868 resultados para Rock salt
The aim of this survey was to provide a snap shot of the salt content of soup from a range of catering outlets on the island.
Dietary salt intakes are well in excess of nutritional requirements in most countries worldwide. There is now an overwhelming scientific consensus, based on observational studies and clinical trials over the past 40 years, that salt intake in excess of physiological requirements plays a critical causal role in the rise in blood pressure with age and the development of essential hypertension.
Aims/Hypothesis: Glitazones are powerful insulin sensitisers prescribed for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Their use is, however, associated with fluid retention and an increased risk of congestive heart failure. We previously demonstrated that pioglitazone increases proximal sodium reabsorption in healthy volunteers. This study examines the effects of pioglitazone on renal sodium handling in individuals prone to insulin resistance, i.e. those with diabetes and/or hypertension. Methods: In this double-blind randomised placebo-controlled four-way crossover study, we examined the effects of pioglitazone (45 mg daily during 6 weeks) or placebo on renal, systemic and hormonal responses to changes in sodium intake in 16 individuals, eight with type 2 diabetes and eight with hypertension. Results: Pioglitazone was associated with a rapid increase in body weight and an increase in diurnal proximal sodium reabsorption, without any change in renal haemodynamics or in the modulation of the renin-angiotensin aldosterone system to changes in salt intake. A compensatory increase in brain natriuretic peptide levels was observed. In spite of sodium retention, pioglitazone dissociated the blood-pressure response to salt and abolished salt sensitivity in salt-sensitive individuals. Conclusions/Interpretation: Pioglitazone increases diurnal proximal sodium retention in diabetic and hypertensive individuals. These effects cause fluid retention and may contribute to the increased incidence of congestive heart failure with glitazones.
We all know that too much salt is bad for our hearts. But the fact is that even if you completely stopped adding salt to your food you'd still be 100% over the recommended daily allowance. How? Because between 65% and 70% of the salt we actually eat comes from processed food, fast food, and canteen and restaurant food – so you're seasoning your heart without realising it. So what can you do?
We all know that too much salt is bad for our hearts. But what can you do to cut down? Between 65% and 70% of the salt we eat comes from processed food, fast food, and canteen and restaurant food; so as well as reducing the amount of salt that you add to food, it's especially important to cut down on the amount of salt you get from processed food. Getting to know your way around nutrition labels will go a long way to help you do this.
Adapted from the Irish Heart Foundation We all know that too much salt is bad for our hearts. But what can you do to cut down? Between 65% and 70% of the salt we eat comes from processed food, fast food, and canteen and restaurant food – so as well as reducing the amount of salt that you add to food, it’s especially important to cut down on the amount of salt you get from processed food. Getting to know your way around nutrition labels will go a long way to help you do this.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: NEDD4-2 is an ubiquitin-protein ligase that was originally identified as an interactor of the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC); this interaction is defective in Liddle's syndrome, causing elevated ENaC activity and salt-sensitive hypertension. In this review we aim to highlight progress achieved in recent years demonstrating that NEDD4-2 is involved in the control of Na+ transporters that are different from ENaC, but which also play a role in salt-sensitive hypertension. RECENT FINDINGS: It has been shown that NEDD4-2 interacts with ubiquitylates and negatively regulates the thiazide-sensitive NCC (Na+,Cl- -cotransporter), both in vitro and in vivo in inducible, nephron-specific Nedd4-2 knockout mice. Moreover, evidence has been provided that NEDD4-2 is also involved in the regulation of human NHE3 (Na+,H+-exchanger 3) and NKCC2 (Na+,K+,2Cl- -cotransporter 2). SUMMARY: The emerging role of NEDD4-2 in the regulation of different Na+ transporters along the nephron and the identification of human polymorphisms in the NEDD4-2 gene (Nedd4L) related to salt-sensitive hypertension makes this ubiquitin-protein ligase an interesting target for the development of antihypertensive drugs.
Determining groundwater flow paths of infiltrated river water is necessary for studying biochemical processes in the riparian zone, but their characterization is complicated by strong temporal and spatial heterogeneity. We investigated to what extent repeat 3D surface electrical resistance tomography (ERT) can be used to monitor transport of a salt-tracer plume under close to natural gradient conditions. The aim is to estimate groundwater flow velocities and pathways at a site located within a riparian groundwater system adjacent to the perialpine Thur River in northeastern Switzerland. Our ERT time-lapse images provide constraints on the plume's shape, flow direction, and velocity. These images allow the movement of the plume to be followed for 35 m. Although the hydraulic gradient is only 1.43 parts per thousand, the ERT time-lapse images demonstrate that the plume's center of mass and its front propagate with velocities of 2x10(-4) m/s and 5x10(-4) m/s, respectively. These velocities are compatible with groundwater resistivity monitoring data in two observation wells 5 m from the injection well. Five additional sensors in the 5-30 m distance range did not detect the plume. Comparison of the ERT time-lapse images with a groundwater transport model and time-lapse inversions of synthetic ERT data indicate that the movement of the plume can be described for the first 6 h after injection by a uniform transport model. Subsurface heterogeneity causes a change of the plume's direction and velocity at later times. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of using time-lapse 3D surface ERT to monitor flow pathways in a challenging perialpine environment over larger scales than is practically possible with crosshole 3D ERT.
Anopheles aquasalis larvae are salt water tolerant, preferring concentrations between 10 and 20 parts per thousand (ppt). The larvicidal efficacy of two formulations of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Vectobac-12AS® and Bactivec®), was investigated against An. aquasalis at salinities of 0, 10, and 20 ppt. A probit analysis was used to calculate the lethal concentrations (LC50 and LC95) for each product at each salinity. The LC50 and LC95 were higher for Bactivec® than Vectobac-12AS®, and for Bactivec®, the LC50 and LC95 increased with salinity. Vectobac-12AS® should thus be preferred to Bactivec® for An. aquasalis control, especially in saline breeding habitats.
Crònica del Museu de l'Aigua de Salt, instal·lat a l'edifici del mas Llorens, dedicat bàsicament a la sèquia Monar i al curs mitjà del Ter i obert l'any 1990
Salt sensitivity of blood pressure is associated with an elevated risk of developing hypertension (HTN) and is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The prevalence of HTN increases after menopause. The aim of this study was to investigate prospectively whether the loss of ovarian hormones increases the occurrence of salt sensitivity among healthy premenopausal women. We enrolled 40 normotensive, nondiabetic women (age 47.2+/-3.5), undergoing hysterectomy-oophorectomy for nonneoplastic processes and not on hormone replacement, to determine the effect of changes in sodium intake on blood pressure the day before and subsequently 4 months after surgical menopause. Salt loading was achieved using a 2-L normal saline infusion and salt depletion produced by 40 mg of intravenous furosemide. A decrease >10 mm Hg in systolic blood pressure between salt loading and salt depletion was used to define salt sensitivity. Before and after menopause, salt-sensitive women exhibited higher waist/hip and waist/thigh ratios (P<0.01). Although all of the women remained normotensive, the prevalence of salt sensitivity was significantly higher after surgical menopause (21 women; 52.5%) than before (9 women; 22.5%; P=0.01), because 12 (38.7%) salt-resistant women developed salt sensitivity after menopause. In summary, we demonstrated that the prevalence of salt sensitivity doubled as early as 4 months after surgical menopause, without an associated increase in blood pressure. Epidemiological studies indicate that development of HTN may not occur until 5 to 10 years after menopause. The loss of ovarian hormones may unmask a population of women prone to salt sensitivity who, with aging, would be at higher risk for the subsequent development of HTN and cardiovascular disease.
El motiu principal que ens ha portat a la realització d’aquest treball ha sigut el nostreinterès en el camp de la rehabilitació. També ha influït en aquesta decisió la possibilitat d’accedir a documentació gràfica i històrica, ja que es tracta d’un edifici històric patrimoni del municipi de Salt. Com a coneixedors de l’estat actual de l’edifici s’ha decidit que l’objecte principal del projecte estigui basat en la consolidació estructural, considerant que no hi ha un ús definit, decidim que l’ús serà el que ve definit al CTE com a categoria C (zones d’accés al públic), que és el més desfavorable en quant a sobrecàrregues d’ús. Llavors, la finalitat del projecte és dur a terme la rehabilitació de l’edifici perquè és pugui adaptar a qualsevol ús que se li vulgui donar. Per tant, cal deixar clar que no és objecte redissenyar o redistribuir l’edifici per donar-li un ús concret