854 resultados para 390102 Comparative Law


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Existem duas formas de controle de constitucionalidade: o modelo difuso, de origem norte-americana, e o modelo concentrado, de origem européia. O presente trabalho, em uma primeira parte, analisa estes modelos no direito comparado, buscando compreender suas principais características. Posteriormente, descrevemos as propostas de criação de um tribunal constitucional no Brasil, durante a Assembléia Nacional Constituinte (ANC) de 1987-1988, evidenciando suas diferenças. Por fim, a partir das discussões na ANC, comentamos algumas propostas de emenda à constituição em trâmite no Congresso que pretendem estabelecer um mandato aos ministros e ampliar os critérios de indicação dos mesmos.


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A adoção da modelagem institucional de governança do processo de avaliação ambiental norte-americano, centrada na figura da agência líder, deverá demandar a edição de uma lei formal, prevendo o referido arranjo jurídico-institucional, na forma de uma moldura (framework) adaptável às necessidades especificas e peculiaridades de cada setor da Administração. Dessa forma, a referida lei formal funcionaria como uma norma geral, e como tal poderia ser complementada pela legislação infralegal, que viria a estabelecer as disposições especificas para dar efetividade ao instituo da agência líder nos setores em que seja desejável e oportuna a implantação do mesmo, a critério da Administração. Destarte, a atuação do Poder Legislativo estaria restrita à introdução ao sistema jurídico doméstico do instituto estrangeiro, estabelecendo apenas seus contornos básicos, cabendo à Administração a avaliação da oportunidade e conveniência da escolha dos setores específicos, do estabelecimento dos contornos normativos e do momento da efetiva regulamentação concreta do instituto.


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The apportionment of natural resources between sovereign States is a subject that relates many aspects of International law, as long as Constitutional Law, at the execution and application phases of international treaties that regulates the exploration of common goods. In this sense, because of their natural characteristics that creates an environment of constant migration and fixation in transboundary regions, terrestrial or maritime, the petroleum and the natural gas bound a complex juridical apparatus that can control the sovereign rights involved. This research is aim at accomplishing a study concerning the international agreements that enable the non-unilateral action, specifically the unitization treaties between sovereign States, as a manner to resolve situations related to the individualization of oil and/or gas reservoirs that go across their national borders. These agreements will be analyzed considering the international public law sources theory, bearing in mind yet the already existed experiences in this sense, not disregarding the way that this fact could affect Brazil. It will begin with an historical incursion over the unitization institute, covering its main characteristics and its formation and execution procedures, and finally it will address the Brazilian legal system and the comparative law threats the institute. The clauses of these relevant agreements will be analyzed in details, concerning its particularities and its contents. Because these agreements are international obligatory rules of law, it is indispensable that they are considered under the auspices of the international law system, focusing their nature and the subjects of international law and establishing them as sources of the international law, analyzing them, then, as international rules and the applicable law to these juridical relations, the conventional established, the consolidated international custom and the applicable International Law principles, appearing the State s responsibility as an important subject for the verification of the acts lawful practiced by States. The analysis of the apportionment of these natural resources ends with the individualization of possible exploitable marine oil fields located between the exclusive economic zone and the continental platform ends and the region administrated by the International Seabed Authority. At last, the Brazilian constitutional system appears as the mechanism of integration, application and execution of the international unitization agreements in Brazil, detaching the format and the proceedings that the international treaties take to acquire validity at the national legal system, passing through the treaties interpretation and the applicable constitutional principles, coming to its application in Brazil, considering the existing constitutional peculiarities and the role played by the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and bio-fuel ANP


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This dissertation focus, as main objective, to address the issue of fundamental rights and political freedoms of the individuals, guaranteed by the Constitution of 1988, with emphasis of study in the constitutional guarantee of freedom of speech, as well as in national related constitutional law institutions and its derivatives, and the connection with the historical and political affirmation of fundamental human rights and its importance for the construction, maintenance and consolidation of constitutional democracy in the Federative Republic of Brazil. This paper mainly deals with aspects of juspostive nature, focused mainly within its doctrinal aspect, making, for such, references both to the patrian doctrine and the foreign one, without forgetting the necessary jurisprudencial focus and analysis of the positive patrian planning with references to comparative law, in order to describe and analyze the emergence, evolution and dissemination of the institute, both in the major countries of the Western World and along the Brazilian constitutional history.


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This work has the main goal on the recognition of the inherent value of nonhuman animals, under the constitutional framework. It is presented the main philosophical formulations of the current pattern of behavior that rules the relationship between man and animals: first those that have excluded animals from moral consideration and then the thinkers which do have included, in some way, in order to elucidate the origin of the anthropocentric thought over the natural world. In this way, the analysis these thinkers that have included animals in moral consideration will contribute to a paradigm change from the anthropocentric view, initiating legal debates. It will be made a simplified analysis of different philosophical and legal points of view that have been demonstrating the posture in which the human beings have been dealing with the environment, with the replacement of the anthropocentric thinking for the biocentric view, in which life becomes the center of existence. Life is life, no matter whether it is human or not, has a value in itself, and must be protected and respected by the legal system. Then, it will be analized the constitutionalization of the nonhuman animal dignity in comparative law; the infraconstitutional legislation which concerning the intrinsic value of all life forms and, finally, the 1988 Constitution. It will be advocated for non-human animals the condition of subjects, presenting some cases that the Habeas Corpus was used in animal defense. In this new Brazilian Habeas Corpus theory of for apes the argument of genetic proximity was used in order to overcome the literal meaning of natural person to achieve hominids in order to assure the fundamental right of physical freedom. It is realized that the fact that the great apes being recognized as a person does not preclude the possibility of other living beings be recognized as subjects of law. In this way, animals can be considered non-human subjects of law, according to the theory of depersonalized entities and may enjoy a legal category that allows a respect for existential minimum, and can hold constitutional fundamental rights


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This dissertation deals with the social function of the contract, based on constitutional principles, especially those relating to fundamental rights. The social function of the contract (general clause) is described in the Civil Code so intentionally generic, no precise criteria to define it. Because of the fluidity of this principle, it is justified its closer study, seeking to assess its various meanings and looking away from the legal uncertainty that an unlimited conceptual vagueness can cause. The social function of the contract arises from a transformation experienced in private law from the inflows received from the Constitutional Law, the result of an evolutionary process by which it became the state structure, leaving the foundations of the classical liberal state and moving toward a vision guided by existential human values that give the keynote of the Welfare State. Arose, then the concern about the effectiveness of fundamental rights in relations between individuals, which is studied from the inapplicability of fundamental rights in private relations (U.S. doctrine of State action), passing to the analysis of the Theory of indirect horizontal effect of fundamental rights (of German creation and majority acceptance), reaching the right horizontal efficacy Theory of fundamental rights, prevailing Brazilian doctrine and jurisprudence. It has also been investigated the foundations of the social contract, pointing out that, apart from the provisions of the constitutional legislation, that base the principle on screen, there have also been noticed foundations in the Federal Constitution, in devices like the art. 1, III, the dignity of the human person is the north of the relationship between contractors. Also art. 3rd, I CF/88 bases the vision of social covenants, equipping it for the implementation of social solidarity, as one of the fundamental objectives of the Republic. Still on art. 170 of the Constitution it is seen as a locus of reasoning in the social function of the contract, the maintenance of the economic order. It is also studied the internal and external aspects of the social function of the contract, being the first part the one that considers the requirement of respect for contractual loyalty, through the objective good faith, as a result of the dignity of the hirer may not be offended by the other through the contract. On the other hand, the external facet of the social function of the contract, in line with the constitutional mandate of solidarity, indicates the need for contractors to respect the rights of society, namely the diffuse, collective and individual third party. In this external appearance, it is also pointed the notion of external credit protection, addressing the duty of society to respect the contract. There has been shown some notions of the social contract in comparative law. Then, there has been investigated the content of principle study, through their interrelationships with other provisions of private and constitutional law, namely equality, objective good faith, private autonomy and dignity of the human person. We study the application of the social contract in contractual networks as well as the guidance of conservation of contracts, especially those denominated long-term captive contracts, considering the theory of substantive due performance, concluding with an analysis of the social contract in code of Consumer Protection


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A pesquisa constata a existência de dispositivos na legislação penal brasileira em que a pena em abstrato encontra-se desproporcional, seja pela ausência de um bem jurídico merecedor da tutela penal, seja porque o quantum da pena não condiz com os parâmetros da proporcionalidade. Para tanto, apresenta o bem jurídico penal, expondo sua síntese evolutiva, seu conceito, os princípios da intervenção mínima e da ofensividade, bem como as questões pertinentes a existência de bens jurídicos penais supra individuais e a problemática das imposições constitucionais de criminalização. Analisa o principio da proporcionalidade, desenvolvendo seu conceito, conteúdo, sua origem histórica e evolução, a consagração constitucional e a nomenclatura no direito comparado. Quanto ao conteúdo da proporcionalidade, adota a corrente que apresenta os subprincípios da idoneidade, necessidade e proporcionalidade em sentido estrito como elementos formadores da proporcionalidade em sentido amplo. Traz alguns exemplos de normas penais que fogem a regra da proporcionalidade, considerando o bem jurídico sob tutela. Conclui pela necessidade de se adequar a legislação penal brasileira aos parâmetros da proporcionalidade e as imposições da doutrina do bem jurídico penal, descriminalizando condutas ou adequando a pena em abstrato.


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This article brings brief comparison of Brazilian bankruptcy law between the French law of societies in difficulties. In this way, an analysis of the legal provisions of the two countries, to the end see if both aim at the preservation of the company, respectively, Law Recovery and Bankruptcy no. 11.101/05, in Code de Commerce - French commercial code, chapter Des difficultés des enterprises.


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Pós-graduação em Agronegócio e Desenvolvimento - Tupã


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This Article compares the conflicting approaches to resolve the questions surrounding surrogate motherhood in a domestic context and then addresses some of its transnational implications, especially the recognition of foreign surrogacy judgments. It argues that not every case of foreign surrogacy involves the circumvention of the forum's prohibition of surrogacy and that courts need to take this into account when applying the public policy exception. It further argues that the adoption of the child by the commissioning parents should be seen as an alternative and adequate solution to the limping legal parenthood that would otherwise arise from the non-recognition of a surrogacy judgment.


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Die Arbeit behandelt die Frage nach der Reichweite der Parteiautonomie und der Kompetenz des Schiedsgerichts zur Bestimmung des anwendbaren materiellen Rechts in einem internationalen Schiedsverfahren. Im Wege eines rechtsvergleichenden Ansatz wurden die Rechtsordnungen Englands (arbitration act 1996), Frankreichs (Art. 1492 ff. Nouveau Code de Procédure Civile)und Deutschlands (10. Buch der ZPO)untersucht, im Hinblick auf die Frage, wie nichtstaatliche Regeln (lex mercatoria) behandelt werden und unter welchen Voraussetzungen sie Anwendung finden können, sei es von Seiten der Parteien oder des Schiedsgerichts. Des Weiteren wollte die Arbeit zeigen, welche der genannten Rechtsordnungen die "wettbewerbsfähigste" ist, anders gesagt, welcher es gelingt, mit der Entwicklung eines sich wahrhaft globalisierenden, internationalen Markts mitzuhalten, indem der Weg für eine Anwendung solcher Regeln so weit wie möglich geebnet wird. Starre, nationale Vorschriften werden in diesem Zusammenhang als eine Minderung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit eines nationalen Rechts angesehen, welches sich den vorgenannten Herausforderungen stellen möchte. Das französische Recht erwies sich hierbei als das "wettbewerbsfähigste" der drei größten europäischen Wirtschaftsnationen, indem es ein geeignetes rechtliches Regelwerk für internationale Wirtschaftsangelegenheiten verwickelte Parteien aufstellt.


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L’ordinamento giuridico cinese contemporaneo si è, recentemente, impegnato in una riforma che ha interessato le norme vigenti in materia di registrazione immobiliare con l’intento di realizzare un sistema unitario dell’istituto. Dal momento che la modernizzazione del diritto civile cinese è iniziata - a partire dalla fine del XIX secolo – tramite il recepimento del diritto civile occidentale, la disamina delle esperienze europee in materia di pubblicità immobiliare assume una notevole importanza, al fine di esaminare le norme vigenti in Cina e i cambiamenti scaturenti dalla riforma. Pertanto, l’obiettivo della mia ricerca è stato quello di avanzare una tesi che possa rivelarsi quale strumento utile per la riforma in Cina, attraverso uno studio comparato dei modelli europei in materia di registrazione immobiliare. A tal fine, il lavoro è stato suddiviso in due parti: nella prima si è presentata un’analisi dettagliata del diritto di proprietà, del dualismo delle proprietà fondiarie e relative problematiche, del sistema dei diritti reali costituito dalla Legge sui diritti reali del 2007, da cui è partita la riforma dell’istituto della registrazione immobiliare. Un approfondimento particolare è dedicato al pluralismo dei regimi di registrazione immobiliare vigenti nel diritto cinese contemporaneo e all’introduzione dei cambiamenti apportati dal nuovo regolamento del 2015. Nella seconda parte dell’elaborato, attraverso lo studio comparato dei diversi modelli Europei (Francese, Tedesco e Inglese), si è tentato di illustrare le esperienze europee in materia di pubblicità immobiliare maturate nei tre temi maggiormente rappresentativi e concreti, quali la tutela degli interessi privatistici, l’autenticità dei titoli e il ruolo del notaio, la procedura della pubblicità immobiliare, al fine di individuare una via percorribile per il perfezionamento del sistema unitario della registrazione nell’ordinamento cinese. Nelle conclusioni, infine, sono state inserite anche alcune riflessioni circa l’importanza dello studio del diritto comparato per l’esperienza Cinese.


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Die Arbeit behandelt den vertraglichen Nachrang von Forderungen. Sie beleuchtet unter Einbeziehung rechtsvergleichender Erkenntnisse zum us-amerikanischen und englischen Recht Inhalt und Reichweite der Rangvereinbarung und beschreibt die vertragliche Rangvereinbarung als einheitliches Institut einer schuldändernden Verfügung. Der Rangrücktritt zur Vermeidung der Überschuldung und die Rangvereinbarung im Rahmen von Mezzanine-Finanzierungen werden zueinander in Bezug gesetzt, die mit dem Rangrücktritt im Vertrags-, Gesellschafts- Insolvenz-, Bilanz- und Steuerrecht verbundenen Probleme werden erörtert.


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