931 resultados para production cycle
The work reported herein is part of an on-going programme to develop a computer code which, given the geometrical, process and material parameters of the forging operation, is able to predict the die and the billet cooling/heating characteristics in forging production. The code has been experimentally validated earlier for a single forging cycle and is now validated for a small batch production. To facilitate a step-by-step development of the code, the billet deformation has so far been limited to its surface layers, a situation akin to coining. The code has been used here to study the effects of die preheat-temperature, machine speed and rate of deformation the cooling/heating of the billet and the dies over a small batch of 150 forgings. The study shows: that there is a pre-heat temperature at which the billet temperature changes little from one forging to the next; that beyond a particular number of forgings, the machine speed ceases to have any pronounced influence on the temperature characteristics of the billet; and that increasing the rate of deformation reduces the heat loss from the billet and gives the billet a stable temperature profile with respect to the number of forgings. The code, which is simple to use, is being extended to bulk-deformation problems. Given a practical range of possible machine, billet and process specifics, the code should be able to arrive at a combination of these parameters which will give the best thermal characteristics of the die-billet system. The code is also envisaged as being useful in the design of isothermal dies and processes.
PURPOSE: Female athletes, in response to intensive training, competition stress and a lean, athletic physique, are at increased risk of altered hypothalamic-pituitary ovarian (HPO) axis function associated with menstrual cycle disturbance and reduced secretion of the ovarian hormones estrogen and progesterone. Because there is evidence suggesting possible detrimental effects on skeletal health associated with deficiencies in these hormones, a suitable means to asses ovarian hormone concentrations in at risk athletes is needed. The aim of this study was to evaluate a simple, economical means to monitor the ovarian hormone production in athletes, in the setting of intensive training. METHODS: Subjects comprised 14 adolescent rowers, 12 lightweight rowers, and two groups of 10 matched control subjects. Ovarian function was monitored during the competition season by estimation of urinary excretion of estrone glucuronide (E1G) and pregnanediol glucuronide (PdG), enabling the menstrual cycles to be classified as ovulatory or anovulatory. RESULTS: Results indicated 35% and 75% of schoolgirl and lightweight rowers had anovulatory menstrual cycles, respectively. These findings were highlighted by significantly lower excretion of E1G and PdG during phases of intensive training in both the lightweight and schoolgirl rowers, compared with the control subjects. CONCLUSION: It was concluded that the urinary E1G and PdG assays were an effective means to assess the influence of intense training on ovarian hormone concentrations in at risk athletes. It is recommended that this technique be applied more widely as a means of early detection of athletes with low estrogen and progesterone levels, in an attempt to avoid detrimental influences on skeletal health.
The life cycle and genetic diversity of the red alga Furcellaria lumbricalis (Hudson) Lamouroux were investigated in 15 populations in northern Europe. The occurrence of different life cycle phases and seasonality of reproduction were studied in four brackish populations in the northern Baltic Sea. Furthermore, a new method, based on genome screening with ISSR markers combined with a restriction-ligation method, was developed to discover microsatellite markers for population genetic analyses. The mitochondrial DNA cox2-3 spacer sequence and four microsatellite markers were used to examine the genetic diversity and differentiation of red algal populations in northern Europe. In addition, clonality and small-scale genetic structure of one Irish and four Baltic Sea populations were studied with microsatellite markers. It was discovered that at the low salinities of the northern Baltic Sea, only tetrasporophytes and males were present in the populations of F. lumbricalis and that winter was the main season for tetrasporangial production. Furthermore, the population occurring at the lowest salinity (3.6 practical salinity units, psu) did not produce spores. The size of the tetraspores was smaller in the Baltic Sea populations than that in the Irish population, and there were more deformed spores in the Baltic Sea populations than in the Irish populations. Studies with microsatellite markers indicated that clonality is a common phenomenon in the Baltic Sea populations of F. lumbricalis, although the proportion of clonal individuals varied among populations. Some genetic divergence occurred within locations both in Ireland and in the northern Baltic Sea. Even though no carpogonia were detected in the field samples during the study, the microsatellite data indicated that sexual reproduction occurs at least occasionally in the northern Baltic Sea. The genetic diversity of F. lumbricalis was highest in Brittany, France. Since no variation was discovered in the mtDNA cox2-3 spacer sequence, which is generally regarded as an informative phylogeographic marker in red algae, it can be assumed that the studied populations probably share the same origin.
Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää tilalla määritetyn hyvinvoinnin yhteyttä emakoiden tuotantotuloksiin. Hyvinvointia arvioitiin suomalaisen hyvinvointi-indeksin, A-indeksi, avulla. Tuotantotuloksina käytettiin kahta erilaista tuotosaineistoa, jotka molemmat pohjautuivat kansalliseen tuotosseuranta aineistoon. Hyvinvointimääritykset tehtiin 30 porsastuotantosikalassa maaliskuun 2007 aikana. A-indeksi koostuu kuudesta kategoriasta ’liikkumismahdollisuudet’, ’alustan ominaisuudet’, ’sosiaaliset kontaktit’, ’valo, ilma ja melu’, ’ruokinta ja veden saanti’ sekä ’eläinten terveys ja hoidon taso’. Jokaisessa kategoriassa on 3-10 pääosin ympäristöperäistä muuttujaa, jotka vaihtelevat osastoittain. Maksimipistemäärä osastolle on 100. Hyvinvointimittaukset tehtiin porsitus-, tiineytys- ja joutilasosastoilla. Erillisten tiineytysosastojen pienen lukumäärän takia (n=7) tilakohtaiset tiineytys- ja joutilasosastopisteet yhdistettiin ja keskiarvoja käytettiin analyyseissä. Yhteyksiä tuotokseen tutkittiin kahden eri aineiston avulla 1) Tilaraportti aineisto (n=29) muodostuu muokkaamattomista tila- ja tuotostuloksista tilavierailua edeltävän vuoden ajalta, 2) POTSIaineisto (n=30) muodostuu POTSI-ohjelmalla (MTT) muokatusta tuotantoaineistosta, joka sisältää managementtiryhmän (tila, vuosi, vuodenaika) vaikutuksen ensikoiden ja emakoiden pahnuekohtaiseen tuotokseen. Yhteyksiä analysointiin korrelaatio- ja regressioanalyysien avulla. Vaikka osallistuminen tutkimukseen oli vapaaehtoista, molempien tuotantoaineistojen perusteella tutkimustilat edustavat keskituottoista suomalaista sikatilaa. A-indeksin kokonaispisteet vaihtelivat välillä 37,5–64,0 porsitusosastolla ja 39,5–83,5 joutilasosastolla. Tilaraporttiaineistoa käytettäessä paremmat pisteet porsitusosaston ’eläinten terveys ja hoidon taso’ -kategoriasta lyhensivät eläinten lisääntymissykliä, lisäsivät syntyvien pahnueiden ja porsaiden määrää sekä alensivat kuolleena syntyneiden lukumäärää. Regressiomallin mukaan ’eläinten terveys ja hoidon taso’ -kategoria selitti syntyvien porsaiden lukumäärän, porsimisvälin pituuden sekä keskiporsimiskerran vaihtelua. Paremmat pisteet joutilasosaston ’liikkumismahdollisuudet’ kategoriasta alensivat syntyneiden pahnueiden sekä syntyneiden että vieroitettujen porsaiden lukumäärää. Regressiomallin mukaan ensikkopahnueiden osuus ja ”liikkumismahdollisuudet” kategorian pisteet selittivät vieroitettujen porsaiden lukumäärän vaihtelua. POTSI-aineiston yhteydessä kuolleena syntyneiden porsaiden lukumäärän aleneminen oli ensikoilla yhteydessä parempiin porsitusosaston ’sosiaalisiin kontakteihin’ ja emakoilla puolestaan joutilasosaston parempiin ’eläinten terveys ja hoidon taso’ pisteisiin. Kahden eri tuotantoaineiston avulla saadut tulokset erosivat toisistaan. Seuraavissa tutkimuksissa onkin suositeltavampaa käyttää Tilaraporttiaineistoja, joissa tuotokset ilmoitetaan vuosikohtaisina. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella hyvinvoinnilla ja tuotoksella on yhteyksiä, joilla on myös merkittävää taloudellista vaikutusta. Erityisesti hyvä eläinten hoito ja eläinten terveys lisäävät tuotettujen porsaiden määrää ja lyhentävät lisääntymiskiertoa. Erityishuomiota tulee kiinnittää vapaana olevien joutilaiden emakoiden sosiaaliseen stressiin ja rehunsaannin varmistamiseen kaikille yksilöille.
Human activities extract and displace different substances and materials from the earth s crust, thus causing various environmental problems, such as climate change, acidification and eutrophication. As problems have become more complicated, more holistic measures that consider the origins and sources of pollutants have been called for. Industrial ecology is a field of science that forms a comprehensive framework for studying the interactions between the modern technological society and the environment. Industrial ecology considers humans and their technologies to be part of the natural environment, not separate from it. Industrial operations form natural systems that must also function as such within the constraints set by the biosphere. Industrial symbiosis (IS) is a central concept of industrial ecology. Industrial symbiosis studies look at the physical flows of materials and energy in local industrial systems. In an ideal IS, waste material and energy are exchanged by the actors of the system, thereby reducing the consumption of virgin material and energy inputs and the generation of waste and emissions. Companies are seen as part of the chains of suppliers and consumers that resemble those of natural ecosystems. The aim of this study was to analyse the environmental performance of an industrial symbiosis based on pulp and paper production, taking into account life cycle impacts as well. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a tool for quantitatively and systematically evaluating the environmental aspects of a product, technology or service throughout its whole life cycle. Moreover, the Natural Step Sustainability Principles formed a conceptual framework for assessing the environmental performance of the case study symbiosis (Paper I). The environmental performance of the case study symbiosis was compared to four counterfactual reference scenarios in which the actors of the symbiosis operated on their own. The research methods used were process-based life cycle assessment (LCA) (Papers II and III) and hybrid LCA, which combines both process and input-output LCA (Paper IV). The results showed that the environmental impacts caused by the extraction and processing of the materials and the energy used by the symbiosis were considerable. If only the direct emissions and resource use of the symbiosis had been considered, less than half of the total environmental impacts of the system would have been taken into account. When the results were compared with the counterfactual reference scenarios, the net environmental impacts of the symbiosis were smaller than those of the reference scenarios. The reduction in environmental impacts was mainly due to changes in the way energy was produced. However, the results are sensitive to the way the reference scenarios are defined. LCA is a useful tool for assessing the overall environmental performance of industrial symbioses. It is recommended that in addition to the direct effects, the upstream impacts should be taken into account as well when assessing the environmental performance of industrial symbioses. Industrial symbiosis should be seen as part of the process of improving the environmental performance of a system. In some cases, it may be more efficient, from an environmental point of view, to focus on supply chain management instead.
The accompanying collective research report is the result of the research project in 198690 between The Finnish Academy and the former Soviet Academy of Sciences. The project was organized around common field work in Finland and in the former Soviet Union and theoretical analyses of tree growth determining processes. Based on theoretical analyses, dynamic stand growth models were made and their parameters were determined utilizing the field results. Annual cycle affects the tree growth. Our theoretical approach was based on adaptation to local climate conditions from Lapland to South Russia. The initiation of growth was described as a simple low and high temperature accumulation driven model. Linking the theoretical model with long term temperature data allowed us to analyze what type of temperature response produced favorable outcome in different climates. Initiation of growth consumes the carbohydrate reserves in plants. We measured the dynamics of insoluble and soluble sugars in the very northern and Karelian conditions. Clear cyclical pattern was observed but the differences between locations were surprisingly small. Analysis of field measurements of CO2 exchange showed that irradiance is the dominating factor causing variation in photosynthetic rate in natural conditions during summer. The effect of other factors is so small that they can be omitted without any considerable loss of accuracy. A special experiment carried out in Hyytiälä showed that the needle living space, defined as the ratio between the shoot cylindric volume and needle surface area, correlates with the shoot photosynthesis. The penetration of irradiance into Scots pine canopy is a complicated phenomenon because of the movement of the sun on the sky and the complicated structure of branches and needles. A moderately simple but balanced forest radiation regime submodel was constructed. It consists of the tree crown and forest structure, the gap probability calculation and the consideration of spatial and temporal variation of radiation inside the forest. The common field excursions in different geographical regions resulted in a lot of experimental data of regularities of woody structures. The water transport seems to be a good common factor to analyse these properties of tree structure. There are evident regressions between cross-sectional areas measured at different locations along the water pathway from fine roots to needles. The observed regressions have clear geographical trends. For example, the same cross-sectional area can support three times higher needle mass in South Russia than in Lapland. Geographical trends can also be seen in shoot and needle structure. Analysis of data published by several Russian authors show, that one ton of needles transpire 42 ton of water a year. This annual amount of transpiration seems to be independent of geographical location, year and site conditions. The produced theoretical and experimental material is utilised in the development of stand growth model that describes the growth and development of Scots pine stands in Finland and the former Soviet Union. The core of the model is carbon and nutrient balances. This means that carbon obtained in photosynthesis is consumed for growth and maintenance and nutrients are taken according to the metabolic needs. The annual photosynthetic production by trees in the stand is determined as a function of irradiance and shading during the active period. The utilisation of the annual photosynthetic production to the growth of different components of trees is based on structural regularities. Since the fundamental metabolic processes are the same in all locations the same growth model structure can be applied in the large range of Scots pine. The annual photosynthetic production and structural regularities determining the allocation of resources have geographical features. The common field measurements enable the application of the model to the analysis of growth and development of stands growing on the five locations of experiments. The model enables the analysis of geographical differences in the growth of Scots pine. For example, the annual photosynthetic production of a 100-year-old stand at Voronez is 3.5 times higher than in Lapland. The share consumed to needle growth (30 %) and to growth of branches (5 %) seems to be the same in all locations. In contrast, the share of fine roots is decreasing when moving from north to south. It is 20 % in Lapland, 15 % in Hyytiälä Central Finland and Kentjärvi Karelia and 15 % in Voronez South Russia. The stem masses (115113 ton/ha) are rather similar in Hyytiälä, Kentjärvi and Voronez, but rather low (50 ton/ha) in Lapland. In Voronez the height of the trees reach 29 m being in Hyytiälä and Kentjärvi 22 m and in Lapland only 14 m. The present approach enables utilization of structural and functional knowledge, gained in places of intensive research, in the analysis of growth and development of any stand. This opens new possibilities for growth research and also for applications in forestry practice.
In this second of the two-part study, the results of the Tank-to-Wheels study reported in the first part are combined with Well-to-Tank results in this paper to provide a comprehensive Well-to-Wheels energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions evaluation of automotive fuels in India. The results indicate that liquid fuels derived from petroleum have Well-to-Tank efficiencies in the range of 75-85% with liquefied petroleum gas being the most efficient fuel in the Well-to-Tank stage with 85% efficiency. Electricity has the lowest efficiency of 20% which is mainly attributed due to its dependence on coal and 25.4% losses during transmission and distribution. The complete Well-to-Wheels results show diesel vehicles to be the most efficient among all configurations, specifically the diesel-powered split hybrid electric vehicle. Hydrogen engine configurations are the least efficient due to low efficiency of production of hydrogen from natural gas. Hybridizing electric vehicles reduces the Well-to-Wheels greenhouse gas emissions substantially with split hybrid configuration being the most efficient. Electric vehicles do not offer any significant improvement over gasoline-powered configurations; however a shift towards renewable sources for power generation and reduction in losses during transmission and distribution can make it a feasible option in the future. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The objective of this study was to compare the life-cycle environmental impacts of changed production structures for two consumer goods (high-density polyethylene (HDPE) shopping bags and beds) in Jamaica. A scenario technique was used to construct three alternative production structures for each product; each scenario reflecting an increase in local production in Jamaica which depended on an increased supply of input materials which may be sourced: (1) externally from overseas suppliers, (2) from post-consumer recycling, and (3) locally on the island of Jamaica. These three constructed scenarios were then compared to the existing supply chain or reference scenarios of the products. The results showed that for both case products the recycling scenario was most preferable for localising production, resulting in the lowest environmental impact. This was because the production of raw materials accounted for the largest effect on total environmental impact. As such, the most immediate environmental improvements were realised by lowering the production of virgin materials. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We investigate the influence of ionization on the propagation and spectral effects of a few-cycle ultrashort laser pulse in a two-level medium. It is found that when the fractional ionization is weak, the production of higher spectral components makes no difference. However, when the two states are essentially depleted before the peak of the laser pulse, the impact of ionization on the higher spectral components is very significant.
This work is the result of one year of investigations on the artisanal fisheries of the Aby-Tendo-Ehy lagoon. The structure of fish catches varies with the fisheries zones and the fishing gears, but is relatively stable all year along, in the spite of the existence of some species with well worked seasonary cycle. The composition of beach seines catches, which are relatively unselective fishing gears, is: - in the Tendo lagoon (oligohaline) and Ehy lagoon (freshwater): Chrysichthys spp. 35.1%, Tilapia spp. 18.9%, Acentrogobius schlegelii 15.7%, Ethmalosa fimbriata 12% (those are two seasonary species), Tylochromis jentinki 8.8%, Elops lacerta 5.6%, other species 3.9%. - in the south of the Aby lagoon, under tide influence, Ethmalosa fimbriata 79%, Elops lacerta 12%, Chrysichthys spp. 6%, other species 3%. A preliminary estimation of 7900 tons for this lagoon artisanal fisheries total production is made for 1979 (from representative fishing villages) and can be shared as follows: - beach seines: 5300 tons; - purse seines and "syndicat" seines: 2600 tons; individual fishing: not estimated, it mostly concerns fill nets.
Primary and secondary productions and nutrient regeneration in the Mauritanian upwelling area were studied by following a drogue for 9 days, from the point of upwelling till the water mass dives under offshore waters. The lag between phytoplanktonic bloom, zooplanktonic peak and bacterial activity is very short and may be explained by a well-settled biological cycle connected with an undercurrent. Organic production was estimated in two ways: (1) from chlorophyll 'a' values, considering a C/Chla ratio of 25 during the 5.5 day phytoplankton growth period, primary production computed by this method reaches 13.5 g C/m2; (2) from 14C values net primary production calculated for the same period reaches 10.5 g C/m2 and total organic production (net production + organic excretion) reaches 19.5 g C/m2. Organic production computed ratios, delta O/ delta C/ delta N/ delta Si/ delta P are equal to 130/43/11/7.4/1. Secondary production and 'grazing' are estimated from mesozooplankton respiration values and have a huge increase during the bloom. Net secondary production is assessed to be 1.0-4.2 g C/m2 for 6 days. Evidence of nutrient regeneration as ammonia, phosphate and silicate is given and regeneration rates are calculated. Zooplankton excretion plays an important part in nitrogen and phosphorus regeneration. Bacterial activity is induced by zooplankton organic excretion, then increased by phytoplankton decomposition at the end of the bloom.
An attempt was made to calculate zooplankton production from weights and settled volumes and from the life cycle of some copepods. Biomass data were recorded during several years from 24 monthly cruises and from a coastal station sampled biweekly. Dry weight data were directly measured or were calculated from the settled volumes using a linear regression. They range, on an average, from 0.965 to 5.56 g m-2 day-1 from the shore line to the edge of the continental shelf. The mean life-span of the cohorts of 12 species of copepods is about 20 days. It is assumed that only 1 spawn occurs per generation-time and that the standing stock is turned-over during the life span of a cohort. The production ranges from 48.2 to 278 mg dry weight m-2 day-1 or 17.9 to 103 mg C m-2 day-1, according to the depth of the studied areas. One third of carnivorous production occurs among the copepods. So, it is assumed that the herbivorous and omnivorous production is about 2/3 of the total zooplanktonic production. This would be a more accurate estimate of secondary production. The standing stock of zooplankton and fishes are in the same order of magnitude; the ratio zooplanktonic production/total fishery is 0.8%.