901 resultados para Urban growth
In Natal s urban growth process it is given that the performance period of the National Housing Bank (BNH, 1964-1986) was marked by the intense expansion of the urban grid and configuration of outskirts, through the construction of social housing developments. Implanted in segregated areas of the existing formal city, the population installed in these complexes was also excluded from their rights, considering that the housing defines itself not only by the physical dwelling, but also by its access to urban infrastructure, facilities, services, and others. From this reality and the verification of the city s exclusion and sociospatial segregation processes, we aimed to quantitatively demonstrate levels of social exclusion in Natal, based on the methodology developed by Sposati (2000) and adapted by Genovez (2002), which relates IBGE s (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) database underlying variables such as income, schooling and dwelling s quality. The research unveiled some spatial patterns promoted by the social housings: in these areas islands were developed with higher indicators than surrounding areas, revealing internal hierarchies in the city s outskirts
Este artículo pretende mostrar algunos de los cambios sociales que se dieron en Medellín al finalizar el siglo XIX e iniciar XX, momento en el que la ciudad vivió un proceso de crecimiento urbano no experimentado antes y que provocó la progresiva adecuación de nuevos organismos e instituciones para suplir las demandas económicas y sociales que también se fueron incrementando. Organizar e higienizar el espacio urbano, acorde con las ideas de ciudad y de ciudadano que se estaban implementando en Europa, fueron algunas de las metas que se establecieron para planear la ciudad y, a la vez, tratar de mitigar el impacto del crecimiento demográfico que acusaba problemáticas de tipo social. Casas de beneficencia, manicomios, orfelinatos, hospitales, cárceles, patronatos, teatros, universidades, entre otras, fueron algunas de aquellas alternativas que se idearon con el fin de prevenir estas problemáticas, así como también propendieron por moralizar, distraer y castigar los comportamientos que se calificaban de inadecuados por parte de las élites.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade UnB Gama, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-graduação em Integridade de Materiais da Engenharia, 2016.
A investigação insere-se no Mestrado em Estudos do Património, da Universidade Aberta, visando a origem, significado e memórias da vila de Porto de Mós, através da análise da sua toponímia no período que medeia os anos de 1880 a 2015. O vasto período em estudo requereu uma demarcação das datas significativas da História e a consequente perpetuação das referências nacionais e locais nas placas toponímicas. O estudo teve como suporte a recolha e a explicação dos topónimos de Porto de Mós, numa pesquisa de campo, com o apoio do registo em atas de sessão da Câmara Municipal, mapas da vila, bem como na recolha de depoimentos orais. Foi estudada a evolução demográfica e o crescimento urbano, observados nos censos e em bibliografia. A reconstituição histórica Portomosense foi feita a partir de narrativas, inquéritos e registos documentais. O levantamento dos topónimos permitiu acompanhar as alterações políticas e económicas, ao longo de mais de cem anos da vila de Porto de Mós.
El fin del último periodo de expansión urbanizadora en 2006, coincide con el inicio de una crisis productiva que ha provocado que multitud de planes urbanísticos, iniciados o no, sean paralizados o descartados. Se trata de un urbanismo latente que genera grandes incertidumbres sobre municipios que habían apostado fuertemente por el crecimiento urbano. Esta situación se observa en la provincia de Alicante, especialmente en zonas de interior que experimentan un auge inmobiliario desde el año 2000. La comunicación analiza la expansión urbanizadora provincial en el periodo 2000-2006 y plantea las incertidumbres generadas por los más de 30 proyectos urbanísticos latentes en las comarcas interiores del Alto y Medio Vinalopó.
The urban growth without the prior infrastructure has caused many environmental impacts such as the damage to quality of the water resources in the cities. Along with natural scarcity in some regions, this is one of the factors that limit the availability of drinking water. As a result, the conservation of drinking water is becoming one of the major concerns in sustainable architectural projects. Within this context, this dissertation proposes to develop the design of an educational building focusing on water consumption rationalization. The proposed project is located in UFRN Campus at Currais Novos, an area of warm and dry climate and low rainfall. The proposal seeks to integrate ways to reduce water consumption o to architecture, in order to exploit the advantages and savings. After quantifying the benefits achieved, it was concluded that it is possible to reduce significantly the drinking water consumption in educational buildings in universities using three principles: reduction the water consumption at the point of use, replacement of the water source and internal recycling. Calculations and simulations indicated that the proposed building may have water consumption up to 56% lower than if it would be provided by conventional facilities. Rationalization of water consumption brings direct and indirect benefits, with influences on the environmental, social and economic fields
In Natal s urban growth process it is given that the performance period of the National Housing Bank (BNH, 1964-1986) was marked by the intense expansion of the urban grid and configuration of outskirts, through the construction of social housing developments. Implanted in segregated areas of the existing formal city, the population installed in these complexes was also excluded from their rights, considering that the housing defines itself not only by the physical dwelling, but also by its access to urban infrastructure, facilities, services, and others. From this reality and the verification of the city s exclusion and sociospatial segregation processes, we aimed to quantitatively demonstrate levels of social exclusion in Natal, based on the methodology developed by Sposati (2000) and adapted by Genovez (2002), which relates IBGE s (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) database underlying variables such as income, schooling and dwelling s quality. The research unveiled some spatial patterns promoted by the social housings: in these areas islands were developed with higher indicators than surrounding areas, revealing internal hierarchies in the city s outskirts
Dissertação Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.
Las consecuencias del último boom inmobiliario han abierto el debate alrededor del crecimiento urbano en España, especialmente en áreas con una fuerte presión turística y residencial. En este trabajo se analizan algunas de las implicaciones de la crisis financiera mundial sobre la planificación urbanística municipal, centrando el estudio en la provincia de Alicante, uno de los ámbitos que mejor ilustran el éxito y la caída del modelo inmobiliario hispano. La unidad básica de análisis la componen las figuras de planeamiento municipal y estrategias territoriales vigentes, y su traducción en suelos urbanos inconclusos. Considerando que se trata de actuaciones durmientes a la espera de un contexto económico favorable, la situación hace pensar que la burbuja inmobiliaria no estaría estallada sino tan sólo desinflada. El objetivo es reflexionar, con carácter propositivo, sobre las estrategias de gestión del territorio que emergen durante los últimos años a raíz de la crisis financiera e inmobiliaria, tratando de relanzar algunas cuestiones que deberían preocupar en la planificación urbanística y territorial de la provincia de Alicante, y por extensión, de otros espacios afectados por el crash inmobiliario.
Esta dissertação estuda a problemática da conservação dos alçados da Rua Grande, localizada no Centro antigo da cidade de São Luís, capital do Estado do Maranhão, Brasil, a partir do crescimento urbano ocorrido principalmente a partir do século XIX à atualidade, com interferências devido às alterações do uso do solo. Iniciado com pesquisa in loco e nos departamentos de preservação do património arquitetónico do Município, Estado e Governo Federal, este estudo busca elaborar estratégias de intervenção adaptadas às necessidades locais, visando a participação da população, com cursos de educação patrimonial e consultas públicas. Esta proposta foi possível a partir da realização de diversas etapas de trabalho, partindo do enquadramento geral e histórico de São Luís, com foco específico na Rua Grande, discorrendo sobre a importância desta via ao desenvolvimento urbano da cidade. Desta forma, com vistas a possibilitar um melhor entendimento da morfologia urbana do Centro da cidade, analisou-se a malha delimitada pelo Anel Viário, importante via perimetral à zona central. Posteriormente, seguiu-se com a caracterização do acervo arquitetónico, com pesquisa acerca dos materiais e sistemas construtivos, permitindo o entendimento das diversas anomalias observadas a partir de análise laboratorial das amostras coletadas em algumas edificações. A elaboração de Cartas Temáticas permitiu um melhor entendimento de situações como uso do solo, gabarito, estilos arquitetónicos e dos estados de conservação e preservação, contando com o estudo da legislação local, o que permitiu, posteriormente, delinear-se as estratégias de intervenção. /SUMMARY: This dissertation examines the problems related to the conservation of the facades of the Grande street, located in the old city center of São Luis, capital of the northeastern state of Maranhão, Brazil, caused by the extensive urban growth that occurred from the XIX century to the current days, with numerous interferences due to changes in the building codes. The study began with a research in the federal, state and municipal departments of architectural heritage. The main objective was to suggest strategies of intervention adapted to the local needs, with community participation such as educational courses and public consultations. This proposal was made possible after completing several phases of work, starting with the general framing and historical background of São Luis, focusing on the Grande street, portraying the important role played by this street in the urban development of the city. Thus, with the intention of allowing a better understanding of the urban morphology in the city center, an analysis was made within the area limited by the road ring that surrounds the center. The study continued with the characterization of the architectural estate, with a research about the materials and construction systems, allowing the understanding of the several anomalies observed in the laboratorial analysis on the samples gathered from some buildings. The elaboration of the Thematic Charts allowed for a better understanding of the situation, such as land use, building codes, architectural styles and level of conservation and preservation, taking into account the local regulations, which made possible to set out some strategies of intervention.
ResumenAnaliza los espacios sociales diferenciados de la ciudad de San José, el crecimiento urbano y el proceso de urbanización, con el interés de conocer las condiciones en que vivían los obreros manufactureros campesinos.AbstractAn analysis of differentiated urban space in the city of San José, together with urban growth and urbanization, for the purpose of understanding the conditions in whish industrial workers of the city lived.
Se presenta un análisis de los posibles factores explicativos del crecimiento urbano en la Comunidad de Madrid durante el período 1990-2000, incluyendo la zonificación de la región en relación a las coronas metropolitanas en torno a la ciudad de Madrid. Se analizan las categorías estructura urbana laxa, urbanizaciones exentas y zonas industriales y comerciales establecidas en la cartografía de usos del suelo Corine Land Cover. Como factores explicativos del cambio se tomaron variables socioeconómicas, biofísicas, de planificación legal, políticas y de proximidad/accesibilidad, medidas en cada píxel del territorio. El análisis de la relación entre las variables explicativas y el crecimiento urbano se llevó a cabo a través de la regresión logística. Los resultados obtenidos del ajuste de los modelos mostró la relevancia de algunas variables en la explicación de la localización del crecimiento de las categorías urbanas analizadas.Palabras Clave: crecimiento urbano, variables explicativas, regresión logística, Corine Land Cover,MadridABSTRACTThis paper presents an analysis of the possible explanatory factors of urban growth in Madrid, Spain during the period 1990-2000, including the zoning of the region in relation to the metropolitan area around the city. Specifically, two categories were analyzed: residential discontinuous urban andresidential discontinuous sparse urban, and commercial and industrial of the Corine Land Cover. Previous analysis of Corine Land Cover land use change identified these categories as having the largest growth during the study period. Socio-economic, biophysical, legal planning, policies andproximity/accessibility variables were taken into account as explanatory factors of urban growth, at pixel level. Logistic regression was used to analyze the relationship between explanatory variables and urban growth. The results obtained from the model adjustments showed the relevance of somevariables in explaining the location of urban growth in the categories analyzed.Keyword: GIS, urban growth, explanatory factors, logistic regression, Corine Land Cover, Madrid,Spain
Vulnerability and sustainability studies of an area help to assess both its level of exposure and capacity to support possible environmental impacts, and it is of primordial importance for proposals of the Legislation on Zoning, Allotment, Land Use/land cover, aiming to stimulate those areas indicated for urban growth, to discourage growth of overcrowded areas, to detect sections with restrictive use, as well as districts for permanent protection. This paper aims to analyze the vulnerability in the Maranhão Ilha, using GIS techniques, geospatial inference intersected with relevant social-environmental indicators.Estudos de vulnerabilidade e de sustentabilidade de uma área ajudam a avaliar o seu grau de exposição e sua capacidade de suporte a possíveis impactos ambientais, sendo fundamental para propostas de Lei de Zoneamento, Parcelamento, Uso e Ocupação do Solo, tendo por finalidade orientar as áreas onde deverá haver estímulo para o crescimento urbano; contenção da malha urbana; detecção de locais com possibilidade de uso restritivo, bem como locais de proteção permanente. Este trabalho propõe analisar o índice de vulnerabilidade a perda de solo da Ilha do Maranhão com base na metodologia proposta por (CREPANI, et al. 2001) e em técnicas de inferência espacial com apoio na AHP (Análise Hierárquica de Processo).
This article aims to present the relation between the selected socio environmental indicators used to make the expert system environment (SEA) as tool for automate the process of viability consultation for implementation of new constructions, which tends to increase the agility of the public administration within the control of use and occupation of municipal land. The development of this tool is justified since the urban growth in most Brazilian cities has promoted sociospatial segregation, marginalization of the poor and degradation of natural environments. To elaborate the conceptual model of the SEA, the present study has selected socio environmental indicators and, also, has used parameters of environmental law and land use. For each indicator was determined a value that is measured by a checklist procedure and for the analysis of the legislation and crossed with the city’s basemap. Thus, it was made a connection between the characterizations of the environment versus the type of work in viability, resulting in a graph which allowed measuring the significant environmental impact. The implementation of the environmental modeling system encounters the instrumentalization of the municipal administration, which will feature modern land management tool.
En Costa Rica como consecuencia directa del crecimiento urbano acelerado y del cambio en los hábitos de consumo de los pobladores, se da un aumento en la cantidad de desechos sólidos generados así como un cambio en la composición de los mismos, ocasionando entonces el problema de su disposición.En el país, muchos de los sitios municipales actuales se consideran como vertederos a cielo abierto, además, se ubican de manera que afectan directa o indirectamente los cuerpos de agua (superficiales y subterráneos). Aunado a lo anterior se cuenta en la mayoría de los sitios con el problema de que no se posee control de acceso suficiente, de tal forma que existe mayor riesgo de que desechos peligrosos se depositen en ellos. ABSTRACTIn Costa Rica, as a direct consequence of accelerated urban growth and changing consumption patterns, there has been an increase in the quantity of generated solid waste as changes in its composition, thus causing a disposal problem.Many of the final disposal sites in the country don’t have the necessary conditions to handle these changes in quantity and quality of generated solid waste.The majority of current municipal disposal sites are considered exposed dumps and are located where superficial and subterranean water bodies are affected. Controls to access are insufficient in the majority of the sites, thus there is greater risk that hazardous waste is deposited in them.