903 resultados para Probabilistic latent semantic analysis (PLSA)


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This dissertation is an onomastic study of variation in women s name phrases in official documents in Finland during the period 1780−1930. The aim is to discuss from a socio-onomastic perspective both the changeover from patronymics to inherited family names and the use of surnames after marriage (i.e. whether women adopted their husbands family names or retained their maiden names), before new laws in this area entered into force in Finland in the early 20th century. In 1920, a law on family names that required fixed names put an end to the use of the patronymic as a person s only surname. After 1929, it was no longer possible for a married woman to retain her maiden name. Methodologically, to explain this development from a socio-onomastic perspective, I have based my study on a syntactic-semantic analysis of the actual name phrases. To be able to demonstrate the extensive material, I have elaborated a scheme to divide the 115 different types of name phrases into 13 main categories. The analysis of the material for Helsinki is based on frequency calculations of the different types of name phrases every thirtieth year, as well as on describing variation in the structure and semantic content of the name phrases, e.g. social variation in the use of titles and epithets. In addition to this, by applying a biographic-genealogical method, I have conducted two case studies of the usage of women s name phrases in the two chosen families. The study is based on parish registers from the period 1780−1929, estate inventory documents from the period 1780−1928, registration forms for liberty of trade from the period 1880−1908, family announcements on newspapers from the period 1829−1888, gravestones from the period 1796−1929 and diaries from the periods 1799−1801 and 1818−1820 providing a corpus of 5 950 name phrases. The syntactic-semantic analysis has revealed the overall picture of various ways of denoting women in official documents. In Helsinki, towards the end of the 19th century, the use of inherited family names seems to be almost fully developed in official contexts. At the late 19th century, a patronymic still appears as the only surname of some working-class women whereas in the early 20th century patronymics were only entered in the parish register as a kind of middle name. In the beginning of the 19th century, most married women were still registered under their maiden names, with a few exceptions among the bourgeoisie and upper class. The comparative analysis of name phrases in diaries, however, indicates that the use of the husband s family name by married women was a much earlier phenomenon in private contexts than in official documents. Keywords: socio-onomastics, syntactic-semantic analysis, name phrase, patronymic, maiden name, husband s family name


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The problem of on-line recognition and retrieval of relatively weak industrial signals such as partial discharges (PD), buried in excessive noise, has been addressed in this paper. The major bottleneck being the recognition and suppression of stochastic pulsive interference (PI) due to the overlapping broad band frequency spectrum of PI and PD pulses. Therefore, on-line, onsite, PD measurement is hardly possible in conventional frequency based DSP techniques. The observed PD signal is modeled as a linear combination of systematic and random components employing probabilistic principal component analysis (PPCA) and the pdf of the underlying stochastic process is obtained. The PD/PI pulses are assumed as the mean of the process and modeled instituting non-parametric methods, based on smooth FIR filters, and a maximum aposteriori probability (MAP) procedure employed therein, to estimate the filter coefficients. The classification of the pulses is undertaken using a simple PCA classifier. The methods proposed by the authors were found to be effective in automatic retrieval of PD pulses completely rejecting PI.


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We address the problem of recognition and retrieval of relatively weak industrial signal such as Partial Discharges (PD) buried in excessive noise. The major bottleneck being the recognition and suppression of stochastic pulsive interference (PI) which has similar time-frequency characteristics as PD pulse. Therefore conventional frequency based DSP techniques are not useful in retrieving PD pulses. We employ statistical signal modeling based on combination of long-memory process and probabilistic principal component analysis (PPCA). An parametric analysis of the signal is exercised for extracting the features of desired pules. We incorporate a wavelet based bootstrap method for obtaining the noise training vectors from observed data. The procedure adopted in this work is completely different from the research work reported in the literature, which is generally based on deserved signal frequency and noise frequency.


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This study presents an overview of seismic microzonation and existing methodologies with a newly proposed methodology covering all aspects. Earlier seismic microzonation methods focused on parameters that affect the structure or foundation related problems. But seismic microzonation has generally been recognized as an important component of urban planning and disaster management. So seismic microzonation should evaluate all possible hazards due to earthquake and represent the same by spatial distribution. This paper presents a new methodology for seismic microzonation which has been generated based on location of study area and possible associated hazards. This new method consists of seven important steps with defined output for each step and these steps are linked with each other. Addressing one step and respective result may not be seismic microzonation, which is practiced widely. This paper also presents importance of geotechnical aspects in seismic microzonation and how geotechnical aspects affect the final map. For the case study, seismic hazard values at rock level are estimated considering the seismotectonic parameters of the region using deterministic and probabilistic seismic hazard analysis. Surface level hazard values are estimated considering site specific study and local site effects based on site classification/characterization. The liquefaction hazard is estimated using standard penetration test data. These hazard parameters are integrated in Geographical Information System (GIS) using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and used to estimate hazard index. Hazard index is arrived by following a multi-criteria evaluation technique - AHP, in which each theme and features have been assigned weights and then ranked respectively according to a consensus opinion about their relative significance to the seismic hazard. The hazard values are integrated through spatial union to obtain the deterministic microzonation map and probabilistic microzonation map for a specific return period. Seismological parameters are widely used for microzonation rather than geotechnical parameters. But studies show that the hazard index values are based on site specific geotechnical parameters.


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This paper highlights the seismic microzonation carried out for a nuclear power plant site. Nuclear power plants are considered to be one of the most important and critical structures designed to withstand all natural disasters. Seismic microzonation is a process of demarcating a region into individual areas having different levels of various seismic hazards. This will help in identifying regions having high seismic hazard which is vital for engineering design and land-use planning. The main objective of this paper is to carry out the seismic microzonation of a nuclear power plant site situated in the east coast of South India, based on the spatial distribution of the hazard index value. The hazard index represents the consolidated effect of all major earthquake hazards and hazard influencing parameters. The present work will provide new directions for assessing the seismic hazards of new power plant sites in the country. Major seismic hazards considered for the evaluation of the hazard index are (1) intensity of ground shaking at bedrock, (2) site amplification, (3) liquefaction potential and (4) the predominant frequency of the earthquake motion at the surface. The intensity of ground shaking in terms of peak horizontal acceleration (PHA) was estimated for the study area using both deterministic and probabilistic approaches with logic tree methodology. The site characterization of the study area has been carried out using the multichannel analysis of surface waves test and available borehole data. One-dimensional ground response analysis was carried out at major locations within the study area for evaluating PHA and spectral accelerations at the ground surface. Based on the standard penetration test data, deterministic as well as probabilistic liquefaction hazard analysis has been carried out for the entire study area. Finally, all the major earthquake hazards estimated above, and other significant parameters representing local geology were integrated using the analytic hierarchy process and hazard index map for the study area was prepared. Maps showing the spatial variation of seismic hazards (intensity of ground shaking, liquefaction potential and predominant frequency) and hazard index are presented in this work.


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This article describes a new performance-based approach for evaluating the return period of seismic soil liquefaction based on standard penetration test (SPT) and cone penetration test (CPT) data. The conventional liquefaction evaluation methods consider a single acceleration level and magnitude and these approaches fail to take into account the uncertainty in earthquake loading. The seismic hazard analysis based on the probabilistic method clearly shows that a particular acceleration value is being contributed by different magnitudes with varying probability. In the new method presented in this article, the entire range of ground shaking and the entire range of earthquake magnitude are considered and the liquefaction return period is evaluated based on the SPT and CPT data. This article explains the performance-based methodology for the liquefaction analysis – starting from probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) for the evaluation of seismic hazard and the performance-based method to evaluate the liquefaction return period. A case study has been done for Bangalore, India, based on SPT data and converted CPT values. The comparison of results obtained from both the methods have been presented. In an area of 220 km2 in Bangalore city, the site class was assessed based on large number of borehole data and 58 Multi-channel analysis of surface wave survey. Using the site class and peak acceleration at rock depth from PSHA, the peak ground acceleration at the ground surface was estimated using probabilistic approach. The liquefaction analysis was done based on 450 borehole data obtained in the study area. The results of CPT match well with the results obtained from similar analysis with SPT data.


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Northeast India is one of the most highly seismically active regions in the world with more than seven earthquakes on an average per year of magnitude 5.0 and above. Reliable seismic hazard assessment could provide the necessary design inputs for earthquake resistant design of structures in this' region. In this study, deterministic as well as probabilistic methods have been attempted for seismic hazard assessment of Tripura and Mizoram states at bedrock level condition. An updated earthquake catalogue was collected from various national and international seismological agencies for the period from 1731 to 2011. The homogenization, declustering and data completeness analysis of events have been carried out before hazard evaluation. Seismicity parameters have been estimated using G R relationship for each source zone. Based on the seismicity, tectonic features and fault rupture mechanism, this region was divided into six major subzones. Region specific correlations were used for magnitude conversion for homogenization of earthquake size. Ground motion equations (Atkinson and Boore 2003; Gupta 2010) were validated with the observed PGA (peak ground acceleration) values before use in the hazard evaluation. In this study, the hazard is estimated using linear sources, identified in and around the study area. Results are presented in the form of PGA using both DSHA (deterministic seismic hazard analysis) and PSHA (probabilistic seismic hazard analysis) with 2 and 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years, and spectral acceleration (T = 0. 2 s, 1.0 s) for both the states (2% probability of exceedance in 50 years). The results are important to provide inputs for planning risk reduction strategies, for developing risk acceptance criteria and financial analysis for possible damages in the study area with a comprehensive analysis and higher resolution hazard mapping.


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A leishmaniose visceral americana (LVA) é uma doença em expansão no Brasil, para a qual se dispõem de poucas, e aparentemente ineficientes, estratégias de controle. Um dos grandes problemas para a contenção da leishmaniose visceral americana é a falta de um método acurado de identificação dos cães infectados, considerados os principais reservatórios da doença no meio urbano. Neste sentido, a caracterização de marcadores clínico-laboratoriais da infecção neste reservatório e a avaliação mais adequada do desempenho de testes para diagnóstico da infecção podem contribuir para aumentar a efetividade das estratégias de controle da LVA. Com isso, o presente estudo tem dois objetivos principais: (1) desenvolver e validar um modelo de predição para o parasitismo por Leishmania chagasi em cães, baseado em resultados de testes sorológicos e sinais clínicos e (2) avaliar a sensibilidade e especificidade de critérios clínicos, sorológicos e parasitológicos para detecção de infecção canina por L. chagasi mediante análise de classe latente. O primeiro objetivo foi desenvolvido a partir de estudo em que foram obtidos dados de exames clínico, sorológico e parasitológico de todos os cães, suspeitos ou não de LVA, atendidos no Hospital Veterinário Universitário da Universidade Federal do Piauí (HVU-UFPI), em Teresina, nos anos de 2003 e 2004, totalizando 1412 animais. Modelos de regressão logística foram construídos com os animais atendidos em 2003 com a finalidade de desenvolver um modelo preditivo para o parasitismo com base nos sinais clínicos e resultados de sorologia por Imunofluorescência Indireta (IFI). Este modelo foi validado nos cães atendidos no hospital em 2004. Para a avaliação da área abaixo da curva ROC (auROC), sensibilidade, especificidade, valores preditivos positivo (VPP), valores preditivos negativo (VPN) e acurácia global, foram criados três modelos: um somente baseado nas variáveis clínicas, outro considerando somente o resultado sorológico e um último considerando conjuntamente a clínica e a sorologia. Dentre os três, o último modelo apresentou o melhor desempenho (auROC=90,1%, sensibilidade=82,4%, especificidade=81,6%, VPP=73,4%, VPN=88,2% e acurácia global=81,9%). Conclui-se que o uso de modelos preditivos baseados em critérios clínicos e sorológicos para o diagnóstico da leishmaniose visceral canina pode ser de utilidade no processo de avaliação da infecção canina, promovendo maior agilidade na contenção destes animais com a finalidade de reduzir os níveis de transmissão. O segundo objetivo foi desenvolvido por meio de um estudo transversal com 715 cães de idade entre 1 mês e 13 anos, com raça variada avaliados por clínicos veterinários no HVU-UFPI, no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2003. As sensibilidades e especificidades de critérios clínicos, sorológicos e parasitológicos para detecção de infecção canina por Leishmania chagasi foram estimadas por meio de análise de classe latente, considerando quatro modelos de testes e diferentes pontos de corte. As melhores sensibilidades estimadas para os critérios clínico, sorológico e parasitológico foram de 60%, 95% e 66%, respectivamente. Já as melhores especificidades estimadas para os critérios clínico, sorológico e parasitológico foram de 77%, 90% e 100%, respectivamente. Conclui-se que o uso do exame parasitológico como padrão-ouro para validação de testes diagnósticos não é apropriado e que os indicadores de acurácia dos testes avaliados são insuficientes e não justificam que eles sejam usados isoladamente para diagnóstico da infecção com a finalidade de controle da doença.


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Este estudo visa compreender a relação que a psicologia social estabelece com a noção de verdade e de que modo este conceito foi fundamental na aquisição de seu estatuto científico. Tomando como ponto de partida a análise semântica do termo, principalmente a partir do seu paradigma grego (alétheia), a análise teórica se subdivide em três eixos principais. O primeiro deles irá abordar a tensão que se estabelece acerca das exigências do conhecimento entre o movimento sofístico e o modelo platônico. Num segundo momento, serão analisadas as torções promovidas pelas ciências modernas, transformando o método científico e racional num instrumento de classificação de todos os erros. Na parte final, o foco se desloca para as especificidades da psicologia social, buscando apontar um contraste entre as pesquisas de W. Wundt (1832-1920) e sua influência nas experiências clássicas da psicologia experimental e no empirismo radical de W. James (1842-1910). O pensamento de James será analisado dando ênfase à influência indeterminista presente nas suas propostas filosóficas e psicológicas e à análise de uma de suas principais contribuições: a teoria da verdade.


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Nesta tese, pretendemos investigar a relação entre ciclo de vida, posição socioeconômica e disparidades sociais no Brasil. Inicialmente, apresentamos trabalhos brasileiros e estrangeiros que descrevem associações entre a posição socioeconômica dos indivíduos e o estado de saúde. A abrangência dessa ligação levou sociólogos a sistematizarem uma elegante teoria que trata os recursos socioeconômicos como causas fundamentais do adoecimento e da mortalidade. Fazemos uma exposição relativamente detalhada dessa perspectiva. A apresentação dos dois debates estabelece a justificativa do trabalho e mapeia os espaços na literatura para os quais pretendemos contribuir. No segundo capítulo iniciamos nossa investigação, com o aprofundamento de uma dimensão tida como central no entendimento sociológico da desigualdade: classe social. Esse conceito é tido por pesquisadores, tanto vinculados à sociologia como em outras disciplinas, como uma via explicativa interessante na abordagem das disparidades sociais em saúde. No entanto, essa opinião não é consensual, e vários sociólogos contemporâneos fazem severas críticas à essa dimensão e às teorias que a balizam. Fazemos um aprofundamento nesses debates e uma reflexão sobre sua pertinência para o contexto brasileiro. Balizamos nossas conclusões através de uma investigação que mobiliza métodos e dados inéditos sobre a estrutura ocupacional brasileira. Através da investigação da validade empírica e conceitual de uma das operacionalizações de classe mais comuns na literatura internacional, a tipologia EGP, testamos como características do mercado de trabalho brasileiro se relacionam a essa dimensão. Nossos resultados, atingidos a partir de modelos log-lineares de classes latentes (latent class analysis) mostram que as particularidades do mercado de trabalho brasileiro são importantes na consideração sobre essa variável, mas não inviabilizam sua utilização. Munidos desse resultado, partimos para o último capítulo do trabalho. Nele, aprofundamos a discussão sobre desigualdade e saúde através da apresentação de teorias sobre o ciclo de vida, que informam dois debates específicos que investigamos empiricamente. O primeiro deles diz respeito à acumulação de vantagens e desvantagens ao longo do ciclo de vida e a estruturação das disparidades sociais em saúde. O segundo diz respeito à transmissão intergeracional da desigualdade e a desigualdade em saúde. Apresentamos essas correntes teóricas, que inspiram a elaboração de nossas hipóteses. Junto a elas, adicionamos uma outra hipótese inspirada nas discussões apresentadas nos capítulos anteriores. Nossos resultados demonstram a relevância de abordagens sociológicas para o estudo da desigualdade em saúde. Mostramos como nível educacional e idade interagem na estruturação das disparidades sociais em saúde, evidências indiretas de como as trajetórias sociais proporcionadas pela educação expõe indivíduos a condições que os expõe sua saúde a diferentes tipos de desgaste. Igualmente, mostramos evidências que apontam para como etapas relacionadas à infância e adolescência dos indivíduos têm efeitos sobre seu estado de saúde contemporâneo. Por fim, refletimos sobre os limites da variável de classe para o entendimento da estruturação das disparidades sociais em saúde no Brasil.


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Emergent properties of global political culture were examined using data from the World History Survey (WHS) involving 6,902 university students in 37 countries evaluating 40 figures from world history. Multidimensional scaling and factor analysis techniques found only limited forms of universality in evaluations across Western, Catholic/Orthodox, Muslim, and Asian country clusters. The highest consensus across cultures involved scientific innovators, with Einstein having the most positive evaluation overall. Peaceful humanitarians like Mother Theresa and Gandhi followed. There was much less cross-cultural consistency in the evaluation of negative figures, led by Hitler, Osama bin Laden, and Saddam Hussein. After more traditional empirical methods (e.g., factor analysis) failed to identify meaningful cross-cultural patterns, Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) was used to identify four global representational profiles: Secular and Religious Idealists were overwhelmingly prevalent in Christian countries, and Political Realists were common in Muslim and Asian countries. We discuss possible consequences and interpretations of these different representational profiles.


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A fibrose hepática é o aspecto mais relevante e o mais importante determinante de morbimortalidade na hepatite C crônica (HCC). Historicamente, a biópsia hepática é o método de referência para avaliação da fibrose causada pela HCC, apesar de apresentar limitações. O estudo de marcadores não invasivos, que possam obviar a necessidade da biópsia, é uma área de constante interesse na hepatologia. Idealmente, a avaliação da fibrose hepática deveria ser acurada, simples, prontamente disponível, de baixo custo e informar sobre o prognóstico da patologia. Os marcadores não invasivos mais estudados são a elastografia hepática transitória (EHT) e os laboratoriais. A EHT já foi extensamente validada na HCC e está inserida na rotina de avaliação destes pacientes. Dentre os laboratoriais, existem diversos testes em continua experimentação e, até o momento, nenhum foi integrado à prática clínica no Brasil, embora já aplicados rotineiramente em outros países. O Enhanced Liver Fibrosis (ELF), um teste que dosa no soro ácido hialurônico, pró-peptídeo amino-terminal do colágeno tipo III e inibidor tissular da metaloproteinase 1, tem se mostrado bastante eficaz na detecção de fibrose hepática significativa e de cirrose na HCC. Neste estudo o ELF teve o seu desempenho avaliado em relação a biópsia hepática e demonstrou apresentar boa acurácia na detecção tanto de fibrose significativa quanto de cirrose. Na comparação com a EHT apresentou acurácia semelhante para estes mesmos desfechos, com significância estatística. No entanto, foi observada uma superestimação da fibrose com a utilização dos pontos de corte propostos pelo fabricante. Este achado está em acordo com a literatura, onde não há consenso sobre o melhor ponto de corte a ser empregado na prática clínica. Com a ampliação da casuística foi possível propor novos pontos de corte, através da análise clássica, com a biópsia hepática como padrão ouro. O resultado obtido vai ao encontro do observado por outros autores. Em seguida, os novos pontos de corte do ELF foram reavaliados sem que a biópsia hepática fosse a referência, através da análise de classes latentes. Mais uma vez o ELF apresentou bom desempenho, inclusive com melhora de suas sensibilidade e especificidade em comparação com a análise clássica, onde a biópsia hepática é a referência. Assim sendo, é possível concluir que o ELF é um bom marcador não invasivo de fibrose hepática. No entanto, para detecção de fibrose significativa e cirrose, deve ser considerada a aplicação na prática clínica dos novos pontos de corte aqui propostos.


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The rocking response of structures subjected to strong ground motions is a problem of 'several scales'. While small structures are sensitive to acceleration pulses acting successively, large structures are more significantly affected by coherent low frequency components of ground motion. As a result, the rocking response of large structures is more stable and orderly, allowing effective isolation from the ground without imminent danger of overturning. This paper aims to characterize and predict the maximum rocking response of large and flexible structures to earthquakes using an idealized structural model. To achieve this, the maximum rocking demand caused by different earthquake records was evaluated using several ground motion intensity measures. Pulse-type records which typically have high peak ground velocity and lower frequency content caused large rocking amplitudes, whereas non-pulse type records caused random rocking motion confined to small rocking amplitudes. Coherent velocity pulses were therefore identified as the primary cause of significant rocking motion. Using a suite of pulse-type ground motions, it was observed that idealized wavelets fitted to velocity pulses can adequately describe the rocking response of large structures. Further, a parametric analysis demonstrates that pulse shape parameters affect the maximum rocking response significantly. Based on these two findings, a probabilistic analysis method is proposed for estimating the maximum rocking demand to pulse-type earthquakes. The dimensionless demand maps, produced using these methods, have predictive power in the near-field provided that pulse period and amplitude can be estimated a priori. Use of this method within a probabilistic seismic demand analysis framework is briefly discussed. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.


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We present an image-based approach to infer 3D structure parameters using a probabilistic "shape+structure'' model. The 3D shape of a class of objects may be represented by sets of contours from silhouette views simultaneously observed from multiple calibrated cameras. Bayesian reconstructions of new shapes can then be estimated using a prior density constructed with a mixture model and probabilistic principal components analysis. We augment the shape model to incorporate structural features of interest; novel examples with missing structure parameters may then be reconstructed to obtain estimates of these parameters. Model matching and parameter inference are done entirely in the image domain and require no explicit 3D construction. Our shape model enables accurate estimation of structure despite segmentation errors or missing views in the input silhouettes, and works even with only a single input view. Using a dataset of thousands of pedestrian images generated from a synthetic model, we can perform accurate inference of the 3D locations of 19 joints on the body based on observed silhouette contours from real images.


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Heavy drinkers in Scotland may consume 1600 g ethanol per week. Due to its low price, cider may be preferred over other beverages. Anecdotal evidence has linked cider to specific health hazards beyond other alcoholic beverages. To examine this hypothesis, nine apple and pear cider samples were chemically analysed for constituents and contaminants. None of the products exceeded regulatory or toxicological thresholds, but the regular occurrence of acetaldehyde in cider was detected. To provide a quantitative risk assessment, two collectives of exclusive drinkers of cider and vodka were compared and the intake of acetaldehyde was estimated using probabilistic MonteeCarlo type analysis. The cider consumers were found to ingest more than 200-times the amount of acetaldehyde consumed by vodka consumers. The margins of exposure (MOE) of acetaldehyde were 224 for the cider and over 220,000 for vodka consumers. However, if the effects of ethanol were considered in a cumulative assessment of the combined MOE, the effect of acetaldehyde was minor and the combined MOE for both groups was 0.3. We suggest that alcohol policy priority should be given on reducing ethanol intake by measures such as minimum pricing, rather than to focus on acetaldehyde.