994 resultados para 612.39


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No Brasil, a mortalidade por homicídios persiste como importante problema de saúde pública, principalmente entre homens adultos jovens. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar o risco de morte por homicídios entre homens de 20-39 anos de idade e sua associação com características sociodemográficas dos municípios brasileiros. Foi realizado estudo ecológico, tendo como unidades de análise todos os municípios do País. Foram estudadas as tendências temporais entre 1999-2010 e as associações do desfecho com indicadores dos municípios em análise transversal referente ao quatriênio 2007-2010. Entre os quatriênios 1999-2002 e 2007-2010, houve aumento das taxas medianas de mortalidade por homicídios entre homens de 20-39 anos, de 22,7 para 35,5 por 100 mil habitantes. No quatriênio 2007-2010, os riscos de homicídios foram estatisticamente superiores (p<0,001) nos municípios de maior porte populacional, maior taxa de fecundidade, baixa proporção de alfabetizados, maior desigualdade aferida pela renda 20/40 e maior urbanização. Para a proporção da população de baixa renda e renda média per capita, as associações indicam excessos nas estimativas de risco de homicídios nos municípios com valores intermediários desses indicadores. Os achados podem auxiliar na focalização de políticas públicas.


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In this work, we have applied sub-Doppler laser cooling to a K-39 magneto-optical trap in order to load a 1071 nm crossed optical dipole trap. The number of atoms loaded into the dipole trap was characterized as a function of the frequency and intensity of the cooling and repump laser beams. For the optimum conditions, the dipole trap has about 2 x 10(6) atoms at an atomic density of 2 x 10(12) cm(-3), with a temperature of about 10 mu K. This technique is a very simple procedure to load a K-39 optical dipole trap without a previous magnetic evaporative cooling step and may find application in other atomic physic systems.


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A systematic study is presented for centrality, transverse momentum (p(T)), and pseudorapidity (eta) dependence of the inclusive charged hadron elliptic flow (v(2)) at midrapidity (vertical bar eta vertical bar < 1.0) in Au + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 7.7, 11.5, 19.6, 27, and 39 GeV. The results obtained with different methods, including correlations with the event plane reconstructed in a region separated by a large pseudorapidity gap and four-particle cumulants (v(2){4}), are presented to investigate nonflow correlations and v(2) fluctuations. We observe that the difference between v(2){2} and v(2){4} is smaller at the lower collision energies. Values of v(2), scaled by the initial coordinate space eccentricity, v(2)/epsilon, as a function of p(T) are larger in more central collisions, suggesting stronger collective flow develops in more central collisions, similar to the results at higher collision energies. These results are compared to measurements at higher energies at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (root s(NN) = 62.4 and 200 GeV) and at the Large Hadron Collider (Pb + Pb collisions at root s(NN) = 2.76 TeV). The v(2)(pT) values for fixed pT rise with increasing collision energy within the pT range studied (<2 GeV/c). A comparison to viscous hydrodynamic simulations is made to potentially help understand the energy dependence of v(2)(pT). We also compare the v(2) results to UrQMD and AMPT transport model calculations, and physics implications on the dominance of partonic versus hadronic phases in the system created at beam energy scan energies are discussed.


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OBJETIVO: caracterizar o perfil sóciodemográfico e epidemiológico de pessoas com co-infecção Tb/HIV, residentes no distrito administrativo Capão Redondo do Município de São Paulo no período de 2000 a 2009. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo. RESULTADOS: De um total de 1.612 casos de tuberculose, 162 casos foram positivos para o HIV. Houve predomínio da faixa etária de 30 a 39 anos (39,5%), sexo masculino (61,1%) e a forma pulmonar (68,5%). Apenas 47,5% dos casos evoluíram para a cura, 13% abandonaram o tratamento e 32,2% foram a óbito. RESULTADOS: Ressalta-se a necessidade do conhecimento da situação da co-infecção Tb/HIV no sentido de oferecer uma assistência adequada a esta clientela, considerando que ambas as enfermidades não podem ser discutidas isoladamente. CONCLUSÃO: Conclui-se que os casos de associação Tb/HIV contribuem para a não adesão ao tratamento e aumento da taxa de mortalidade.


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Acne fulminans is a rare condition and the most severe form of acne. It involves the sudden onset of febrile and multisystemic symptoms, with poor response to ordinary therapy in patients who previously had mild to moderate acne. It is characterized by hemorrhagic ulcerative crusting lesions on the face, chest and upper back. The authors report a case of acne fulminans that was successfully treated with oral prednisone and dapsone.


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Although the diagnosis of Graves' orbitopathy is primarily made clinically based on laboratory tests indicative of thyroid dysfunction and autoimmunity, imaging studies, such as computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound and color Doppler imaging, play an important role both in the diagnosis and follow-up after clinical or surgical treatment of the disease. Imaging studies can be used to evaluate morphological abnormalities of the orbital structures during the diagnostic workup when a differential diagnosis versus other orbital diseases is needed. Imaging may also be useful to distinguish the inflammatory early stage from the inactive stage of the disease. Finally, imaging studies can be of great help in identifying patients prone to develop dysthyroid optic neuropathy and therefore enabling the timely diagnosis and treatment of the condition, avoiding permanent visual loss. In this paper, we review the imaging modalities that aid in the diagnosis and management of Graves' orbitopathy, with special emphasis on the diagnosis of optic nerve dysfunction in this condition.


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Reinforced concrete columns might fail because of buckling of the longitudinal reinforcing bar when exposed to earthquake motions. Depending on the hoop stiffness and the length-over-diameter ratio, the instability can be local (in between two subsequent hoops) or global (the buckling length comprises several hoop spacings). To get insight into the topic, an extensive literary research of 19 existing models has been carried out including different approaches and assumptions which yield different results. Finite element fiberanalysis was carried out to study the local buckling behavior with varying length-over-diameter and initial imperfection-over-diameter ratios. The comparison of the analytical results with some experimental results shows good agreement before the post buckling behavior undergoes large deformation. Furthermore, different global buckling analysis cases were run considering the influence of different parameters; for certain hoop stiffnesses and length-over-diameter ratios local buckling was encountered. A parametric study yields an adimensional critical stress in function of a stiffness ratio characterized by the reinforcement configuration. Colonne in cemento armato possono collassare per via dell’instabilità dell’armatura longitudinale se sottoposte all’azione di un sisma. In funzione della rigidezza dei ferri trasversali e del rapporto lunghezza d’inflessione-diametro, l’instabilità può essere locale (fra due staffe adiacenti) o globale (la lunghezza d’instabilità comprende alcune staffe). Per introdurre alla materia, è proposta un’esauriente ricerca bibliografica di 19 modelli esistenti che include approcci e ipotesi differenti che portano a risultati distinti. Tramite un’analisi a fibre e elementi finiti si è studiata l’instabilità locale con vari rapporti lunghezza d’inflessione-diametro e imperfezione iniziale-diametro. Il confronto dei risultati analitici con quelli sperimentali mostra una buona coincidenza fino al raggiungimento di grandi spostamenti. Inoltre, il caso d’instabilità globale è stato simulato valutando l’influenza di vari parametri; per certe configurazioni di rigidezza delle staffe e lunghezza d’inflessione-diametro si hanno ottenuto casi di instabilità locale. Uno studio parametrico ha permesso di ottenere un carico critico adimensionale in funzione del rapporto di rigidezza dato dalle caratteristiche dell’armatura.


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Radiolabelled glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists have recently been shown to successfully image benign insulinomas in patients. Moreover, it was recently reported that antagonist tracers were superior to agonist tracers for somatostatin and gastrin-releasing peptide receptor targeting of tumours. The present preclinical study determines therefore the value of an established GLP-1 receptor antagonist for the in vitro visualization of GLP-1 receptor-expressing tissues in mice and humans.


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The latitudinal position of the southern westerlies has been suggested to be a key parameter for the climate on Earth. According to the general notion, the southern westerlies were shifted equatorward during the global Last Glacial Maximum (LGM: ~24–18 ka), resulting in reduced deep ocean ventilation, accumulation of old dissolved carbon, and low atmospheric CO2 concentrations. In order to test this notion, we applied surface exposure dating on moraines in the southern Central Andes, where glacial mass balances are particularly sensitive to changes in precipitation, i.e. to the latitudinal position of the westerlies. Our results provide robust evidence that the maximum glaciation occurred already at ~39 ka, significantly predating the global LGM. This questions the role of the westerlies for atmospheric CO2, and it highlights our limited understanding of the forcings of atmospheric circulation.