224 resultados para Triumph (moottoripyörämerkki)
Talvez seja excesso de pessimismo crer que se inicia a derrocada final do capitalismo. O fato, porém, é que esse sistema vem se defrontando com problemas para os quais não há ainda soluções visíveis, como a questão do emprego, por exemplo. As taxas mundiais de desemprego são elevadas e a globalização da economia tende a reforçar o desemprego estrutural. Daí a preocupação do G-7, que tem analisado o tema recorrentemente. O objetivo do presente trabalho, consiste na análise do comportamento apresentado pela taxa de lucro. Para tanto, ela será pensada de acordo com a interpretação marxista. Isto envolve uma análise teórica e empírica. Qualquer tentativa de estimação de conceitos marxistas, porém, deve abordar a questão da transformação de valores em preços.
Os primeiros anos da política nuclear brasileira, entre os anos de 1945 e 1956, é o assunto tratado no presente trabalho. Aqui procuramos compreender as razões por trás da vitória de Álvaro Alberto na CPI da Questão Nuclear de 1956, na qual as suas propostas para o setor foram valorizadas e restabelecidas, mesmo após o Almirante ter sofrido derrotas durante o governo Café Filho (1954-55), quando foi exonerado da presidência do CNPq e teve a sua política atômica suspensa. O trabalho conclui que a vitória foi possível graças ao fato de as suas diretrizes para a área nuclear terem ressonância junto a diversos setores da sociedade brasileira adeptos do monopólio estatal sobre os recursos naturais e de um desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico em bases autônomas; além de uma conjuntura política excepcional no início do governo de Juscelino Kubitschek, marcado por forte polarização política, na qual o assunto nuclear ganhou projeção nacional. Com a sua vitória na CPI de 1956, Álvaro Alberto logrou definir os termos debate sobre a política a ser adotada na área atômica pelos anos e décadas seguintes.
Discute-se, neste texto, o significado dos 14 anos de governos Radicais que se seguiram à vitória da Frente Popular em 1938. Neste período, o Chile conseguiu combinar crescimento econômico e democracia representativa, alcançando um grau nada desprezível de modernização. Ruptura e continuidade compõem o par indissolúvel do percurso modernizador vivido a partir da Frente Popular, quando se instituiu um novo nexo entre economia, política e relações sociais. O período é caracterizado como uma modalidade específica de revolução passiva, responsável pela atualização da ordem capitalista no país.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC-SP) - FFC
O Teatro de Joaquim José de Campos Leão ou, simplesmente, Qorpo-Santo é marcadamente um texto lacunar, como o próprio autor ressaltaria em vários momentos de "Ensiqlopédia ou Seis Mezes de Uma Enfermidade", publicação por ele realizada e única fonte filológica de seus textos. Nossa proposta de análise se vale da necessidade nos debruçarmos sobre a dramaturgia de Qorpo-Santo. Nosso objetivo é, sempre que possível, conferir um sentido ou, em outros termos, criar possibilidades representativas ao hermético texto teatral deste autor. Na tentativa de desvendá-lo, fomos ao encontro dos elementos interpretativos necessários para completar as lacunas deixadas no texto do autor. Seus textos constituem-se de verdadeiras "colchas calidoscópicas", já que neles encontramos várias possibilidades interpretativas ao tentarmos preencher os vagos dos recortes encontrados na sua obra. Inicialmente nos basta deixar os seus textos mais nítidos, quando possível, para que se possamos desconsiderar opiniões de que "os textos de Qorpo-Santo são para ser lido e não para ser encenados", para nós, isso é apenas mais uma das ilusões que permeiam a história do Duque do Triunfo, que devem ser superadas a partir do momento que dermos o devido sentido a esses textos, a partir do ponto que observamos a loucura como um discurso e uma proposição dentro da obra e da vida do autor.
A longevidade apesar de ser, sem dúvida, um triunfo, apresenta importantes diferenças entre países desenvolvidos e países em desenvolvimento. Enquanto, nos primeiros, o envelhecimento ocorreu associado às melhorias nas condições gerais de vida, nos outros, esse processo acontece de forma rápida, sem tempo para uma reorganização social e da área de saúde adequada para atender às novas demandas emergentes. Este estudo tem por objetivos conhecer as condições de saúde da população idosa cadastrada na estratégia de saúde da família do município de Benevides-PA, assim como, descrever o perfil sócio-epidemiológico, condições de vida e saúde da população idosa e por fim verificar as relações entre as variáveis condições de vida e saúde e o perfil sócio-epidemiológico estabelecido. Realizou-se um estudo do tipo transversal prospectivo com abordagem quantitativa nas Unidades da Estratégia Saúde da Família, com 441 idosos utilizando como técnicas estatísticas a análise exploratória de dados e a análise de correspondência. Destaca-se que a maior parte dos idosos está entre 60 a 64 anos, são do sexo feminino, casado (a)s, católico (as) e com renda familiar de 1 a 3 salários mínimos. A maioria não ingere bebida alcoólica e não possui o hábito de fumar, assim como não pratica atividade física. Hipertensão arterial é a doença crônica não – transmissível mais prevalente. No estudo foi possível identificar o diagnóstico das condições de vida e saúde da população idosa demonstrando o seu envelhecimento com a presença de comorbidades, sendo possível a partir deste estudo favorecer a implementação de políticas públicas de saúde voltadas para a população idosa de Benevides a fim de proporcionar melhores condições de vida e saúde.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A wedge facies cycle it‟s a body of sedimentary rock, bounded above and below by unconformity and which represents a transgressive-regressive cycle of deposition. This cycle is formed by the following succession of facies: non-marine (N), transitional-coarse texture, and marine-fine texture; The objective of this study have been members of the sandstones and Triumph Siderópolis, seconded by rare calcareous sandstones and very thin limb Paraguaçu. Through analysis of facies in wells testified by CPRM, it was possible to group on facies successions and set the standard stacking. The Triunfo Member consists of three cycles of facies, lithology whose standard indicates a vertical arrangement ''type'' tuning up, other words, a component sandy bottom in the form of '' box'', followed by components sandy-clayey and clayey-carbonaceous (1st and 2nd cycle) and / or shale and limestone (3rd cycle), represented by the base member Paraguaçu. The first cycle only occurs on NF-5 wells and NF-6 in the form of Onlap channel dug in post-Itararé group. The cycle II also reaches wells NF-4 and NF-3 to the north, while the cycle III reaches the southern area, well NF-9. The member Paraguaçu, well PP-25 is predominantly clay-síltico, also stand out limestones and sandstones. The limestones are not coastal marine organisms probably connected with the algae and cyanobacteria, the sandstones are fine-textured, very thin and coastal deposition environment. The member Siderópolis, well NF-2 consists of a sandstone fluvial-estuarine deployed in the valley section, and succeeded by sandstones and siltstones bioturbed, they have linked the transgression of the Fm. Palermo
Con le "Imagini degli dei degli antichi", pubblicate a Venezia nel 1556 e poi in più edizioni arricchite e illustrate, l’impegnato gentiluomo estense Vincenzo Cartari realizza il primo, fortunatissimo manuale mitografico italiano in lingua volgare, diffuso e tradotto in tutta l’Europa moderna. Cartari rimodula, secondo accenti divulgativi ma fedeli, fonti latine tradizionali: come le ricche "Genealogie deorum gentilium" di Giovanni Boccaccio, l’appena precedente "De deis gentium varia et multiplex historia" di Lilio Gregorio Giraldi, i curiosi "Fasti" ovidiani, da lui stesso commentati e tradotti. Soprattutto, però, introduce il patrimonio millenario di favole ed esegesi classiche, di aperture egiziane, mediorientali, sassoni, a una chiave di lettura inedita, agile e vitalissima: l’ecfrasi. Le divinità e i loro cortei di creature minori, aneddoti leggendari e attributi identificativi si susseguono secondo un taglio iconico e selettivo. Sfilano, in trionfi intrisi di raffinato petrarchismo neoplatonico e di emblematica picta poesis rinascimentale, soltanto gli aspetti figurabili e distintivi dei personaggi mitici: perché siano «raccontate interamente» tutte le cose attinenti alle figure antiche, «con le imagini quasi di tutti i dei, e le ragioni perché fossero così dipinti». Così, le "Imagini" incontrano il favore di lettori colti e cortigiani eleganti, di pittori e ceramisti, di poeti e artigiani. Allestiscono una sorta di «manuale d’uso» pronto all’inchiostro del poeta o al pennello dell’artista, una suggestiva raccolta di «libretti figurativi» ripresi tanto dalla maniera di Paolo Veronese o di Giorgio Vasari, quanto dal classicismo dei Carracci e di Nicolas Poussin. Si rivelano, infine, summa erudita capace di attirare appunti e revisioni: l’antiquario padovano Lorenzo Pignoria, nel 1615 e di nuovo nel 1626, vi aggiunge appendici archeologiche e comparatistiche, interessate al remoto regno dei faraoni quanto agli esotici idoli orientali e dei Nuovi Mondi.
Oggetto di questa tesi è l’analisi delle modalità di rappresentazione del trauma nel romanzo del Novecento e, in particolare, nelle opere di Samuel Beckett, Georges Perec e Agota Kristof. Fondamento dello studio sarà una disamina dei procedimenti linguistici e narrativi di rappresentazione del trauma nelle prose degli autori citati, al fine tracciare le linee di un’estetica in grado di descrivere le caratteristiche peculiari delle narrazioni in cui la dimensione antinarrativa della memoria traumatica assume il ruolo di principio estetico guida. L’analisi si soffermerà sulla cruciale relazione esistente, in tutti e tre gli autori, tra rappresentazione del trauma e sviluppo di strategie narrativi definibili come “denegative”. L’analisi dei testi letterari è condotta sulla base del corpus critico dei Trauma Studies, dell’ermeneutica della narrazione di stampo ricœuriano e della teoria del linguaggio psicoanalitica e affiancata, ove possibile, da uno studio filologico-genetico dei materiali d’autore. Alla luce di tali premesse, intendo rivalutare il carattere rappresentativo e testimoniale della letteratura del secolo scorso, in contrasto con la consuetudine a vedere nel romanzo novecentesco il trionfo dell’antimimesi e il declino del racconto. Dal momento che le narrazioni traumatiche si costruiscono intorno e attraverso i vuoti di linguaggio, la tesi è che siano proprio questi vuoti linguistici e narrativi (amnesie, acronie, afasie, lapsus, omissioni e mancanze ancora più sofisticate come nel caso di Perec) a rappresentare, in modo mimetico, la realtà apparentemente inaccessibile del trauma. Si tenterà di dimostrare come questi nuovi canoni di rappresentazione non denuncino l’impossibilità del racconto, bensì una sfida al silenzio, celata in più sottili e complesse convenzioni narrative, le quali mantengono un rapporto di filiazione indiretto − per una via che potremmo definire denegativa − con quelle del romanzo tradizionale.
In this critical analysis of sociological studies of the political subsystem in Yugoslavia since the fall of communism Mr. Ilic examined the work of the majority of leading researchers of politics in the country between 1990 and 1996. Where the question of continuity was important, he also looked at previous research by the writers in question. His aim was to demonstrate the overall extent of existing research and at the same time to identify its limits and the social conditions which defined it. Particular areas examined included the problems of defining basic concepts and selecting the theoretically most relevant indicators; the sources of data including the types of authentic materials exploited; problems of research work (contacts, field control, etc.); problems of analysisl and finally the problems arising from different relations with the people who commission the research. In the first stage of the research, looking at methods of defining key terms, special attention was paid to the analysis of the most frequently used terms such as democracy, totalitarianism, the political left and right, and populism. Numerous weaknesses were noted in the analytic application of these terms. In studies of the possibilities of creating a democratic political system in Serbia and its possible forms (democracy of the majority or consensual democracy), the profound social division of Serbian society was neglected. The left-right distinction tends to be identified with the government-opposition relation, in the way of practical politics. The idea of populism was used to pass responsibility for the policy of war from the manipulator to the manipulated, while the concept of totalitarianism is used in a rather old-fashioned way, with echoes of the cold war. In general, the terminology used in the majority of recent research on the political subsystem in Yugoslavia is characterised by a special ideological style and by practical political material, rather than by developed theoretical effort. The second section of analysis considered the wider theoretical background of the research and focused on studies of the processes of transformation and transition in Yugoslav society, particularly the work of Mladen Lazic and Silvano Bolcic, who he sees as representing the most important and influential contemporary Yugoslav sociologists. Here Mr. Ilic showed that the meaning of empirical data is closely connected with the stratification schemes towards which they are oriented, so that the same data can have different meanings in shown through different schemes. He went on to show the observed theoretical frames in the context of wider ideological understanding of the authors' ideas and research. Here the emphasis was on the formalistic character of such notions as command economy and command work which were used in analysing the functioning and the collapse of communist society, although Mr. Ilic passed favourable judgement on the Lazic's critique of political over-determination in its various attempts to explain the disintegration of the communist political (sub)system. The next stage of the analysis was devoted to the problem of empirical identification of the observed phenomena. Here again the notions of the political left and right were of key importance. He sees two specific problems in using these notion in talking about Yugoslavia, the first being that the process of transition in the FR Yugoslavia has hardly begun. The communist government has in effect remained in power continuously since 1945, despite the introduction of a multi-party system in 1990. The process of privatisation of public property was interrupted at a very early stage and the results of this are evident on the structural level in the continuous weakening of the social status of the middle class and on the political level because the social structure and dominant form of property direct the majority of votes towards to communists in power. This has been combined with strong chauvinist confusion associated with the wars in Croatia and Bosnia, and these ideas were incorporated by all the relevant Yugoslav political parties, making it more difficult to differentiate between them empirically. In this context he quotes the situation of the stream of political scientists who emerged in the Faculty of Political Science in Belgrade. During the time of the one-party regime, this faculty functioned as ideological support for official communist policy and its teachers were unable to develop views which differed from the official line, but rather treated all contrasting ideas in the same way, neglecting their differences. Following the introduction of a multi-party system, these authors changed their idea of a public enemy, but still retained an undifferentiated and theoretically undeveloped approach to the issue of the identification of political ideas. The fourth section of the work looked at problems of explanation in studying the political subsystem and the attempts at an adequate causal explanation of the triumph of Slobodan Milosevic's communists at four subsequent elections was identified as the key methodological problem. The main problem Mr. Ilic isolated here was the neglect of structural factors in explaining the voters' choice. He then went on to look at the way empirical evidence is collected and studied, pointing out many mistakes in planning and determining the samples used in surveys as well as in the scientifically incorrect use of results. He found these weaknesses particularly noticeable in the works of representatives of the so-called nationalistic orientation in Yugoslav sociology of politics, and he pointed out the practical political abuses which these methodological weaknesses made possible. He also identified similar types of mistakes in research by Serbian political parties made on the basis of party documentation and using methods of content analysis. He found various none-sided applications of survey data and looked at attempts to apply other sources of data (statistics, official party documents, various research results). Mr. Ilic concluded that there are two main sets of characteristics in modern Yugoslav sociological studies of political subsystems. There are a considerable number of surveys with ambitious aspirations to explain political phenomena, but at the same time there is a clear lack of a developed sociological theory of political (sub)systems. He feels that, in the absence of such theory, most researcher are over-ready to accept the theoretical solutions found for interpretation of political phenomena in other countries. He sees a need for a stronger methodological bases for future research, either 1) in complementary usage of different sources and ways of collecting data, or 2) in including more of a historical dimension in different attempts to explain the political subsystem in Yugoslavia.
This project intertwines philosophical and historico-literary themes, taking as its starting point the concept of tragic consciousness inherent in the epoch of classicism. The research work makes use of ontological categories in order to describe the underlying principles of the image of the world which was created in philosophical and scientific theories of the 17th century as well as in contemporary drama. Using these categories brought Mr. Vilk to the conclusion that the classical picture of the world implied a certain dualism; not the Manichaean division between light and darkness but the discrimination between nature and absolute being, i.e. God. Mr. Vilk begins with an examination of the philosophical essence of French classical theatre of the XVII and XVIII centuries. The history of French classical tragedy can be divided into three periods: from the mid 17th to early 19th centuries when it triumphed all over France and exerted a powerful influence over almost all European countries; followed by the period of its rejection by the Romantics, who declared classicism to be "artificial and rational"; and finally our own century which has taken a more moderate line. Nevertheless, French classical tragedy has never fully recovered its status. Instead, it is ancient tragedy and the works of Shakespeare that are regarded to be the most adequate embodiment of the tragic. Consequently they still provoke a great number of new interpretations ranging from specialised literary criticism to more philosophical rumination. An important feature of classical tragedy is a system of rules and unities which reveals a hidden ontological structure of the world. The ontological picture of the dramatic world can be described in categories worked out by medieval philosophy - being, essence and existence. The first category is to be understood as a tendency toward permanency and stability (within eternity) connected with this or that fragment of dramatic reality. The second implies a certain set of permanent elements that make up the reality. And the third - existence - should be understood as "an act of being", as a realisation of permanently renewed processes of life. All of these categories can be found in every artistic reality but the accents put on one or another and their interrelations create different ontological perspectives. Mr. Vilk plots the movement of thought, expressed in both philosophical and scientific discourses, away from Aristotle's essential forms, and towards a prioritising of existence, and shows how new forms of literature and drama structured the world according to these evolving requirements. At the same time the world created in classical tragedy fully preserves another ontological paradigm - being - as a fundamental permanence. As far as the tragic hero's motivations are concerned this paradigm is revealed in the dedication of his whole self to some cause, and his oath of fidelity, attitudes which shape his behaviour. It may be the idea of the State, or personal honour, or something borrowed from the emotional sphere, passionate love. Mr. Vilk views the conflicting ambivalence of existence and being, duty as responsibility and duty as fidelity, as underlying the main conflict of classical tragedy of the 17th century. Having plotted the movement of the being/existence duality through its manifestations in 17th century tragedy, Mr. Vilk moves to the 18th century, when tragedy took a philosophical turn. A dualistic view of the world became supplanted by the Enlightenment idea of a natural law, rooted in nature. The main point of tragedy now was to reveal that such conflicts as might take place had an anti-rational nature, that they arose as the result of a kind of superstition caused by social reasons. These themes Mr. Vilk now pursues through Russian dramatists of the 18th and early 19th centuries. He begins with Sumarakov, whose philosophical thought has a religious bias. According to Sumarakov, the dualism of the divineness and naturalness of man is on the one hand an eternal paradox, and on the other, a moral challenge for humans to try to unite the two opposites. His early tragedies are not concerned with social evils or the triumph of natural feelings and human reason, but rather the tragic disharmony in the nature of man and the world. Mr Vilk turns next to the work of Kniazhnin. He is particularly keen to rescue his reputation from the judgements of critics who accuse him of being imitative, and in order to do so, analyses in detail the tragedy "Dido", in which Kniazhnin makes an attempt to revive the image of great heroes and city-founders. Aeneas represents the idea of the "being" of Troy, his destiny is the re-establishment of the city (the future Rome). The moral aspect behind this idea is faithfulness, he devotes himself to Gods. Dido is also the creator of a city, endowed with "natural powers" and abilities, but her creation is lacking internal stability grounded in "being". The unity of the two motives is only achieved through Dido's sacrifice of herself and her city to Aeneus. Mr Vilk's next subject is Kheraskov, whose peculiarity lies in the influence of free-mason mysticism on his work. This section deals with one of the most important philosophical assumptions contained in contemporary free-mason literature of the time - the idea of the trinitarian hierarchy inherent in man and the world: body - soul - spirit, and nature - law - grace. Finally, Mr. Vilk assess the work of Ozerov, the last major Russian tragedian. The tragedies which earned him fame, "Oedipus in Athens", "Fingal" and "Dmitri Donskoi", present a compromise between the Enlightenment's emphasis on harmony and ontological tragic conflict. But it is in "Polixene" that a real meeting of the Russian tradition with the age-old history of the genre takes place. The male and female characters of "Polixene" distinctly express the elements of "being" and "existence". Each of the participants of the conflict possesses some dominant characteristic personifying a certain indispensable part of the moral world, a certain "virtue". But their independent efforts are unable to overcome the ontological gap separating them. The end of the tragedy - Polixene's sacrificial self-immolation - paradoxically combines the glorification of each party involved in the conflict, and their condemnation. The final part of Mr. Vilk's research deals with the influence of "Polixene" upon subsequent dramatic art. In this respect Katenin's "Andromacha", inspired by "Polixene", is important to mention. In "Andromacha" a decisive divergence from the principles of the philosophical tragedy of Russian classicism and the ontology of classicism occurs: a new character appears as an independent personality, directed by his private interest. It was Katenin who was to become the intermediary between Pushkin and classical tragedy.
Der Beitrag untersucht anhand der Rezeption von zwei exemplarischen Don Karlos-Inszenierungen, die beide in politisch markanten Jahren der österreichischen Geschichte ihre Premiere erlebten, die Funktionalisierung der Institution Burgtheater in Verbindung mit der Funktionalisierung des Dramatikers Friedrich Schiller für eben diese Institution. Eine Neueinstudierung erfolgte 1938, dem Jahr von Österreichs ‚Anschluss’ an Nazi-Deutschland, die andere 1955, dem Jahr der Unterzeichnung des Österreichischen Staatsvertrages. Beide Don Karlos-Inszenierungen fanden als spezifische Festvorstellungen im Rahmen von Feierlichkeiten rund um die Institution Burgtheater statt. Diente 1938 Schillers Don Karlos dazu, als ‚Schlüsselstück’ der ‚nationalsozialistischen Revolution’ einen politisch-gesellschaftlichen Aufbruch zu markieren, so wurde 1955 die Inszenierung des Dramas zum Triumph einer Schauspielerelite, deren Können sich in die konstruierte Tradition eines k.k. ‚Schauspieleradels’ einreihte. Während 1938 der ‚nationale Dichter’ dem ‚heimgekehrten’ Nationaltheater zum ästhetischen ‚Anschluss’ verhalf, diente der ‚überzeitliche’ Klassiker 1955 dazu, eine ästhetische ‚Wiedergeburt’ zu behaupten, die dem restaurativen Kunst- und Kulturbegriff Nachkriegsösterreichs verpflichtet war.
Martin Ochs, Otto Trost, Stoltzes Verhältnis zum Liederkranz, Texte für ihn, "Triumph des deutschen Liedes", "Sonnenaufgang", "Märchen aus einer Juli-Nacht", E. Gellert, Heinrich Neeb, Heinrich Marschner, Karl Adelmann, Beschwerde wegen Karten, Heinrich Hartung