890 resultados para endothelial cell


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Sustained activation of X-box-binding protein 1 (XBP1) results in endothelial cell (EC) apoptosis and atherosclerosis development. The present study provides evidence that XBP1 mRNA splicing triggered an autophagic response in ECs by inducing autophagic vesicle formation and markers of autophagy BECLIN-1 and microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3ß (LC3-ßII). Endostatin activated autophagic gene expression through XBP1 mRNA splicing in an inositol-requiring enzyme 1a (IRE1a)-dependent manner. Knockdown of XBP1 or IRE1a by shRNA in ECs ablated endostatin-induced autophagosome formation. Importantly, data from arterial vessels from XBP1 EC conditional knock-out (XBP1eko) mice demonstrated that XBP1 deficiency in ECs reduced the basal level of LC3ß expression and ablated response to endostatin. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays further revealed that the spliced XBP1 isoform bound directly to the BECLIN-1 promoter at the region from nt -537 to -755. BECLIN-1 deficiency in ECs abolished the XBP1-induced autophagy response, whereas spliced XBP1 did not induce transcriptional activation of a truncated BECLIN-1 promoter. These results suggest that XBP1 mRNA splicing triggers an autophagic signal pathway through transcriptional regulation of BECLIN-1.


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Because endothelial cell dysfunction and inflammation are key contributors to the development of complications in type 1 diabetes, we studied risk factors related to endothelial dysfunction and inflammation (C-reactive protein and fibrinogen, soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule-1, intracellular adhesion molecule-1, and E-selectin, and fibrinolytic markers) in a subgroup of patients from the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT)/Epidemiology of Diabetes Intervention and Complications (EDIC) study cohort.


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Diabetes may induce both quantitative and qualitative changes in lipoproteins, especially low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Effects of LDL glycation on endothelial cell secretion of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) have not been fully elucidated. Human aortic endothelial cell (HAEC) tPA and PAI-1 production were determined after incubation with LDL (50 to 500 microg/mL protein, 24 h) from three sources: (1) nondiabetic LDL (N-LDL) modified in vitro to form six preparations: native, nonmodified (N); glycated (G); minimally oxidized (MO); minimally oxidized and glycated (MOG); heavily oxidized (HO); and heavily oxidized and glycated (HOG); (2) in vivo glycated and relatively nonglycated LDL subfractions from type 1 diabetic patients; (3) LDL from type 1 diabetic patients and matched controls, which was subfractionated using density gradient ultracentrifugation. In experiments using LDL modified in vitro, the rate of tPA release by HAECs incubated with N-LDL (83 +/- 4 ng/mg cell protein/24 h) did not differ significantly from those incubated with G-LDL (73 +/- 7), MO-LDL (74 +/- 13), or MOG-LDL (66 +/- 15) and was not influenced by LDL concentration. The rate of PAI-1 release was similar in HAECs incubated with N-LDL (5.7 +/- 0.6 mug/mg cell protein/24 h), G-LDL (5.7 +/- 0.7), MO-LDL (5.5 +/- 0.8), or MOG-LDL (5.7 +/- 0.9) and was not influenced by LDL concentration. In contrast, tPA release was significantly decreased in cells incubated with LDL (10 microg/mL) modified extensively by oxidation, and averaged 45.2 +/- 5.0 and 43.7 +/- 9.9 ng/mg/24 h for HO-LDL and HOG-LDL, respectively, and was further decreased with increasing concentrations of the heavily oxidized LDL preparations. PAI-1 release was not significantly decreased relative to N-LDL in cells incubated with low concentrations (5 to 50 microg/mL) of HO-LDL and HOG-LDL, but was decreased to 3.2 +/- 0.5 and 3.1 +/- 0.7 microg/mg/24 h for HO-LDL and HOG-LDL at 200 microg/mL, respectively. Results using in vivo glycated versus nonglycated LDL showed that tPA and PAI-1 release did not differ between subfractions. Release of tPA averaged 5.11 +/- 0.6 and 5.12 +/- 0.7 ng/mg/24 h, whereas release of PAI-1 averaged 666 +/- 27 ng/mg/24 h and 705 +/- 30 ng/mg/24 h for nonglycated and glycated LDL subfractions, respectively. Using LDL of different density subclasses, tPA and PAI-1 release in response to LDL from diabetic patients compared with control subjects did not differ when HAECs were incubated with LDLs of increasing density isolated from each subject pair. We conclude that oxidation of LDL, but not glycation, may contribute to the altered fibrinolysis observed in diabetes.


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Corneal endothelial cells from normal and traumatized human, primate, cat and rabbit eyes were studied by specular microscopy. Morphometric analysis was performed on micrographs of corneal endothelium using a semi-automated image analysis system. The results showed that under normal conditions the corneal endothelium of all four species exhibit major morphological similarities (mean cell areas: human 317 +/- 32 microns 2, primate 246 +/- 22 microns2, cat 357 +/- 25 microns 2, rabbit 308 +/- 35 microns 2). The normal corneal endothelium in man was found to be more polymegethous than that of the other species. Trauma to cat, primate and human corneas resulted in a long-term reduction in endothelial cell density and enhanced polymegethism. In contrast, the reparative response of the rabbit ensured the reformation of an essentially normal monolayer following injury. Endothelial giant cells were a normal inclusion in the rabbit corneal endothelium but were only significant in cat, primate and man following trauma. The presence of corneal endothelial giant cells in amitotic corneas may therefore represent a compensatory response in the absence of mitotic potential.


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Cell loss and regeneration were investigated and compared in the retinal microvasculature of age- and sex-matched normal and streptozotocin diabetic rats. Selective pericyte loss in the diabetic rat was characterized by changes in the pericyte to endothelial cell ratio in retinal capillaries isolated for microscopy by the trypsin digest technique. A comparison of 3- and 9-month-old normal rats showed no significant change in the pericyte to endothelial cell ratio (1:2.7). In diabetic animals the ratio was reduced to 1:4.03, which was statistically significant (P less than .001). Premitotic retinal vascular cells in normal and diabetic rats were labelled with tritiated thymidine and the labelling indices calculated from cell counts of trypsin digest preparations. Methyl H3 thymidine was infused continuously over an eight-day period using osmotic mini pumps. The labelling index of endothelial cells (0.33%) in normal rats increased to 0.91% in diabetic animals (P less than .05). The labelling index of pericyte cells in normal animals (0.16%) did not increase significantly (P greater than .05) in diabetic animals (0.19%). A special stain was used to exclude labelled polymorphonuclear leukocytes from the cell counts.


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Objective: Vascular lineage differentiation of stem/progenitor cells can contribute to both tissue repair and exacerbation of vascular diseases such as in vein grafts. The role of macrophages in controlling vascular progenitor differentiation is largely unknown and may play an important role in graft development. This study aims to identify the role of macrophages in vascular stem/progenitor cell differentiation and thereafter elucidate the mechanisms that are involved in the macrophage- mediated process.

Approach and Results: We provide in vitro evidence that macrophages can induce endothelial cell (EC) differentiation of the stem/progenitor cells while simultaneously inhibiting their smooth muscle cell differentiation. Mechanistically, both effects were mediated by macrophage-derived tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) via TNF-α receptor 1 and canonical nuclear factor-κB activation. Although the overexpression of p65 enhanced EC (or attenuated smooth muscle cell) differentiation, p65 or TNF-α receptor 1 knockdown using lentiviral short hairpin RNA inhibited EC (or rescued smooth muscle cell) differentiation in response to TNF-α. Furthermore, TNF-α–mediated EC differentiation was driven by direct binding of nuclear factor-κB (p65) to specific VE-cadherin promoter sequences. Subsequent experiments using an ex vivo decellularized vessel scaffold confirmed an increase in the number of ECs and reduction in smooth muscle cell marker expression in the presence of TNF-α. The lack of TNF-α in a knockout mouse model of vein graft decreased endothelialization and significantly increased thrombosis formation.

Conclusions: Our study highlights the role of macrophages in directing vascular stem/progenitor cell lineage commitment through TNF-α–mediated TNF-α receptor 1 and nuclear factor-κB activation that is likely required for endothelial repair in vascular diseases such as vein graft.


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Endothelial dysfunction is a central pathomechanism in diabetes-associated complications. We hypothesized a pathogenic role in this dysfunction of cathepsin S (Cat-S), a cysteine protease that degrades elastic fibers and activates the protease-activated receptor-2 (PAR2) on endothelial cells. We found that injection of mice with recombinant Cat-S induced albuminuria and glomerular endothelial cell injury in a PAR2-dependent manner. In vivo microscopy confirmed a role for intrinsic Cat-S/PAR2 in ischemia-induced microvascular permeability. In vitro transcriptome analysis and experiments using siRNA or specific Cat-S and PAR2 antagonists revealed that Cat-S specifically impaired the integrity and barrier function of glomerular endothelial cells selectively through PAR2. In human and mouse type 2 diabetic nephropathy, only CD68(+) intrarenal monocytes expressed Cat-S mRNA, whereas Cat-S protein was present along endothelial cells and inside proximal tubular epithelial cells also. In contrast, the cysteine protease inhibitor cystatin C was expressed only in tubules. Delayed treatment of type 2 diabetic db/db mice with Cat-S or PAR2 inhibitors attenuated albuminuria and glomerulosclerosis (indicators of diabetic nephropathy) and attenuated albumin leakage into the retina and other structural markers of diabetic retinopathy. These data identify Cat-S as a monocyte/macrophage-derived circulating PAR2 agonist and mediator of endothelial dysfunction-related microvascular diabetes complications. Thus, Cat-S or PAR2 inhibition might be a novel strategy to prevent microvascular disease in diabetes and other diseases.


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Introduction. Endothelial colony-forming cells (ECFCs) hold great cytotherapeutic potential for ischaemic disease. Whilst increasing evidence supports a key role for reactive oxygen species (ROS), specifically those derived from Nox NADPH oxidases, in the underlying angiogenic processes of these and other endothelial cells, such studies investigating the role of redox signalling may be hampered by the standard inclusion of antioxidant agents in endothelial cell media, such as phenol red. Aims. To study the effects of antioxidants present in culture media on pro-angiogenic function of ECFCs in vitro. Methods. Human ECFCs isolated from umbilical cord blood were maintained in media with and without antioxidant components (EGM2 and phenol red-free DMEM, respectively) prior to treatment with pro-oxidant PMA and assessment of their in vitro migratory capacity using a scratch-wound assay to measure pro-angiogenic activity. Results. Our previous work in our group indicated that PMA (500nM) increased ECFC migration in a both a superoxide and NADPH oxidase-dependent manner (control 18.6±2.8, PMA 32.7±6.6% wound closure; n=6, P<0.05), as indicated by attenuation with PEG-SOD and VAS2870. However, inconsistencies in the data generated under varying experimental conditions led us to hypothesise that antioxidant agents in the standard ECFC media may be influencing these effects. Indeed, a direct comparison of cell migration between ECFCs incubated in EGM2 DMEM demonstrated a clear trend towards higher migration in the latter (EGM2 9.0±4.5, DMEM 22.7±6.4%; n=3, P=NS). Similar to our previous EGM2 studies, cell migration was potentiated by PMA (control 11.6±1.6, PMA 25.1±2.8%; n=3, P<0.05), but at a lower dose (100nM), which is consistent with a reduction in media antioxidants. Notably, this response was attenuated by VAS2870 (PMA 37.6±7.3, PMA+VAS2870 10.3±2.9%; n=6, P<0.05), underlining a likely role for Nox NADPH oxidases. Conclusion. Taken together, these data indicate that ECFC migration is sensitive to different endothelial cell growth media, which appears to be dependent upon their antioxidant content. Although further experiments, such as quantification of cellular superoxide generation by dihydroethidium fluorescence may be required to confirm a specific role for antioxidants, such blunting of ROS signalling in vitro is clearly an important consideration which may significantly impact upon data interpretation.


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Fungi have been considered a potential source of natural anticancer drugs. However, studies on these organisms have mainly focused on compounds present in the sporocarp and mycelium. The aim of this study was to assess the anticancer potential of fungal spores using a bioassay-guided fractionation with cancer and normal cell lines. Crude extracts from spores of the basidiomycetous fungus Pisolithus tinctorius were prepared using five solvents/solvent mixtures in order to select the most effective crude extraction procedure. A dichloromethane/methanol (DCM/MeOH) mixture was found to produce the highest extraction yield, and this extract was fractionated into 11 fractions. Crude extracts and fractions were assayed for cytotoxicity in the human osteocarcinoma cell line MG63, the human breast carcinoma cell line T47D, the human colon adenocarcinoma cell line RKO, and the normal human brain capillary endothelial cell line hCMEC/D3. Cytotoxicity was assessed by the 3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) reduction assay. The results showed a reduction in cancer cell viability of approximately 95% with 4 of 11 fractions without a significant reduction in viability of hCMEC/D3 cells. Data demonstrated that spores of P. tinctorius might serve as an interesting source of compounds with potential anticancer properties.


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RESUMO: As células endoteliais definem e delineiam todo o sistema vascular...Nesta tese procurámos explorar o papel que o ambiente tumoral exerce sobre as células endoteliais. ... Avaliamos também a capacidade anti-angiogénica de alguns derivados do estrogénio... Em suma os nossos resultados mostram a importância de um controlo rigoroso da regulação transcricional...


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Le glioblastome multiforme (GBM) représente la tumeur cérébrale primaire la plus agressive et la plus vascularisée chez l’adulte. La survie médiane après le diagnostic est de moins d’un an en l’absence de traitement. Malheureusement, 90% des patients traités avec de la radiothérapie après la résection chirurgicale d’un GBM développent une récidive tumorale. Récemment, le traitement des GBM avec radiothérapie et témozolomide, un agent reconnu pour ses propriétés antiangiogéniques, a permis de prolonger la survie médiane à 14,6 mois. Des efforts sont déployés pour identifier des substances naturelles capables d’inhiber, de retarder ou de renverser le processus de carcinogenèse. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), un polyphénol retrouvé dans le thé vert, est reconnu pour ses propriétés anticancéreuses et antiangiogéniques. L’EGCG pourrait sensibiliser les cellules tumorales cérébrales et les cellules endothéliales dérivées des tumeurs aux traitements conventionnels. Le chapitre II décrit la première partie de ce projet de doctorat. Nous avons tenté de déterminer si l’EGCG pourrait sensibiliser la réponse des GBM à l’irradiation (IR) et si des marqueurs moléculaires spécifiques sont impliqués. Nous avons documenté que les cellules U-87 étaient relativement radiorésistantes et que Survivin, une protéine inhibitrice de l’apoptose, pourrait être impliquée dans la radiorésistance des GBM. Aussi, nous avons démontré que le pré-traitement des cellules U-87 avec de l’EGCG pourrait annuler l’effet cytoprotecteur d’une surexpression de Survivin et potentialiser l’effet cytoréducteur de l’IR. Au chapitre III, nous avons caractérisé l’impact de l’IR sur la survie de cellules endothéliales microvasculaires cérébrales humaines (HBMEC) et nous avons déterminé si l’EGCG pouvait optimiser cet effet. Bien que les traitements individuels avec l’EGCG et l’IR diminuaient la survie des HBMEC, le traitement combiné diminuait de façon synergique la survie cellulaire. Nous avons documenté que le traitement combiné augmentait la mort cellulaire, plus spécifiquement la nécrose. Au chapitre IV, nous avons investigué l’impact de l’IR sur les fonctions angiogéniques des HBMEC résistantes à l’IR, notamment la prolifération cellulaire, la migration cellulaire en présence de facteurs de croissance dérivés des tumeurs cérébrales, et la capacité de tubulogenèse. La voie de signalisation des Rho a aussi été étudiée en relation avec les propriétés angiogéniques des HBMEC radiorésistantes. Nos données suggèrent que l’IR altère significativement les propriétés angiogéniques des HBMEC. La réponse aux facteurs importants pour la croissance tumorale et l’angiogenèse ainsi que la tubulogenèse sont atténuées dans ces cellules. En conclusion, ce projet de doctorat confirme les propriétés cytoréductrices de l’IR sur les gliomes malins et propose un nouveau mécanisme pour expliquer la radiorésistance des GBM. Ce projet documente pour la première fois l’effet cytotoxique de l’IR sur les HBMEC. Aussi, ce projet reconnaît l’existence de HBMEC radiorésistantes et caractérise leurs fonctions angiogéniques altérées. La combinaison de molécules naturelles anticancéreuses et antiangiogéniques telles que l’EGCG avec de la radiothérapie pourrait améliorer l’effet de l’IR sur les cellules tumorales et sur les cellules endothéliales associées, possiblement en augmentant la mort cellulaire. Cette thèse supporte l’intégration de nutriments avec propriétés anticancéreuses et antiangiogéniques dans le traitement des gliomes malins pour sensibiliser les cellules tumorales et endothéliales aux traitements conventionnels.


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La dystrophie cornéenne endothéliale de Fuchs (FECD, pour l’abréviation du terme anglais « Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy ») est une maladie de l'endothélium cornéen. Sa pathogenèse est mal connue. Aucun traitement médical n’est efficace. Le seul traitement existant est chirurgical et consiste dans le remplacement de l’endothélium pathologique par un endothélium sain provenant de cornées de la Banque des yeux. Le traitement chirurgical, en revanche, comporte 10% de rejet immunologique. Des modèles expérimentaux sont donc nécessaires afin de mieux comprendre cette maladie ainsi que pour le développement de traitements alternatifs. Le but général de cette thèse est de développer un modèle expérimental de la FECD en utilisant le génie tissulaire. Ceci a été réalisé en trois étapes. 1) Tout d'abord, l'endothélium cornéen a été reconstruit par génie tissulaire en utilisant des cellules endothéliales en culture, provenant de patients atteints de FECD. Ce modèle a ensuite été caractérisé in vitro. Brièvement, les cellules endothéliales cornéennes FECD ont été isolées à partir de membranes de Descemet prélevées lors de greffes de cornée. Les cellules au deuxième ou troisième passages ont ensuite été ensemencées sur une cornée humaine préalablement décellularisée. Suivant 2 semaines de culture, les endothélia cornéens reconstruits FECD (n = 6) ont été évalués à l'aide d'histologie, de microscopie électronique à transmission et d’immunomarquages de différentes protéines. Les endothélia cornéens reconstruits FECD ont formé une monocouche de cellules polygonales bien adhérées à la membrane de Descemet. Les immunomarquages ont démontré la présence des protéines importantes pour la fonctionnalité de l’endothélium cornéen telles que Na+-K+/ATPase α1 et Na+/HCO3-, ainsi qu’une expression faible et uniforme de la protéine clusterine. 2) Deux techniques chirurgicales (DSAEK ; pour « Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty » et la kératoplastie pénétrante) ont été comparées pour la transplantation cornéenne dans le modèle animal félin. Les paramètres comparés incluaient les défis chirurgicaux et les résultats cliniques. La technique « DSAEK » a été difficile à effectuer dans le modèle félin. Une formation rapide de fibrine a été observée dans tous les cas DSAEK (n = 5). 3) Finalement, la fonctionnalité in vivo des endothélia cornéens reconstruits FECD a été évaluée (n = 7). Les évaluations in vivo comprenaient la transparence, la pachymétrie et la tomographie par cohérence optique. Les évaluations post-mortem incluaient la morphométrie des cellules endothéliales, la microscopie électronique à transmission et des immunomarquage de protéines liées à la fonctionnalité. Après la transplantation, la pachymétrie a progressivement diminué et la transparence a progressivement augmenté. Sept jours après la transplantation, 6 des 7 greffes étaient claires. La microscopie électronique à transmission a montré la présence de matériel fibrillaire sous-endothélial dans toutes les greffes d’endothelia reconstruits FECD. Les endothélia reconstruits exprimaient aussi des protéines Na+-K+/ATPase et Na+/HCO3-. En résumé, cette thèse démontre que les cellules endothéliales de la cornée à un stade avancé FECD peuvent être utilisées pour reconstruire un endothélium cornéen par génie tissulaire. La kératoplastie pénétrante a été démontrée comme étant la procédure la plus appropriée pour transplanter ces tissus reconstruits dans l’œil du modèle animal félin. La restauration de l'épaisseur cornéenne et de la transparence démontrent que les greffons reconstruits FECD sont fonctionnels in vivo. Ces nouveaux modèles FECD démontrent une réhabilitation des cellules FECD, permettant d’utiliser le génie tissulaire pour reconstruire des endothelia fonctionnels à partir de cellules dystrophiques. Les applications potentielles sont nombreuses, y compris des études physiopathologiques et pharmacologiques.


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Cardiovascular disease represents a major clinical problem affecting a significant proportion of the world's population and remains the main cause of death in the UK. The majority of therapies currently available for the treatment of cardiovascular disease do not cure the problem but merely treat the symptoms. Furthermore, many cardioactive drugs have serious side effects and have narrow therapeutic windows that can limit their usefulness in the clinic. Thus, the development of more selective and highly effective therapeutic strategies that could cure specific cardiovascular diseases would be of enormous benefit both to the patient and to those countries where healthcare systems are responsible for an increasing number of patients. In this review, we discuss the evidence that suggests that targeting the cell cycle machinery in cardiovascular cells provides a novel strategy for the treatment of certain cardiovascular diseases. Those cell cycle molecules that are important for regulating terminal differentiation of cardiac myocytes and whether they can be targeted to reinitiate cell division and myocardial repair will be discussed as will the molecules that control vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) and endothelial cell proliferation in disorders such as atherosclerosis and restenosis. The main approaches currently used to target the cell cycle machinery in cardiovascular disease have employed gene therapy techniques. We will overview the different methods and routes of gene delivery to the cardiovascular system and describe possible future drug therapies for these disorders. Although the majority of the published data comes from animal studies, there are several instances where potential therapies have moved into the clinical setting with promising results.


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Dietary isoflavones are thought to be cardioprotective due to their structural similarity to oestrogen. Oestrogen is believed to have beneficial effects on endothelial function and may be one of the mechanisms by which premenopausal women are protected against CVD. Decreased NO production and endothelial NO synthase activity, and increased endothelin-1 concentrations, impaired lipoprotein metabolism and increased circulating inflammatory factors result from oestrogen deficiency. Oestrogen acts by binding to oestrogen receptors alpha and beta. Isoflavones have been shown to bind with greater affinity to the latter. Oestrogen replacement therapy is no longer thought to be a safe treatment for prevention of CVD; isoflavones are a possible alternative. Limited evidence from human intervention studies suggests that isoflavones may improve endothelial function, but the available data are not conclusive. Animal studies provide stronger support for a role of isoflavones in the vasculature, with increased vasodilation and endothelial NO synthase activity demonstrated. Cellular mechanisms underlying the effects of isoflavones on endothelial cell function are not yet clear. Possible oestrogen receptor-mediated pathways include modulation of gene transcription, and also non-genomic oestrogen receptor-mediated signalling pathways. Putative non-oestrogenic pathways include inhibition of reactive oxygen species production and up regulation of the protein kinase A pathway (increasing NO bioavailability). Further research is needed to unravel effects of isoflavones on intracellular regulation of the endothelial function. Moreover, there is an urgent need for adequately powered, robustly designed human intervention studies in order to clarify the present equivocal findings.


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Aquaporins (AQPs) are a family of proteins that mediate water transport across cells, but the extent to which they are involved in water transport across endothelial cells of the blood-brain barrier is not clear. Expression of AQP1 and AQP4 in rat brain microvessel endothelial cells was investigated in order to determine whether these isoforms were present and, in particular, to examine the hypothesis that brain endothelial expression of AQPs is dynamic and regulated by astrocytic influences. Reverse-transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and immunocytochemistry showed that AQP1 mRNA and protein are present at very low levels in primary rat brain microvessel endothelial cells, and are up-regulated in passaged cells. Upon passage, endothelial cell expression of mdr1a mRNA is decreased, indicating loss of blood-brain barrier phenotype. In passage 4 endothelial cells, AQP1 mRNA levels are reduced by coculture above rat astrocytes, demonstrating that astrocytic influences are important in maintaining the low levels of AQP1 characteristic of the blood-brain barrier endothelium. Reverse-transcriptase-PCR revealed very low levels of AQP1 mRNA present in the RBE4 rat brain microvessel endothelial cell line, with no expression detected in primary cultures of rat astrocytes or in the C6 rat glioma cell line. In contrast, AQP4 mRNA is strongly expressed in astrocytes, but no expression is found in primary or passaged brain microvessel endothelial cells, or in RBE4 or C6 cells. Our results support the concept that expression of AQP1, which is seen in many non-brain endothelia, is suppressed in the specialized endothelium of the blood-brain barrier.