteristic of the central part of the sea and near-mouth areas of the Onega and Kandalaksha bays, with the lowest rates in the Dvina Bay. During the period of intense primary production when resources of inorganic phosphorus were practically depleted, high rates of phosphate regeneration were observed. It was shown that populations of micro- and zooplankton in the White Sea were characterized by low activation energies of the principal metabolism reactions (3-6 kcal/mol), which allowed these populations to provide exchange intensity comparable to that of inhabitants of warm waters during all the seasons.
Discoloration and mineralization of Reactive Red HE-3B were studied by using a laponite clay-based Fe nanocomposite (Fe-Lap-RD) as a heterogeneous catalyst in the presence of H2O2 and UV light. Our experimental results clearly indicate that Fe-Lap-RD mainly consists of Fe2O3 (meghemite) and Fe2Si4O10(OH)2 (iron silicate hydroxide) which have tetragonal and monoclinic structures, respectively, and has a high specific surface area (472m(2) / g) as well as a high total pore volume (0.547 cm(3)/g). It was observed that discoloration of HE-3B undergoes a much faster kinetics than mineralization of HE-3B. It was also found that initial HE-3B concentration, H2O2 concentration, UV light wavelength and power, and Fe-Lap-RD catalyst loading are the four main factors that can significantly influence the mineralization of HE-3B. At optimal conditions, complete discoloration of 100 mg/L HE-3B can be achieved in 30 min and the total organic carbon removal ratio can attain 76% in 120 min, illustrating that Fe-Lap-RD has a high photo-catalytic activity in the photo-assisted discoloration and mineralization of HE-3B in the presence of UV light (254nm) and H2O2. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The integrated chemical-biological degradation combining advanced oxidation by UV/H2O2 followed by aerobic biodegradation was used to degrade C.I. Reactive Azo Red 195A, commonly used in the textile industry in Australia. An experimental design based on the response surface method was applied to evaluate the interactive effects of influencing factors (UV irradiation time, initial hydrogen peroxide dosage and recirculation ratio of the system) on decolourisation efficiency and optimizing the operating conditions of the treatment process. The effects were determined by the measurement of dye concentration and soluble chemical oxygen demand (S-COD). The results showed that the dye and S-COD removal were affected by all factors individually and interactively. Maximal colour degradation performance was predicted, and experimentally validated, with no recirculation, 30 min UV irradiation and 500 mg H2O2/L. The model predictions for colour removal, based on a three-factor/five-level Box-Wilson central composite design and the response surface method analysis, were found to be very close to additional experimental results obtained under near optimal conditions. This demonstrates the benefits of this approach in achieving good predictions while minimising the number of experiments required. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A pin on disc wear machine has been used to study the oxidational wear of low alloy steel in a series of experiments which were carried out under dry wear sliding conditions at range of loads from 11.28 to 49.05 N and three sliding speeds of 2 m/s, 3.5 m/s and 5 m/s, in atmosphere of air, Ar, CO2, 100% O2, 20% O2-80% Ar and 2% O2-98% Ar. Also, the experiments were conducted to study frictional force, surface and contact temperatures and surface parameters of the wearing pins. The wear debris was examined using x-ray diffraction technique for the identification of compounds produced by the wear process. Scanning electron microscopy was employed to study the topographical features of worn pins and to measure the thickness of the oxide films. Microhardness tests were carried out to investigate the influence of the sub-surface microhardness in tribological conditions. Under all loads, speeds and atmospheres parabolic oxidation growth was observed on worn surfaces, although such growth is dependent on the concentration of oxygen in the atmospheres employed. These atmospheres are shown to influence wear rate and coefficient of friction with change in applied load. The nature of the atmosphere also has influence on surface and contact temperatures as determined from heat flow analysis. Unlubricated wear debris was found to be a mixture of αFe2O3, Fe3O4 and FeO oxide. A model has been proposed for tribo-oxide growth demonstrating the importance of diffusion rate and oxygen partial pressure, in the oxidation processes and thus in determination of wear rates.
Protein oxidation is increasingly recognised as an important modulator of biochemical pathways controlling both physiological and pathological processes. While much attention has focused on cysteine modifications in reversible redox signalling, there is increasing evidence that other protein residues are oxidised in vivo with impact on cellular homeostasis and redox signalling pathways. A notable example is tyrosine, which can undergo a number of oxidative post-translational modifications to form 3-hydroxy-tyrosine, tyrosine crosslinks, 3-nitrotyrosine and halogenated tyrosine, with different effects on cellular functions. Tyrosine oxidation has been studied extensively in vitro, and this has generated detailed information about the molecular mechanisms that may occur in vivo. An important aspect of studying tyrosine oxidation both in vitro and in biological systems is the ability to monitor the formation of oxidised derivatives, which depends on a variety of analytical techniques. While antibody-dependent techniques such as ELISAs are commonly used, these have limitations, and more specific assays based on spectroscopic or spectrometric techniques are required to provide information on the exact residues modified and the nature of the modification. These approaches have helped understanding of the consequences of tyrosine oxidation in biological systems, especially its effects on cell signalling and cell dysfunction, linking to roles in disease. There is mounting evidence that tyrosine oxidation processes are important in vivo and can contribute to cellular pathology.