243 resultados para 35C
Ananas erectifolius (curaua) is a fibrous vegetable that can be found in North and Central West regions of Brazil. It is a bromeliaceae family plant which physico-chemical features provides great potential in the automobilistic industry as a source of fibers. As commonly described in other bromeliaceae species, it contains significant levels of bromelain, of high commercial value and wide range of aplications in food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. In this paper, experimental tests were performed to evaluate the extraction of the proteolytic enzymes of the Ananas erectifolius under different pH and temperature conditions to determine in which ones the enzymatic activity would be the maximum for later purification of the bromelain. The two commercially available curaua varieties (white and purple) were used in the experiments and the results showed the same optimal pH of 8,5 for both varieties and different temperatures of 30ºC for the white one, and 10ºC, 20ºC and 35ºC for the purple one.
Sclerotia of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Ss) can survive for long time in soil and are the main inoculum source of the white mold disease. An alternative for reducing this inoculum is the use of parasites, such as Coniothyrium minitans (Cm). We evaluated the potential of Cm isolates for the biological control of Ss in beans. The effect of the temperature on the growth of 15 isolated of Cm was evaluated in vitro. The hyperparasitism ability of Cm was evaluated in soil infested with sclerotia and conditioned in pots. The infested soil was treated with conidia suspension of the antagonists, fluazinan or sterile distilled water. After seven days at 20°C, the sclerotia were removed from soil and placed inside Petri dishes over bean leaves previously disinfested. The germination and parasitism of sclerotia were evaluated after 7 to 10 days. To evaluate the apothecia emission, soil infested with sclerotia of Ss and treated as described was maintained at 18°C and the number of emerged apothecia was counted up to 84 days after inoculation. The emergence of bean plants in soil infested with sclerotia and mycelium of the pathogen and treated as described was evaluated in greenhouse. The ideal temperature for growth of Cm isolates varied from 18 to 19°C and at 30-35°C they were complete inhibited. The isolates of Cm promoted less than 10% of reduction in viability of the sclerotia, but they significantly reduced the emission of apothecia. Two isolates increased the emergence of plants in relation to the inoculated check, but was significantly lower than the non-inoculated check. Field tests will be conduct to confirm the potential of the selected isolates to reduce the inoculum source of the pathogen.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Snakes are ectothermic animals and, therefore, their physiological functions are strongly affected by temperature. For instance, the resting metabolic rate (RMR) of this animals increase with the rise in body temperature. However, metabolic determinations in ectothermic organisms, including snakes, are generally made by submitting the animals to constant temperature regimes. This experimental procedure, although widely used, accepted and certainly suitable in several cases, submit the animals to a very different situation from that experienced by them in nature. In fact, ectothermics are known by presenting extensive variations in their body temperatures trough the day and/or seasons. If this disagreement between the thermal biology of the animals and the experimental conditions, for instance over the circadian cycle, affects the determinations of metabolic rates of ectotherm animals, remains quite uncertain. Thus, this study aimed to test the effects of different thermal regimes (fluctuating vs constant) in different temperature ranges over the TMR of rattlesnakes (Crotalus durissus). Therefore, the TMR of rattlesnakes was measured by the oxygen consumption rates ( V O2) in the constant temperatures of 15°C, 20°C, 25°C, 30°C and 35°C. For fluctuating regimes, snakes were measured in thermoperiods of 12/12 hours, as follows: 15°C and 25°C; 20°C and 30°C; 25°C and 35°C. Our results show that the RMR of C. durissus rises as the temperature increases, regardless of the thermal regime. The obtained RMR in the constant regimes of 20°C and 25°C was not different from that measured in the correspondent fluctuating regimes (i.e., 15 - 25°C e 20 - 30°C). However, at constant 30°C, the RMR was significantly higher than that obtained in the 30°C fluctuating regime (25 - 35ºC). This indicates that the potential effects in submitting of snakes to different thermal regimes of its thermal biology become more important with...
Snakes are ectothermic animals and, therefore, their physiological functions are strongly affected by temperature. For instance, the resting metabolic rate (RMR) of this animals increase with the rise in body temperature. However, metabolic determinations in ectothermic organisms, including snakes, are generally made by submitting the animals to constant temperature regimes. This experimental procedure, although widely used, accepted and certainly suitable in several cases, submit the animals to a very different situation from that experienced by them in nature. In fact, ectothermics are known by presenting extensive variations in their body temperatures trough the day and/or seasons. If this disagreement between the thermal biology of the animals and the experimental conditions, for instance over the circadian cycle, affects the determinations of metabolic rates of ectotherm animals, remains quite uncertain. Thus, this study aimed to test the effects of different thermal regimes (fluctuating vs constant) in different temperature ranges over the TMR of rattlesnakes (Crotalus durissus). Therefore, the TMR of rattlesnakes was measured by the oxygen consumption rates ( V O2) in the constant temperatures of 15°C, 20°C, 25°C, 30°C and 35°C. For fluctuating regimes, snakes were measured in thermoperiods of 12/12 hours, as follows: 15°C and 25°C; 20°C and 30°C; 25°C and 35°C. Our results show that the RMR of C. durissus rises as the temperature increases, regardless of the thermal regime. The obtained RMR in the constant regimes of 20°C and 25°C was not different from that measured in the correspondent fluctuating regimes (i.e., 15 - 25°C e 20 - 30°C). However, at constant 30°C, the RMR was significantly higher than that obtained in the 30°C fluctuating regime (25 - 35ºC). This indicates that the potential effects in submitting of snakes to different thermal regimes of its thermal biology become more important with...
Objetivou-se, com a realização deste trabalho, avaliar o efeito do nível de células somáticas sobre a microbiota e a proteólise do queijo Mussarela, durante o período de armazenamento. Foram selecionadas vacas com contagem de células somáticas ≤200mil células/mL; de > 200 a ≤400mil células/mL; de >400mil células/mL a ≤750mil células/mL e >750mil células/mL e que não tinham recebido tratamento com antimicrobianos nos dias que antecederam a coleta da matéria-prima. Os queijos produzidos foram avaliados após 1; 15 e 30 dias de armazenamento para a contagem de coliformes a 35ºC, coliformes a 45ºC, psicrotróficos e bactérias ácido lácticas. Paralelamente, foram determinados os índices de extensão e profundidade da proteólise. O experimento completo foi repetido quatro vezes e o delineamento experimental foi em blocos aleatórios. Na análise estatística, utilizou-se a análise de variância seguida do teste de Tukey, considerando p<0,05 como probabilidade mínima aceitável para diferença entre as médias. O leite com elevada contagem de células somáticas apresentou concentração menor de proteína e maior de nitrogênio não proteico. Observou-se diminuição das bactérias ácido lácticas no queijo elaborado com leite composto de células somáticas >750mil células/mL. Não obstante, ocorreu um aumento significativo na extensão e profundidade da proteólise durante o período de armazenamento, resultados observados nos queijos fabricados com o leite com células somáticas >400mil células/mL. Portanto, para se produzir um queijo Mussarela de boa qualidade torna-se necessário o controle da matéria prima, e esta deve apresentar células somáticas inferiores a 400mil células/mL.
Abstract Background Biofuels produced from sugarcane bagasse (SB) have shown promising results as a suitable alternative of gasoline. Biofuels provide unique, strategic, environmental and socio-economic benefits. However, production of biofuels from SB has negative impact on environment due to the use of harsh chemicals during pretreatment. Consecutive sulfuric acid-sodium hydroxide pretreatment of SB is an effective process which eventually ameliorates the accessibility of cellulase towards cellulose for the sugars production. Alkaline hydrolysate of SB is black liquor containing high amount of dissolved lignin. Results This work evaluates the environmental impact of residues generated during the consecutive acid-base pretreatment of SB. Advanced oxidative process (AOP) was used based on photo-Fenton reaction mechanism (Fenton Reagent/UV). Experiments were performed in batch mode following factorial design L9 (Taguchi orthogonal array design of experiments), considering the three operation variables: temperature (°C), pH, Fenton Reagent (Fe2+/H2O2) + ultraviolet. Reduction of total phenolics (TP) and total organic carbon (TOC) were responsive variables. Among the tested conditions, experiment 7 (temperature, 35°C; pH, 2.5; Fenton reagent, 144 ml H2O2+153 ml Fe2+; UV, 16W) revealed the maximum reduction in TP (98.65%) and TOC (95.73%). Parameters such as chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), BOD/COD ratio, color intensity and turbidity also showed a significant change in AOP mediated lignin solution than the native alkaline hydrolysate. Conclusion AOP based on Fenton Reagent/UV reaction mechanism showed efficient removal of TP and TOC from sugarcane bagasse alkaline hydrolysate (lignin solution). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on statistical optimization of the removal of TP and TOC from sugarcane bagasse alkaline hydrolysate employing Fenton reagent mediated AOP process.
The oxidation and reduction of copper in air-saturated seawater and NaCl solutions has been measured as a function of pH (7.17-8.49), temperature (5-35ºC) and ionic strength (0.1-0.7 M). The oxidation rate was fitted to an equation for sodium chloride and seawater valid at different pH and media conditions: k . . pH- . /T- . I . I k . . pH- . /T- . I . I (sw) (NaCl) log 5 036 0 514 1764 915 1101 0 233 log 5 221 0 609 1915 433 1818 0 408 = + + = + + The reduction of Cu(II) was studied in both media for different initial concentration of copper(II). When the initial Cu(II) concentration was 200 nM, the copper(I) produced was 20% and 9% for NaCl and seawater, respectively. Considering the copper(I) reduced from Cu(II), the speciation and the contribution of these species to the kinetic process was studied. The Cu(I) speciation is dominated by the CuCl2 - species. On the other hand, the neutral chloride CuCl species dominates the Cu(I) oxidation in the range 0.1 M to 0.7 M chloride concentrations.
Le acque di vegetazione (AV) costituiscono un serio problema di carattere ambientale, sia a causa della loro elevata produzione sia per l’ elevato contenuto di COD che oscilla fra 50 e 150 g/l. Le AV sono considerate un refluo a tasso inquinante fra i più elevati nell’ambito dell’industria agroalimentare e la loro tossicità è determinata in massima parte dalla componente fenolica. Il presente lavoro si propone di studiare e ottimizzare un processo non solo di smaltimento di tale refluo ma anche di una sua valorizzazione, utlizzandolo come materia prima per la produzione di acidi grassi e quindi di PHA, polimeri biodegradabili utilizzabili in varie applicazioni. A tale scopo sono stati utilizzati due bioreattori anaerobici a biomassa adesa, di identica configurazione, con cui si sono condotti due esperimenti in continuo a diverse temperature e carichi organici al fine di studiare l’influenza di tali parametri sul processo. Il primo esperimento è stato condotto a 35°C e carico organico pari a 12,39 g/Ld, il secondo a 25°C e carico organico pari a 8,40 g/Ld. Si è scelto di allestire e mettere in opera un processo a cellule immobilizzate in quanto questa tecnologia si è rivelata vantaggiosa nel trattamento continuo di reflui ad alto contenuto di COD e carichi variabili. Inoltre si è scelto di lavorare in continuo poiché tale condizione, per debiti tempi di ritenzione idraulica, consente di minimizzare la metanogenesi, mediata da microrganismi con basse velocità specifiche di crescita. Per costituire il letto fisso dei due reattori si sono utilizzati due diversi tipi di supporto, in modo da poter studiare anche l’influenza di tale parametro, in particolare si è fatto uso di carbone attivo granulare (GAC) e filtri ceramici Vukopor S10 (VS). Confrontando i risultati si è visto che la massima quantità di VFA prodotta nell’ambito del presente studio si ha nel VS mantenuto a 25°C: in tale condizione si arriva infatti ad un valore di VFA prodotti pari a 524,668 mgCOD/L. Inoltre l’effluente in uscita risulta più concentrato in termini di VFA rispetto a quello in entrata: nell’alimentazione la percentuale di materiale organico presente sottoforma di acidi grassi volatili era del 54 % e tale percentuale, in uscita dai reattori, ha raggiunto il 59 %. Il VS25 rappresenta anche la condizione in cui il COD degradato si è trasformato in percentuale minore a metano (2,35 %) e questo a prova del fatto che l’acidogenesi ha prevalso sulla metanogenesi. Anche nella condizione più favorevole alla produzione di VFA però, si è riusciti ad ottenere una loro concentrazione in uscita (3,43 g/L) inferiore rispetto a quella di tentativo (8,5 g/L di VFA) per il processo di produzione di PHA, sviluppato da un gruppo di ricerca dell’università “La Sapienza” di Roma, relativa ad un medium sintetico. Si può constatare che la modesta produzione di VFA non è dovuta all’eccessiva degradazione del COD, essendo questa nel VS25 appena pari al 6,23%, ma piuttosto è dovuta a una scarsa concentrazione di VFA in uscita. Questo è di buon auspicio nell’ottica di ottimizzare il processo migliorandone le prestazioni, poiché è possibile aumentare tale concentrazione aumentando la conversione di COD in VFA che nel VS25 è pari a solo 5,87%. Per aumentare tale valore si può agire su vari parametri, quali la temperatura e il carico organico. Si è visto che il processo di acidogenesi è favorito, per il VS, per basse temperature e alti carichi organici. Per quanto riguarda il reattore impaccato con carbone attivo la produzione di VFA è molto ridotta per tutti i valori di temperatura e carichi organici utilizzati. Si può quindi pensare a un’applicazione diversa di tale tipo di reattore, ad esempio per la produzione di metano e quindi di energia.
Il presente studio ha avuto l’obiettivo di indagare la produzione di bioetanolo di seconda generazione a partire dagli scarti lignocellulosici della canna da zucchero (bagassa), facendo riscorso al processo enzimatico. L’attività di ricerca è stata svolta presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica dell’Università di Lund (Svezia) all’interno di rapporti scambio con l’Università di Bologna. Il principale scopo è consistito nel valutare la produzione di etanolo in funzione delle condizioni operative con cui è stata condotta la saccarificazione e fermentazione enzimatica (SSF) della bagassa, materia prima che è stata sottoposta al pretrattamento di Steam Explosion (STEX) con aggiunta di SO2 come catalizzatore acido. Successivamente, i dati ottenuti in laboratorio dalla SSF sono stati utilizzati per implementare, in ambiente AspenPlus®, il flowsheet di un impianto che simula tutti gli aspetti della produzione di etanolo, al fine di studiarne il rendimento energetico dell’intero processo. La produzione di combustibili alternativi alle fonti fossili oggigiorno riveste primaria importanza sia nella limitazione dell’effetto serra sia nel minimizzare gli effetti di shock geopolitici sulle forniture strategiche di un Paese. Il settore dei trasporti in continua crescita, consuma nei paesi industrializzati circa un terzo del fabbisogno di fonti fossili. In questo contesto la produzione di bioetanolo può portare benefici per sia per l’ambiente che per l’economia qualora valutazioni del ciclo di vita del combustibile ne certifichino l’efficacia energetica e il potenziale di mitigazione dell’effetto serra. Numerosi studi mettono in risalto i pregi ambientali del bioetanolo, tuttavia è opportuno fare distinzioni sul processo di produzione e sul materiale di partenza utilizzato per comprendere appieno le reali potenzialità del sistema well-to-wheel del biocombustibile. Il bioetanolo di prima generazione ottenuto dalla trasformazione dell’amido (mais) e delle melasse (barbabietola e canna da zucchero) ha mostrato diversi svantaggi: primo, per via della competizione tra l’industria alimentare e dei biocarburanti, in secondo luogo poiché le sole piantagioni non hanno la potenzialità di soddisfare domande crescenti di bioetanolo. In aggiunta sono state mostrate forti perplessità in merito alla efficienza energetica e del ciclo di vita del bioetanolo da mais, da cui si ottiene quasi la metà della produzione di mondiale di etanolo (27 G litri/anno). L’utilizzo di materiali lignocellulosici come scarti agricolturali e dell’industria forestale, rifiuti urbani, softwood e hardwood, al contrario delle precedenti colture, non presentano gli svantaggi sopra menzionati e per tale motivo il bioetanolo prodotto dalla lignocellulosa viene denominato di seconda generazione. Tuttavia i metodi per produrlo risultano più complessi rispetto ai precedenti per via della difficoltà di rendere biodisponibili gli zuccheri contenuti nella lignocellulosa; per tale motivo è richiesto sia un pretrattamento che l’idrolisi enzimatica. La bagassa è un substrato ottimale per la produzione di bioetanolo di seconda generazione in quanto è disponibile in grandi quantità e ha già mostrato buone rese in etanolo se sottoposta a SSF. La bagassa tal quale è stata inizialmente essiccata all’aria e il contenuto d’acqua corretto al 60%; successivamente è stata posta a contatto per 30 minuti col catalizzatore acido SO2 (2%), al termine dei quali è stata pretrattata nel reattore STEX (10L, 200°C e 5 minuti) in 6 lotti da 1.638kg su peso umido. Lo slurry ottenuto è stato sottoposto a SSF batch (35°C e pH 5) utilizzando enzimi cellulolitici per l’idrolisi e lievito di birra ordinario (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) come consorzio microbico per la fermentazione. Un obiettivo della indagine è stato studiare il rendimento della SSF variando il medium di nutrienti, la concentrazione dei solidi (WIS 5%, 7.5%, 10%) e il carico di zuccheri. Dai risultati è emersa sia una buona attività enzimatica di depolimerizzazione della cellulosa che un elevato rendimento di fermentazione, anche per via della bassa concentrazione di inibitori prodotti nello stadio di pretrattamento come acido acetico, furfuraldeide e HMF. Tuttavia la concentrazione di etanolo raggiunta non è stata valutata sufficientemente alta per condurre a scala pilota un eventuale distillazione con bassi costi energetici. Pertanto, sono stati condotti ulteriori esperimenti SSF batch con addizione di melassa da barbabietola (Beta vulgaris), studiandone preventivamente i rendimenti attraverso fermentazioni alle stesse condizioni della SSF. I risultati ottenuti hanno suggerito che con ulteriori accorgimenti si potranno raggiungere gli obiettivi preposti. E’ stato inoltre indagato il rendimento energetico del processo di produzione di bioetanolo mediante SSF di bagassa con aggiunta di melassa in funzione delle variabili più significative. Per la modellazione si è fatto ricorso al software AspenPlus®, conducendo l’analisi di sensitività del mix energetico in uscita dall’impianto al variare del rendimento di SSF e dell’addizione di saccarosio. Dalle simulazioni è emerso che, al netto del fabbisogno entalpico di autosostentamento, l’efficienza energetica del processo varia tra 0.20 e 0.53 a seconda delle condizioni; inoltre, è stata costruita la curva dei costi energetici di distillazione per litro di etanolo prodotto in funzione delle concentrazioni di etanolo in uscita dalla fermentazione. Infine sono già stati individuati fattori su cui è possibile agire per ottenere ulteriori miglioramenti sia in laboratorio che nella modellazione di processo e, di conseguenza, produrre con alta efficienza energetica bioetanolo ad elevato potenziale di mitigazione dell’effetto serra.
The biogenic production of NO in the soil accounts for between 10% and 40% of the global total. A large degree of the uncertainty in the estimation of the biogenic emissions stems from a shortage of measurements in arid regions, which comprise 40% of the earth’s land surface area. This study examined the emission of NO from three ecosystems in southern Africa which cover an aridity gradient from semi-arid savannas in South Africa to the hyper-arid Namib Desert in Namibia. A laboratory method was used to determine the release of NO as a function of the soil moisture and the soil temperature. Various methods were used to up-scale the net potential NO emissions determined in the laboratory to the vegetation patch, landscape or regional level. The importance of landscape, vegetation and climatic characteristics is emphasized. The first study occurred in a semi-arid savanna region in South Africa, where soils were sampled from 4 landscape positions in the Kruger National Park. The maximum NO emission occurred at soil moisture contents of 10%-20% water filled pore space (WFPS). The highest net potential NO emissions came from the low lying landscape positions, which have the largest nitrogen (N) stocks and the largest input of N. Net potential NO fluxes obtained in the laboratory were converted in field fluxes for the period 2003-2005, for the four landscape positions, using soil moisture and temperature data obtained in situ at the Kruger National Park Flux Tower Site. The NO emissions ranged from 1.5-8.5 kg ha-1 a-1. The field fluxes were up-scaled to a regional basis using geographic information system (GIS) based techniques, this indicated that the highest NO emissions occurred from the Midslope positions due to their large geographical extent in the research area. Total emissions ranged from 20x103 kg in 2004 to 34x103 kg in 2003 for the 56000 ha Skukuza land type. The second study occurred in an arid savanna ecosystem in the Kalahari, Botswana. In this study I collected soils from four differing vegetation patch types including: Pan, Annual Grassland, Perennial Grassland and Bush Encroached patches. The maximum net potential NO fluxes ranged from 0.27 ng m-2 s-1 in the Pan patches to 2.95 ng m-2 s-1 in the Perennial Grassland patches. The net potential NO emissions were up-scaled for the year December 2005-November 2006. This was done using 1) the net potential NO emissions determined in the laboratory, 2) the vegetation patch distribution obtained from LANDSAT NDVI measurements 3) estimated soil moisture contents obtained from ENVISAT ASAR measurements and 4) soil surface temperature measurements using MODIS 8 day land surface temperature measurements. This up-scaling procedure gave NO fluxes which ranged from 1.8 g ha-1 month-1 in the winter months (June and July) to 323 g ha-1 month-1 in the summer months (January-March). Differences occurred between the vegetation patches where the highest NO fluxes occurred in the Perennial Grassland patches and the lowest in the Pan patches. Over the course of the year the mean up-scaled NO emission for the studied region was 0.54 kg ha-1 a-1 and accounts for a loss of approximately 7.4% of the estimated N input to the region. The third study occurred in the hyper-arid Namib Desert in Namibia. Soils were sampled from three ecosystems; Dunes, Gravel Plains and the Riparian zone of the Kuiseb River. The net potential NO flux measured in the laboratory was used to estimate the NO flux for the Namib Desert for 2006 using modelled soil moisture and temperature data from the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) operational model on a 36km x 35km spatial resolution. The maximum net potential NO production occurred at low soil moisture contents (<10%WFPS) and the optimal temperature was 25°C in the Dune and Riparian ecosystems and 35°C in the Gravel Plain Ecosystems. The maximum net potential NO fluxes ranged from 3.0 ng m-2 s-1 in the Riparian ecosystem to 6.2 ng m-2 s-1 in the Gravel Plains ecosystem. Up-scaling the net potential NO flux gave NO fluxes of up to 0.062 kg ha-1 a-1 in the Dune ecosystem and 0.544 kg h-1 a-1 in the Gravel Plain ecosystem. From these studies it is shown that NO is emitted ubiquitously from terrestrial ecosystems, as such the NO emission potential from deserts and scrublands should be taken into account in the global NO models. The emission of NO is influenced by various factors such as landscape, vegetation and climate. This study looks at the potential emissions from certain arid and semi-arid environments in southern Africa and other parts of the world and discusses some of the important factors controlling the emission of NO from the soil.
In recent times, the choices of consumers have been more conscious and oriented to foods with health benefits. The present paper deals with the study of oil from crushing of olive and huzelnut with the aim of obtaining a “functional food”. Different samples of oil derived from the crushing of olive (O), olive with 5% of hazelnut (O5N) and olive with 10% of hazelnut (O10N), exposed to different temperatures (28 and 35°C) and times (15 and 30 minutes) of malaxation. The samples of oil were initially subjected to a qualitative assessment by the analysis of peroxide and free acidity. Following further analyses were carried out namely the determination of fatty acids and triglycerides by FAST GC-FID, the determination of tocopherols by HPLC-FLC, the analysis of sterols by GC/MS and the spectroscopic analysis with FT-MIR combined with statistical analysis with PCA and PLS. The results showed that increasing the time and temperature of malaxation there aren’t relevant significant differences (p<0,05) in the composition of fatty acids, triglycerides and tocopherols in the different oils, but there are higher extraction yields. The increase of content of hazelnut in phase of crushing causes the decrease of triglycerides C50 and C52, the increase of the class C54, total tocopherols and of total sterols as well. The samples analysed with FT-MIR spectroscopy have showed, on the contrary to conventional analytical techniques, a good discrimination between different oils despite of the similar chemical composition of olive and hazelnuts. After the PLS models were built from spectra FT-MIR in order to estimate the content of triglycerides C50, C52 and C54 and total tocopherols, with good R2 in full cross validation (R2>0,821).
Isochrysis galbana is a widely-used strain in aquaculture in spite of its low productivity. To maximize the productivity of processes based on this microalgae strain, a model was developed considering the influence of irradiance, temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen concentration on the photosynthesis and respiration rate. Results demonstrate that this strain tolerates temperatures up to 35ºC but it is highly sensitive to irradiances higher than 500 µE·m-2·s-1 and dissolved oxygen concentrations higher than 11 mg·l-1. With the researcher group of the “Universidad de Almeria”, the developed model was validated using data from an industrial-scale outdoor tubular photobioreactor demonstrating that inadequate temperature and dissolved oxygen concentrations reduce productivity to half that which is maximal, according to light availability under real outdoor conditions. The developed model is a useful tool for managing working processes, especially in the development of new processes based on this strain and to take decisions regarding optimal control strategies. Also the outdoor production of Isochrysis galbana T-iso in industrial size tubular photobioreactors (3.0 m3) has been studied. Experiments were performed modifying the dilution rate and evaluating the biomass productivity and quality, in addition to the overall performance of the system. Results confirmed that T-iso can be produced outdoor at commercial scale in continuous mode, productivities up to 20 g·m-2·day-1 of biomass rich in proteins (45%) and lipids (25%) being obtained. The utilization of this type of photobioreactors allows controlling the contamination and pH of the cultures, but daily variation of solar radiation imposes the existence of inadequate dissolved oxygen concentration and temperature at which the cells are exposed to inside the reactor. Excessive dissolved oxygen reduced the biomass productivity to 68% of maximal, whereas inadequate temperature reduces to 63% of maximal. Thus, optimally controlling these parameters the biomass productivity can be duplicated. These results confirm the potential to produce this valuable strain at commercial scale in optimally designed/operated tubular photobioreactors as a biotechnological industry.
Traditionally, asphalt mixtures were produced at high temperatures (between 150°C to 180°C) and therefore often referred to as Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA). Recently, a new technology named Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) was developed in Europe that allows HMA to be produced at a lower temperature. Over years of research efforts, a few WMA technologies were introduced including the foaming method using Aspha-min® and Advera® WMA; organic additives such as Sasobit® and Asphaltan B®; and chemical packages such as Evotherm® and Cecabase RT®. Benefits were found when lower temperatures were used to produce asphalt mixtures, especially when it comes to environmental and energy savings. Even though WMA has shown promising results in energy savings and emission reduction, however, only limited studies and laboratory tests have been conducted to date. The objectives of this project are to 1) develop a mix design framework for WMA by evaluating its mechanical properties; 2) evaluate performance of WMA containing high percentages of recycled asphalt material; and 3) evaluate the moisture sensitivity in WMA. The test results show that most of the WMA has higher fatigue life and TSR which indicated WMA has better fatigue cracking and moisture damage resistant; however, the rutting potential of most of the WMA tested were higher than the control HMA. A recommended WMA mix design framework was developed as well. The WMA design framework was presented in this study to provide contractors, and government agencies successfully design WMA. Mixtures containing high RAP and RAS were studied as well and the overall results show that WMA technology allows the mixture containing high RAP content and RAS to be produced at lower temperature (up to 35°C lower) without significantly affect the performance of asphalt mixture in terms of rutting, fatigue and moisture susceptibility. Lastly, the study also found that by introducing the hydrated lime in the WMA, all mixtures modified by the hydrated lime passed the minimum requirement of 0.80. This indicated that, the moisture susceptibility of the WMA can be improved by adding the hydrated lime.