975 resultados para Motilidade ocular


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O exame ultrassonográfico ocular é indispensável no pré-operatório de procedimentos cirúrgicos intraoculares como a facectomia, além de ser uma ferramenta complementar ao exame oftalmológico, em casos de perda da transparência dos meios ópticos. A inexistência de estudos acerca de padrões de normalidades para as medidas do bulbo ocular e de suas estruturas internas nos gatos, cujos valores possibilitam o monitoramento de enfermidades e auxiliam em procedimentos cirúrgicos motivaram este estudo. Utilizaram-se 40 gatos, adultos, machos e fêmeas, livres de enfermidades sistêmica e oftalmológica. Destes, 22 eram da raça persa (grupo braquicefálico - GB) e 18 sem raça definida (grupo não braquicefálico - GNB). A biometria ultrassonográfica ocular transcorneana foi realizada, em modo-B∕A, com o transdutor microlinear de 9 MHz e as medidas D1 (profundidade da câmara anterior), D2 (diâmetro do cristalino), D3 (profundidade da câmara vítrea) e D4 (diâmetro axial do bulbo ocular) aferidas. Ainda, mensuraram-se as distâncias fronto-occipital e bizigomática e o peso desses animais. Os dados obtidos foram analisados pelo teste-t pareado, seguindo-se as análises de variância e covariância, além da regressão linear múltipla relacionando-se as medidas de D1, D2, D3 e D4 às medidas bizigomática e fronto-occipital, como também à idade, ao peso e ao gênero. Obteve-se como resultado a média de D1, D2, D3 e D4, assim como dos diâmetros bizigomático e fronto-occipital, idade e peso, verificando-se diferenças significativas para D4 nas fêmeas de GB. Houve, pela análise de regressão linear, influência do peso, idade e diâmetro fronto-occipital sobre D1, D2 e D4 nos gatos do GB, e dos diâmetros bizigomático sobre D1, D3 e D4 nos gatos do GNB. Conclui-se que houve diferença no diâmetro axial do bulbo ocular nas fêmeas do GB, e que o peso, a idade e os diâmetros cranianos influenciam a biometria ocular dos gatos braquicefálicos e não braquicefálicos.


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A survey was undertaken aiming to obtain an overview of ocular and periocular lesions diagnosed in domestic mammals over a period of 50 years in a veterinary pathology diagnostic laboratory in the Central Region of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. In this lab, 33,075 histophatological exams had been performed over the period surveyed, of which 540 (1.6%) concerned ocular and periocular lesions. For various reasons ninety specimens were excluded from the study and the remaining 450 consisted of samples from dogs (53.5%), cattle (28.2%), cats (11.1%), horses (5.1%) sheep (1.3%), rabbits (0.4%), and pig (0.2%). The eyelids were the most prevalent (248/450) site of lesions in each of the species studied, followed by third eyelid (73/450), and conjunctiva (27/450). In dogs (241 samples) lesions in sebaceous glands (including Meibomian glands) were the most common findings (75/241), followed by melanocytic tumors (52/241) and nonspecific conjunctivitis (13/241). Squamous cell neoplasms, both benign and malignant, were relatively common. In cattle, anatomical sites affected by ocular and periocular lesions, in decreasing order of frequency, were eyelid, cornea and third eyelid. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) alone accounted for 80.3% of all diagnoses, while all neoplastic lesions made up for 85.0% of the lesions diagnosed in cattle. Neoplasia accounted for most of the lesions diagnosed in cats (39/50 cases); all of these were malignant, and SCC, hemangiosarcoma and fibrosarcoma were the most common types diagnosed. In horses, 19 out of 23 submissions were neoplasms and most were sarcoid (8/23) and SCC (8/23). There were six submissions from sheep with unpigmented skin, all of which represented SCC of the eyelids (5) and third eyelid (1).


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Agmatine, an endogenous polyamine and putative neuromodulator, is known to have neuroprotective effects on various neurons in the central nervous system. We determined whether or not topically administered agmatine could reduce ischemic retinal injury. Transient ocular ischemia was achieved by intraluminal occlusion of the middle cerebral artery of ddY mice (30-35 g) for 2 h, which is known to also induce occlusion of the ophthalmic artery. In the agmatine group (N = 6), a 1.0 mM agmatine-containing ophthalmic solution was administered four times daily for 2 weeks before occlusion. In the control group (N = 6), a 0.1% hyaluronic acid ophthalmic solution was instilled at the same times. At 22 h after reperfusion, the eyeballs were enucleated and the retinal sections were stained by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL). Transient ocular ischemia induced apoptosis of retinal cells in the entire retinal layer, and topically administered agmatine can significantly reduce this ischemic retinal injury. The proportion of apoptotic cells was definitely decreased (P < 0.001; Kruskal-Wallis test). Overall, we determined that topical agmatine application effectively decreases retinal damage in an in vivo ocular ischemic injury model. This implies that agmatine is a good candidate as a direct neuroprotective agent for eyes with ocular ischemic diseases.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.


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Resumen tomado del autor. Contiene fotograf??as y tablas de las diferentes situaciones experimentales


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Se estimó la sensibilidad y especificidad de la citología de impresión como prueba diagnóstica en lesiones conjuntivales clínicamente sospechosas de neoplasia usando como patrón de oro la patología. Se estudiaron 60 pacientes, que ingresaron al azar a la Fundación Oftalmológica Nacional, con diagnóstico clínico de neoplasia de superficie ocular o lesión sospechosa de neoplasia, quienes fueron sometidos a citología de impresión y posterior resección quirúrgica completa, más estudio patológico de la lesión. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo, analizando la sensibilidad y la especificidad con el método clásico y análisis bayesiano.


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Introducción: En la literatura, han aparecido reportes de neoplasia escamosa de superficie ocular (NESO) asociado con pterigio en un mismo paciente. Sin embargo, Colombia no cuenta con una estadística para ninguna de estas patologías. Objetivos: Determinar la frecuencia de NESO en pterigios resecados, en la Fundación Oftalmológica Nacional. Identificar factores de riesgo y características clínicas que predispongan a su aparición. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. Se realizó una clasificación prequirúrgica y estudio histopatológico de los pterigios resecados en 93 pacientes, para confirmar su coexistencia con NESO. Se efectuó un análisis de frecuencias para datos demográficos y factores de riesgo asociados su aparición. Resultados: La frecuencia de NESO asociado a pterigio fue 7,07%. De estos, 28,5% identificados como sospechosos en la evaluación preoperatoria. La mayoría se presentaron en mujeres (71,4%), las ocupaciones con mayor frecuencia: labores domésticas (42,8%) y el comercio (28.5%). La exposición a derivados del petróleo y tabaquismo fue del 14,28%. No se presentaron casos asociados a infección por VIH. No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas sobre la presencia de NESO al comparar los casos en edad (p=0,8), procedencia (p=0,6) tabaquismo (p=0,4), leucoplaquia (p=1,0), queratinización (p=0,137), o vasos amputados (p=0,137). Conclusiones: De los pacientes con diagnóstico histopatológico de NESO, un porcentaje mínimo es sospechado clínicamente. Además se encontró este diagnóstico en pacientes más jóvenes que lo reportado en la literatura. Se recomienda realizar estudios con mayor número de pacientes para una mejor identificación de factores de riesgo. Palabras clave:


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Monográfico con el título: 'Visión y deporte'. Resumen tomado de la publicación


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Monográfico con el título: 'Visión y deporte'. Resumen tomado de la publicación


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The primary objective of this research study is to determine if various body positions for ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potential (oVEMP) testing demonstrate differentiation of the saccule and utricle through threshold responses.


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Background/aims: Scant consideration has been given to the variation in structure of the human amniotic membrane (AM) at source or to the significance such differences might have on its clinical transparency. Therefore, we applied our experience of quantifying corneal transparency to AM. Methods: Following elective caesarean, AM from areas of the fetal sac distal and proximal (ie, adjacent) to the placenta was compared with freeze-dried AM. The transmission of light through the AM samples was quantified spectrophotometrically; also, tissue thickness was measured by light microscopy and refractive index by refractometry. Results: Freeze-dried and freeze-thawed AM samples distal and proximal to the placenta differed significantly in thickness, percentage transmission of visible light and refractive index. The thinnest tissue (freeze-dried AM) had the highest transmission spectra. The thickest tissue (freeze-thawed AM proximal to the placenta) had the highest refractive index. Using the direct summation of fields method to predict transparency from an equivalent thickness of corneal tissue, AM was found to be up to 85% as transparent as human cornea. Conclusion: When preparing AM for ocular surface reconstruction within the visual field, consideration should be given to its original location from within the fetal sac and its method of preservation, as either can influence corneal transparency.


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We have investigated the use of a laminin coated compressed collagen gel containing corneal fibroblasts (keratocytes) as a novel scaffold to support the growth of corneal limbal epithelial stem cells. The growth of limbal epithelial cells was compared between compressed collagen gel and a clinically proven conventional substrate, denuded amniotic membrane. Following compression of the collagen gel, encapsulated keratocytes remained viable and scanning electron microscopy showed that fibres within the compressed gel were dense, homogeneous and similar in structure to those within denuded amniotic membrane. Limbal epithelial cells were successfully expanded upon the compressed collagen resulting in stratified layers of cells containing desmosome and hemidesmosome structures. The resulting corneal constructs of both the groups shared a high degree of transparency, cell morphology and cell stratification. Similar protein expression profiles for cytokeratin 3 and cytokeratin 14 and no significant difference in cytokeratin 12 mRNA expression levels by real time PCR were also observed. This study provides the first line of evidence that a laminin coated compressed collagen gel containing keratocytes can adequately support limbal epithelial cell expansion, stratification and differentiation to a degree that is comparable to the leading conventional scaffold, denuded amniotic membrane.


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Purpose: To assess the effect of hyaluronidase on eye and eyelid movements when used as an adjunct in sub-Tenon's anaesthesia. Methods: A total of 60 patients who had sub-Tenon's anaesthesia prior to phacoemulsification surgery were divided into two equal groups in a double-masked randomised controlled fashion. Of these, Group A had 4 ml lignocaine 2%, while Group B had 4ml lignocaine 2% with the addition of sodium hyaluronidase 75 IU/ml. Ocular motility, levator, and orbicularis oculi function were measured in all patients at 5 and 8 min. Levator function was scored from 0 (no function) to 3 (complete function) while orbicularis function was scored from 0 to 2. The score for ocular motility was the sum in four positions of gaze, each position scoring from 0 to 2. Results were compared using a nonparametric test. Results Group B achieved significantly better ocular and lid akinesia than Group A both at 5 and 8 min with P < 0.01. The median scores for levator function at 5 and 8 min were 2 for Group A and 0 for Group B. For orbicularis function, the median scores at both time intervals were 2 for Group A and 1 for Group B. For ocular motility, the median score for Group A at 5 min was 3 and at 8 min was 2.5; for Group B at 5 min was 0.5 and at 8 min was 0. Conclusions: The addition of hyaluronidase in sub-Tenon's anaesthesia has a significant effect in improving ocular and lid (levator and orbicularis) akinesia.


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We compare the use of plastically compressed collagen gels to conventional collagen gels as scaffolds onto which corneal limbal epithelial cells (LECs) are seeded to construct an artificial corneal epithelium. LECs were isolated from bovine corneas (limbus) and seeded onto either conventional uncompressed or novel compressed collagen gels and grown in culture. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) results showed that fibers within the uncompressed gel were loose and irregularly ordered, whereas the fibers within the compressed gel were densely packed and more evenly arranged. Quantitative analysis of LECs expansion across the surface of the two gels showed similar growth rates (p > 0.05). Under SEM, the LECs, expanded on uncompressed gels, showed a rough and heterogeneous morphology, whereas on the compressed gel, the cells displayed a smooth and homogeneous morphology. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) results showed the compressed scaffold to contain collagen fibers of regular diameter and similar orientation resembling collagen fibers within the normal cornea. TEM and light microscopy also showed that cell–cell and cell–matrix attachment, stratification, and cell density were superior in LECs expanded upon compressed collagen gels. This study demonstrated that the compressed collagen gel was an excellent biomaterial scaffold highly suited to the construction of an artificial corneal epithelium and a significant improvement upon conventional collagen gels.