846 resultados para Television scripts.
1) Investigar implicaciones psicológicas de la Teoría de los Scripts de Schank y Abelson, 1977. 2) Averiguar el conocimiento que tienen los individuos acerca de determinadas actividades rutinarias y observar cómo se organiza esta información. 3) Conocer el efecto del sexo sobre la forma de ordenar internamente cada script. Experimento I: 70 estudiantes de tercero y cuarto de Psicología, 47 hembras y 23 varones, entre 19 y 26 años. Experimento II: 88 estudiantes de primero y segundo de Psicología, 60 hombres y 28 mujeres, entre 18 y 23 años. Experimento III: los mismos individuos del experimento 2, exceptuando 10 hembras y 5 varones. Se utilizaron 3 experimentos. En todas las fases se utiliza la opinión de los sujetos, técnica de autoinforme. El I: determinar los eventos que componen un script particular, utilizando el valor asociativo. Cuadernillos de hojas de respuestas. Reloj. Experimento I: método de las dos mitades, se correlacionaron las frecuencias con que fueron nombradas las acciones por los dos grupos. Experimento II: cálculo de medias y desviaciones típicas para cada uno de los ítems que componían los 12 scripts. 343 análisis de varianza para comprobar si existían diferencias significativas en las puntuaciones de tipicalidad dadas por los sexos y según el formato de presentación. Coeficientes de correlación entre puntuaciones dadas por varones y hembras. Se correlacionaron los resultados del experimento I con los del II. Experimento III, misma técnica que en el experimento II. 1) Los 3 experimentos presentan resultados consistentes con la teoría de los scripts. Los datos obtenidos mantienen semejanzas con estudios similares llevados a cabo. 2) Las descripciones de los eventos estan guiadas por un cierto grado de abstracción. 3) Se observa la existencia de elementos representativos dentro de cada script. 4) Cada script esta conectado con otros scripts. 5) Parece mas probable que la información esté almacenada fuera del script y que sea disponible cuando el script es activado. Lo que si está permanentemente activado son aquellas escenas únicas que le pertenecen. 6) Las personas poseen una poderosa habilidad para detectar relaciones entre eventos-estímulos y para construir esquemas que incorporen tales correlaciones. 1) Los individuos describen de forma uniforme las conductas complejas de ciertas situaciones. 2) Se confirma la existencia de un principio jerárquico que guía la estructura interna de los scripts. 3) La ordenación de los eventos dentro de cada script esta organizada por un principio secuencial-temporal, cada episodio ocupa una posición rígida y estable dentro del guión. 4) No aparecen diferencias significativas en cuanto al sexo para puntuar y ordenar los episodios que componen un script.
Resumen tomado de la publicación. Con el apoyo económico del departamento MIDE de la UNED
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
The potential of digital interactive television (iDTV) to promote original services, formats and contents that can be relevant to support personal health care and wellness of individuals, namely elderly people, has not been yet fully explored in the past. Therefore, in a context of rapid change of the technological resources, in which the distribution and presentation of content comes associated with new platforms (such as digital terrestrial TV and IPTV), it is important to perceive the configurations that are being developed for interactive digital TV (iDTV) that may result in relevant outcomes within the field of healthcare and wellness, with the aim of offering complementarity to the existing services and contents made available today via the traditional means and media. This article describes and discusses the preliminary results of the first part of the research project iDTV-HEALTH: Inclusive services to promote health and wellness via digital interactive television. These first results suggest that iDTV solutions may represent a real contribution to delivery healthcare and wellness to the target population, namely as a supplement to health services provision.
To understand what are the most significant factors for digital TV adoption by the Portuguese population in the switchover context is the main goal of the research project here presented. In April 26, 2012, the analogue terrestrial television switchoff is planned to occur in Portugal, according to the schedule published by the national telecommunication regulator Anacom. Digital terrestrial TV was launched in the country in April 2009, making Portugal one of the countries with a more ambitious schedule – or risky, depending on the perspective - for the full transition from analogue to digital terrestrial television. In this paper we will start by presenting the research project’s objectives, theoretical framework and research design. Next, we will present first results of the project focused on the barriers and drivers to digital TV adoption from two of the empirical studies which integrate it, namely, the quantitative inquiry administered to a representative sample of the Portuguese population and interviews with main stakeholders in the area of digital TV in Portugal. The perspectives of the television viewers are compared with other main stakeholders in this process. The paper will be concluded with a brief discussion of these results and a brief enumeration of next steps for the project.
The success of the transition from analogical terrestrial television to digital terrestrial television – process also known as switch-over – requires the identification of barriers and drivers among the impacted population. Therefore, the study in which this article is based had as main purpose to understand exactly what are those barriers, in order to produce a valid contribution to the several decision makers, and to be able to contribute to a more inclusive television, accessible and transversal to the whole of the population. In that sense, one of the phases of the project consisted in several interviews to key stakeholders in the transition process, the results of which and subsequent recommendations are presented in this article.
This paper discusses a study to determine whether reading level or age has an effect on understanding of closed-captioned television.
The television studio play is often perceived as a somewhat compromised, problematic mode in which spatial and technological constraints inhibit the signifying and aesthetic capacity of dramatic texts. Leah Panos examines the function of the studio in the 1970s television dramas of socialist playwright Trevor Griffiths, and argues that the established verbal and visual conventions of the studio play, in its confined and ‘alienated’ space, connect with and reinforce various aspects of Griffiths's particular approach and agenda. As well as suggesting ways in which the idealist, theoretical focus of the intellectual New Left is reflexively replicated within the studio, Panos explores how the ‘intimate’ visual language of the television studio allows Griffiths to create a ‘humanized’ Marxist discourse through which he examines dialectically his dramatic characters' experiences, ideas, morality, and political objectives. Leah Panos recently completed her doctoral thesis, ‘Dramatizing New Left Contradictions: Television Texts of Ken Loach, Jim Allen, and Trevor Griffiths’, at the University of Reading and is now a Postdoctoral Researcher on the AHRC funded project, ‘Spaces of Television: Production, Site and Style’, which runs from July 2010 to March 2014.