830 resultados para Translating and interpreting


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In this paper we analyze how a primary school teacher (João) leads the discussion of a task in a grade 3 class aimed at reading and interpreting pictograms. The paper is part of a larger study that follows an interpretative and qualitative research methodology with a case study design. The results indicate that, in his teaching practice, the teacher strives to ask questions so that his pupils are not limited to the identification of categories of high and low frequency characteristic, that is, "reading the data", but also raises questions related to "reading between the data" and "beyond the data."


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There are no exact boundaries of what constitutes Central Europe, but it is nevertheless very evident as a zone of interloping forces stretching across Europe. The result has been negotiated, conflictual and contested processes defining an essentially virtual, discursive, yet also actually existing, space of ‘Central Europe’. Yet, and this is the particular message of this collection of essays, ‘transition’ has not merely been a process ‘on the ground’ as object of investigation and discussion, but has also affected the observers, especially academic commentators and analysts – both within Central Europe, but also outside. This includes a growing interaction between discussions and analyses ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ Central Europe on the phenomenon of ‘transition’. The result has been mutual learning processes and changes of ways of looking at things and interpreting them. The book is divided into two parts, roughly reflecting the two key research questions.The first part (A) is devoted to transitions in regional science. Part B focuses on changes in variety of territorial structures and developmentissues caused by Central-European transitions and which are resulting in differential pathways of regional development in the region.


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Relatório de Projecto no âmbito do Mestrado em Tradução e Interpretação Especializadas, sob orientação da Professora Doutora Clara Sarmento.


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Como projeto final do Mestrado em Tradução e Interpretação Especializadas foi proposta a legendagem de um excerto de uma apresentação oral, em ambiente de debate, de um discurso do ator Stephen Fry. Inseriu-se o trabalho no âmbito do mestrado e no seguimento da licenciatura na mesma área, possibilitando o exercício de três das principais áreas do curso: transcrição, tradução e legendagem, por esta ordem. Procurou-se inovar no sentido de aproximar a transcrição à legendagem, com a menor supressão possível de texto e consequentemente da mensagem, enquanto se cumpriram na íntegra as normas e sugestões dos autores-chave da área. Como elementos técnicos do trabalho estão inseridos no corpo do texto a transcrição, a tradução e a legendagem, pois estes são os objetos práticos do trabalho e o grande desafio proposto foi o seguinte: manter a fidelidade entre estes três modos de transferência – obedecer a todo o procedimento distinto a que estes modos obrigam, mas mantendo entre eles uma similaridade que os torne praticamente iguais, no sentido de transmissão da mensagem. Apresentaram-se também uma breve história da tradução audiovisual, os diferentes tipos da mesma, uma abordagem à realidade da área em Portugal, uma contextualização do excerto e do seu conteúdo e a vertente técnica na sua globalidade.


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Numa sociedade onde as correntes migrações desenham um novo contexto de sociabilização e onde a globalização conduz ao aumento incomensurável das reuniões interculturais, é fulcral recentrar a importância do ensino da interpretação dita de comunidade. A inauguração do Mestrado em Tradução e Interpretação Especializadas, no ano lectivo de 2007/2008, no Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto, reformulado a partir da Licenciatura Bi-Etápica homónima, veio apresentar um desenho dos curricula em Interpretação cujo entendimento é mais pragmático. Assim sendo, à tradicional divisão entre Interpretação Simultânea e Interpretação Consecutiva sucedeu a introdução das unidades curriculares de Interpretação de Conferência, Interpretação Remota e de Teleconferência e de Interpretação de Acompanhamento. Este estudo pretende apresentar e discutir as diferentes abordagens pedagógicas ensaiadas no decorrer da implementação da unidade curricular de Interpretação de Acompanhamento, sustentadas por uma reflexão de cariz científico-pedagógico, filtrada pelas tendências de investigação mais recentes nesta área. Adoptámos a designação de Interpretação de Acompanhamento para descrever uma situação comunicativa que decorre em contextos variados e heterogéneos, em detrimento de outras designações de abrangência mais restrita, como Interpretação de Liaison – que remete para um acompanhamento em contexto de negócios ou de visita cultural ou turística – e Interpretação de Comunidade – reportando-se à mediação linguística de alguém que não fala a linguagem da maioria, normalmente no âmbito judicial, social, ou de saúde. Concentraremos, por conseguinte, a nossa atenção nas questões que se seguem: Que estratégias pedagógicas melhor se adaptam ao ensino desta disciplina? Como reproduzir a heterogeneidade dos contextos comunicativos que a Interpretação de Acompanhamento envolve numa sala de aula? Que ponderação deve assumir o desempenho linguístico em comparação com as competências de mediação intercultural? Como integrar, na prática, conceitos e teorias no domínio da Interpretação de Acompanhamento?


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Dissertação apresentada à escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Matemática na Educação Pré-Escolar e nos 1º e 2º Ciclos do Ensino Básico


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Artística, na especialização de Teatro na Educação


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O presente trabalho foi elaborado no âmbito da dissertação do Mestrado em Tradução e Interpretação Especializadas, e tem como objectivo estudar o formato mockumentary, no qual se baseia a minha análise, e compreender as especificidades da tradução do elemento satírico de que este híbrido se pode revestir, enquanto elemento potenciador de comicidade. A Tradução Audiovisual é um fenómeno com que nos deparamos diariamente, seja a partir de uma televisão, de um ecrã de computador ou de um dispositivo móvel, em que estamos perante um conjunto de elementos semióticos diversos, para os quais concorre uma combinação essencial de quatro canais, a saber, o canal visual, acústico, verbal e não-verbal. O tradutor deve ter em consideração não só o código verbal, como também os elementos que não são estritamente linguísticos, como gestos, música, expressões faciais, etc. Dado que Uma Família Muito Moderna, sobre a qual baseei a minha análise, é uma série humorística com um forte pendor satírico, afigurou-se como primeiro objecto de estudo por descrever o mockumentary e analisar como esse humor se verifica na versão portuguesa. Deste modo, impõe-se abordar a questão da tradução do humor, neste caso de trocadilhos (wordplay), puns e casos de polissemia, bem como da tradução de referências culturais e intertextuais. Para esse efeito, procedi a uma análise contrastiva entre o texto original, em língua inglesa, e verificar a recuperação do tom satírico potenciador de humor nas legendas, na língua de chegada, em língua portuguesa. Em conjunto, estes elementos concorrem para a construção de um texto que, no caso deste mockumentary, se reveste de um forte tom satírico - mock - para a criação de humor, apresentando uma série que, apesar de indubitavelmente fictícia, revela determinados traços associados a formatos televisivos informativos - documentary - , transmitindo ao espectador uma ilusão de realidade e de factualidade.


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Trabalho de Projeto apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Tradução e Interpretação Especializadas, sob orientação da Doutora Sara Cerqueira Pascoal


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Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de doutor em filosofia


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Recent Ontario legislation by the Ministry of Education has targeted a goal of 50 percent as the minimum objective for representation by women in positions of responsibility by the year 2000. As a result,those few women currently in the field of Educational Administration have become a focus for researchers. The intent of this research is to contribute to the current knowledge and understanding of women principals in the leadership role. In-depth interviews with four experienced female principals were conducted centering on their perceptions and experiences on a wide range of issues that included: gender characteristics and impact on role, perceived differences as a result of gender characteristics, decision making, curriculum leadership, communication, the perception of others, and the advantages and disadvantages of being a woman in the role. Narrative profiles were constructed for each participant and analyzed. A description for each woman emerged by an analysis of common patterns and themes in the participants' narratives. Results revealed that the participants were able to identify and to describe particular gender traits that they perceived had impact on their role. Moreover the participants regarded their gender characteristics as facilitating and enhancing the performance of their role. Common patterns for all the participants emerged from the data that conveyed a strong feminine imagery of mother and espoused the idea of school as home, and staff and students as family. Leadership ii styles demonstrated an emphasis on collaborative decision making, open communication, and apparent difficulty and ambiguity arising from the role of Curriculum leader. The results of this study also indicate that personal metaphors ascribed and embedded in the narratives are significant in conceptualizing and interpreting the administrative role.


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Educational administrators are expected to relate social justice considerations to their actions and to the theoretical foundations of their practice. At the same time, social constructs-including those related to administrative practice, social justice, and societal norms-are important in helping administrators understand, frame, and describe administrative issues. Furthermore, as part of socially constructed language, these constructs represent discursive practices and accepted ways of knowing, valuing, and experiencing the world. Drawing on the multidimensional methods of critical discourse analysis as articulated in the writings of Michel Foucault, Norman Fairclough, and Allan Luke, and using deconstruction as a strategic device for reading and interpreting texts, this exploratory qualitative study examined how administrator knowledge, values, and experiences impact their understanding of social justice within the context of delivering social justice for students who experience bullying. Study findings reveal that school administrators interpreted social justice as equitable distribution, action, and results; fairness; and equity. Constructs embedded in these interpretations assumed common things such as universal acceptance of norms of social relations and conveyed administrator intent to secure the kind of social relations that enabled individuals to enjoy greater equality within existing social arrangements.


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The learning gap created by summer vacation creates a significant breach in the learning cycle, where student achievement levels decrease over the course ofthe summer (Cooper et aI., 2000). In a review of 39 studies, Cooper and colleagues (1996) specified that the summer learning shortfall equals at least one month loss of instruction as measured by grade level equivalents on standardized test scores. Specifically, the achievement gap has a more profound effect on children as they grow older, where there is a steady deterioration in knowledge and skills sustained during the summer months (Cooper et aI., 1996; Kerry & Davies, 1998). While some stakeholders believe that the benefits of a summer vacation overshadow the reversing effect on achievement, it is the impact of the summer learning gap on vulnerable children, including children who are disadvantaged as a result of requiring special educational needs, children from low socioeconomic backgrounds, and children learning English as a second language, that is most problematic. More specifically, research has demonstrated that it is children's literacy-based skills that are most affected during the summer months. Children from high socioeconomic backgrounds recurrently showed gains in reading achievement over the summer whereas disadvantaged children repeatedly illustrate having significant losses. Consequently, the summer learning gap was deemed to exaggerate the inequality experienced by children from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Ultimately, the summer learning gap was found to have the most profound on vulnerable children, placing these children at an increased chance for academic failure. A primary feature of this research project was to include primary caregivers as authentic partners in a summer family literacy program fabricated to scaffold their children's literacy-based needs. This feature led to the research team adapting and implementing a published study entitled, Learning Begins at Home (LBH): A Research-Based Family Literacy Program Curriculum. Researchers at the Ontario Institute designed this program for the Study of Education, University of Toronto. The LBH program capitalized on incorporating the flexibility required to make the program adaptable to meet the needs of each participating child and his or her primary caregiver. As it has been well documented in research, the role primary caregivers have in an intervention program are the most influential on a child's future literacy success or failure (Timmons, 2008). Subsequently, a requirement for participating in the summer family literacy program required the commitment of one child and one of his or her primary caregivers. The primary caregiver played a fundamental role in the intervention program through their participation in workshop activities prior to and following hands on work with their child. The purpose of including the primary caregiver as an authentic partner in the program was to encourage a definitive shift in the family, whereby caregivers would begin to implement literacy activities in their home on a daily basis. The intervention program was socially constructed through the collaboration of knowledge. The role ofthe author in the study was as the researcher, in charge of analyzing and interpreting the results of the study. There were a total of thirty-six (36) participants in the study; there were nineteen (19) participants in the intervention group and seventeen (17) participants in the control group. All of the children who participated in the study were enrolled in junior kindergarten classrooms within the Niagara Catholic District School Board. Once children were referred to the program, a Speech and Language Pathologist assessed each individual child to identify if they met the eligibility requirements for participation in the summer family literacy intervention program. To be eligible to participate, children were required to demonstrate having significant literacy needs (i.e., below 25%ile on the Test of Preschool Early Literacy described below). Children with low incident disabilities (such as Autism or Intellectual Disabilities) and children with significant English as a Second Language difficulties were excluded from the study. The research team utilized a standard pre-test-post-test comparison group design whereby all participating children were assessed with the Test of Preschool Early Literacy (Lonigan et aI., 2007), and a standard measure of letter identification and letter sound understanding. Pre-intervention assessments were conducted two weeks prior to the intervention program commencing, and the first set of the post-intervention assessments were administered immediately following the completion of the intervention program. The follow-up post-intervention assessments took place in December 2010 to measure the sustainability of the gains obtained from the intervention program. As a result of the program, all of the children in the intervention program scored statistically significantly higher on their literacy scores for Print Knowledge, Letter Identification, and Letter Sound Understanding scores than the control group at the postintervention assessment point (immediately following the completion of the program) and at the December post-intervention assessment point. For Phonological Awareness, there was no statistically significant difference between the intervention group and the control at the postintervention assessment point, however, there was a statistically significant difference found between the intervention group and the control group at the December post-intervention assessment point. In general, these results indicate that the summer family literacy intervention program made an immediate impact on the emergent literacy skills of the participating children. Moreover, these results indicate that the summer family literacy intervention program has the ability to foster the emergent literacy skills of vulnerable children, potentially reversing the negative effect the summer learning gap has on these children.


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Il existe un discours, qui gagne chaque jour en popularité dans les milieux académiques et professionnels, qui se reproduit dans le quotidien familial et socioculturel, sur une adolescence qui est perçue comme un problème, une étape de crise avec laquelle il est difficile de négocier. À partir des écrits de Foucault (1976) on peut penser que cette inquiétude s’inscrit dans la construction du dispositif occidental de la sexualité. À partir de ce concept, l’objectif de cette recherche était de dégager les constructions possibles d’un ou de dispositifs de sexualité chez des adolescents(es) vivant en situation de pauvreté au Brésil (Belém-Pará). La méthode de recherche choisie a été un devis qualitatif selon une approche ethnographique qui consiste à décrire et à interpréter un système ou un groupe socioculturel (Creswell, 1998). La principale technique de cueillette des données, en plus des techniques d’observation ethnographique et l’analyse documentaire, a été l’entrevue en profondeur, en face à face, à partir de questions ouvertes. Quatorze adolescent(e)s vivant dans le même quartier pauvre de Belém ont été observé(e)s et interviewé(e)s, de même que leurs parents. L’analyse des données, effectuée selon l’analyse de contenu proposée par Bardin (1977) ont révélé un dispositif de sexualité présent tant chez les adolescents, parents et professeurs rencontrés, et s’appuyant sur l’école, les églises, les médias et l’État, qui a été décrit comme un dispositif du sexe sécuritaire alors qu’un dispositif d’alliance, au sens de Foucault, a été décrit après analyses et confirmation des données comme l’alliance des puissants. Ces résultats, avec en plus des informations nouvelles sur la sexualité amazonienne à partir des légendes locales du Boto et d’Iara, permettent de voir sous un nouvel angle la question de la construction sociale de la sexualité chez des adolescent(e)s vivant en situation de pauvreté à Belém (Pará) au Brésil et ont conduit à des recommandations spécifiques pour améliorer la recherche et les pratiques professionnelles.


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La non-observance représente souvent, dans la pratique clinique des professionnels de la santé, un défi à surmonter puisqu’elle est liée à une non-conformité du comportement du patient aux recommandations émises par les intervenants. Dans la région éloignée du Nunavik, divisée en 14 communautés inuit, les intervenants de la santé et des services sociaux, en raison de leur rôle élargi en première ligne, rencontrent une diversité de clientèles. La formation, l’expérience professionnelle, la perception de son rôle, le contexte de travail et le contexte socioculturel influencent l’interprétation des multiples défis au sein de la population. De hauts taux de suicide, d’alcoolisme et de violence sont présents dans les communautés inuit. La prescription des antidépresseurs est un moyen utilisé pour soulager les patients qui présentent des problèmes dépressifs. De quelle façon doit-on aborder ce phénomène complexe, et ce, dans ce contexte particulier de région autochtone éloignée? Cette recherche exploratoire descriptive vise à décrire et à interpréter le phénomène de non-observance des antidépresseurs, plus spécifiquement par l’étude des perceptions des intervenants de la santé et des services sociaux participant à l’intervention directe auprès des Inuit ayant reçu un diagnostic de dépression. L’analyse des 12 entrevues semi-dirigées répond à la question suivante : Quelles sont les perceptions des différents intervenants de la santé et des services sociaux sur le phénomène de la non-observance de la prise d’antidépresseurs chez les Inuit du Nunavik? Les résultats permettent de prendre un recul sur un phénomène courant de la pratique clinique dans cette région spécifique. Ils mettent en lumière la complexité de la relation patient-intervenant, la fragilité de l’alliance thérapeutique et l’importance des interventions d’une équipe interdisciplinaire et interculturelle dans ce contexte de pratique.