597 resultados para Sistemas de computação sem fio


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The development of smart card applications requires a high level of reliability. Formal methods provide means for this reliability to be achieved. The BSmart method and tool contribute to the development of smart card applications with the support of the B method, generating Java Card code from B specifications. For the development with BSmart to be effectively rigorous without overloading the user it is important to have a library of reusable components built in B. The goal of KitSmart is to provide this support. A first research about the composition of this library was a graduation work from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, made by Thiago Dutra in 2006. This first version of the kit resulted in a specification of Java Card primitive types byte, short and boolean in B and the creation of reusable components for application development. This work provides an improvement of KitSmart with the addition of API Java Card specification made in B and a guide for the creation of new components. The API Java Card in B, besides being available to be used for development of applications, is also useful as a documentation of each API class. The reusable components correspond to modules to manipulate specific structures, such as date and time. These structures are not available for B or Java Card. These components for Java Card are generated from specifications formally verified in B. The guide contains quick reference on how to specify some structures and how some situations were adapted from object-orientation to the B Method. This work was evaluated through a case study made through the BSmart tool, that makes use of the KitSmart library. In this case study, it is possible to see the contribution of the components in a B specification. This kit should be useful for B method users and Java Card application developers


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The game industry has been experiencing a consistent increase in production costs of games lately. Part of this increase refers to the current trend of having bigger, more interactive and replayable environments. This trend translates to an increase in both team size and development time, which makes game development a even more risky investment and may reduce innovation in the area. As a possible solution to this problem, the scientific community is focusing on the generation of procedural content and, more specifically, on procedurally generated levels. Given the great diversity and complexity of games, most works choose to deal with a specific genre, platform games being one of the most studied. This work aims at proposing a procedural level generation method for platform/adventure games, a fairly more complex genre than most classic platformers which so far has not been the subject of study from other works. The level generation process was divided in two steps, planning and viusal generation, respectively responsible for generating a compact representation of the level and determining its view. The planning stage was divided in game design and level design, and uses a goaloriented process to output a set of rooms. The visual generation step receives a set of rooms and fills its interior with the appropriate parts of previously authored geometry


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In the world we are constantly performing everyday actions. Two of these actions are frequent and of great importance: classify (sort by classes) and take decision. When we encounter problems with a relatively high degree of complexity, we tend to seek other opinions, usually from people who have some knowledge or even to the extent possible, are experts in the problem domain in question in order to help us in the decision-making process. Both the classification process as the process of decision making, we are guided by consideration of the characteristics involved in the specific problem. The characterization of a set of objects is part of the decision making process in general. In Machine Learning this classification happens through a learning algorithm and the characterization is applied to databases. The classification algorithms can be employed individually or by machine committees. The choice of the best methods to be used in the construction of a committee is a very arduous task. In this work, it will be investigated meta-learning techniques in selecting the best configuration parameters of homogeneous committees for applications in various classification problems. These parameters are: the base classifier, the architecture and the size of this architecture. We investigated nine types of inductors candidates for based classifier, two methods of generation of architecture and nine medium-sized groups for architecture. Dimensionality reduction techniques have been applied to metabases looking for improvement. Five classifiers methods are investigated as meta-learners in the process of choosing the best parameters of a homogeneous committee.


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This work aims to develop modules that will increase the computational power of the Java-XSC library, and XSC an acronym for "Language Extensions for Scientific Computation . This library is actually an extension of the Java programming language that has standard functions and routines elementary mathematics useful interval. in this study two modules were added to the library, namely, the modulus of complex numbers and complex numbers of module interval which together with the modules original numerical applications that are designed to allow, for example in the engineering field, can be used in devices running Java programs


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The Multiobjective Spanning Tree Problem is NP-hard and models applications in several areas. This research presents an experimental analysis of different strategies used in the literature to develop exact algorithms to solve the problem. Initially, the algorithms are classified according to the approaches used to solve the problem. Features of two or more approaches can be found in some of those algorithms. The approaches investigated here are: the two-stage method, branch-and-bound, k-best and the preference-based approach. The main contribution of this research lies in the fact that no research was presented to date reporting a systematic experimental analysis of exact algorithms for the Multiobjective Spanning Tree Problem. Therefore, this work can be a basis for other research that deal with the same problem. The computational experiments compare the performance of algorithms regarding processing time, efficiency based on the number of objectives and number of solutions found in a controlled time interval. The analysis of the algorithms was performed for known instances of the problem, as well as instances obtained from a generator commonly used in the literature


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This work seeks to propose and evaluate a change to the Ant Colony Optimization based on the results of experiments performed on the problem of Selective Ride Robot (PRS, a new problem, also proposed in this paper. Four metaheuristics are implemented, GRASP, VNS and two versions of Ant Colony Optimization, and their results are analyzed by running the algorithms over 32 instances created during this work. The metaheuristics also have their results compared to an exact approach. The results show that the algorithm implemented using the GRASP metaheuristic show good results. The version of the multicolony ant colony algorithm, proposed and evaluated in this work, shows the best results


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A automação consiste em uma importante atividade do processo de teste e é capaz de reduzir significativamente o tempo e custo do desenvolvimento. Algumas ferramentas tem sido propostas para automatizar a realização de testes de aceitação em aplicações Web. Contudo, grande parte delas apresenta limitações importantes tais como necessidade de valoração manual dos casos de testes, refatoração do código gerado e forte dependência com a estrutura das páginas HTML. Neste trabalho, apresentamos uma linguagem de especificação de teste e uma ferramenta concebidas para minimizar os impactos propiciados por essas limitações. A linguagem proposta dá suporte aos critérios de classes de equivalência e a ferramenta, desenvolvida sob a forma de um plug-in para a plataforma Eclipse, permite a geração de casos de teste através de diferentes estratégias de combinação. Para realizar a avaliação da abordagem, utilizamos um dos módulos do Sistema Unificado de Administração Publica (SUAP) do Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN). Participaram da avaliação analistas de sistemas e um técnico de informática que atuam como desenvolvedores do sistema utilizado.


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A remoção de inconsistências em um projeto é menos custosa quando realizadas nas etapas iniciais da sua concepção. A utilização de Métodos Formais melhora a compreensão dos sistemas além de possuir diversas técnicas, como a especificação e verificação formal, para identificar essas inconsistências nas etapas iniciais de um projeto. Porém, a transformação de uma especificação formal para uma linguagem de programação é uma tarefa não trivial. Quando feita manualmente, é uma tarefa passível da inserção de erros. O uso de ferramentas que auxiliem esta etapa pode proporcionar grandes benefícios ao produto final a ser desenvolvido. Este trabalho propõe a extensão de uma ferramenta cujo foco é a tradução automática de especificações em CSPm para Handel-C. CSP é uma linguagem de descrição formal adequada para trabalhar com sistemas concorrentes. Handel-C é uma linguagem de programação cujo resultado pode ser compilado diretamente para FPGA's. A extensão consiste no aumento no número de operadores CSPm aceitos pela ferramenta, permitindo ao usuário definir processos locais, renomear canais e utilizar guarda booleana em escolhas externas. Além disto, propomos também a implementação de um protocolo de comunicação que elimina algumas restrições da composição paralela de processos na tradução para Handel-C, permitindo que a comunicação entre múltiplos processos possa ser mapeada de maneira consistente e que a mesma somente ocorra quando for autorizada.


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Automation has become increasingly necessary during the software test process due to the high cost and time associated with such activity. Some tools have been proposed to automate the execution of Acceptance Tests in Web applications. However, many of them have important limitations such as the strong dependence on the structure of the HTML pages and the need of manual valuing of the test cases. In this work, we present a language for specifying acceptance test scenarios for Web applications called IFL4TCG and a tool that allows the generation of test cases from these scenarios. The proposed language supports the criterion of Equivalence Classes Partition and the tool allows the generation of test cases that meet different combination strategies (i.e., Each-Choice, Base-Choice and All Combinations). In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed solution, we used the language and the associated tool for designing and executing Acceptance Tests on a module of Sistema Unificado de Administração Pública (SUAP) of Instituto Federal Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN). Four Systems Analysts and one Computer Technician, which work as developers of the that system, participated in the evaluation. Preliminary results showed that IFL4TCG can actually help to detect defects in Web applications


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Removing inconsistencies in a project is a less expensive activity when done in the early steps of design. The use of formal methods improves the understanding of systems. They have various techniques such as formal specification and verification to identify these problems in the initial stages of a project. However, the transformation from a formal specification into a programming language is a non-trivial task and error prone, specially when done manually. The aid of tools at this stage can bring great benefits to the final product to be developed. This paper proposes the extension of a tool whose focus is the automatic translation of specifications written in CSPM into Handel-C. CSP is a formal description language suitable for concurrent systems, and CSPM is the notation used in tools support. Handel-C is a programming language whose result can be compiled directly into FPGA s. Our extension increases the number of CSPM operators accepted by the tool, allowing the user to define local processes, to rename channels in a process and to use Boolean guards on external choices. In addition, we also propose the implementation of a communication protocol that eliminates some restrictions on parallel composition of processes in the translation into Handel-C, allowing communication in a same channel between multiple processes to be mapped in a consistent manner and that improper communication in a channel does not ocurr in the generated code, ie, communications that are not allowed in the system specification


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The increasingly request for processing power during last years has pushed integrated circuit industry to look for ways of providing even more processing power with less heat dissipation, power consumption, and chip area. This goal has been achieved increasing the circuit clock, but since there are physical limits of this approach a new solution emerged as the multiprocessor system on chip (MPSoC). This approach demands new tools and basic software infrastructure to take advantage of the inherent parallelism of these architectures. The oil exploration industry has one of its firsts activities the project decision on exploring oil fields, those decisions are aided by reservoir simulations demanding high processing power, the MPSoC may offer greater performance if its parallelism can be well used. This work presents a proposal of a micro-kernel operating system and auxiliary libraries aimed to the STORM MPSoC platform analyzing its influence on the problem of reservoir simulation


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The approach Software Product Line (SPL) has become very promising these days, since it allows the production of customized systems on large scale through product families. For the modeling of these families the Features Model is being widely used, however, it is a model that has low level of detail and not may be sufficient to guide the development team of LPS. Thus, it is recommended add the Features Model to other models representing the system from other perspectives. The goals model PL-AOVgraph can assume this role complementary to the Features Model, since it has a to context oriented language of LPS's, which allows the requirements modeling in detail and identification of crosscutting concerns that may arise as result of variability. In order to insert PL-AOVgraph in development of LPS's, this paper proposes a bi-directional mapping between PL-AOVgraph and Features Model, which will be automated by tool ReqSys-MDD. This tool uses the approach of Model-Driven Development (MDD), which allows the construction of systems from high level models through successive transformations. This enables the integration of ReqSys-MDD with other tools MDD that use their output models as input to other transformations. So it is possible keep consistency among the models involved, avoiding loss of informations on transitions between stages of development


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A great challenge of the Component Based Development is the creation of mechanisms to facilitate the finding of reusable assets that fulfill the requirements of a particular system under development. In this sense, some component repositories have been proposed in order to answer such a need. However, repositories need to represent the asset characteristics that can be taken into account by the consumers when choosing the more adequate assets for their needs. In such a context, the literature presents some models proposed to describe the asset characteristics, such as identification, classification, non-functional requirements, usage and deployment information and component interfaces. Nevertheless, the set of characteristics represented by those models is insufficient to describe information used before, during and after the asset acquisition. This information refers to negotiation, certification, change history, adopted development process, events, exceptions and so on. In order to overcome this gap, this work proposes an XML-based model to represent several characteristics, of different asset types, that may be employed in the component-based development. Besides representing metadata used by consumers, useful for asset discovering, acquisition and usage, this model, called X-ARM, also focus on helping asset developers activities. Since the proposed model represents an expressive amount of information, this work also presents a tool called X-Packager, developed with the goal of helping asset description with X-ARM


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The interval datatype applications in several areas is important to construct a interval type reusable, i.e., a interval constructor can be applied to any datatype and get intervals this datatype. Since the interval is, of certain form, a set of elements limited for two bounds, left and right, with a order notions, then it s reasonable that interval constructor enclose datatypes with partial order. On the order hand, what we want is work with interval of any datatype like this we work with this datatype then. it s important to guarantee the properties of the datatype when maps to interval of this datatype. Thus, the interval constructor get a theory to parametrized interval type, i.e., a interval with generics parameters (for example rational, real, complex). Sometimes, the interval application in some algebras doesn t guarantee the mainutenance of their properties, for example, when we use interval of real, that satisfies the field properties, it doesn t guarantee the distributivity propertie. A form to surpass this problem Santiago introduced the local equality theory that weakened the notion of strong equality, and thus, allowing some properties are local keeped, what can be discard before. The interval arithmetic generalization aim to apply the interval constructor on ordered algebras weakened for local equality with the purpose of the keep their properties. How the intervals are important in applications with continuous data, it s interesting specify that theory using a specification language that supply a system development using intervals of form disciplined, trustworth and safe. Currently, the algebraic specification language, based in math models, have been use to that intention often. We choose CASL (Common Algebraic Specification Language) among others languages because CASL has several characteristics excellent to parametrized interval type, such as, provide parcialiy and parametrization


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The Exception Handling (EH) is a widely used mechanism for building robust systems. In Software Product Line (SPL) context it is not different. As EH mechanisms are embedded in most of mainstream programming languages (like Java, C# and C++), we can find exception signalers and handlers spread over code assets associated to common and variable SPL features. When exception signalers and handlers are added to an SPL in an unplanned way, one of the possible consequences is the generation of faulty family instances (i.e., instances on which common or variable features signal exceptions that are mistakenly caught inside the system). In this context, some questions arise: How exceptions flow between the optional and alternative features an LPS? Aiming at providing answers to these questions, this master thesis conducted an exploratory study, based on code inspection and static analysis code, whose goal was to categorize the main ways which exceptions flow in LPSs. To support the study, we developed an static analysis tool called PLEA (Product Line Exception Analyzer) that calculates the exceptional flows of LPSs, and categorize these flows according to the features associated with handlers and signalers. Preliminary results showed that some types of exceptional flows have more potential to yield failures in exceptional behavior of SLPs