267 resultados para zener pinning


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Herein we report on the transport characteristics of rapid pulsed vacuum-arc thermally annealed, individual and network multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Substantially reduced defect densities (by at least an order of magnitude), measured by micro-Raman spectroscopy, and were achieved by partial reconstruction of the bamboo-type defects during thermal pulsing compared with more traditional single-pulse thermal annealing. Rapid pulsed annealed processed networks and individual multi-walled nanotubes showed a consistent increase in conductivity (of over a factor of five at room temperature), attributed to the reduced number density of resistive axial interfaces and, in the case of network samples, the possible formation of structural bonds between crossed nanotubes. Compared to the highly defective as-grown nanotubes, the pulsed annealed samples exhibited reduced temperature sensitivity in their transport characteristics signifying the dominance of scattering events from structural defects. Transport measurements in the annealed multi-walled nanotubes deviated from linear Ohmic, typically metallic, behavior to an increasingly semiconducting-like behavior attributed to thermally induced axial strains. Rapid pulsed annealed networks had an estimated band gap of 11.26 meV (as-grown; 6.17 meV), and this observed band gap enhancement was inherently more pronounced for individual nanotubes compared with the networks most likely attributed to mechanical pinning effect of the probing electrodes which possibly amplifies the strain induced band gap. In all instances the estimated room temperature band gaps increased by a factor of two. The gating performance of back-gated thin-film transistor structures verified that the observed weak semiconductivity (p-type) inferred from the transport characteristic at room temperature. © 2014 Copyright Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


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The ability to generate a permanent, stable magnetic field unsupported by an electromotive force is fundamental to a variety of engineering applications. Bulk high temperature superconducting (HTS) materials can trap magnetic fields of magnitude over ten times higher than the maximum field produced by conventional magnets, which is limited practically to rather less than 2 T. In this paper, two large c-axis oriented, single-grain YBCO and GdBCO bulk superconductors are magnetized by the pulsed field magnetization (PFM) technique at temperatures of 40 and 65 K and the characteristics of the resulting trapped field profile are investigated with a view of magnetizing such samples as trapped field magnets (TFMs) in situ inside a trapped flux-type superconducting electric machine. A comparison is made between the temperatures at which the pulsed magnetic field is applied and the results have strong implications for the optimum operating temperature for TFMs in trapped flux-type superconducting electric machines. The effects of inhomogeneities, which occur during the growth process of single-grain bulk superconductors, on the trapped field and maximum temperature rise in the sample are modelled numerically using a 3D finite-element model based on the H-formulation and implemented in Comsol Multiphysics 4.3a. The results agree qualitatively with the observed experimental results, in that inhomogeneities act to distort the trapped field profile and reduce the magnitude of the trapped field due to localized heating within the sample and preferential movement and pinning of flux lines around the growth section regions (GSRs) and growth sector boundaries (GSBs), respectively. The modelling framework will allow further investigation of various inhomogeneities that arise during the processing of (RE)BCO bulk superconductors, including inhomogeneous Jc distributions and the presence of current-limiting grain boundaries and cracks, and it can be used to assist optimization of processing and PFM techniques for practical bulk superconductor applications. © 2014 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Photoreflectance (PR) has been used to study surface electronic properties (electric field, Fermi level pinning, and density of surface states) of undoped-n(+) (UN+) GaAs treated in the solution of ammonium sulfide in isopropanol. Complex Fourier transformation (CFT) of PR spectra from passivated surface shows that the sulfur overlay on GaAs surface makes no contribution to Franz-Keldysh oscillations (FKOs). The barrier height measured by PR is derived from surface states directly, rather than the total barrier height, which includes the potentials derived from Ga-S and As-S dipole layers. Comparing with native oxidated surface, the passivation leads to 80 meV movement of surface Fermi level towards the conduction band minimum, and reduction by more than one order in density of surface states. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The magnetic properties of spin-valve pinned by FeMn layer were investigated after it was annealed at different temperatures. Its property was dependent on the vacuum annealing temperature. The pinning field could be increased through annealing at a temporature lower than 200degreesC;the pinning field would reduce and other properties be deteriorated as the annealing temperature was higher than 200degreesC; the pinning effect lost and giantmagnetic resistance disappeared at 300degreesC. Based on the results of AES analysis it was concluded that the diffusion in spin-valve multilayer was along grain boundary.


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Contactless: electroreflectance has been employed at room temperature to study the Fermi level pinning at undoped-n(+) GaAs surfaces covered by 1.6 and 1.8 monolayer (ML) InAs quantum dots (QDs). It is shown that the 1.8 ML InAs QD moves the Fermi level at GaAs surface to the valence band maximum by about 70 meV compared to bare GaAs, whereas 1.6 ML InAs on GaAs does not modify the Fermi level, It is confirmed that the modification of the 1.8 ML InAs deposition on the Fermi level at GaAs surface is due to the QDs, which are surrounded by some oxidized InAs facets, rather than the wetting layer.


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本文首次合成了Lar_xSr_xFe_yCor_yO_3(x、y:0.1、0.3、0.5、0.7、0.9)系列化合物和Lar_xBa_xFe_yCor_yO_3(x、y:0.1、0.3、0.5、0.7、0.9)系列化合物,并对其结构,电性及气敏性质进行了研究。关于ABO_3型稀土过渡金属复合氧化物的结构研究,文献上报道比较混乱,不同的人在进行结构研究中采用不同的结构基元得到了不同的晶型和相应的晶胞参数。本文根据上述化合物的X射线谱图,对其进行指标化,得到了上述两系列化合物为主方晶系结构,晶胞参数计算结果表明:在Y = 0.7时,化合物Lar_xSr_xFe_(0.7)Co_(0.3)O_3的晶胞参数随X值的增大而减小。化合物Lar_xBa_xFe_(0.7)Co_(0.3)O_3的晶胞参数随X值的增大而增大。在X = 0.3时,上述两条系列化合物的晶胞参数均随Y值的增大而增大。对以上两系列化合物所表现出的结构变化规律,我们用起决定作用的离子半径大小进行了解释。针对上述两系列化合物,我们研究了它们的电学性质,研究结果表明,上述两系列化合物,在Y = 0.7时,其室温电阻率均随X在 0 < x < 0.5内增大而减小。在0.5 < x < 1内随X值增大而增大。在X = 0.5时的两个化合物具有最小的室温电阻率。在此方面,其电阻率变化规律与LarxMxBO_3(M:Ca、 Sr、 Ba、 B:Fe Co)化合物的变化规律相似。在X = 0.3时,上述两系列化合物的室温电阻率均随Y值的增大而增大,上述两系列化合物所表现出的室温电阻率变化规律可以运用C. Zener的双交换模型加以解释,同时,低温电阻率测定表明:上述两系列化合物在温度100-263K内,表现半导体性质。液氮温度下它们不具有超导性。除以上研究之外,我们针对Lar_xSr_xFe_yCor_yO_3 (X = 0.3、 Y:0.1、0.5、 0.9, Y = 0.7, X:0.1、 0.9)系列化合物初步地进行了气敏性研究。结果为:化合物La_(0.7)Sr_(0.3)Fe_yCor_yO_3 (Y:0.1、 0.5、 0.9)都不同程度地对乙醇、石油醚、 乙炔、烟具有气敏性,它们对乙醇的气敏响应时间约为1分钟,而对石油醚、乙炔和烟的气敏响应时间要用5分钟左右,在上述化合物中,La_(0.7)Sr_(0.3)Fe_(0.5)Co_(0.5)O_3化合物表现出最强的对乙醇、石油醚、乙炔的气敏性。对化合物La_(0.7)Sr_(0.3)Fe_(0.5)Co_(0.5)O_3的进一步研究表明,在乙醇气氛下,化合物La_(0.7)Sr_(0.3)Fe_(0.5)Co_(0.5)O_3在工作电流I_(Dn) = 0.20A时具有最佳的气敏数应。工作电流高于或低于此值都将导致其气敏效应的大小顺序为La_(0.7)Sr_(0.3)Fe_(0.5)Co_(0.5)O_3 > La_(0.7)Sr_(0.3)Fe_(0.9)Co_(0.1)O_3 > La_(0.7)Sr_(0.3)Fe_(0.1)Co_(0.9)O_3对化合物Lar_xSr_xFe_(0.7)Co_(0.3)O_3 (X:0.1、 0.9)的气敏性研究表明:它们只对乙醇和烟具有气敏性。对上述两种气氛的气敏响应时间为5分钟。上述两种化合物中,La_(0.1)Sr_(0.9)Fe_(0.7)Co_(0.3)O_3气敏效应最强。


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With a low strained InxGa1-xAs/GaAs(x similar to 0.01) superlattice (SL) buffer layer, the crystal quality of 50 period relaxed In0.3Ga0.7As/GaAs strained SLs has been greatly improved and over 13 satellite peaks are observed from X-ray double-crystal diffraction, compared with three peaks in the sample without the buffer layer. Cross-section transmission electron microscopy reveals that the dislocations due to superlattice strain relaxation are blocked by the SLs itself and are buried into the buffer layer. The role of the SL buffer layer lies in that the number of the dislocations is reduced in two ways: (1) the island formation is avoided and (2) the initial nucleation of the threading dislocations is retarded by the high-quality growth of the SL buffer layer. When the dislocation pinning becomes weak as a result of the reduced dislocation density, the SLs can effectively move the threading dislocations to the edge of the wafer.


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The microstructure of silicon on defect layer, a new type of silicon-on-insulator material using proton implantation and two-step annealing to obtain a high resistivity buried layer beneath the silicon surface, has been investigated by transmission electron microscopy. Implantation induced a heavily damaged region containing two types of extended defects involving hydrogen: {001} platelets and {111} platelets. During the first step annealing, gas bubbles and {111} precipitates formed. After the second step annealing, {111} precipitates disappeared, while the bubble microstructure still remained and a buried layer consisting of bubbles and dislocations between the bubbles was left. This study shows that the dislocations pinning the bubbles plays an important role in stabilizing the bubbles and in the formation of the defect insulating layer. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.


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The dewetting evolution process of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) film on the flat and prepatterned polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) substrates (with square microwells) by the saturated solvent of methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) treatment has been investigated at room temperature by the optical microscope (OM) and atomic force microscope (AFM). The final dewetting on the flat PDMS substrate led to polygonal liquid droplets, similar to that by temperature annealing. However, on the patterned PDMS substrate, depending on the microwells' structure of PDMS substrate and defect positions that initiated the rupture and dewetting of PMMA, two different kinds of dewetting phenomena, one initiated around the edge of the microwells and another initiated outside the microwells, were observed. The forming mechanism of these two different dewetting phenomena has been discussed. The microwells were filled with liquid droplets of PMMA after dewetting due to the formation of fingers caused by the pinning of the three-phase-line at the edge of the microwells and their rupture.


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This dissertation sets out to provide immanent critique and deconstruction of ecological modernisation or ecomodernism.It does so, from a critical social theory approach, in order to correctly address the essential issues at the heart of the environmental crisis that ecomodernism purports to address. This critical approach argues that the solution to the environmental crisis can only be concretely achieved by recognising its root cause as being foremost the issue of material interaction between classes in society, and not simply between society and nature in any structurally meaningful way. Based on a metaphysic of false dualism, ecological modernisation attributes a materiality of exchange value relations to issues of society, while simultaneously offering a non- material ontology to issues of nature. Thus ecomodernism serves asymmetrical relations of power whereby, as a polysemic policy discourse, it serves the material interests of those who have the power to impose abstract interpretations on the materiality of actual phenomena. The research of this dissertation is conducted by the critical evaluation of the empirical data from two exemplary Irish case studies. Discovery of the causal processes of the various public issues in the case studies and thereafter the revelation of the meaning structures under- pinning such causal processes, is a theoretically- driven task requiring analysis of those social practices found in the cognitive, cultural and structural constitutions respectively of actors, mediations and systems.Therefore, the imminent critique of the case study paradigms serves as a research strategy for comprehending Ireland’s nature- society relations as influenced essentially by a systems (techno- corporatist) ecomodernist discourse. Moreover, the deconstruction of this systems ideological discourse serves not only to demonstrate how weak ecomodernism practically undermines its declared ecological objectives, but also indicates how such objectives intervene as systemic contradictions at the cultural heart of Ireland’s late modernisation.


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© 2014, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.The evolution of capillary forces during evaporation and the corresponding changes in the geometrical characteristics of liquid (water) bridges between two glass spheres with constant separation are examined experimentally. For comparison, the liquid bridges were also tested for mechanical extension (at constant volume). The obtained results reveal substantial differences between the evolution of capillary force due to evaporation and the evolution due to extension of the liquid bridges. During both evaporation and extension, the change of interparticle capillary forces consists in a force decrease to zero either gradually or via rupture of the bridge. At small separations between the grains (short & wide bridges) during evaporation and at large volumes during extension, there is a slight initial increase of force. During evaporation, the capillary force decreases slowly at the beginning of the process and quickly at the end of the process; during extension, the capillary force decreases quickly at the beginning and slowly at the end of the process. Rupture during evaporation of the bridges occurs most abruptly for bridges with wider separations (tall and thin), sometimes occurring after only 25% of the water volume was evaporated. The evolution (pinning/depinning) of two geometrical characteristics of the bridge, the diameter of the three-phase contact line and the “apparent” contact angle at the solid/liquid/gas interface, seem to control the capillary force evolution. The findings are of relevance to the mechanics of unsaturated granular media in the final phase of drying.


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Experimental and theoretical studies of one-electron capture in collisions of He2+ ions with H2O molecules have been carried out in the range 0.025-12 keV amu(-1) corresponding to typical solar wind velocities of 70-1523 km s(-1). Translational energy spectroscopy (TES), photon emission spectroscopy (PES), and fragment ion spectroscopy were employed to identify and quantify the collision mechanisms involved. Cross sections for selective single electron capture into n=1, 2, and 3 states of the He+ ion were obtained using TES while PES provided cross sections for capture into the He+(2p) and He+(3p) states. Our model calculations show that He+(n=2) and He+(n=3) formation proceeds via a single-electron process governed by the nucleus-electron interaction. In contrast, the He+(1s) formation mechanism involves an exothermic two-electron process driven by the electron-electron interaction, where the potential energy released by the electron capture is used to remove a second electron thereby resulting in fragmentation of the H2O molecule. This process is found to become increasingly important as the collision energy decreases. The experimental cross sections are found to be in reasonable agreement with cross sections calculated using the Demkov and Landau-Zener models.


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Translational energy spectroscopy (TES) has been used to study state-selective one-electron capture by H and He-like ions of C, N and O in both H and H-2 within the range 250-900 eV amu(- 1). The main collision mechanisms leading to state-selective electron capture have been identified, their relative importance assessed and compared, where possible, with theoretical predictions and with any previous measurements based on photon emission spectroscopy. For one-electron capture in H-2, the relative importance of contributions from non- dissociative and dissociative capture as well as from two- electron capture into autoionizing states is found to be strikingly different for the cases considered. Our TES measurements in atomic hydrogen provide an important extension of previous measurements to energies below 1000 eV amu(-1) and show that, as the impact energy decreases, electron capture becomes more selective until only a single n product channel is significant. These product main channels are well described by reaction windows calculated using a Landau-Zener approach. However, the same approach applied to the more complex energy- change spectra observed in H-2 is found to be less successful.


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An attempt has been made to unequivocally identify the influence that inhomogeneous strain fields, surrounding point defects, have on the functional properties of thin film ferroelectrics. Single crystal thin film lamellae of BaTiO3 have been integrated into capacitor structures, and the functional differences between those annealed in oxygen and those annealed in nitrogen have been mapped. Key features, such as the change in the paraelectric-ferroelectric phase transition from first to second order were noted and found to be consistent with mean field modeling predictions for the effects of inhomogeneous strain. Switching characteristics appeared to be unaffected, suggesting that point defects have a low efficacy in domain wall pinning.


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The extent to which notches inhibit axial switching of polarization in ferroelectric nanowires was investigated by monitoring the switching behavior of single crystal BaTiO(3) wires before and after patterning triangular notches along their lengths. Static zero-field domain patterns suggested a strong domain-notch interaction, implying that notches should act as pinning sites for domain wall propagation. Surprisingly though, notches appeared to assist, rather than inhibit, polar switching. The origin of this effect was rationalized using finite element modeling of the electric field distribution along the notched wire; it was found that the air gap associated with the notch acted to enhance the local field, both in the air, and in the adjacent region of the ferroelectric. It seems that this local field enhancement outweighs any pinning interactions.