450 resultados para slavish imitation
Orgasm is a subjective experience accompanied by involuntary muscle contractions. We hypothesized that orgasm in women would be distinguishable by frequency analysis of a perineal muscle-derived signal. Rectal pressure, an index of perineal muscle activity, was measured continuously in 23 healthy women during different sexual tasks: receiving clitoral stimulation, imitation of orgasm, and attempt to reach orgasm, in which case the women were asked to report whether orgasm had been reached ("orgasm") or not ("failed orgasm attempt"). We performed spectral analysis on the rectal pressure data and calculated the spectral power in the frequency bands delta (0.5-4 Hz), theta (4-8 Hz), alpha (8-13 Hz), and beta (13-25 Hz). The most significant and most important difference in spectral power between orgasm and both control motor tasks (imitation of orgasm and failed orgasm attempt) was found in the alpha band. An objective rule based on spectral power in the alpha band recognized 94% (29/31) of orgasms and correctly labeled 69% (44/64) of all orgasm attempts as either successful or failed. Because outbursts of alpha fluctuations in rectal pressure only occurred during orgasm and not during voluntary imitation of orgasm or failed attempts, we propose that they represent involuntary contractions of muscles in the rectal vicinity. This is the first objective and quantitative measure that has a strong correspondence with the subjective experience of orgasm.
Väitöskirjassani tarkastelen informaatiohyödykkeiden ja tekijänoikeuksien taloustiedettä kahdesta eri perspektiivistä. Niistä ensimmäinen kuuluu endogeenisen kasvuteorian alaan. Väitöskirjassani yleistän ”pool of knowledge” -tyyppisen endogeenisen kasvumallin tilanteeseen, jossa patentoitavissa olevalla innovaatiolla on minimikoko, ja jossa uudenlaisen tuotteen patentoinut yritys voi menettää monopolinsa tuotteeseen jäljittelyn johdosta. Mallin kontekstissa voidaan analysoida jäljittelyn ja innovaatioilta vaaditun ”minimikoon” vaikutuksia hyvinvointiin ja talouskasvuun. Kasvun maksimoiva imitaation määrä on mallissa aina nolla, mutta hyvinvoinnin maksimoiva imitaation määrä voi olla positiivinen. Talouskasvun ja hyvinvoinnin maksimoivalla patentoitavissa olevan innovaation ”minimikoolla” voi olla mikä tahansa teoreettista maksimia pienempi arvo. Väitöskirjani kahdessa jälkimmäisessä pääluvussa tarkastelen informaatiohyödykkeiden kaupallista piratismia mikrotaloustieteellisen mallin avulla. Informaatiohyödykkeistä laittomasti tehtyjen kopioiden tuotantokustannukset ovat pienet, ja miltei olemattomat silloin kun niitä levitetään esimerkiksi Internetissä. Koska piraattikopioilla on monta eri tuottajaa, niiden hinnan voitaisiin mikrotaloustieteen teorian perusteella olettaa laskevan melkein nollaan, ja jos näin kävisi, kaupallinen piratismi olisi mahdotonta. Mallissani selitän kaupallisen piratismin olemassaolon olettamalla, että piratismista saatavan rangaistuksen uhka riippuu siitä, kuinka monille kuluttajille piraatti tarjoaa laittomia hyödykkeitä, ja että se siksi vaikuttaa piraattikopioiden markkinoihin mainonnan kustannuksen tavoin. Kaupallisten piraattien kiinteiden kustannusten lisääminen on mallissani aina tekijänoikeuksien haltijan etujen mukaista, mutta ”mainonnan kustannuksen” lisääminen ei välttämättä ole, vaan se saattaa myös alentaa laillisten kopioiden myynnistä saatavia voittoja. Tämä tulos poikkeaa vastaavista aiemmista tuloksista sikäli, että se pätee vaikka tarkasteltuihin informaatiohyödykkeisiin ei liittyisi verkkovaikutuksia. Aiemmin ei-kaupallisen piratismin malleista on usein johdettu tulos, jonka mukaan informaatiohyödykkeen laittomat kopiot voivat kasvattaa laillisten kopioiden myynnistä saatavia voittoja jos laillisten kopioiden arvo niiden käyttäjille riippuu siitä, kuinka monet muut kuluttajat käyttävät samanlaista hyödykettä ja jos piraattikopioiden saatavuus lisää riittävästi laillisten kopioiden arvoa. Väitöskirjan viimeisessä pääluvussa yleistän mallini verkkotoimialoille, ja tutkin yleistämäni mallin avulla sitä, missä tapauksissa vastaava tulos pätee myös kaupalliseen piratismiin.
The aim of this study has been to analyze measures adopted to counteract workplace bullying from the perspective of human resource management. First, the kind of measures that are adopted to prevent bullying were examined. Second, factors affecting the extent of such measures were explored. The introduction of written anti-bullying policies and the provision of information were found to be the most common measures adopted. The policies strongly emphasized the role of supervisors and the immediate superior. Measures to counteract bullying were positively related to the adoption of ‘sophisticated’ human resource practices, previous negative publicity concerning bullying and the presence of a young human resource manager. The results, however, also indicated that imitation seemed to provide an important impetus behind anti-bullying efforts.
Modern-day economics is increasingly biased towards believing that institutions matter for growth, an argument that has been further enforced by the recent economic crisis. There is also a wide consensus on what these growth-promoting institutions should look like, and countries are periodically ranked depending on how their institutional structure compares with the best-practice institutions, mostly in place in the developing world. In this paper, it is argued that ”non-desirable” or “second-best” institutions can be beneficial for fostering investment and thus providing a starting point for sustained growth, and that what matters is the appropriateness of institutions to the economy’s distance to the frontier or current phase of development. Anecdotal evidence from Japan and South-Korea is used as a motivation for studying the subject and a model is presented to describe this phenomenon. In the model, the rigidity or non-rigidity of the institutions is described by entrepreneurial selection. It is assumed that entrepreneurs are the ones taking part in the imitation and innovation of technologies, and that decisions on whether or not their projects are refinanced comes from capitalists. The capitalists in turn have no entrepreneurial skills and act merely as financers of projects. The model has two periods, and two kinds of entrepreneurs: those with high skills and those with low skills. The society’s choice of whether an imitation or innovation – based strategy is chosen is modeled as the trade-off between refinancing a low-skill entrepreneur or investing in the selection of the entrepreneurs resulting in a larger fraction of high-skill entrepreneurs with the ability to innovate but less total investment. Finally, a real-world example from India is presented as an initial attempt to test the theory. The data from the example is not included in this paper. It is noted that the model may be lacking explanatory power due to difficulties in testing the predictions, but that this should not be seen as a reason to disregard the theory – the solution might lie in developing better tools, not better just better theories. The conclusion presented is that institutions do matter. There is no one-size-fits-all-solution when it comes to institutional arrangements in different countries, and developing countries should be given space to develop their own institutional structures that cater to their specific needs.
The topic of this dissertation is Rodnoverie, a religion that revives pre-Christian Slavic spirituality. Rodnoverie has been noted to be one of the fastest growing new religions in Russia and the aim of the study is to analyse why and how the movement has attained its popularity. First, the analysis asks how Rodnovers themselves explain the revival of ancient Paganism at this particular historical moment. Secondly, these interpretations are reflected in the framework of sociological discussions about contemporary religiosity. The analysis discusses how the Rodnoverie movement corresponds to some tendencies that are considered to characterise late modern religiosity. The primary material of the research is Rodnoverie texts: books, newspapers and electronic articles. The published literature is supplemented by fieldwork material which includes interviews with some Rodnoverie leaders and the author s participant observation of rituals and gatherings. Methodologically, the study draws on a sociological narrative approach that is focused on examining how individuals and groups use narratives to construct their identities and to challenge mainstream discussions and interpretations. The analysis discerns three narratives. The first one of these portrays Rodnoverie as a revival of the native Russian or Slavic religion. The narrative provides a new version of the old Slavophile idea, according to which imitation of the West has misguided Russia and, therefore, Russians should turn to their own tradition. In the second narrative, Rodnoverie is presented as a nature religion that features tolerance and pluralistic values. According to these perceptions, the emergence of Rodnoverie marks the dead-end of the earlier hegemonic universalistic world-views, the mono-ideologies . While the nationalist narrative focuses on Russia s national heritage, the third narrative interprets the tradition in more universal terms as an alternative to modern values and way of life. The main argument of this narrative is that contemporary people have become alienated from nature, their roots and their community. The themes that are discussed in the theoretical literature on late modern religiosity often configure in Rodnovers interpretations either directly or when looked at through an analytical framework. Of the various themes that are addressed in a sociological study of religion the ones that have most relevance for Rodnoverie are the discussions on individualisation, globalisation and secularisation. Rodnoverie reflects such tendencies as the subjectivisation of religion and the modern crisis of authority. The movement also both exemplifies and actively promotes religious pluralisation in Russia.
Työssä tutkitaan yhtäältä saksankielisen elokuvan Muiden elämä ( Das Leben der Anderen ) kolmen suomenkielisen tekstitysversion tekstityksen muotoseikkoja, kuten välimerkkien käyttöä, repliikki- ja rivijakoa, ja toisaalta tekstityksen sisältöseikkoja, joita tarkastellaan tekstityksessä käytettävien käännösstrategioiden avulla. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan, ovatko tekstityksissä käytetyt muotoseikat konventioiden mukaisia ja minkälaisia käännösstrategioita tekstityksissä on käytetty sekä johtaako tietyn käännösstrategian käyttö merkityksen muutoksiin ja kaventumisiin tekstityksessä. Tutkielman aineistona on elokuva Muiden elämä ja sen kolme suomenkielistä tekstitystä: elokuvateattereissa esitetty versio, DVD-tekstitys ja televisiossa esitetty versio. Hypoteesina oli, että kaikkien versioiden muotoseikat ovat konventioiden mukaisia ja että versioilla on eroavuuksia ruututekstien määrässä ja repliikkijaossa. Lisäksi oletettiin, että tietyn käännösstrategian käytön ja merkityksen muutoksien välillä on yhteys, niin että merkityksen muutoksia esiintyy eniten silloin, kun kaikkea sanottua ei voida kääntää. Tutkielman teoriataustassa esitellään aluksi lyhyesti av-kääntämisen muita lajeja, kuten ns. dubbausta eli jälkiäänitystä, selostusta ja voice-overia, jonka jälkeen syvennytään tekstityksen teoriaan, tekstityksen muotoseikkoihin ja konventioihin sekä tekstityksen käännösstrategioihin. Tekstityksen sisältöseikkojen analyysin viitekehyksenä ovat Henrik Gottliebin (1994, 1997) kymmenen käännösstrategiaa: lisäys (engl. expansion), para-fraasi (paraphrase), suora käännös (transfer), imitaatio (imitation), transkriptio (transcription), siirtäminen (dislocation), tiivistäminen (condensation), lyhentäminen (decimation), poisjättäminen (deletion) ja resignaatio (resignation). Tutkielmassa analysoitiin kaikkien tekstitysversioiden muotoseikat. Tekstityksen sisältöseikkojen tutkimuksessa jokainen dialogin lause tai sivulause analysoitiin omana verbaalisena segmenttinään. Yhteensä analysoitiin 1311 verbaalista segmenttiä ja tutkittiin, mitä käännösstrategiaa missäkin tekstitysversiossa oli missäkin osakäännöksessä käytetty, sekä tarkasteltiin, muuttuuko repliikissä merkitys alkutekstiin verrattuna. Strategiat kuvataan ja niiden käyttöä valaistaan esimerkkien avulla. Tulokset ovat hypoteesia tukevia: Tutkielmassa havaittiin, että kaikkien tekstitysversioiden muotoseikat ovat suurimmalta osin konventioiden mukaisia. Eroja oli havaittavissa tavuviivan, pilkun ja kursiivin käytössä. Versiot eroavat myös ruututekstien määrässä: elokuvaversiossa on eniten ruututekstejä (1091), vaikka siinä on vähiten sanoja (3968); DVD-tekstityksessä on 876 ruututekstiä ja 4278 sanaa ja TV-tekstityksessä on 983 ruututekstiä ja 5293 sanaa. Eroavaisuudet selittyvät sillä, että elokuvatekstityksen ruututekstit ovat lyhyempiä ja nopeammin ilmestyviä kuin DVD- tai TV-tekstitysten. Tutkittu DVD-tekstitys on elokuvatekstityksen muokkaus, mistä johtuu sen vähäinen sana- ja ruututekstimäärä. Tutkielmassa havaittiin myös, että kaikissa versioissa yleisimmin käytetty käännösstrategia oli suora käännös, mutta TV-tekstityksessä sitä oli käytetty yli 50 %:ssa kaikista osakäännöksistä ja DVD- ja elokuvaversiossa yli 35 %:ssa, eli TV-tekstityksessä sitä oli käytetty huomattavasti enemmän kuin muissa versioissa. Lyhentämistä ja poisjättämistä oli DVD- ja elokuvatekstityksessä käytetty enemmän kuin TV-tekstityksessä. Nämäkin erot selit-tynevät elokuvatekstityksen pienemmällä tilalla ja tämän tekstityksen muokkaamisesta DVD-tekstitykseksi. Merkityksen muutoksia ja kaventumisia esiintyi eniten strategioiden poisjättäminen ja lyhentäminen yhteydessä, muiden strategioiden yhteydessä merkityksen muutoksia ja kaventumisia esiintyi vain marginaalisesti. Tulokset tukevat hypoteesia siitä, että merkitys muuttuu ja kaventuu eniten silloin, kun kaikkea sanottua ei voida kääntää.
Tiedostumaton nykytaiteessa : Katse, ääni ja aika vuosituhannen taitteen suomalaisessa nykytaiteessa
Leevi Haapala explores moving image works, sculptures and installations from a psychoanalytic perspective in his study The Unconscious in Contemporary Art. The Gaze, Voice and Time in Finnish Contemporary Art at the Turn of the Millennium . The artists included in the study are Eija-Liisa Ahtila, Hans-Christian Berg, Markus Copper, Liisa Lounila and Salla Tykkä. The theoretical framework includes different psychoanalytic readings of the concepts of the gaze, voice and temporality. The installations are based on spatiality and temporality, and their detailed reading emphasizes the medium-specific features of the works as well as their fragmentary nature, heterogeneity and affectivity. The study is cross-disciplinary in that it connects perspectives from the visual culture, new art history and theory to the interpretation of contemporary art. The most important concepts from psychoanalysis, affect theory and trauma discourse used in the study include affect, object a (objet petit a) as articulated by Jacques Lacan, Sigmund Freud s uncanny (das Unheimliche) and trauma. Das Unheimliche has been translated as uncanny in art history under the influence of Rosalind Krauss. The object of the study, the unconscious in contemporary art, is approached through these concepts. The study focuses on Lacan s additions to the list of partial drives: the gaze and voice as scopic and invocative drives and their interpretations in the studies of the moving image. The texts by the American film theorist and art historian Kaja Silverman are in crucial role. The study locates contemporary art as part of trauma culture, which has a tendency to define individual and historical experiences through trauma. Some of the art works point towards trauma, which may appear as a theoretic or fictitious construction. The study presents a comprehensive collection of different kinds of trauma discourse in the field of art research through the texts of Hal Foster, Cathy Caruth, Ruth Leys and Shoshana Felman. The study connects trauma theory with the theoretical analysis of the interference and discontinuity of the moving image in the readings by Susan Buck-Morss, Mary Ann Doane and Peter Osborn among others. The analysis emphasizes different ways of seeing and multisensoriality in the reception of contemporary art. With their reflections and inverse projections, the surprising mechanisms of Hans-Christian Berg s sculptures are connected with Lacan s views on the early mirroring and imitation attempts of the individual s body image. Salla Tykkä s film trilogy Cave invites one to contemplate the Lacanian theory of the gaze in relation to the experiences of being seen. The three oceanic sculpture installations by Markus Copper are studied through the vocality they create, often through an aggressive way of acting, as well as from the point of view of the functioning of an invocative drive. The study compares the work of fiction and Freud s texts on paranoia and psychosis to Eija-Liisa Ahtila s manuscripts and moving image installations about the same topic. The cinematic time in Liisa Lounila s time-slice video installations is approached through the theoretical study of the unconscious temporal structure. The viewer of the moving image is inside the work in an in-between state: in a space produced by the contents of the work and its technology. The installations of the moving image enable us to inhabit different kinds of virtual bodies or spaces, which do not correspond with our everyday experiences. Nevertheless, the works of art often try to deconstruct the identification to what has been shown on screen. This way, the viewer s attention can be fixed on his own unconscious experiences in parallel with the work s deconstructed nature as representation. The study shows that contemporary art is a central cultural practice, which allows us to discuss the unconscious in a meaningful way. The study suggests that the agency that is discursively diffuse and consists of several different praxes should be called the unconscious. The emergence of the unconscious can happen in two areas: in contemporary art through different senses and discursive elements, and in the study of contemporary art, which, being a linguistic activity is sensitive to the movements of the unconscious. One of the missions of art research is to build different kinds of articulated constructs and to open an interpretative space for the nature of art as an event.
We analytically study the role played by the network topology in sustaining cooperation in a society of myopic agents in an evolutionary setting. In our model, each agent plays the Prisoner's Dilemma (PD) game with its neighbors, as specified by a network. Cooperation is the incumbent strategy, whereas defectors are the mutants. Starting with a population of cooperators, some agents are switched to defection. The agents then play the PD game with their neighbors and compute their fitness. After this, an evolutionary rule, or imitation dynamic is used to update the agent strategy. A defector switches back to cooperation if it has a cooperator neighbor with higher fitness. The network is said to sustain cooperation if almost all defectors switch to cooperation. Earlier work on the sustenance of cooperation has largely consisted of simulation studies, and we seek to complement this body of work by providing analytical insight for the same. We find that in order to sustain cooperation, a network should satisfy some properties such as small average diameter, densification, and irregularity. Real-world networks have been empirically shown to exhibit these properties, and are thus candidates for the sustenance of cooperation. We also analyze some specific graphs to determine whether or not they sustain cooperation. In particular, we find that scale-free graphs belonging to a certain family sustain cooperation, whereas Erdos-Renyi random graphs do not. To the best of our knowledge, ours is the first analytical attempt to determine which networks sustain cooperation in a population of myopic agents in an evolutionary setting.
Resumen: En este artículo, el autor expone la ética de san Clemente de Alejandría recurriendo principalmente a El Pedagogo y al Protréptico. Da especial importancia a conceptos como salvación, libre albedrío, consejo, imitación, entre otros. Después, el autor realiza una crítica buscando retomar algunas tesis que pueden mantener cierta vigencia para el planteamiento de una ética hodierna, buscando que esta última sea filosófica. Pero es importante tener presente que la ética por naturaleza recurre a la tradición, de la cual se alimenta para elaborar su reflexión filosófica. En otras palabras, la ética no parte desde el vacío, sino en el seno de una tradición, uno de cuyos representantes y constructores, en el contexto del mundo occidental, es Clemente de Alejandría.
Riassunto: Contro l’interpretazione tradizionale, l’articolo sostiene che il Motore immobile per Aristotele non è causa finale del movimento del cielo, ma ne è piuttosto la causa efficiente, come risulta da Metaph. XII 6. Il Motore immobile è causa finale solo nel senso che egli è fine della sua stessa atitività, come è provato dal fatto che questa è piacere (Metaph. XII 7). L’interpretazione tradizionale, secondo la quale il cielo si muove per amore del Motore immobile, cercando di imitare la sua immobilità per mezzo del moto circolare, deriva dal tentativo di conciliare il pensiero di Aristotele con la concezione platonica dell’imitazione della realtà intelligibile da parte della realtà sensibile. Il motore immobile è fine dell’uomo solo nel senso che è oggetto della conoscenza in cui consiste la felicità umana (Eth. Eud. VIII 3).
Integran este número de la revista ponencias presentadas en Studia Hispanica Medievalia VIII : Actas de las X Jornadas Internacionales de Literatura Española Medieval, 2011, y de Homenaje al Quinto Centenario del Cancionero General de Hernando del Castillo.
Tendo como base a visão evolucionista e a abordagem terapêutica cognitivo-comportamental, o objetivo deste trabalho foi propor um protocolomodificado de tratamento para pessoas obesas com compulsão alimentar periódica.A idéia norteadora é que estratégias que foram úteis para a sobrevivência daespécie poderiam estar influenciando no ganho de peso. Entre estas estratégias,destacam-se: a tendência a consumir uma grande quantidade de alimentos, facilitando o consumo de alimentos hipercalóricos; e a neofobia alimentar, dificultando o consumo de frutas, legumes e verduras. Obedecendo à lógicaancestral herdada pela espécie, a primeira proporciona reservas para momentos deescassez de alimentos e a segunda implica em uma recusa em consumir alimentosdesconhecidos evitando que substâncias tóxicas sejam ingeridas. Ambos os fatores poderiam contribuir para a obesidade. Os tratamentos convencionais buscam controlar a ingestão calórica. O que aqui se propõe, além desse controle, é tentardiminuir o nível de neofobia alimentar. Com essa hipótese de trabalho espera-se aumentar o consumo de alimentos, principalmente os mais saudáveis e hipocalóricos, contribuindo para reduzir a ingestão de alimentos hipercalóricos. Otratamento incluiu técnicas de exposição, modelação e imitação adicionadas a umtratamento já utilizado para obesos com compulsão alimentar periódica. Foram criados dois grupos, o primeiro com 4 participantes funcionando como grupo decontrole, que recebeu um tratamento convencional de TCC; o outro, com 6 participantes aqui denominado grupo de intervenção, que recebeu o tratamento deTCC modificado. A pesquisa foi qualificada como quase-experimental. O resultadoobtido foi uma redução do índice de neofobia alimentar, do Índice de massa corporal, um aumento no consumo de alimentos saudáveis e a redução de gordurase açúcares no chamado grupo de intervenção. Embora tenha alcançado estes resultados, o tratamento ainda precisa ser reformulado e ampliado.
Lima Barreto aborda o intelectual do seu tempo a partir do seu ideal de arte social, e dentro deste ideal de arte o intelectual é aquele que mantém articulação com o saber, e faz disto um benefício para a coletividade (OAKLEY, 2011). Portanto, este trabalho aborda as figurações da intelectualidade no Brasil utilizando a idealização de arte e intelectual de Lima Barreto em nossas análises sobre a figura do intelectual. Inevitavelmente ao tratar da temática do intelectual não poderíamos deixar de abordar a própria figura de Lima Barreto como intelectual em seu tempo. Assim sendo, busca-se compreender Lima Barreto como intelectual preterido por seus contemporâneos, bem como não engajado em lutas de classes sociais, distante de qualquer categoria de intelectual orgânico de Gramsci. Com isto infere-se que Lima Barreto não fazia parte da elite intelectual da Belle Époque, e nem era porta-voz do subúrbio. Ele foi um escritor e intelectual militante somente de uma causa: a arte como ferramenta para comunhão entre os homens. Escolhemos o gênero crônica por ela ser algo diário, escrita de observador e gênero onde Lima pode explorar a sua escrita irônica e sarcástica sobre diversos temas, em especial o intelectual (SÁ, 2005). Portanto, as crônicas de Lima Barreto podem nos oferecer uma melhor representação dessas figurações do intelectual, seja na política, imprensa ou literatura. Lima Barreto vai construir seu ideal de arte e intelectual dentro da sociedade Belle Époque, sociedade essa que abrigava um trabalho de elaboração da literatura em que a forma era mais importante do que o conteúdo e fomentava a política de modernização do país numa clara imitação dos modos e costumes europeus em nossa literatura. Ao contrário disto, Lima Barreto defendia que o importante, para o intelectual, era o trato com o conteúdo, ser contemporâneo, uma relação verdadeira com a inteligência e que sua escrita estivesse a serviço do bem comum. Evidente que a literatura idealizada por Lima Barreto era utópica, mas militante, e é por isso que ele, Lima Barreto, é um intelectual de resistência
Este trabalho pretende problematizar as concepções de coletivo que se apresentam nos discursos da psicologia brasileira contemporânea. Tomamos como campo os artigos da revista Psicologia e Sociedade e construímos duas imagens: a imagem do coletivo representação é acompanhada por concepções naturalizantes das categorias com as quais trabalha. Nesta imagem de coletivo a separação entre indivíduo e sociedade é bem marcada e acaba produzindo construções abstratas dos seus fenômenos. Ao percorrer uma breve história da psicologia vemos esta surgir como uma tecnologia voltada para a ?gestão? dos coletivos, construindo e reproduzindo conhecimentos acerca dos indivíduos e do social. A imagem dos coletivos clandestinos é pautada em referências que desestabilizam as fronteiras impostas das ciências modernas e concebem tanto o indivíduo quanto o social efeito de uma produção simultânea, problematizando as fprmas de cpnhecimento das ciências tradicionais. A metodologia conta com a perspectiva histórica de Michel Foucault que afirma a primazia das relações de poder, e com as contribuições de Bruno Latour e suas conexões criando hibridismos. A proposta metodológica foi um importante instrumento ara romper com as barreiras separatistas, acentuando a presença do pesquisadpr como participante igual aos outros elementos do campo de pesquisa, enfatizando que o modo de pesquisar é com o outro e não sobre o outro. Desta forma As histórias de coletivos para uma psicologia brasileira pretende desnaturalizar modos de produzir conhecimento e categorias de coletivos herméticas. Para finalizar entre formas de fazer e perceber o coletivo temos o trabalho de campo atravessado pordois sociólogos, Emile Durkheim e Gabriel Tarde, contribuindo com as problematizações dos coletivos representação e clandestinos. Gabriel Tarde contribui produzindo uma concepção de coletivo processual, onde a imitação e a invenção ressaltam o caráter relacional do indivíduo e do social e os coloca numa produção de dupla emergência.
[ES] Aunque la naturaleza política de la tragedia griega es bien explícita, en el presente artículo intentamos presentar otra forma de calibrar su influencia efectiva en la vida política ateniense, como lo es el análisis de las críticas que Platón -un aspirante, en su juventud, al ejercicio directo del poder, y, posteriormente, a su control indirecto a través de la educación de la aristocracia en su Academia- dirige al género; las cuales inciden fundamentalmente en el hecho de que la imitación poética pretende ser un proceso de conocimiento en sí misma, lo que la convierte en competidora directa de la filosofía en la educación de los individuos destinados a ejercer el poder.