193 resultados para cowpea vicilin


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Angiosperm and gymnosperm plants evolved from a common ancestor about 300 million years ago. Apart from morphological and structural differences in embryogenesis and seed origin, a set of embryogenesis-regulating genes and the molecular mechanisms involved in embryo development seem to have been conserved alike in both taxa. Few studies have covered molecular aspects of embryogenesis in the Brazilian pine, the only economically important native conifer in Brazil. Thus eight embryogenesis-regulating genes, viz.,ARGONAUTE 1, CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON 1, WUSCHEL-related WOX, S-LOCUS LECTIN PROTEIN KINASE, SCARECROW-like, VICILIN 7S, LEAFY COTYLEDON 1, and REVERSIBLE GLYCOSYLATED POLYPEPTIDE 1, were analyzed through semi-quantitative RT-PCR during embryo development and germination. All the eight were found to be differentially expressed in the various developmental stages of zygotic embryos, seeds and seedling tissues. To our knowledge, this is the first report on embryogenesis-regulating gene expression in members of the Araucariaceae family, as well as in plants with recalcitrant seeds.


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Leaves of Cassia hoffmannseggii, a wild fabaceous species found in the Atlantic Forest, with a severe mosaic symptom were collected in Pernambuco State, Brazil. By transmission electron microscopy, two types of virus particles were found: the first was recognized as particles of a potyvirus, which was later identified as Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus; and the second was isometric and present in high concentration. The observation of vesicles at the periphery of chloroplasts suggested a tymovirus infection, which was confirmed by subsequent assays. A serological assay against several tymovirus antisera resulted in positive reaction of this tymo-like virus with an antiserum of Passion fruit yellow mosaic virus. By means of RT-PCR and using degenerated primers for the conserved region of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) gene of tymoviruses, a specific DNA fragment was amplified and sequenced. Based on this sequence, a specific forward primer was synthesized and successfully used to amplify the 3' terminal genome region, containing the partial RdRp gene and the complete coat protein (CP) sequences. The CP was 188 amino acids (aa) long, and the highest CP aa identity was observed with Kennedya yellow mosaic virus (61 %). Based on the current ICTV demarcation criterion, this isolate was considered as a distinct tymovirus and tentatively named as Cassia yellow mosaic-associated virus.


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Este estudo foi conduzido no município de Seropédica, RJ, com o objetivo de se determinar, em cultivo orgânico e sistema de plantio direto, a produtividade da cultura da berinjela sob diferentes lâminas de irrigação e sistemas de cultivo (consorciada com leguminosa e solteira). O delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos ao acaso, no esquema de parcela subdividida com quatro repetições caracterizando, na parcela, os tratamentos equivalentes à lâmina de irrigação (40; 70; 100 e 120% ETc) e, na subparcela, os sistemas de cultivo consorciado com feijão caupi e solteiro. Ambos os sistemas de cultivo não influenciaram a produtividade final da berinjela; no entanto, considerando as diferentes lâminas, a maior produtividade comercial foi de 65,41 Mg ha-1, obtida para uma lâmina total de 690,04 mm (106,8% ETc). A menor lâmina aplicada resultou em qualidade inferior dos frutos em relação às maiores lâminas, sendo a taxa de descarte dos frutos de 3 e 14%, respectivamente, para a maior e a menor lâmina.


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Brazilian pine (Araucaria angustifolia (Bert) O. Ktze) is the only native conifer species with economic importance in Brazil. Recently, due to intensive exploitation Brazilian pine was included in the official list of endangered Brazilian plants, under the "vulnerable" category. Biotechnology tools like somatic embryogenesis (SE) are potentially useful for mass clonal propagation and ex situ conservation strategies of commercial and endangered plant species. In spite of that, numerous obstacles still hamper the full application of SE technology for a wider range of species, including Brazilian pine. To enhance somatic embryogenesis in Brazilian pine and to gain a better understanding of the molecular events associated with somatic embryo development, we analyzed the steady-state transcript levels of genes known to regulate somatic embryogenesis using semiquantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (sqRT-PCR). These genes included Argonaute (AaAGO), Cup-shaped cotyledon1 (AaCUC), wushel-related WOX (AaWOX), a S-locus lectin protein kinase (AaLecK), Scarecrow- like (AaSCR), Vicilin 7S (AaVIC), Leafy Cotyledon 1 (AaLEC), and a Reversible glycosylated polypeptide (AaRGP). Expression patterns of these selected genes were investigated in embryogenic cultures undergoing different stages of embryogenesis, and all the way to maturation. Up-regulation of AaAGO, AaCUC, AaWOX, AaLecK, and AaVIC was observed during transition of somatic embryos from stage I to stage II. During the maintenance phase of somatic embryogenesis, expression of AaAGO and AaSCR, but not AaRPG and AaLEC genes was influenced by presence/ absence of plant growth regulators, both auxins and cytokinins. The results presented here provide new insights on the molecular mechanisms responsible for somatic embryo formation, and how selected genes may be used as molecular markers for Brazilian pine embryogenesis.


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Dehydrins (DHNs, LEA D-11) are plant proteins present during environmental stresses associated with dehydration or low temperatures and during seed maturation. Functions of DHNs have not yet been defined. Earlier, we hypothesized that a ≈35-kDa DHN and membrane properties that reduce electrolyte leakage from seeds confer chilling tolerance during seedling emergence of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) in an additive and independent manner. Evidence for this hypothesis was not rigorous because it was based on correlations of presence/absence of the DHN and slow electrolyte leakage with chilling tolerance in closely related cowpea lines that have some other genetic differences. Here, we provide more compelling genetic evidence for involvement of the DHN in chilling tolerance of cowpea. We developed near-isogenic lines by backcrossing. We isolated and determined the sequence of a cDNA corresponding to the ≈35-kDa DHN and used gene-specific oligonucleotides derived from it to test the genetic linkage between the DHN presence/absence trait and the DHN structural gene. We tested for association between the DHN presence/absence trait and both low-temperature seed emergence and electrolyte leakage. We show that allelic differences in the Dhn structural gene map to the same position as the DHN protein presence/absence trait and that the presence of the ≈35-kDa DHN is indeed associated with chilling tolerance during seedling emergence, independent of electrolyte leakage effects. Two types of allelic variation in the Dhn gene were identified in the protein-coding region, deletion of one Φ-segment from the DHN-negative lines and two single amino acid substitutions.


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Griffonia simplicifolia leaf lectin II (GSII), a plant defense protein against certain insects, consists of an N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc)-binding large subunit with a small subunit having sequence homology to class III chitinases. Much of the insecticidal activity of GSII is attributable to the large lectin subunit, because bacterially expressed recombinant large subunit (rGSII) inhibited growth and development of the cowpea bruchid, Callosobruchus maculatus (F). Site-specific mutations were introduced into rGSII to generate proteins with altered GlcNAc binding, and the different rGSII proteins were evaluated for insecticidal activity when added to the diet of the cowpea bruchid. At pH 5.5, close to the physiological pH of the cowpea bruchid midgut lumen, rGSII recombinant proteins were categorized as having high (rGSII, rGSII-Y134F, and rGSII-N196D mutant proteins), low (rGSII-N136D), or no (rGSII-D88N, rGSII-Y134G, rGSII-Y134D, and rGSII-N136Q) GlcNAc-binding activity. Insecticidal activity of the recombinant proteins correlated with their GlcNAc-binding activity. Furthermore, insecticidal activity correlated with the resistance to proteolytic degradation by cowpea bruchid midgut extracts and with GlcNAc-specific binding to the insect digestive tract. Together, these results establish that insecticidal activity of GSII is functionally linked to carbohydrate binding, presumably to the midgut epithelium or the peritrophic matrix, and to biochemical stability of the protein to digestive proteolysis.


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To characterize the depression of metabolism in anhydrobiotes, the redox state of cytochromes and energy metabolism were studied during dehydration of soaked cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) cotyledons and pollens of Typha latifolia and Impatiens glandulifera. Between water contents (WC) of 1.0 and 0.6 g H2O/g dry weight (g/g), viscosity as measured by electron spin resonance spectroscopy increased from 0.15 to 0.27 poise. This initial water loss was accompanied by a 50% decrease in respiration rates, whereas the adenylate energy charge remained constant at 0.8, and cytochrome c oxidase (COX) remained fully oxidized. From WC of 0.6 to 0.2 g/g, viscosity increased exponentially. The adenylate energy charge declined to 0.4 in seeds and 0.2 in pollen, whereas COX became progressively reduced. At WC of less than 0.2 g/g, COX remained fully reduced, whereas respiration ceased. When dried under N2, COX remained 63% reduced in cotyledons until WC was 0.7 g/g and was fully reduced at 0.2 g/g. During drying under pure O2, the pattern of COX reduction was similar to that of air-dried tissues, although the maximum reduction was 70% in dried tissues. Thus, at WC of less than 0.6 g/g, the reduction of COX probably originates from a decreased O2 availability as a result of the increased viscosity and impeded diffusion. We suggest that viscosity is a valuable parameter to characterize the relation between desiccation and decrease in metabolism. The implications for desiccation tolerance are discussed.


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A study was carried out on a previously eroded Oxic Paleustalf in Ibadan, southwestern Nigeria to determine the extent of soil degradation under mound tillage with some herbaceous legumes and residue management methods. A series of factorial experiments was carried out on 12 existing runoff plots. The study commenced in 1996 after a 5-year natural fallow. Mound tillage was introduced in 1997 till 1999. The legumes - Vigna unguiculata (cowpea), Mucuna pruriens and Pueraria phaseoloides - were intercropped with maize in 1996 and 1998 while yam was planted alone in 1997 and 1999. This paper covers 1997-1999. At the end of each year, residues were either burned or mulched on respective plots. Soil loss, runoff, variations in mound height, bulk density, soil water retention and sorptivity were measured. Cumulative runoff was similar among interactions of legume and residue management in 1997 (57-151 mm) and 1999 (206-397 mm). However, in 1998, cumulative runoff of 95 mm observed for Mucuna-burned residue was significantly greater than the 46 mm observed for cowpea-burned residue and the 39-51 mm observed for mulched residues of cowpea, Mucuna and Pueraria. Cumulative soil loss of 7.6 Mg ha(-1) observed for Mucuna-burned residue in 1997 was significantly greater than those for Pueraria-mulched (0.9 Mg ha(-1)) and Mucuna-mulched (1.4 Mg ha(-1)) residues whereas in 1999 it was similar to soil loss from cowpea treatments and Pueraria-burned residue (2.3-5.3 Mg ha(-1)). There were no significant differences in soil loss in 1998 (1-3.2 Mg ha(-1)) whereas Mucuna-burned residue had a greater soil loss (28.6 Mg ha(-1)) than mulched cowpea (6.9 Mg ha(-1)) and Pueraria (5.4 Ms ha(-1)). Mound heights (23 cm average) decreased non-linearly with cumulative rainfall. A cumulative rainfall of 500 mm removed 0.3-2.3 cm of soil from mounds in 1997, 3.5-6.9 cm in 1998 and 2.3-4.6 cm in 1999, indicating that (detached but less transported) soil from mounds was far higher than observed soil loss in each year. Soil water retention was improved at potentials ranging from -1 to -1500 kPa by Mucuna-mulched residue compared to the various burned-residue treatments. Also, mound sorptivity at -1 cm water head (14.3 cm h(-1/2)) was higher than furrow sorptivity (8.5 cm h(-1/2)), indicating differences in hydraulic characteristics between mound and furrow. Pueraria-mulched residues for mounds had the highest sorptivity of 17.24 cm h(-1/2), whereas the least value of 6.96 cm h(-1/2) was observed in furrow of Mucuna-burned residue. Pueraria phas eoloides was considered the best option for soil conservation on the previously eroded soil, cultivated with mound tillage. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Dengue fever, currently the most important arbovirus, is transmitted by the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Given the absence of a prophylactic vaccine, the disease can only be controlled by combating the vector insect. However, increasing reports of resistance and environmental damage caused by insecticides have led to the urgent search for new safer alternatives. Twenty - um plant s eed extracts from the Caatinga were prepared , tested and characterized . Sodium phosphate ( 50 mM pH 8.0) was used as extractor. All extracts showed larvicidal and ovipositional deterrence activity . Extracts of D. grandiflora, E. contortisiliquum, A. cearenses , C. ferrea and C. retusa were able to attract females for posture when in low co ncentration . In the attractive concentrations, the CE of E. contortisiliquum and A. cearenses were able to kill 52% and 100% of the larvae respectively . The extracts of A. cearenses , P. viridiflora, E. velutina, M. urundeuva and S. brasiliensis were also pupicides, while extracts of P. viridiflora, E. velutina, E. contortisiliquum , A. cearenses, A. colubrina, D. grandiflora , B. cheilantha , S. spectabilis, C. pyramidalis, M. regnelli e G. americana displayed adulticidal activity. All extracts were toxic to C. dubia zooplankton . The EB of E. velutina and E. contortisiliquum did not affect the viability of fibroblasts . In all extracts were identified at least two potential insecticidal proteins such as enzyme inhibitors, lectins and chitin - binding proteins and components of secondary metabolism . Considering all bioassays , the extracts from A. cearenses, P. viridiflora, E. contortisiliquum , S. brasiliensis, E. velutina and M. urundeuva were considered the most promising . The E. contortisiliquum extracts was the only one who did not show pupicida activity, indicating that its mechanism of action larvicide and adulticidal is related only to the ingesti on of toxic compounds by insect , so it was selected to be fragmenting. As observed for the CE , th e protein fractions of E. contortisiliquum also showed larvicidal activity, highlighting that F2 showed higher larvicidal activity and lower en vironmental toxicity than the CE source. The reduction in the proteolytic activity of larvae fed with crude extra ct and fractions of E. contortisiliquum suggest ed that the trypsin inhibitors ( ITEc) would be resp onsible for larvicidal activity . However the increase in the purification of this inhibitor resulted in loss of larvicidal activity , but the absence of trypsin inhibitor reduced the effectiveness of the fractions , indicating that the ITEC contributes to the larvicidal activity of this extract. Not been observed larvicidal activity and adulticide in rich fraction vicilin, nor evidence of the contribution o f this molecule for the larvicidal activity of the extract. The results show the potential of seeds from plant extracts of Caatinga as a source of active molecules against insects A. aegypti at different stages of its development cycle, since they are comp osed of different active compounds, including protein nature, which act on different mechanisms should result in the death of insec


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The new development strategies should operate mainly in the areas of energy efficiency and sustainable agriculture. Thus, the substitution of fossil fuels with biofuels, such as biodiesel, is increasingly on the agenda. The cultivation of oilseed plants for biodiesel production must take place in integrated systems that enable best environmental benefits and are more economically significant. The objectives of this study were to assess the morphological, anatomic, and physiological characteristics of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L., promising oilseed for biodiesel production) grown in monoculture and intercropping with cowpea bean (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.); and identify socioeconomic family farmers and verify their acceptance about safflower as an energy crop. The methodology used for the analysis of safflower growth in monoculture and intercropped with beans, were morphoanatomical and histochemical analyzes, made with samples of plants grown in the field in two cropping systems throughout the range of the life cycle of these plants. There were no changes in growth and anatomy of plants, even in the consortium, which is satisfactory to indicate the intercropping system for those crops and can be a good alternative for the family farmer, who may have safflower as a source of income without giving up planting their livelihood. To check the acceptance of safflower by farmers, interviews were made to family farmers by Canudos agrovila in Ceará-Mirim/RN. It was noticed that many of them accept the introduction of safflower as oil crop, although unaware of the species, and that, being more resistant to drought, safflower help in the stability of families who depend on the weather conditions for success their current crops. In general, it is concluded that safflower has features that allows it to be grown in consortium for biodiesel production combined with the production of food, such as cowpea, and can be used enabling better development for family farmers.


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The cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) is a major food crops in northeastern Brazil. In Rio Grande do Norte, the cowpea, vigna beans or cowpea, as it is known, has great socioeconomic importance as a source of nutrients in food, with great emphasis among agricultural products. To improve productivity and resistance to pests, two cultivars were developed exclusively by EMPARN (Agricultural Research Corporation of Rio Grande do Norte), for breeding. The samples were provided by EMPARN, two improved (Potiguar and Laugh year) and two landraces (Rib of beef and Canapu). The seeds were ground and made into flour samples and the determination of moisture and ash by graviméticos methods, lipids by Soxhlet extraction, fibers with determiner fiber, carbohydrates by difference and minerals by ICP-OES were performed except the match analyzed by UVvis. The results showed a high fiber content (55.55% and 55.32% and 50.04% improved samples and 50.32% creole samples) and protein (25.52% and 25.27% improved and 27 samples, 23% and 24.99% creole samples). Comparing the results of the mineral content, the improved cultivars stood out in relation to Ca, Co, P, Mg, Mo and Na. Creole cultivars showed better results for Cu, Cr (low), Fe, Mn, Ni, K and Zn. The results will be important in future nutritional research and to build a table of Brazilian chemical composition of foods.


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The fruit fly Ceratitis capitata is considered the most destructive pest of the world fruitculture. Many pest management practices, mainly based on agrochemicals, have been developed to allow the world-wide commerce of fruit. Solutions to decrease the use of synthetic insecticides in agriculture are based on the development of new target-specific compounds which cause less damage to the environment, especially vegetal proteins with insecticidal effects. The aim of this work was to evaluate the deleterious effect of a purified vicilin of E. velutina (EvV) seeds to C. capitata larvae and adult insects and to investigate the mechanisms involved in these effects. EvV was purified, characterized and its deleterious effect was tested in bioassay systems. EvV mechanism of action was determined by immunodetection techniques and fluorescence localization in chitin structures that are present in C. capitata digestory system. EvV is a glycoprotein with affinity to chitin. Its molecular weight, of 216,57 kDa, was determined by gel filtration chromatography in FPLC system. Using SDS-PAGE, it was possible to observe EvV dissociation in two main subunits of 54,8 and 50,8 kDa. When it was submitted to eletrophoresis in native conditions, EvV presented only one band of acid characteristic. The WD50 and LD50 values found in the bioassays were 0,13% and 0,14% (w/w), respectively for the larvae. EvV deleterious effects were related to the binding to chitin structures presented in peritrophic membrane and gut epithelial cells, associated with its low digestibility in C. capitata digestive tract. The results described herein are the first demonstration of the larvicidal effects of plant protein on C. capitata larvae. EvV may be part of the pest management programs, in the toxic bait composition, or an alternative in plant improvement program


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Chitin is an important structural component of the cellular wall of fungi and exoskeleton of many invertebrate plagues, such as insects and nematodes. In digestory systems of insects it forms a named matrix of peritrophic membrane. One of the most studied interaction models protein-carbohydrate is the model that involves chitin-binding proteins. Among the involved characterized domains already in this interaction if they detach the hevein domain (HD), from of Hevea brasiliensis (Rubber tree), the R&R consensus domain (R&R), found in cuticular proteins of insects, and the motif called in this study as conglicinin motif (CD), found in the cristallography structure of the β-conglicinin bounded with GlcNac. These three chitin-binding domains had been used to determine which of them could be involved in silico in the interaction of Canavalia ensiformis and Vigna unguiculata vicilins with chitin, as well as associate these results with the WD50 of these vicilins for Callosobruchus maculatus larvae. The technique of comparative modeling was used for construction of the model 3D of the vicilin of V. unguiculata, that was not found in the data bases. Using the ClustalW program it was gotten localization of these domains in the vicilins primary structure. The domains R&R and CD had been found with bigger homology in the vicilins primary sequences and had been target of interaction studies. Through program GRAMM models of interaction ( dockings ) of the vicilins with GlcNac had been gotten. The results had shown that, through analysis in silico, HD is not part of the vicilins structures, proving the result gotten with the alignment of the primary sequences; the R&R domain, although not to have structural similarity in the vicilins, probably it has a participation in the activity of interaction of these with GlcNac; whereas the CD domain participates directly in the interaction of the vicilins with GlcNac. These results in silico show that the amino acid number, the types and the amount of binding made for the CD motif with GlcNac seem to be directly associates to the deleterious power that these vicilins show for C. maculatus larvae. This can give an initial step in the briefing of as the vicilins interact with alive chitin in and exert its toxic power for insects that possess peritrophic membrane


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The plants are often exposed to variations in environmental conditions that may trigger metabolic disturbances leading to a consequent loss in productivity of crops. These stressful conditions usually induce an accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the cell, a condition known how oxidative stress. Among these species, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is an important molecule involved in numerous signaling mechanisms. The present study aimed to understand the relationship between the different enzymatic mechanisms of elimination of H2O2 by catalase (CAT) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) in leaf tissues of seedlings of the species Vigna unguiculata L. Walp, under conditions of oxidative stress induced by application of CAT inhibitor, 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole (3-AT), and H2O2 itself on the roots. Three experiments were conducted. The first experiment was performed applying the compound 3-AT (5 mM) during the time (hours). In the second experiment, seedlings were exposed to different concentrations of H2O2 (2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10 mM) for 48 h. The third strategy included the pre-treatment with H2O2 (2.5 mM) for 24 h, followed by subsequent treatment with the inhibitor 3-AT and recovery control condition. Treatment with 3-AT causes a strong inhibition of CAT activity in leaf tissues accompanied by an increase of activity of APX. However a decrease in oxidative damage to lipids is not observed as indicated by TBARS. It was observed that activity of APX is directly linked to the content of peroxide. Inductions in the activities of CAT and APX were observed mainly in the seedlings treated with 2.5 mM H2O2. This can be associated with a decrease in oxidative damage to lipids. In contrast, one same tendency was not observed in treatments with higher concentrations of this ROS. These results suggest that the concentration of 2.5 mM H2O2 can induce responses antioxidants later in seedling cowpea. This concentration when applied as pre-treatment for 24 h promoted an induction systems removers CAT and APX, both in activity and in terms of gene expression. However this increment was not observed in the recovered plants and the plants subsequently subjected to 3-AT. Additionally, the pretreatment was not sufficient to attenuate the inhibition of CAT activity and oxidative damage to lipids caused by the subsequent application of this inhibitor. The results showed that the application of 3-AT and H2O2 in the root systems of seedlings of cowpea promote changes in the parameters analyzed in leaf tissues that indicate a direct response to the presence of these factors or systemic signaling mecanisms. H2O2 appears to activate the responses of two antioxidant systems in this study thar does not promote greater protection in case of additional treatment with 3-AT. This demonstrates the importance of the CAT system. In this work, complete results indicate that there is a difference between the signaling and the effects caused by exposure to H2O2 and by treatment with 3-AT


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Globulins fractions of legume seeds of Crotalaria pallida, Erytrina veluntina and Enterolobium contortisiliquum were isolated and submitted to assays against serine, cysteine and aspartic proteinases, as also amylase present in midgut of C. maculatus and Z. subfasciatus. Hemagglutination assays indicated presence of a lectin in E. veluntina globulin fractions. This lectin had affinity to human erythrocytes type A, B and O. Vicilins were purified by chromatography on Sephacryl S-300 followed of a chromatography on Sephacryl S-200, which was calibrated using protein markers. Vicilins from C. pallida (CpV) and E. veluntina (EvV) seeds had a molecular mass of 124.6 kDa and E. contortisiliquum a molecular mass of 151kDa. Eletrophoresis in presence of SDS showed that CpV was constituted by four subunities with apparent molecular mass of 66, 63, 57 and 45 kDa, EvV with three subunities with apparent molecular mass of 45kDa and EcV four subunities, two with 37.1 kDa and two with 25.8 kDa. Non denaturantig eletrophoresis displayed single bands with high homogeneity, where CpV had lower acidic behavior. All vicilins are glycoproteins with carbohydrate contents at 1 to1.5%. Bioassays were done to detect deleterious effects of vicilins against C. maculatus and Z. subfasciatus larvae. CpV, EvV and EcV exhibited a WD50 of 0.28, 0.19 and 1.03%; LD50 0.2, 0.26, and 1.11% respectively to C. maculatus. The dose responses of CpV, EvV and EcV to Z. subfasciatus were: WD50 of 0.12, 0.14, 0.65% and LD50 of 0.09, 0.1, and 0.43% respectively. The mechanism of action of these proteins to bruchids should be based on their properties of bind to chitin present in mid gut of larvae associated with the low digestibility of vicilin. In assays against phytopatogenous fungus, only EcV was capable of inhibit F. solani growth at concentrations of 10 and 20 µg and its action mechanism should be also based in the affinity of EcV to chitin present in the fungi wall