886 resultados para ATM desdentado
A articulação temporomandibular (ATM) é uma articulação complexa com características e funções únicas. Certamente é uma das articulações mais utilizadas e seu uso inadequado e excessivo consequentemente promove inúmeros transtornos. Dentre as alterações de hipermobilidade articular, o deslocamento mandibular refere-se ao posicionamento, geralmente anterior, do côndilo mandibular sobre a eminência articular, com completa separação das superfícies articulares e consequente travamento. Quando os episódios se tornam frequentes, algum método de tratamento, seja conservador ou cirúrgico, deve ser utilizado, devido ao grande transtorno funcional e social gerados. A injeção de sangue autógeno na articulação temporomandibular é uma técnica minimamente invasiva, com escassos relatos na literatura e que foi recentemente reintroduzida. Onze pacientes diagnosticados com luxação recidivante da articulação da cabeça mandibular receberam injeções bilaterais de sangue autógeno no compartimento articular superior e região pericapsular. Em acompanhamento, que variou de 24 a 35 meses (média de 29,6 meses), 3 (27,3%) pacientes apresentaram recidivas. O mesmo protocolo de tratamento foi repetido para estes três casos, porém sem sucesso, sendo então encaminhados para procedimento cirúrgico de eminectomia. Dessa forma, dos 11 pacientes inicialmente tratados, 8 (72,7%) não apresentaram episódios de deslocamento mandibular recorrente após o procedimento proposto. Trata-se de um procedimento simples, rápido, pouco invasivo, de baixo custo e com mínima possibilidade de complicações, sendo uma alternativa de tratamento viável, antes de se indicar procedimentos cirúrgicos.
The autoignition characteristics of methanol, ethanol and MTBE (methyl tert-butyl ether) have been investigated in a rapid compression machine at pressures in the range 20-40 atm and temperatures within 750-1000 K. All three oxygenated fuels tested show higher autoignition temperatures than paraffins, a trend consistent with the high octane number of these fuels. The autoignition delay time for methanol was slightly lower than predicted values using reported reaction mechanisms. However, the experimental and measured values for the activation energy are in very good agreement around 44 kcal/mol. The measured activation energy for ethanol autoignition is in good agreement with previous shock tube results (31 kcal/mol), although ignition times predicted by the shock tube correlation are a factor of three lower than the measured values. The measured activation energy for MTBE, 41.4 kcal/mol, was significantly higher than the value previously observed in shock tubes (28.1 kcal/mol). The onset of preignition, characterized by a slow energy release prior to early ignition was observed in some instances. Possible reasons for these ocurrences are discussed. © Copyright 1993 Society of Automotive engineers, Inc.
本工作对糠醇(FA)和FA与三-(2-羟乙基)异氰尿酸酯(THEIC)的缩聚和磺化反应以及产物的结构和抗氧,抗氯稳定性进行了系统的研究。对FA与THEIC表面聚合制备反渗透复合膜具有十分重要的指导意义。由热分析方法研究发现,FA和FA与THEIC共缩聚反应过程在DSC谱图上有四个放热反应峰。I、II峰(50~80 ℃)为FA头-尾及头-头醚化脱水线性缩聚反应。III峰(110~130 ℃)为FA缩聚物的端羟甲基与亚甲基脱水反应。IN峰(150~190 ℃)为高温下呋喃甲醚链脱出甲醛,甲醛与亚甲基发生交联反应。催化剂用量的增加有利于羟甲基间脱水醚化反应。FA与THEIC共缩聚反应在150 ℃左右有突变,THEIC参加反应的活性增加。体系中大量硫酸存在对THEIC参加反应不利,同时引起FA缩聚物裂解反应。THEIC的加入可改善FA缩聚物的耐热氧化裂解性能。空气下使起始热失重温度提高了60 ℃;氮气下,起始热失重温度提高80 ℃。FA缩聚物的磺化反应在低温下就开始进行,140 ℃时磺化程度最高。磺化度为0.067个SO_3H/重复单元,离子交换容量(电荷密度)为0.84 meg/g酸型。FA和甲基呋喃齐聚物和其磺化后的~(13)C-NMR分析表明,磺化反应容易发生在端呋喃环与H相连的α位,β位,中间呋喃环β位也可发生磺化反应。磺化反应速度较慢,磺化程度不高。H_2SO_4与FA重量之比大于四分之一时,磺化程度基本不变,H_2SO_4量过高时对产物有裂解作用,因此选择此比例比较适宜。由液体和固体~(13)C-NMR观察到FA缩聚反应过程中,羟甲基于100 ℃基本消失,而呋喃甲醚链生成。产生交联的主要原因是甲醛与亚甲基反应进行的。甲醛也可同呋喃环端αH位和β位发生反应生成羟甲基,羟甲基可继续参加反应使缩聚物产生交联。缩聚物中有明显的端甲基酮、醛和羧酸基的生成。产生的原因如下:FA缩聚物中呋喃环间在较高温度下可发生Diels-Alder反应,裂解色谱-质谱分析检出裂解产物中有CH_3和CH_3等芳香族化合物,证实发生了Diels-Alder反应。FA和甲基呋喃齐聚物在大量硫酸作用下,室温磺化交联产物的固体~(13)C-NMR表明有呋喃环上双键打开的反应。可能为Diels-Alder反应,也可能是环双键打开交联的反应。但形成的温度和反应速度还不十分清楚。FA和FA与THEIC缩聚物经过氧化氢氧化裂解产物裂解失重较大,主链发生了断裂反应红外光谱和固体~(13)C-NMR分析表明产生了大量的酮,醛和羧酸。反应过程可能如下:FA缩聚物经游离氯作用后,有少量缩聚物被裂解掉,共缩聚物中脂肪醚被裂解,生成醇,THEIC部分被裂解掉。于是可初步确定FA缩聚物和FA与TEHIC共缩聚物链中的亚甲基和脂肪醚键是易受氧化攻击的弱点。利用表面内反射红外光谱,电子能谱和电子显微镜等对PEC-1000复合膜和试剂复合膜进行了结构与组成剖析,发现PEC-1000膜分离功能层中含有较多伯醇化合物。膜表面含有较多的O, S, N等原子,因此制复合膜的溶液中,THEIC的含量较高,膜的流动电位随压力变化的速率为-4.67mV/atm,膜功能层中含有较多的极性SO_3~-基团。
在278.15-318.15范围内,本文测定了以下四个无液接电池的电动势:Pt,H_2(g, 1 atm)|HCl(m)、X Mass% Glucose-H_2O|Ag-AgCl (A) Pt,H_2 (g, 1 atm)|G(m_1), HGCl (m_2), X Mass% Glucose-H_2O|Ag-AgCl (B) Pt,H_2 (g, 1 atm) |HCl (m), NaCl (M-m), X Mass% Glucose-H_2O|Ag-AgCl (C) Pt,H_2 (g, 1 atm)|G(m_1), HGCl (m_2), NaCl (M-m), X Mass% Glucose-H_2O|Ag-AgCl (D) 其中G为中性甘氨酸,NH_3CH_2COO~-, HGClm为甘氨酸的盐酸盐,为相应电解质的质量摩尔浓度,X为葡萄糖在葡萄糖-水混合溶剂中的质量百分数,M为恒定的离子强度且M = 1.0mol/kg。并且测定了Glucose-H_2O的密度和介电常数。利用传统的D-H公式外推法和基于Pitzer理论的多项式逼近法分别确定了电池的标准电动势E°_3、E°_3,以及甘氨酸的一级热力学解离1.0mol/kg)-葡萄糖-水-HCl的HCl无限稀释溶液为参考态,并将两种方法得到的结果作了比较。甘氨酸的一级热力学解离常数符合Harned-Robinson方程:pK = A_1/T + A_2 + A+3 T 本文讨论了盐和有机物对pK_1的影响,并根据前人及我们的工作,指出在极性质子溶剂中和在极性非质子溶剂中的pK_1对1/D作图,分别得到直线和曲线。同时讨论了混合溶剂中甘氨酸的一级解离过程的各个热力学量ΔG°,ΔH°,ΔS°,ΔCp°,并讨论HCl的迁移性质和有机物葡萄糖、盐对它们的影响。最后将不同混合溶剂中甘氨酸解离过程的迁移能,迁移熵等作了比较。
perimentally at evaluated pressures and under normal- and micro-gravity conditions utilizing the 3.5 s drop tower of the National Microgravity Laboratory of China. The results showed that under micro-gravity conditions the natural convection is minimized and the flames become more planar and symmetric compared to normal gravity. In both normal- and micro-gravity experiments and for a given strain rate and fuel concentration, the flame luminosity was found to enhance as the pressure increases. On the other hand, at a given pressure, the flame luminosity was determined to weaken as the strain rate decreases. At a given strain rate, the fuel concentration at extinction was found to vary non-monotonically with pressure, namely it first increases and subsequently decreases with pressure. The limit fuel concentration peaks around 3 and 4 atm under normal- and micro-gravity, respectively. The extinction limits measured at micro-gravity were in good agreement with predictions obtained through detailed numerical simulations but they are notably lower compared to the data obtained under normal gravity. The simulations confirmed the non-monotonic variation of flammability limits with pressure, in agreement with previous studies. Sensitivity analysis showed that for pressures between one and 5 atm, the near-limit flame response is dominated by the competition between the main branching, H + O2 ? OH + O, and the pressure sensitive termination, H+O2+M? HO2 + M, reaction. However, for pressures greater than 5 atm it was determined that the HO2 kinetics result in further chain branching in a way that is analogous to the third explosion limit of H2/O2 mixtures. 2010 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
本文对低功率氨电弧加热发动机内的传热与流动过程进行了数值模拟,研究了发动机喷管扩张 段长度变化对发动机工作性能的影响。模拟结果表明:在弧电流为10 A,入口总压为2.5 atm 时,氨 电弧加热发动机喷管扩张段长度变短对上游的流动状态影响较小,但对电弧加热发动机的工作性能有 较大影响;随着喷管长度变短,发动机的推力和比冲随之提高。计算获得的典型工况下发动机出口平 面上的轴向速度和温度的径向分布与文献报道的实验测量结果大体相符。
本文研究了HeLa细胞经过12C6+离子束辐照之后的DNA损伤效应,及辐照后p53激活的分子机制。运用中性单细胞电泳技术,检测了HeLa细胞经过4Gy 12C6+离子束辐照间隔0、3、6和12h之后DNA的损伤情况,及0.5、1、2和4Gy 12C6+离子束辐照后即时的DNA损伤情况。同时运用细胞生长实时监测仪监测了HeLa细胞在经过0、0.5和1Gy 12C6+离子束辐照之后的生长变化,并运用AO/EB双染检测了辐照细胞24h后的凋亡情况。另外,利用8mmol/L的咖啡因[抑制ATM(ataxia-telangiectasia,mutated)和ATR(ATM and Rad3-related kinase)]和20μmol/L的wortmannin[抑制ATM和DNA-PK(DNA-dependent protein kinase)]处理HeLa细胞后再进行1Gy 12C6+离子束辐照,通过westernblot检测p53的表达。结果显示,12C6+离子束辐照可造成HeLa细胞的DNA损伤,损伤随剂量升高而升高但随测定间隔时间降低,诱导HeLa细胞发生凋亡;而且辐照后p53表达升高。结果证明12C6+离子束辐照可造成HeLa细胞的DNA损伤并诱导损伤修复及凋亡等效应,损伤效应相关因子p53被激活,并且激活依赖于ATM。
目的检验基因杂合导致的染色单体功能不全在肿瘤发生中的作用。方法将ATM杂合鼠与BRCA1杂合鼠杂交获得四种基因型的同胎小鼠或胚胎成纤维细胞(野生型、ATM单杂合型、BRCA1单杂合型和ATM/BRCA1双杂合型),经γ-射线照射后,通过形态特征识别转化细胞克隆、流式细胞法测定胸腺细胞亚群分布和成纤维细胞周期变化、细胞松弛素B阻断法分析微核形成、免疫荧光染色法统计γH2AX foci数。结果相同剂量的射线照射后,四种基因型细胞反应不同;野生型细胞转化率最低、凋亡水平最高。相反,ATM/BRCA1双杂合型细胞转化率最高、凋亡水平最低;两种单杂合型细胞的细胞转化率和凋亡水平居中。四种细胞的微核诱导都与剂量呈线性相关,但线性拟合得到的直线斜率不同,野生型细胞的斜率最小,单杂合型细胞次之,双杂合型细胞最大。四种基因型细胞的细胞周期在辐照后都呈现G_2期阻滞,但与野生型细胞相比,ATM单杂合细胞延迟逾越周期阻滞,BRCA1单杂合细胞则提前逾越,双杂合型细胞的周期变化曲线与野生型细胞一致。0.5Gyγ射线辐照在种细胞中诱导的γH2AX foci数一样,但0.2Gyγ射线辐照诱导的γH2AX foci数则不相同,野生型细胞中最多,两种单杂合型细胞次之,双杂合型细胞中最少。结论基因杂合与肿瘤发生存在相关性,其导致细胞在外源刺激条件下基因表达量不足,从而影响损伤识别、细胞凋亡、周期调控等,致使相对较多的损伤未经修复即传递给子细胞,最终导致细胞转化、肿瘤发生。
Caffeine, which specifically inhibits ATM/ATR kinases, efficiently abrogates the ionizing radiation (IR)-induced G2 arrest and increases the sensitivity of various tumor cells to IR. Mechanisms for the effect of caffeine remain to be elucidated. As a target of ATM/ATR kinases, BRCA1 becomes activated and phosphorylated in response to IR. Thus, in this work, we investigated the possible role of BRCA1 in the effect of caffeine on G2 checkpoint and observed how BRCA1 phosphorylation was regulated in this process. For these purposes, the BRCA1 protein level and the phosphorylation states were analyzed by Western blotting by using an antibody against BRCA1 and phospho-specific antibodies against Ser-1423 and Ser-1524 residues in cells exposed to a combination of IR and caffeine. The results showed that caffeine down-regulated IR-induced BRCA1 expression and specifically abolished BRCA1 phosphorylation of Ser-1524, which was followed by an override of G2 arrest by caffeine. In addition, the ability of BRCA1 to transactivate p21 may be required for MCF-7 but not necessary for Hela response to caffeine. These data suggest that BRCA1 may be a potential target of caffeine. BRCA1 and its phosphorylation are most likely to be involved in the caffeine-inhibitable event upstream of G2 arrest.
本论文应用X射线和12C6+离子对不同肿瘤细胞:HL-60、K562、SMMC-7721和HepG2进行辐照,用克隆形成率和四唑盐比色法(MTT)测定四种细胞的辐射敏感性;通过流式细胞术测定细胞周期分布、细胞凋亡、ATM和SMC1蛋白的表达变化。应用免疫细胞化学法与流式检测相结合研究了γ-H2AX蛋白表达的时间效应与剂量效应之间的关系。实验结果表明,四种细胞的辐射敏感性由强到弱依次为HL-60>K562>SMMC-7721>HepG2。即ATM表达量越低的细胞对辐射越敏感,周期阻滞水平越低,细胞凋亡越明显,但辐照后ATM蛋白的表达无显著增加,说明ATM的表达量和功能状态与细胞辐射敏感性有关,但其表达水平不能完全反映ATM蛋白激酶的活性。对ATM表达量差异最显著的HepG2和HL-60细胞来说,辐照前SMC1的表达水平与细胞S期的含量没有直接关系,辐照后SMC1蛋白的上调表达在S期阻滞修复中发挥明显的作用。辐照后1h,HL-60和HepG2细胞的H2AX磷酸化水平随吸收剂量的增加呈线性正相关,但曲线斜率与细胞辐射抗性的差异没有直接的联系。γ-H2AX的消失率与存活分数存在良好的相关性,HepG2细胞抗辐射能力强,这一时间短,HL-60细胞抗辐射能力弱,这一时间长。可以用γ-H2AX的消失速率来评估细胞的辐射敏感性。 以SMMC-7721细胞为同步化细胞模型发现,与其它同步化方法相比,步进电机旋转同步化培养法对细胞损伤最小,同步化效率最高,达到M期>90%,GO/G1期>80%,S期>60%,G2/M>50%。同种射线辐照,GO/G1期SMMC-7721细胞的存活相对G2/M期来说较高。12C6+离子辐照明显减小了二者敏感度的差异性
本文旨在分别研究重离子束及MMC在诱导细胞的DNA损伤效应中一些具体的分子机制,为治疗的进行以及相关辅助药物的开发提供理论依据。本文探索的重点有两个,第一个是重离子束辐射诱导的DNA损伤效应及p53在其中的激活,第二个是MMC诱导的DNA损伤效应及p53和BRCA1、H2AX等分子在其中的角色。 1. 12C6+离子束诱导HeLa细胞DNA损伤效应为了研究HeLa细胞经过12C6+ 束辐照之后的DNA损伤效应,及这个过程中p53激活的分子机制。我们运用中性单细胞电泳技术,检测了HeLa细胞经过4Gy 12C6+ 束辐照0h、3h、6h和12h之后DNA的损伤情况,以及0.5Gy、1Gy、2Gy和4Gy 12C6+ 束辐照0h后的DNA损伤情况。同时运用细胞生长实时监测仪监测了HeLa细胞在经过0Gy、0.5Gy和1Gy 12C6+ 束辐照之后的生长变化,并运用AO/EB双染检测了辐照24小时后的凋亡情况。另外,利用8mmol/L的caffeine(抑制ATM和ATR)和20μmol/L的wortmannin(抑制ATM和DNA-PK)处理HeLa细胞后再进行1Gy 12C6+ 束辐照,通过western blot检测p53的表达。结果显示,12C6+ 束辐照可造成HeLa细胞的DNA损伤,损伤随剂量升高而升高但随时间降低;并诱导HeLa细胞发生凋亡;而且辐照后p53表达升高,但经过caffeine或者wortmannin预先处理的细胞p53均没有显著升高。我们的结论是:12C6+ 束辐照可造成HeLa细胞的DNA损伤并诱导损伤修复及凋亡等效应,损伤效应相关的分子p53被激活,并且激活依赖于ATM。 2. MMC诱导的DNA损伤效应在这一部分研究中,首先,我们利用与上面相同的研究方法,探讨了p53在MMC诱导的DNA损伤效应中的激活情况,结果显示,MMC诱导的DNA损伤效应并不依赖于p53。另外,我们还探讨了, BRCA1在FANCD2的γ-H2AX依赖性转移中的作用。MMC可造成DNA的ICL(interstrand cross-link)损伤,ICL可通过FA(Fanconi Anemia)通路进行修复。FANCD2是FA通路的核心分子,在DNA产生ICL时被各种分子修饰然后转移到损伤部分,这个过程的涉及到ATR、γ-H2AX及BRCA1等,本文试图探讨BRCA1在其中的作用方式。研究中,我们监测了不同处理(包括对照、caffeine(可抑制ATR)、MMC及MMC +caffeine)的HCC1937(BRCA1缺陷型)和MCF7(BRCA1野生型)细胞的生长;并用Western blot检测MMC处理之后HCC1937细胞γ-H2AX的表达情况。结果表明,MMC和caffeine均可以抑制HCC1937的生长,但caffeine和MMC+caffeine的抑制效果是一样的;MMC和caffeine均可以抑制MCF7的生长,且MMC+caffeine处理比仅进行caffeine处理的抑制作用强;MMC处理之后,HCC1937的γ-H2AX表达显著升高。我们的结论是,在FANCD2的γ-H2AX依赖性转移中,H2AX的磷酸化并不依赖于BRCA1,不过,BRCA1和ATR应该参与一个相同的分子事件,可能是FANCD2的磷酸化。这个有待进一步的实验验证
A 2-kW-class chemical oxygen-iodine laser (COIL) using nitrogen buffer gas has been developed and tested since industrial applications of COIL devices will require the use of nitrogen as the buffer gas. The laser, with a gain length of 11.7 cm, is energized by a square pipe-array jet-type singlet oxygen generator (SPJSOG) and employs a nozzle bank with a designed Mach number of 2.5. The SPJSOG has advantages over the traditional plate-type JSOG in that it has less requirements on basic hydrogen peroxide (BHP) pump, and more important, it has much better operational stability. The SPJSOG without a cold trap and a gas-liquid separator could provide reliable operations for a total gas flow rate up to 450 mmol/s and with a low liquid driving pressure of around 0.7 atm or even lower. The nozzle bank was specially designed for a COIL using nitrogen as the buffer gas. The cavity was designed for a Mach number of 2.5, in order to provide a gas speed and static temperature in the cavity similar to that for a traditional COIL with helium buffer gas and a Mach 2 nozzle. An output power of 2.6 kW was obtained for a chlorine flow rate of 140 mmol/s, corresponding to a chemical efficiency of 20.4%. When the chlorine flow rate was reduced to 115 mmol/s, a higher chemical efficiency of 22.7% was attained. Measurements showed that the SPJSOG during normal operation could provide a singlet oxygen yield Y greater than or equal to 55%, a chlorine utilization U greater than or equal to 85%, and a relative water vapor concentration w = [H2O]/([O-2] + [Cl-2]) less than or equal to 0.1.
Rare earth metal bis(alkyl) complexes attached by fluorenyl modified N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) (Flu-NHC)Ln(CH2SiMe3)(2) (Flu-NHC = (C13H8CH2CH2(NCHCCHN)C6H2Me3-2,4,6); Ln = Sc (2a); Y (2b); Ho (2c); Lu (2d)), ((tBu)Flu-NHC)Ln(CH2SiMe3)(2) ((tBu)Flu-NHC = 2,7-(Bu2C13H6CH2CH2)-Bu-t(NCHCCHN)C6H2Me3-2,4,6; Ln = Sc (1a); Lu (1d)) and attached by indenyl modified N-heterocyclic carbene (Ind-NHC)Ln(CH2SiMe3)(2) (Ind-NHC = C9H6CH2CH2(NCHCCHN)C6H2Me3-2,4,6; Ln = Sc (3a); Lu (3d)), under the activation of (AlBu3)-Bu-i and [Ph3C][B(C6F5)(4)], showed varied catalytic activities toward homo- and copolymerization of ethylene and norbornene. Among which the scandium complexes, in spite of ligand type, exhibited medium to high catalytic activity for ethylene polymerization (10(5) g mol(Sc)(-1) h(-1) atm(-1)), but all were almost inert to norbornene polymerization. Remarkably, higher activity was found for the copolymerization of ethylene and norbornene when using Sc based catalytic systems, which reached up to 5 x 10(6) g mol(Sc)(-1) h(-1) atm(-1) with 2a. The composition of the isolated copolymer was varying from random to alternating according to the feed ratio of the two monomers (r(E) = 4.1, r(NB) = 0.013).