939 resultados para possible


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El que ens plantegem en aquest estudi és donar resposta a la pregunta de si un reanimador és capaç de realitzar una RCP durant 10 minuts sense esgotar-se independentment de les sevescaracterístiques físiques. Es valora l’interval de 10 minuts ja que és el temps mitjà de resposta del servei d’emergències mèdiques de Catalunya per arribar al lloc de l’urgència


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INTRODUCTION: Q fever is a zoonotic infection that may cause severe hepatitis. Q-fever hepatitis has not yet been associated with autoimmune hepatitis and/or primary biliary cirrhosis. CASE PRESENTATION: We describe a 39-year-old man of Sri Lankan origin with chronic Q-fever hepatitis who developed autoantibodies compatible with autoimmune hepatitis/primary biliary cirrhosis overlap syndrome. Ursodeoxycholic acid in addition to antibiotic therapy markedly improved hepatic enzyme levels suggesting that autoimmunity, potentially triggered by the underlying infection, was involved in the pathogenesis of liver damage. CONCLUSION: We suggest that Coxiella burnetii might trigger autoimmune liver disease. Patients with Q-fever hepatitis who respond poorly to antibiotics should be investigated for serological evidence of autoimmune hepatitis, primary biliary cirrhosis or overlap syndrome, as these patients could benefit from adjunctive therapy with ursodeoxycholic acid. Conversely, C. burnetii serology might be necessary in patients with autoimmune liver disease in order to exclude underlying Coxiella infection.


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El 2001 Croàcia va posar en marxa la iniciativa destinada a afluixar un alt grau de centralització mitjançant l'ampliació dels mandats de les unitats locals i el canvi de les fonts de finançament de les funcions públiques. No obstant això, els passos inicials en el procés de descentralització no ha estat seguida per altres mesures de descentralització fiscal, i en conseqüència, el seu nivell s'ha mantingut pràcticament sense canvis. El treball es proposa elaborar els principals problemes i obstacles en relació amb l'aplicació efectiva del procés de descentralització i donar tres grups de propostes per a la descentralització: (i) la divisió dels poders obligatoris entre les diferents unitats locals, (ii) el canvi en el finançament i (Iii) modificar la divisió territorial del país.


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Avui dia parlar de l’Euroregió i de les seves capacitats per optimitzar el nivell de cooperació no és estrany al mon del dret, però no sempre ha estat així. Ha calgut l’experiència positiva de diverses entitats regionals i locals d’arreu d’Europa per començar a reconèixer la importància d’aquest fenomen. Les regions europees havien iniciat diverses actuacions, algunes d'elles als inicis dels seixanta, amb l'objectiu de desenvolupar interessos comuns tractant que les fronteres estatals no suposessin una barrera insuperable. Estructures tal com l'Associació de Regions Frontereres Europees (ARFE), creada el 1969, o les accions dutes a terme per entitats territorials del denominat Arc Alpí (ARGE-ALP, ALPE-ADRIA i COTRAO) van constituir uns dels primers exemples de col·laboració permanent en el continent europeu. Així doncs, si bé a partir dels anys setanta (per posar una data orientativa) s’estengué la col·laboració d’entitats regionals i locals europees no va ser fins a la dècada dels noranta quan aquesta es va consolidar, sobretot pel llançament de les iniciatives comunitàries INTERREG que suposaren un recolzament econòmic a les actuacions empreses des dels seus organismes de cooperació


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One of the tantalising remaining problems in compositional data analysis lies in how to deal with data sets in which there are components which are essential zeros. By anessential zero we mean a component which is truly zero, not something recorded as zero simply because the experimental design or the measuring instrument has not been sufficiently sensitive to detect a trace of the part. Such essential zeros occur inmany compositional situations, such as household budget patterns, time budgets,palaeontological zonation studies, ecological abundance studies. Devices such as nonzero replacement and amalgamation are almost invariably ad hoc and unsuccessful insuch situations. From consideration of such examples it seems sensible to build up amodel in two stages, the first determining where the zeros will occur and the secondhow the unit available is distributed among the non-zero parts. In this paper we suggest two such models, an independent binomial conditional logistic normal model and a hierarchical dependent binomial conditional logistic normal model. The compositional data in such modelling consist of an incidence matrix and a conditional compositional matrix. Interesting statistical problems arise, such as the question of estimability of parameters, the nature of the computational process for the estimation of both the incidence and compositional parameters caused by the complexity of the subcompositional structure, the formation of meaningful hypotheses, and the devising of suitable testing methodology within a lattice of such essential zero-compositional hypotheses. The methodology is illustrated by application to both simulated and real compositional data


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Background: The glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) is used to help monitor the degree of a diabetic’s hyperglycemia. Security and accuracy of the methods used in its detection are affected by variants forms of Hb or elevations in levels of Fetal Hb (HbF). These interference are the result of a change in the haemoglobin total net charge of the variant due of a substitution of one amino acid in the remaining amino terminal of the beta chain. International Standardization for HbA1c values (NGSP) not include interference assessment as part of the certification program. Therefore, the effect of each variant or the lifting of the HbF on HbA1c result should be examined in each sample depending on the detected variant and the method used for the detection of the same. The objectives were: to describe the possible variants of Hb and their interference in HbA1c measurement by our method, after the implementation of a computer program for their detection. To identify some variants detected by chromatography liquid ion exchange high resolution (HPLC) with DNA molecular sequencing.


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BACKGROUND Neutrophil defensins, originally identified as broad-spectrum antimicrobial peptides, have been implicated in the regulation of inflammatory and immunological processes. OBJECTIVES To investigate whether the in vitro challenge of neutrophils from patients with bronchial asthma with allergens stimulated the release of alpha-defensins and whether levels released were dependent on lung infections. METHOD The neutrophils were cultivated with different agonists and the concentration of alpha-defensin in cell-free supernatant was measured with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). RESULTS Neutrophils from allergic patients released alpha-defensins via an allergen-dependent mechanism. Our results indicate that the in vitro activation of neutrophils is highly allergen-specific. In this context, allergens other than those which produced clinical symptoms did not elicit alpha-defensin release, and allergens had no effect on neutrophils from healthy donors. However, neutrophils from both allergic patients and healthy controls were able to release alpha-defensins upon treatment with PMA. In the allergen-stimulated neutrophils, cells from asthmatic patients stimulated with a sensitizing allergen showed a significantly higher production of alpha-defensin under respiratory tract infection than cells from the same patients without such an infection. CONCLUSION Neutrophils from allergic patients release alpha-defensins via an allergen-dependent mechanism.


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A pituitary tumor was diagnosed in a prepubertal 13-yr-old girl, who had elevated plasma LH (58 mIU/ml) and PRL (93 ng/ml) levels; decreased GH, ACTH, and FSH secretion; and diabetes insipidus. After surgery, plasma LH and PRL declined, but not to normal levels. Conventional external radiotherapy to the pituitary was immediately followed by a decrease in LH to prepubertal values (0.7 mIU/ml), while PRL levels became normal only after a long course of bromocriptine therapy. The pituitary tumor was composed of two distinct cell types: small polygonal cells, which were PRL positive by immunohistochemistry, and clusters of pleomorphic large frequently mitotic polynucleated cells, which were LH positive, some of them also being positive for the alpha-subunit or beta LH but not for beta FSH. Four years after surgery and radiotherapy, the patient deteriorated neurologically. Computed tomographic scan showed widespread frontal and periventricular tumor, which had the histological features of a poorly differentiated carcinoma. No PRL, LH, or alpha- or beta-subunits were detectable on immunocytochemistry. While the PRL-positive cells of the pituitary tumor displayed the histological and clinical features of PRL adenomas, the morphological characteristics of LH cells and the sharp decline of plasma LH levels after radiotherapy were suggestive of malignant transformation. In this context, the later brain tumor could have been the result of subependymal spread of the pituitary tumor after it lost its hormone-secreting capacity.


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Pathogen inactivation of blood products represents a global and major paradigm shift in transfusion medicine. In the next near future, it is likely that most blood products will be inactivated by various physicochemical approaches. The concept of blood safety will be challenged as well as transfusion medicine practice, notably for donor selection or biological qualification. In this context, it seems mandatory to develop analytical economic approaches by assessing costs-benefits ratio of blood transfusion as well as to set up cohorts of patients based on hemovigilance networks allowing rigorous scientific analysis of the benefits and the risks of blood transfusion at short- and long-term.


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Development of dialysis has saved the lives of many patients. However, haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis are very demanding in resources such as water and electricity, and generate a large amount of waste. In this article, we will review the environmental aspects of dialysis. Different solutions will be discussed, such as recycling of water discharged during reverse osmosis, the integration of solar energy, recycling of waste plastics, and the use of other techniques such as sorbent dialysis. In a world where natural resources are precious and where global warming is a major problem, it is important that not only dialysis, but all branches of medicine become more attentive to ecology.


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A 46-year-old woman with a severe polyradiculoneuropathy treated with high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) presented an encephalopathy with increased blood flow velocities of the middle cerebral arteries (MCAs) detected by transcranial Doppler (TCD) studies. The similitude between this observation and another case recently reported of a patient suffering from Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) and cerebral blood flow abnormalities after IVIg treatment prompted us to investigate the responsibility of the IVIg therapy in the genesis of these blood flow alterations. We studied therefore by TCD 10 consecutive patients who underwent this treatment for different reasons. In 1 case we observed an asymptomatic, spontaneously reversible increase in the blood flow velocities of the MCAs consistent with a vasospasm and occurring 3-10 days after completion of the therapy. Stroke and ischemic encephalopathy have been reported as possible complications of IVIg treatment. In the case under discussion, clinical events appeared shortly after the administration of the IVIg therapy and responded favorably to a treatment with nimodipine. Other etiopathogenic mechanisms, in particular a CNS vasculopathic process related to the GBS itself, have to be considered as well. Further studies, with a larger number of patients, are therefore needed to evaluate the underlying mechanisms of blood flow abnormalities occurring sometimes in GBS patients after IVIg treatment.


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L’esfingosina-1-fosfat (S1P) és un lípid bioactiu amb funcions crucials en la biologia cel•lular. Entre aquestes, la seva activitat mitogènica i citoprotectora són les més estudiades. L’S1P és catabolitzada intracel•lularment mitjançant l’esfingosina-1-fosfat liasa (SGPL1) per generar (E)-2-hexadecenal i fosforiletanolamina. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és explorar si l’(E)-2-hexadecenal és realment un catabòlit innocu o bé si, pel seu caràcter acceptor de Michael, és capaç de reaccionar amb pèptids o proteïnes específics. Aquesta interacció podria traduïr-se en funcions biològiques determinades, algunes de les quals són possiblement atribuïdes a l’esfingosina-1-fosfat com a tal. Per poder explorar el potencials adductes proteïcs amb l’aldehid, s’han emprat, sobre cèl•lules HeLa que sobreexpressen SGPL1, sondes anàlegs a esfingosina i esfinganina (i els seus derivats fosforil•lats) que presenten una funció azida en la posició omega de la cadena esfingoide. Aquestes, mitjançant química click sense coure, s’han fet reaccionar amb una molècula que presenta un dibenzociclooctí unit a biotina DBCObiotina). Després d’aïllar les proteïnes així biotinilades amb una reïna d’estreptavidina, aquestes es van separar per electroforesi. Les bandes proteïques observades es van extreure del gel i es van digerir amb tripsina, per posteriorment analitzar els pèptids per MALDI-TOF, el que permetria l’identificació de proteïnes a partir de “peptide mass fingerprinting”. Lamentablement, a la fi d’aquest contracte, encara no s’ha pogut identificar cap proteïna que s’uneixi a l’aldehid alliberat per la reacció de l’esfingosina-1- fosfat liasa. No obstant, durant aquest temps s’ha millorat el mètode per detectar aquests adductes proteïcs. Per això, si la recerca continua en aquesta línia, properament es podria saber amb certesa si existeixen o no aquestes interaccions covalents entre determinades proteïnes i l’(E)-2-hexadecenal.