325 resultados para Quit


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Objective. Smoking prevalence is highest among the young adult cohort. Postsecondary students are no exception. Although many students intend to quit smoking, no research has established what methods best promote reductions in, or complete abstinence from smoking. This randomized controlled trial examined the effectiveness of three self-help smoking cessation interventions. Method. On six post-secondary campuses, 483 smokers who voluntarily accessed Leave The Pack Behind (a tobacco control initiative) were randomly assigned to one of three smoking cessation interventions: One Step At A Time (a 2-booklet, *gold standard' program for adults); Smoke|Quit (a newly-developed 2-booklet program for young adult students); and usual care (a 'Quit Kit' containing a booklet on stress management, information about pharmacological quitting aides and novelty items). All participants also received one proactive telephone support call from a peer counsellor. During the study, 85 participants withdrew. The final sample of 216 students who completed baseline questionnaires and 12-week follow-up telephone interviews was representative of the initial sample in terms of demographic characteristics, and smokingquitting- related variables. Results. Whether participants quit smoking depended upon treatment condition, ^(2, N=2\6) = 6.34, p = .04, with Smoke|Quit producing more successfijl quitters (18.4%) than One Step At A Time (4.5%) or the Quit Kit (1 1.4%). On average, participants had quit 53.46 days, with no significant difference across treatments. Selfefficacy also increased. Use of the intervention or other quitting aides was not associated with treatment condition. Among the 191 participants who did not quit smoking, treatment condition did not influence outcomes. Overall, 46.2% had made a quit attempt. Significant decreases in weekly tobacco consumption and increases in self-efficacy to resist smoking were observed from baseline to follow-up. Conclusion. Post-secondary institutions represent a potentially final opportunity for age-targeted interventions. Self-help resources tailored to students' social and contextual characteristics will have considerable more impact than stage-only tailored interventions. Both reduction and abstinence outcomes should be emphasized to positively support students to stop smoking.


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Background: Up to 40% of North American post-secondary students smoke at least occasionally, and most want to quit. Given students' preferences for free, easy-to-access, self-directed, convenient cessation methods, a motivational, incentive-based cessation contest may be an effective way to assist students to quit. The current study describes 3- and 6-month outcomes experienced by post-secondary student smokers who entered the 'Let's Make A Deal!' contest. Methodology: Contestants from five university campuses who chose to quit completely ('Quit For Good') or reduce their tobacco consumption by 50% ('Keep The Count') were invited to participate in a study of the contest. Three and six months after registration, participants were contacted by phone to assess their smoking and quitting behaviours. Qualitative and quantitative measures were collected, including weekly tobacco consumption, efficacy to resist temptations to smoke, use of quitting aids, and strategies to cope with withdrawal. Quitting was assessed using 7-day point prevalence and continuous abstinence. Results: Seventy-four (64.9%) of the 114 participants recruited for the study completed the follow-ups. Over 31 % of participants who entered Quit For Good and 23.5% of participants who entered Keep The Count were identified as quitters at the 6-month follow-up. Among the quitters, 45.5% experienced sustained abstinence from smoking for the 6-month duration of the study. Keep The Count contestants reduced their tobacco consumption by 57.2% at 3-month follow-up and sustained some of this reduction through to the 6-month follow-up. Qualitative data provides insights into how quitters coped with withdrawal and what hampered continuing smokers' efforts to quit. Significance: A motivational, incentive-based contest for post-secondary students can facilitate both smoking cessation and harm reduction. The contest environment, incentives, resources, and "buddies" provide positive structural and social supports to help smokers overcome potential barriers to quitting, successfully stop smoking, and manage potential triggers to relapse. The contest cessation rates are higher than the typical 5-7% associated with unassisted quitting.


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The Scholfield and Galbraith families of Dunnville, Ont. were related by marriage. Thomas Jefferson Galbraith (1842-1921) worked as a collector of canal tolls at Port Maitland, a landing waiter and searcher and an acting preventive officer in Customs. He was married to Jane Ann [Jennie] Montieth and they had five children, Margaret, Minnie Montieth, Genevieve Marion, Edith Stuart and Thomas Percy Galbraith. Genevieve Marion Galbraith was married to Harry E. Scholfield, son of Frederick Scholfield (d.1908) and Georginna Galer (d. 1888), a dry goods merchant in Dunnville. Some extent records belong to a William Scholfield who operated a mill in Dunnville. Included are records related to land lease, mortgage and bargain and sale agreements between Scholfield and various individuals, including Richard Kirkpatrick, William Kohler, Alvin Drake, Robert Ban[u]d, Henry Beckett, Sr., Samuel Waltho, Nehemiah Niece.


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In March 1931, Captain Bruce Angus was sent to Sarnia by Gordon C. Leitch, general manager of Toronto Elevators. He was sent to inspect the Sarnian to ensure it was still seaworthy. Leitch was a savvy business man, who had been active in the business community for a number of years. Leitch began his career with a partner in the lumber business. When that went under he moved into graineries and worked for the Winnipeg Wheat Pool for 12 years. After Winnipeg he moved to Toronto, which was closer to his home town of Ridgetown, Ontario. In Toronto Leitch became manager of the Toronto branch of the Canadian Wheat Pool. While managing the wheat pools in Toronto Leitch became aware of huge costs associated with shipping the grains from the praries into the Toronto area. He felt that there was no need for such costs and decided to do something to make them better and cheaper for the business. Originally the grain was loaded onto Lakers that would bring the grain from the praries to Lake Huron and Georgian Bay. It was stored there until needed by the Toronto graineries and then hauled across land by either truck or train. The land journey was the most expensive and the one which Leitch wanted to eliminate. This was a fine plan except for 2 obstacles that were quickly overcome. First of all the Welland canals were not large enough to accommodate the large carriers that were bringing in the grain. This was changing as the expansion and widening of the canals was already underway. The second issue was the lack of storage in Toronto for the grain. The grain elevators had been destroyed by fire in the late 1880s and never replaced. Leitch propsed his company built its own storage elevators along the water front to allow not only for easier access to the grain, and more timely production of products. The elevators would aslo create a reduction in shipping costs and an overall more competitoive price for the customers of the grainery. The company refused, so Leitch went elsewhere to friends and contacts within the grain industry. The elevators were built and Leitch quit his job with the Canadian Wheat Pool and became the general manager of the elevators. Although the elevators were built and ready for storage the next issue was filling them. None of the carriers wanted to do business with Leitch because the competition in Georgian Bay threatened to cancel their contracts if they did. Leitch saw no way around this, but to provide his own transportation. This is when he sent Captain Bruce Angus to scout out potential ships. The ship was purchased for $37,000 and after another $30,000 was spent to fix it up, it was ready for business. The need for transportation and the finding of a seaworthy ship, lead to the beginnings of the Northland Steamship Company. The Sarnian proved to not be enough for the business underway. Leitch decided another ship was necessary. He joined forces with James Norris the owner of the Norris Grain Company. He proposed they join forces to create a more economical means of transportating their products.


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Indenture of deed of land by way of quit-claim between Margaret Adams of St. Catharines and Samuel DeVeaux Woodruff of St. Catharines regarding parts of Lots no. 20 and 21 in the 5th and 6th Concessions in the Township of Grantham. This was registered in the Lincoln County Registry on January 21, 1875 - instrument no. 2053 and instrument no. 4819, January 20, 1875.


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Letter to S.D. Woodruff from Fred Holmes who says that he received Mr. Woodruff’s instructions to change the level of the bottom of the northwest corner of lots no. 9-15. He then received a note from Mr. Cook, the foreman that they had to quit working because of too much water in the ditch, Aug. 1, 1857.


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A group of agents located along a river have quasi-linear preferences over water and money. We ask how the water should be allocated and what money transfers should be performed. We are interested in efficiency, stability (in the sense of the core), and fairness (in a sense to be defined). We first show that the cooperative game associated with our problem is convex : its core is therefore large and easily described. Next, we propose the following fairness requirement : no group of agents should enjoy a welfare higher than what it could achieve in the absence of the remaining agents. We prove that only one welfare vector in the core satisfies this condition : it is the marginal contribution vector corresponding to the ordering of the agents along the river. We discuss how it could be decentralized or implemented.


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We study fairness in economies with one private good and one partially excludable nonrival good. A social ordering function determines for each profile of preferences an ordering of all conceivable allocations. We propose the following Free Lunch Aversion condition: if the private good contributions of two agents consuming the same quantity of the nonrival good have opposite signs, reducing that gap improves social welfare. This condition, combined with the more standard requirements of Unanimous Indifference and Responsiveness, delivers a form of welfare egalitarianism in which an agent's welfare at an allocation is measured by the quantity of the nonrival good that, consumed at no cost, would leave her indifferent to the bundle she is assigned.


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En 1989, le législateur québécois a restreint la liberté contractuelle des époux en imposant à tous les couples l'obligation de partager, au jour de la dissolution matrimoniale, un certain nombre de biens à caractère familial. Selon toute vraisemblance, le législateur souhaitait endiguer les injustices économiques engendrées par le divorce des femmes mariées dans les années 40, 50 et 60 sous un régime de séparation conventionnelle de biens. En visant l'ensemble des couples, le législateur a certes atteint son but, mais au détriment de ceux qui auraient pu raisonnablement et équitablement tirer profit du contrat de mariage. Après avoir mis en relief la rigidité des principes juridiques sur la base desquels le contrat de mariage a pu autrefois s'imposer au mépris d'une justice conjugale élémentaire, l'auteur examine les législations des autres provinces canadiennes qui, de tout temps, accordent aux tribunaux le pouvoir de réviser le contenu d'un marriage contract en cas d'iniquité ou d'abus. À la lumière de ces législations et de l'interprétation qu'en a retenu la Cour suprême du Canada dans l'arrêt Hartshorne, l'auteur propose l'introduction, en droit québécois, d'un pouvoir de révision ou d'annulation judiciaire du contrat de mariage pour cause de lésion et d'imprévision, ces normes de contrôle judiciaire étant à même d'assurer un meilleur équilibre entre liberté et équité.


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Un résumé en anglais est également disponible.


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"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître en droit (LL.M.)"


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"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise en droit (LL.M.)"


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L'éducation à la citoyenneté comme forme de socialisation juridique est un moyen parmi d'autres qui nous permet de concevoir un possible dépassement de la «raison paresseuse» dans laquelle sont engagés les modèles politiques occidentaux. Les bases d'un nouveau code moral proposant à la fois une identité individuelle et collective pour le citoyen sont nécessaires. Ainsi, les énergies consacrées à la meilleure formation possible des futurs acteurs de la société québécoise, au partage d'idées et de perceptions dans une perspective contemporaine, ne peuvent être que bénéfiques pour l'avancement et l'avènement d'une société où l'équité coexiste avec la différence. C'est en réfléchissant et en échangeant sur le sujet avec notre entourage que nous avons décidé de concentrer nos recherches dans le domaine de 1'« éducation à la citoyenneté» avec comme contenu le droit. Naturellement, l'analyse à proprement positiviste du droit est ici mise de côté. Comme nous le verrons plus loin, une étude qui aborde la vision que se font les jeunes de l'univers juridique qui les entoure commande plutôt une approche sociologique. Les conclusions tirées de notre projet de recherche contribueront au débat entourant les concepts de citoyenneté, de droits fondamentaux et de responsabilités sociales dans une dynamique d'apprentissage. En tenant compte de la dimension culturelle de la citoyenneté, nous décrirons les différences d'interprétation et de représentation des droits fondamentaux et des responsabilités sociales dans la conscience d'« initiés» et de « non initiés» à une activité de socialisation juridique organisée par le Centre de développement pour l'exercice de la citoyenneté (CDEC), Débats de citoyens. Ce n'est qu'une fois cet exercice complété que nous tenterons d'évaluer le bienfondé et la validité d'une telle approche pédagogique. Mots clés: Éducation, citoyenneté, droits, responsabilités, socialisation, culture, débat, différence.


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Objectif : Évaluer la « lourdeur » de la prise en charge clinique des personnes vivant avec le VIH/SIDA (PVVIH) afin d’ajuster l’allocation des ressources en GMF. Méthodologie : Analyse comparative entre le GMF de la Clinique médicale l’Actuel, les GMF montréalais et de l’ensemble du Québec, en identifiant les différences dans les profils de consommation de soins pour les années civiles 2006 à 2008 et les coûts d’utilisation des services pour l’année 2005. Résultats : En 2008, 78% de la clientèle inscrite au GMF de la Clinique médicale l’Actuel est vulnérable comparativement à 28% pour les autres GMF montréalais, une tendance observée pour l’ensemble du Québec. Le nombre moyen de visites par individu inscrit et vulnérable est de 7,57 au GMF l’Actuel alors que la moyenne montréalaise est de 3,37 et celle du Québec de 3,47. Enfin, le coût moyen des visites médicales au GMF l’Actuel en 2005 est de 203,93 $ comparativement à des coûts variant entre 132,14 et 149,53 $ pour les unités de comparaison. Conclusion : L’intensité de l’utilisation des ressources au GMF de la Clinique médicale l’Actuel (nombre d’individus vulnérables, nombre de visites et coûts) suggère que la prise en charge clinique des personnes vivant avec le VIH/SIDA est beaucoup plus lourde qu’un citoyen tout venant ou même de la majorité des autres catégories de vulnérabilité. Afin d’offrir un traitement juste et équitable aux GMF, l’inscription devrait être ajustée afin de tenir compte de la « lourdeur » de cette clientèle et valoriser la prise en charge des personnes qui présentent des tableaux cliniques complexes.


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Cette recherche s’intéresse au concept de la GRH à la carte et à son influence sur l’intention de départ des salariés. Pour ce faire, nous avons dû définir les différentes composantes qui entourent notre concept principal, nous faisons référence aux espaces de choix relatifs à l’organisation et à l’aménagement du temps de travail, aux espaces de choix relatifs à la rémunération, à la formation, etc. Dans leur description, ces pratiques qu’on trouve au coeur du concept de la GRH à la carte nous permettent de prendre conscience que la gestion des ressources humaines connaît une nouvelle facette. Celle-ci s’explique principalement par le souci des entreprises d’aujourd’hui de se rapprocher des attentes de leurs salariés, en leur offrant un certain nombre d’espaces de choix dans leur emploi. Les gestionnaires des ressources humaines parlent alors de personnalisation des pratiques des RH, ce qui exige une certaine flexibilité de la part des organisations. Ainsi, l’élaboration de notre étude nous a permis de présenter un modèle théorique dont l’objectif est de tester l’influence de la flexibilité des différents espaces de choix de la GRH à la carte sur l’intention de départ souvent manifestée par les salariés. Les résultats obtenus à l’aide de l’analyse multivariée appliquée à des données d’une institution bancaire haïtienne mettent en évidence l’impact significatif de certaines pratiques et le rôle médiateur du sentiment d’autodétermination dans la décision des salariés. Mots clés : Intention de départ volontaire, flexibilité des pratiques de la GRH à la carte, sentiment d’auto-détermination