847 resultados para Projeto Calha Norte


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Com o desenvolvimento deste projeto de pesquisa Religião profética e crise política: estudo da sociedade norte-israelita à luz de Oséias 9,1-9 queremos identificar que momento de crise foi essa pelo qual passou a sociedade norte-israelita no século VIII a.C., e qual seria o background oseânico que teria funcionado como um verdadeiro leitmotiv em sua vida profética. Ao invés de partirmos de uma regressão, i.é., de um estudo dedutivo (método descendente), devido à falta de material e também pela complexidade do trabalho, farei o inverso, partirei da teoria que hoje é plenamente aceita no meio acadêmico. Fundado numa metodologia que privilegia os resultados obtidos a partir dos mais rigorosos dados historiográficos métodos históricos críticos e pesquisas arqueológicas este projeto de pesquisa utilizará o método indutivo, i.é., partiremos de um processo ascendente. O desafio está em delinear a trajetória autonômica da monarquia norte-israelita, procurando estabelecer quais foram os momentos mais marcantes desta caminhada histórica, suscetíveis de forjar a manifestação de profetas como Amós, Oséias, Miquéias e tantos outros. Como objeto principal de nossa pesquisa, o foco estará sobre o profeta Oséias que soube como nenhum outro antes dele, fazer uma síntese entre religião e vida, i.é., soube desenvolver critérios éticos que serviram como parâmetro avaliativo de pureza da religião javista


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A presente tese propõe uma interpretação exegética da profecia de Jr 30-31 na perspectiva social. Jr 30-31 forma uma unidade literária no livro de Jeremias, composta por subunidades que podem ser designadas de perícopes. Grande parte das expectativas salvíficas deste trecho literário devem ser atribuídas à literatura originária do livro, e provém das articulações sociais engendradas por Jeremias no fim do século 7 e início do século 6 a.C. em prol dos empobrecidos da antiga sociedade palestina Israel/Norte e de Judá/Sul. Os primeiros ditos salvíficos de Jr 30-31 surgiram na época de Josias (Jr 30,10-11.18-21; 31,2-5). Nessa época, originaram-se as expectativas de salvação dirigidas para as populações israelitas do Norte. Outro intenso surgimento das expectativas salvíficas aconteceu nos anos imediatamente posteriores à queda de Judá, em 587 a.C., quando Jeremias novamente direcionou uma palavra de esperança aos pobres do Israel/Norte, e incluiu também em sua mensagem aqueles que permaneceram na terra de Judá/Sul depois do saque babilônico. Nesse cenário podem ser localizadas as seguintes perícopes: 30,3.5-7.12-17; 31,15.16-20.21-22.27-28.31-34. A presente tese supõe que, de modo geral, Jr 30-31 seja uma reconfirmação da desmilitarização e da desurbanização de Jerusalém ocorridas naquele período, já que esse novo cenário político e econômico favoreceu os desprestigiados da Palestina. O tribalismo é o moto das expectativas salvíficas da literatura jeremiana original. No engendramento de uma nova sociedade, retribalizada, livre do jugo monárquico e dos imperialismos, Jr 30-31 defendem a posse da terra aos camponeses que sofreram espoliações do império assírio e dos reis judaítas. Com a queda do Estado de Judá, os empobrecidos poderiam retomar suas vidas e possuir a terra como meio de produção e subsistência. A relação entre as palavras de salvação e o tribalismo também pode ser notado em outros trechos do livro de Jeremias. A estruturação verbal proponente de destruição e reconstrução de 31,28 pode ser encontrada em Jr 1,10; 18,7.9; 24,6; 42,10 e 45,4. As promessas de salvação contidas em Jr 1,10, 31,27-28 e 42,10 anunciam a continuidade da vida na terra de Judá depois da catástrofe de 587 a.C. Essa ideia também pode ser percebida em Jr 23,5-6, 30,8-9. Em Jr 24,6, por sua vez, lê-se uma promessa para os exilados de Judá, que viviam na Babilônia sob o sistema tribal. Em Jr 3,6-13.19-25; 4,1-2, as expectativas salvíficas de Jeremias apresentam o caminho para a reorganização social através da conversão para Javé.


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Com o desenvolvimento deste projeto de pesquisa Religião profética e crise política: estudo da sociedade norte-israelita à luz de Oséias 9,1-9 queremos identificar que momento de crise foi essa pelo qual passou a sociedade norte-israelita no século VIII a.C., e qual seria o background oseânico que teria funcionado como um verdadeiro leitmotiv em sua vida profética. Ao invés de partirmos de uma regressão, i.é., de um estudo dedutivo (método descendente), devido à falta de material e também pela complexidade do trabalho, farei o inverso, partirei da teoria que hoje é plenamente aceita no meio acadêmico. Fundado numa metodologia que privilegia os resultados obtidos a partir dos mais rigorosos dados historiográficos métodos históricos críticos e pesquisas arqueológicas este projeto de pesquisa utilizará o método indutivo, i.é., partiremos de um processo ascendente. O desafio está em delinear a trajetória autonômica da monarquia norte-israelita, procurando estabelecer quais foram os momentos mais marcantes desta caminhada histórica, suscetíveis de forjar a manifestação de profetas como Amós, Oséias, Miquéias e tantos outros. Como objeto principal de nossa pesquisa, o foco estará sobre o profeta Oséias que soube como nenhum outro antes dele, fazer uma síntese entre religião e vida, i.é., soube desenvolver critérios éticos que serviram como parâmetro avaliativo de pureza da religião javista


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This thesis deepens the issues pointed out in our master's dissertation (2009) and the following texts about architectural projects representation presented in architectural competitions. It aims to identify the representation culture of projects from architectural competitions. Were there common ways to argue among successful architects? Which were them? How extent the various arguments are consistent or what is the discursive coherent? Which interlocutors were privileged in argumentation, the requesting ones or those that evaluate the proposals? To answer these questions, we began from a correlation suggested by TOSTRUP (1999) among some drawings – plans, sections, façades, perspective, details or texts - and emphasized aspects in a project argumentation (place, zoning, environmental comfort, energy efficiency, etc.). On the top of this, we add functions that DURAND (2003) indicates relevant to architectural representations: conception, communication or seduction and execution. Other writers, such as COLLINS (1971), COLLYER (2004), MOON (2005), BANDEIRA (2007), and OXMAN (2008) in different ways, offered us subsidies to relate kinds of architectural representations with specific functions or strategies of persuasion. Thus, for 08 Brazilian competitions, occurred between 2008 – 2011, we analyzed the requests from the brief of the official announcement, the evaluations of the jurors, and the boards of the winning designs – graphical and textual representations. That allowed us to observe a representation culture predominantly based on perspectives and plans, even been articulated in different arguments. This may emphasize since objective aspects as building execution to appeals of mere visual seduction. In what regards to the audience, even when the official announcement resembled to one another, the winners’ argumentation were different, suggesting a possible jury’s privilege as an interlocutor.


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With the intention of studying and developing the design process based on a specific methodology, the object of this work is to present the design of a gated condominium community in Natal based on the application of principles of shape grammar, used in their design process. The shape grammar is a design method developed in the 1970s by George Stiny and James Gips. It is used for the analysis of the project as well as for its synthesis, with the goal of creating a "formal vocabulary" through mathematical and/or geometrical operations. Here, the methodology was used in the synthesis of the design process, through the relationship between formal subtractions and the houses’ architectural planning. As a result, five dwellings configurations were proposed, each one different from the other with respect to their shape and architectural programming, distributed in three twin groups, which are repeated until the final total of nine architectural volumes. In addition to studies of the condominium’s ventilation and the buildings’ shading simulations, studies of spatial flexibility and acoustic performance were also performed. The mapping of the design process, one of the specific objectives of the dissertation, was composed not only by the record of formal constraints (the preparation and application of rules), but also by physical, environmental, legal and sustainability aspects in relation to, on one hand, the optimization of the shading and passive ventilation for hot and humid climates, and, on the other hand, the modulation and rationalization of the construction.


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Displays intervention project that proposes changes in the organizational and operational structure of the Board of Trade of Rio Grande do Norte. Analyzes routine flow of activities of business registration and organizational structure. Compare the models, with the current proposed. The work is divided into six chapters which lists since the description of the institution, work object, until the proposed new organizational and operational model. Uses the methodology of literature review and observation of reality


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This work consists of the conception, developing and implementation of a Computational Routine CAE which has algorithms suitable for the tension and deformation analysis. The system was integrated to an academic software named as OrtoCAD. The expansion algorithms for the interface CAE genereated by this work were developed in FORTRAN with the objective of increase the applications of two former works of PPGEM-UFRN: project and fabrication of a Electromechanincal reader and Software OrtoCAD. The software OrtoCAD is an interface that, orinally, includes the visualization of prothetic cartridges from the data obtained from a electromechanical reader (LEM). The LEM is basically a tridimensional scanner based on reverse engineering. First, the geometry of a residual limb (i.e., the remaining part of an amputee leg wherein the prothesis is fixed) is obtained from the data generated by LEM by the use of Reverse Engineering concepts. The proposed core FEA uses the Shell's Theory where a 2D surface is generated from a 3D piece form OrtoCAD. The shell's analysis program uses the well-known Finite Elements Method to describe the geometry and the behavior of the material. The program is based square-based Lagragean elements of nine nodes and displacement field of higher order to a better description of the tension field in the thickness. As a result, the new FEA routine provide excellent advantages by providing new features to OrtoCAD: independency of high cost commercial softwares; new routines were added to the OrtoCAD library for more realistic problems by using criteria of fault engineering of composites materials; enhanced the performance of the FEA analysis by using a specific grid element for a higher number of nodes; and finally, it has the advantage of open-source project and offering customized intrinsic versatility and wide possibilities of editing and/or optimization that may be necessary in the future


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This work consists of the integrated design process analyses with thermal energetic simulation during the early design stages, based on six practical cases. It aims to schematize the integration process, identifying the thermal energetic analyses contributions at each design phase and identifying the highest impact parameters on building performance. The simulations were run in the DesignBuilder energy tool, which has the same EnergyPlus engine, validated. This tool was chosen due to the flexible and user friendly graphic interface for modeling and output assessment, including the parametric simulation to compare design alternatives. The six case studies energy tools are three architectural and three retrofit projects, and the author the simulations as a consultant or as a designer. The case studies were selected based on the commitment of the designers in order to achieve performance goals, and their availability to share the process since the early pre-design analyses, allowing schematizing the whole process, and supporting the design decisions with quantifications, including energy targets. The thermoenergetic performance analyses integration is feasible since the early stages, except when only a short time is available to run the simulations. The simulation contributions are more important during the sketch and detail phases. The predesign phase can be assisted by means of reliable bioclimatic guidelines. It was verified that every case study had two dominant design variables on the general performance. These variables differ according the building characteristics and always coincide with the local bioclimatic strategies. The adaptation of alternatives to the design increases as earlier it occurs. The use of simulation is very useful: to prove and convince the architects; to quantify the cost benefits and payback period to the retrofit designer; and to the simulator confirm the desirable result and report the performance to the client


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The great demand for Federal Institutions of High Education (IFES) design, triggered by the favourable political moment, boosts the public works market and brings with it the stigma of seeking the lowest cost and meet the federal Law 8.666/93 (Bids). In this context, this research makes an analysis of compliance with Fire Safety’s normative requirements in IFES’s architectural designs, taking this point as an evaluation of quality of designs. For the study, were used, IFES’s designs, specifically from UFERSA – Universidade Federal Rural do Semiárido and UFRN – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, selected by the relationship use x public served and yet, in the replication of these buildings’ construction. The research was developed through the identification of the Fire Safety applicable legislation to the designs in question, with the determination of the demanded conditions that are architect’s autonomy or that affect the architectural design. Tabulated the requirements, through data collection and measures gathered in the blueprints, was made a comparison and verification of the compliance with these. The results of this evaluation reveal that the minimum requirements was not fulfilled and that IFES’s architectural designs, taken as object in this study, certainly will suffer restrictions in their regularization process with the Fire Department. It is concluded that is necessary an improvement in the IFES’s designs to meet the minimum fire safety regulations and improvement in quality. Moreover, the results direct to the understanding that level of knowledge about Fire Safety received in undergraduate by architects is insufficient for appropriate elaboration of architectural designs in this area.


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La investigación presenta los conceptos y argumentos más importantes para Cornelius Castoriadis que permitan elucidar el papel de la acción política en la búsqueda de la autonomía individual y colectiva. A partir de la delimitación histórica y conceptual de la reflexión filosófica sobre la autonomía, se muestra las principales críticas de Castoriadis dirigida al determinismo histórico, las tendencias totalitarias en la historia de la filosofía y la alienación promovida por la ideología capitalista. Por lo tanto, es esencial para comprender las categorías utilizadas por él durante toda su camino filosófico: sociedad, imaginación radical, imaginario social, lenguaje y social-histórico. Castoriadis opone a cualquier concepción de la historia que apela a un plan predeterminado, ya sea natural, racional o divino. Continúa la idea de que cada sociedad es el resultado de una tensión permanente entre la sociedad establecida y la sociedad instituyente porque cada sociedad es el resultado de la diferencia entre la sociedad en particular y el imaginario social que promueve su modificación. La historia es creada por la actividad teórica y práctica de los hombres, en la dimensión llamada social-histórico que impone un límite que no se puede superar incluso objeto de cuestionamiento y del constante cambio de la acción humana. Para aclarar el concepto de la democracia presentado por Castoriadis se analizan en profundidad como la imaginación radical se inserta en la formación de la persona y la institución de la sociedad, así como elucidar la forma en que se relacionan los conceptos de autonomía, heteronomia, libertad, igualdad y justicia, explicando el contexto que aparecen en la obra de Castoriadis.


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Taking into account the Environmental Restorative Theory (ERT) , created by Fre derick Law Olmsted in mid XIX ce ntury , according which, urban parks can contribute to solve problems arisen from crowding , particularly urban stress, we analize how the ERT arrived at XXI century, having as approach the evaluation of New York Central Park (CP). Considering that the CP and the cinema were born around at the same, we question if the North American cinema produced between 1960 and 2013 show the ideals, which engendered the CP. By answering this question we defend the hypothesis that, even though has existed adjusts and modificati ons in the CP plan through time, it kept reasonably faithful to the ERT premises, propitiating to the XX and XXI centuries cinema identify and bring forth the presence of the Olmsted’s Ideals in the present days. The thesis main objective was nonetheless u nderstand similarities and/or differences between the XIX century ideals (that gave birth to CP) and the way the cinema represents the present uses of the place, taking into account that the Olmstedian ERT proposal have survived to the context changes (soc ial, economic, political and cultural). Methodologically , we drew upon bibliographical and documental analysis to build the first chapters and to the cinema as analytical lenses to investigate the ERT. The results point that although the CP plan has kept r elatively intact and faithful to the ERT – with the presence of natural elements in the films (notably vegetation and water) – many of contemporary behaviors were not foreseen previously, especially in relation to sports practice, the massive feminine pres ence, as well as criminality.


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The present investigation had as its study subject the history of professional monitoring, at the Regional Nursing Council of Rio Grande do Norte (Coren-RN). It assumes that the fiscalization by the Council is an important tool for improving the quality of nursing care. This study aims to analyze the history of monitoring of the nursing profession in Rio Grande do Norte, in the period from 1993 to 2013. It was marked in the ethical-philosophical contribution of Fourez and Vázquez. This is a study of social history, descriptive and analytical, with a qualitative approach, using the methods of documentary research and the technique of oral history. It had the Coren-RN as locus of the empirical research, with its documents and the participation of inspectors and presidents. The history of monitoring was built based on documents and interviews with those who lived through this path. The project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of UFRN as Opinion 562 400/2014 (CAAE: 25452113.7.0000.5537). The results indicate that the Coren-RN, during these twenty years faced many difficulties such as the shortage of inspectors, the precarious reality of most health services, lack of professional qualification, the illegality of professional practice and structural deficiency in the institution. Nevertheless, it must be recognized that the monitoring process exercised by the Council, has evolved over the years. This evolution is expressed in increasing the number of inspectors, in the acquisition of a new seat and three vehicles, the creation of the subsections in the cities of Natal, Caicó and Pau dos Ferros, the referral of ethical procedures, among other achievements. Similarly, it is registered an improvement in the credibility of nursing professionals and other regulatory agencies. In summary, the monitoring as core activity of the Council is going through a process of transformation, in order to make the dialogue between the disciplinary design and the pedagogical design, in defense of nursing care quality. Therefore, it is an unfinished process, in continuous construction.


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The study consists in the structure elaboration and the ePoste project communicationprotocol, which is a system of monitoring by wireless communication with the aim tosensor and act with one or many public lighting points, and also the treatment of data todetect the activity in the sensors located on the posts. Previously the communication withsensors were made in locus and when data collect was necessary or the performance inthe devices, the operator had to move until the net place. Accordingly, the purpose has theconcern to increase the system dynamic, achieving the possible integrations with the systemsalready available to the lighting management. The same technology of communicationbetween the sensors are considerate, using the ZigBee protocol running on the meshnet, the communication with this net is made be internet through a gateway by GPRS,device with two basics functionalities, which bypass for data and the firmware update inthe sensor. This functionality test of data management is being tested; integrate way withlocal net of sensors and the internet data server operates. The protocol developed, besidesincorporating the ZigBee, that it is formation of framework in lower level, where definesbeginning, size and errors check, as well as the communication of sensor with the concentrator,which it is encapsulated in ZigBee; also the protocol of upper level, where thatit is the names, it was developed a platform of service to meet GET and POST requestsbeneath HTTP protocol, this service is implemented in the data server, which availablethe communication with the clients systems, in case, lighting management systems.


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In the late 1980s, the quilombola (or maroon) communities emerged on the Brazilian public scene. They established themselves as new collective subjects and ethnic groups, in a historical moment of sensitive political changes in several social conflicts and struggles, both in Brazil and in Latin America. Because of their socio-cultural and historical singularities, these communities have self-identified in the same collective expression and have organized in search of recognition and respect for their rights. Quilombo communities and other self-labeled as "traditional communities" seek to reaffirm their differences in opposition to a conscious colonizer cultural project and re-signify their memories and traditions, that serve as reference in the construction of alternative production projects and community organization. One of the distinguishing characteristics of this quilombola political emergence process is the territorial nature of the struggles, manifested in at least two directions: on the one hand, the struggle for legal and formal recognition of a given space, i.e., the regularization and titling of occupied territories, considering that the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 recognizes the right of these communities to the final possession of the traditional lands. On the other hand, the struggle for recognition of their territoriality in a broader sense, not necessarily restricted to the demarcated area, but as the recognition of a culture and its own way of life, that originated historically in these territories. The current accomplishments and challenges of the Brazilian quilombola communities are well exemplified by the quilombo of Acauã, in the Poço Branco municipality of Rio Grande do Norte. The last fifteen years have been marked by important changes in this community, which has gained visibility and has emerged as a new political player. Acauã identified itself as quilombola community in 2004, the same year that it formalized its political structure, through the creation of the Association of Residents of Quilombo Acauã (AMQA, in Portuguese). Also in 2004, it requested to the National Institute of Colonization and Land Reform (INCRA, in Portuguese) the opening of the process for regularization and titling of quilombo territory, which is at an advanced stage, but so far without definitive resolution. This study aims to understand the process of territorialization (struggle for territorial claim) played in the last fifteen years by the community of Acauã.


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The public political investments of urban mobility financed by PAC of Cup 2014 have developed discussions and questions by the civil society in Brazil expecting positive results to the urban infrastructure referring to the possible human rights violation and, specially, rights of habitation related to the removing/expropriation noticed. Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, is into this context, due to the urban mobility project linking North Zone of the city to the Arena das Dunas stadium, financed by the PAC of Cup 2014, named West Structural Corridor, that crosses a field of social interest and proposes almost 400 expropriations. This research analyzes how strategies and mechanisms of integration were presented between the mobility project of West Structural Corridor and the Social Interest Habitation affected by this project. We have as hypothesis those projects financed by PAC of Cup 2014/Urban Mobility to Natal/RN present many problems related to the integration of social interest to the housing project, however the National Politics of Urban Development has planned this integration. As a result we detach 3 strategies in the elaboration process about the integration of those politics: (i) integration between municipal secretaries involved in this project; (ii) urban integration of the city; and (iii) integration of public rules or public politics integrated. For each strategy were presented the main mechanisms used to establish the integration of the project. Those mechanisms, however, in this process of establishment/implementation of the empirical research, presented many contradictions and conflicts that compose problems to the integration between the mobility project and the housing area affected.