233 resultados para intertextualidade
O trabalho busca analisar a apropriação que dois romances históricos brasileiros contemporâneos fazem dos mitos literários hispânicos do pícaro e de Dom Juan: O Chalaça (1994), de José Roberto Torero e O feitiço da ilha do Pavão (1997), de João Ubaldo Ribeiro. Segundo o autor, ambos privilegiam uma releitura crítica da história oficial, especialmente por meio de recursos como a carnavalização, a ironia, a intertextualidade e a metaficção. Na abordagem do romance de Torero, o autor discute as relações que o livro estabelece com a picaresca espanhola clássica, a partir de um jogo de máscaras e níveis narrativos, uma maneira engenhosa de fazer reemergir um personagem (o Chalaça) que teve grande importância política no Primeiro Reinado, mas foi soterrado pela história oficial como um mero alcoviteiro a serviço de Dom Pedro I. No romance de João Ubaldo Ribeiro, é posto em debate o processo pelo qual o texto, ao dialogar com as narrativas do realismo mágico, reitera o mito de Dom Juan em uma imaginária ilha do Pavão, localizada no Recôncavo Baiano e eivada de conflitos entre o grupo principal de personagens (e seus ideais de liberdade e igualdade) e as instituições oficiais no período colonial, como a Igreja e o Estado, que tentam impor as mais diversas formas de dominação. Para o autor, esses dois romances, além de se aproximarem pela via da apropriação mítica e da intertextualidade, ainda utilizam anti-heróis como referências de um espaço social excêntrico, contrário às normas instituídas, o que também iria ao encontro de aspectos mais tipicamente desconstrucionistas do romance histórico contemporâneo
A autora toma como base romances de autores de língua portuguesa - O ano da morte de Ricardo Reis (1984), do português José Saramago, Nove noites (2002), do brasileiro Bernardo Carvalho, e O outro pé da sereia (2006), do moçambicano Mia Couto - para estudar as relações entre literatura e história na produção literária contemporânea. A obra investiga a intertextualidade presente nos romances, ou seja, a relação entre linguagens, uma vez que esses autores construíram as narrativas ficcionais de suas obras recorrendo a elementos de origem histórica, como textos literários, textos históricos, notícias jornalísticas, fotos, cartas e depoimentos atribuídos a figuras históricas. Da intertextualidade resultaria um plano discursivo mais amplo, que extrapola efetivamente o campo dos textos reaproveitados pelos romances. Apoiada em teorias literárias que discutem o modo intertextual, a autora foca sua análise em cada um dos romances. Na obra do escritor português, permeada de releituras de fatos da história de Portugal ocorridos em 1936 e da poesia de Ricardo Reis, heterônomio do poeta Fernando Pessoa, a obra revela os meios pelos quais Saramago coloca em discussão dois mitos lusitanos: Salazar e o próprio Pessoa. Em Nove noites, que remete à passagem do etnólogo norte-americano Buell Quain pelo Brasil e de sua morte na floresta amazônica em 1939, o livro detecta a discussão sobre o mito do bom selvagem que revestiu o índio brasileiro. Já na obra do moçambicano Mia Couto, cuja narrativa é entremeada de fragmentos de escritos históricos de 1560 e de ditados populares, entre outros textos, percebe-se a reflexão sobre a reapresentação da história da exploração do continente africano por colonizadores portugueses e também pelos próprios africanos
Este estudo constitui-se de três momentos principais: a reflexão sobre a historiografia literária de Moçambique (apresentada no capítulo um), as considerações a respeito da fortuna crítica acadêmica monográfica de Mia Couto produzida no Brasil (que abordamos no segundo capítulo) e a análise da autointertextualidade na obra ficcional de Mia Couto (matéria que ocupa os capítulos três e quatro)
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This article consists in a discourse analysis of the feature film in animation Wall.e produced by Pixar in association to Disney in 2008. Pixar has been known to produce films that contain various discursive levels, making its products appealing not only for children, but also for adults. However, Wall-e proves to be a masterpiece in Pixar carrier, because it is the one which focuses on the analysis and critique of contemporary society associated with technological development. For this, the plot has as its starting point the question of sustainability and unbridled consumerism. But the film expands the debate, tracing the relationship between technology and humanity, discussing how one affects the other. The project therefore aims to show how the animation works such concepts and constructs his discourse. To this end, the work seeks to identify the signs that make up the discourse and draw the intertextuality between WALL.E and other works that also discuss the same elements such as Stanley Kubrick‟s 2001 - A Space Odyssey (1968)
This paper aims to address initially the implications and consequences of the planned use of image reading in classrooms of Art in the early years of elementary school. Enumerating some contributions to enrich and develop narrative skills, descriptive, analytical and interpretative. Thus, in a next goal will be researched the importance and essentiality of working with the reading of images, not only in art classes but at other opportunities, working intertextuality. Mobilizing both rationality and imagination, enhancing the information and content as well as encouraging creativity and analytical formation of subjectivity. Aiming at meaningful learning and encouraging other views and ways of thinking, feeling, teach, learn and be
Fairy tales are popular stories that has been narrated for centuries, whether through oral tradition or printed manuscripts, over generations. It is known that fairy tales can, through symbolism, to penetrate the human unconscious, rescuing emotions, feelings and influencing their actions and ways of thinking, and are means of transmitting moral values propagated by particular historical and social contexts for variations that appear in the same story, because it can be modified by the intention of the person who transmits me story and the interpretation of those who read it, at a particular time and situation. Although, these changes, compared to the classic fairy tales of Perrault, the Grimm Brothers and Andersen, are marked clearly different, which shows the habits and customs of the time in which they are conveyed, whether in written or oral form. The present work aimed to study the differences between current and classic tales, as well as their influences on implications for the child's mind, from a work by the teacher, which consider the role of context in the situation, the characters and the plot. Thus it is intended that students be induced to question, to understand the values dealtturn in the story and to make inferences, and that logical reasoning be stimulated not only for reading, but for any act of communication to occur
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Studies investigating the relationship between literature and film have been largely oriented by an analysis vector which always departs from literary texts towards films. Moreover, the overwhelming majority of criticism done by renowned theorists such as Robert Stam and Brian McFarlane approaches almost exclusively texts considered canonical. This reveals an overemphasis on the notion that the “primordial” text in a study of adaptation should be the literary text. This essay discusses some of those concepts, challenging the “binary” models in adaptation studies and showing how the vectors of analysis can be usefully reversed, for example, starting from films to literature and to other textual architectures. This approach, shared by theorists such as Linda Hutcheon (2006) and Thomas Leitch (2007), rejects old notions that guided comparisons between literary and filmic texts, such as fidelity and equivalence, replacing them with intertextuality and transmedia storytelling.
O presente estudo discute o diálogo intertextual existente entre o romance brasileiro O Grande Mentecapto, de Fernando Sabino, e outras obras de escritores mineiros, explicitando as transformações que as obras citadas ou referidas provocam no discurso do romance em questão. Com um olhar mais atento sobre o plano discursivo da obra, podemos perceber a presença de um jogo lúdico e burlesco, típico do discurso carnavalizado, com as fronteiras entre o real e o fictício, onde o diálogo intertextual se insere.
In the mid-nineteenth century, in his fruitful years of the perhaps best-known shortest literary career, Álvares de Azevedo wrote this verse “As ondas são anjos que dormem no mar” (“The waves are angels who sleep in the sea”). In the presentation of João Gilberto Noll’s young adult novel Anjo das ondas (Angel of the waves) in 2010, Ivan Marques states that the character in the novel, Gustavo, “with his adolescent passion, and torn spirit with overflowing lyrics, could even be compared to our tropical Byron”. João Gilberto Noll establishes a connection between him and Álvares de Azevedo that invites the reader to go beyond a first reading level of his work, seeking evidence of dialogue ratification between two apparently distant writers. The subtle intertextuality exceeds the initial clue and can be detected on Noll’s theme development from the history of Gustavo, a troubled teenager in search of his identity. Noll’s affinity to Álvares de Azevedo can still be captured in his narrative texture, in voices coming from his text; however, they also reveal to be unique and original features of his literary production. An apparent exercise in style shows that each author fulfills his mission by expressing, in his own way, the feeling of his time. In addition, it shows that through aesthetic emotion, literature allows us to transcend time and space.
Conceiving of cinematographic adaptations as being independent of their source material has come to be the standard approach for most specialists in this area. The stress on fidelity has made way for many other approaches, such as those focused on intertextuality, on the dilemma of form v. content, or on questions of genre and gender. The objective of this article is to present an overview of the principal theories which have been developed in the area as from 2000 in order to support this notion of independence, which will be exemplified by an exposition of the strategies used to adapt the metafictional and metanarrative elements in Atonement (2001) for the cinema.
This work consists of a semiotic analysis of the animation motion picture The Lion King (1994), by the Walt Disney Animation Studios, describing its intertextual relation with Hamlet, by Shakespeare, considering Disney’s individuality, its style. In order to study style in texts, we use discursive semiotics theory, highlighting Discini’s work (2013) and the concept of discursive settings. Hence, a deep discussion about The Lion King’s style, compared to the Shakespeare’s play, is established. The movie, once a syncretic text, requires advanced studies on Expression Plane, its plastic, musical and verbal/phonic aspects. We find these studies in the work of José Luiz Fiorin (2009), Lúcia Teixeira (2009), Ana Claúdia de Oliveira (2009), Jean-Marie Floch (2009) and Antônio Vicente Pietroforte (2008). We note how a syncretic text makes the discursive settings more complex by assembling plastic and sonorous materials in semissimbolic relation. Once defined The Lion King’s style, we analyze the way it justifies the intense popularity of this kind of animation features. Finally, it is important to understand how Disney uses in its style not only discursive settings, but also passional settings, revealing its own way to stir emotions on the spectator