993 resultados para Queirós, Eça de, 1845-1900


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This paper provides a comparative analysis of working class consumer credit in Britain and France from the early twentieth century through to the 1980s. It indicates a number of similarities between the two nations in the earlier part of the period: in particular, in the operation of doorstep credit systems. For the British case study, we explore consumer finance offered by credit drapers (sometimes known as tallymen) whilst in France the paper explores a similar system that functioned in the coalmining communities around the city of Lens. Both methods operated on highly socialised relationships that established the trust on which credit was offered and long-term creditor/borrower relationships established. In the second part of the paper, we analyse the different trajectories taken in post-war France and Britain in this area of working class credit. In France this form of socialized credit gradually dwindled due to factors such as ‘Bancarisation’, which saw the major banks emerge as modern bureaucratized providers of credit for workers and their families. In contrast, in Britain the tallymen (and other related forms of doorstep credit providers) were offered a new lease of life in the 1960s and 1970s. This was a period during which British credit providers utilised multiple methods to evade the hire purchase controls put in place by post-war governments. Thus, whilst the British experience was one of fragmented consumer loan types (including the continuation of doorstep credit), the French experience (like elsewhere in Europe) was one of greater consolidation. The paper concludes by reflecting on the role of these developments in the creation of differential experiences of credit inclusion/exclusion in the two nations and the impact of this on financial inequality.


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A monograph on British theatre historiography from its emergence in the Restoration to its foundation as an academic discipline in the early 20th century.


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Aims: X-ray emission is an important diagnostics to study magnetic activity in very low mass stars that are presumably fully convective and have an effectively neutral photosphere. Methods: We investigate an XMM-Newton observation of SCR 1845-6357, a nearby, ultracool M 8.5 / T 5.5 dwarf binary. The binary is unresolved in the XMM detectors, but the X-ray emission is very likely from the M 8.5 dwarf. We compare its flaring emission to those of similar very low mass stars and additionally present an XMM observation of the M 8 dwarf VB 10. Results: We detect quasi-quiescent X-ray emission from SCR 1845-6357 at soft X-ray energies in the 0.2-2.0 keV band, as well as a strong flare with a count rate increase of a factor of 30 and a duration of only 10 min. The quasi-quiescent X-ray luminosity of log LX = 26.2 erg/s and the corresponding activity level of log LX/Lbol = -3.8 point to a fairly active star. Coronal temperatures of up to 5 MK and frequent minor variability support this picture. During the flare, which is accompanied by a significant brightening in the near-UV, plasma temperatures of 25-30 MK are observed and an X-ray luminosity of LX = 8 × 1027 erg/s is reached. Conclusions: The source SCR 1845-6357 is a nearby, very low mass star that emits X-rays at detectable levels in quasi-quiescence, implying the existence of a corona. The high activity level, coronal temperatures and the observed large flare point to a rather active star, despite its estimated age of a few Gyr.


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De 1900 à 1966, Lionel Groulx, prêtre, historien, écrivain, conférencier, professeur, a signé 176 textes d'une vingtaine de pseudonymes différents. Le premier chapitre du mémoire résume d'abord les positions théoriques qu'ont adoptées des chercheurs comme Genette, Laugaa et Jeandillou en ce qui concerne la pseudonymie. Le récit de l'aventure pseudonyme de Groulx commence au deuxième chapitre, alors que le jeune professeur du College de Valleyfield, surtout pour éviter les représailles de son évêque, recourra à la pseudonymie pour signer des textes patriotiques. En 1915, Groulx quitte Valleyfield pour Montréal. Dès 1917, il collabore à l'Action française, dont il devient le directeur en 1920. Sans contredit, l'étude de la pseudonymie de Groulx de 1917 a 1929 prouve qu'il est bel et bien "L'Homme à tout faire" de la revue, comme le démontre le troisième chapitre. Le quatrième et dernier chapitre analyse la période 1930 à 1966. [Résumé abrégé par UMI]


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Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Ensino de Filosofia, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Relatório da prática de ensino supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino da Economia e Contabilidade, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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In 1915 plans for the celebration of the 700th anniversary of Magna Carta had to be dropped following the outbreak of the First World War. Such celebrations marked a sense of Magna Carta as an event in the history of these islands. The usage of the term Magna Carta in Parliament in the run-up to the First World War, however, shows that its granting was not seen only as a significant historical event to be memorialised. During the period from 1900, opening with war in South Africa and ending in 1914 with war throughout Europe, the Great Charter was mentioned 85 times in Parliament. As a period marked by a lengthy constitutional crisis in 1909-11 and beset with problems in Ireland and the Empire, this seems like a good case study period to choose. This short paper attempts to analyse how and why it was invoked in Parliament in the years and what these various usages tell us about how Magna Carta was understood at the time.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Jornalismo.


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Num texto de cariz jornalístico, escrito na plena maturidade da sua vida literária, em 1895, Eça de Queirós reflecte irónica e liricamente sobre a chamada ―influência‖ do clima sobre a mentalidade, a cultura e a economia dos povos europeus. É seu pretexto uma cómica palinódia dos seus sarcasmos juvenis acerca de um romântico desabafo poético-político de um ex-primeiro-ministro português, o qual enaltecia, como principal riqueza nacional, ―o luminoso e magnífico céu azul que nos cobre!‖. Já desde a década de 1870, no advento da sua vida de escritor, que, para Eça, é tema recorrente uma espécie de ―mitologia do sul‖, em que impera a tutela benfazeja e doce do céu meridional. Nesta crónica, no fim da sua vida, Eça de Queirós retoma e desenvolve, definitivamente, uma representação cultural e psicológica do clima meridional, pretexto para uma magnífica síntese contrastiva sobre o Norte e o Sul da Europa, uma enternecida apologia do sol, do calor e da luz dos climas ―ricos‖, saudosamente evocados durante um Inverno sombrio em Paris. É justamente a coerência exemplar deste motivo – associada, não obstante, à natural e estratégica evolução estético-ideológica do autor – que será objecto de reflexão deste texto: porque o signo climático e a oposição Norte/ Sul podem funcionar como noções heurísticas de uma obra e de um autor sobre os quais (como sobre Flaubert) já se disse muito, mas nunca se diz o suficiente.


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Tese de Doutoramento apresentada ao Departamento de Filología Moderna, Facultad de Filología, Universidad de Salamanca


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Tese de Doutoramento em História Contemporânea Institucional e Política de Portugal