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Facial injuries with the retention of foreign bodies inside the tissues, both in soft and hard ones, can cause major functional and aesthetic damage. Among the different etiological agents, cutting tools, fragments of a firearm, the splinter of wood, steel, or iron, launched by misuse, or even caused by defects in equipment, are the main cause of these injuries. The aim of this study was to discuss the peculiarity of the multidisciplinary approach in caring of a 33-year-old man, victim of an accident at work, by the rupture of an emery disc and consequent penetration of the fragments in violation of the tissues in the orbital and zygomatic region of the left side, with perforation of the eyeball and orbital-zygomatic fracture. Urgent treatment consisted of debridement of wounds, bleeding control, removal of foreign bodies, fracture reduction with rigid internal fixation, and suture, performed by the oral and maxillofacial surgical team. Reconstruction of orbital tissues by the ophthalmology team consisted of suture of the injuries. About 1 month after the trauma, phthisis bulbi was noted, and the patient underwent a new procedure under general anesthesia for eye evisceration and installation of an alloplastic prosthesis associated with the homogenous sclera. Facial harmony was restored, especially in aesthetics and function of the zygomatic-orbital complex.


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The authors studied the main aspects of etiology of the palate paralysis in six children suffering from soft palate paralysis. They emphasized the importance of multidisciplinary approach in the management of patients with this disease. In the author's cases the most likely etiologies were: neuropathy post-viral epidemic parotitis, tumors localized in the posterior cerebral fossa and idiopathic. They concluded that it is extremely important in these patients a detailed otorhinolaryngologic, neurologic and fonoaudiologic examinations.


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Purpose: The treatment for furcation involvement is a great challenge to the general dentists. Tunneling may be a treatment alternative for class II and III furcation involvements in mandibular molars with large angle separation and great divergence between the mesial and distal roots. This alternative is a conservative treatment that allows a great condition to oral hygiene maintenance by the patient. Thus, the aim of this case report was to describe a conservative and therapeutic treatment modality for the horizontal defect of periodontal tissues in the furcal area with buccal-lingual extension (class III furcation involvement). Case Report: A patient with class III furcation involvement in the first mandibular molar was submitted to root resection and periodontal surgery to expose the clinical crown for the full-coverage restoration with tunnel preparation. Results: The final result of the treatment with tunneled crown was favorable and predictable due to adequate hygiene condition to avoid plaque accumulation and occurrence of root caries. Clinical Significance: A multidisciplinary approach is essential to achieve a correct treatment plan including surgical-periodontal procedures integrated to the prosthetic rehabilitation. Besides, the recommendation for oral hygiene maintenance is essential for the treatment longevity with tunneled crown. © 2011 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.


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This article presents a case report of autogenous tooth transplantation to the site of the fissure, in addition to bone augmentation with graft of autogenous bone harvested from the iliac crest, performed in a cleft palate patient, who had insufficient bone volume. A non-syndromic 10-year-old girl, with a unilateral cleft lip and palate, incisal transforamen fissures, agenesis of the maxillary left central incisor and both maxillary lateral incisors, was treated with autogenous bone graft in the cleft area. The orthodontic treatment plan was to replace the missing lateral incisors with the maxillary canines and to extract the mandibular first premolars. One of the mandibular premolars was extracted from its site with 2/3 of its root formation completed and transplanted to the maxillary left central incisor area. After orthodontic treatment, the anatomic crowns were characterized with composite resin. Autogenous tooth transplantation can be performed in the area of the fissure in young cleft palate patients, by performing bone graft augmentation before transplantation of the tooth, to gain sufficient recipient alveolar bone volume. A multidisciplinary approach is mandatory for the success of this clinical procedure, especially in cleft palate patients. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.


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One of the main purposes of mucogingival therapy is to obtain full root coverage. Several treatment modalities have been developed, but few techniques can provide complete root coverage in a class III Miller recession. Thus, the aim of this case report is to present a successful clinical case of a Miller class III gingival recession in which complete root coverage was obtained by means of a multidisciplinary approach. A 17-year-old Caucasian female was referred for treatment of a gingival recession on the mandibular left central incisor. The following procedures were planned for root coverage in this case: free gingival graft, orthodontic movement by means of alignment and leveling and coronally advanced flap (CAF). The case has been followed up for 12 years and the patient presents no recession, no abnormal probing depth and no bleeding on probing, with a wide attached gingiva band. A compromised tooth with poor prognosis, which would be indicated for extraction, can be treated by orthodontic movement and periodontal therapy, with possibility of 100% root coverage in some class III recessions.


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Objective: To verify the presence of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) in dancers and former dancers participating in the 27th Joinville Dance FestivalMaterial and methods: The research was conducted at the 27th Joinville Dance Festival in Santa Catarina, Brazil, with 173 participants in the competition, where 139 were dancers and 34 were former dancers with at least ten years of practiceIn order to obtain information related to MSDs, dancers answered a specific questionnaireResults: The study group consisted of adults (28±9 years) with body mass index within the normal range (21.3±2.3) with high weekly training time (955.7±837.2) and featuring long-time experience in dancing (18±7years)The lumbar spine and knees were the most affected by MSDsThe pain of high intensity was the symptom that most often appeared in reports among survey participantsConclusion: It is important to have deeper knowledge of the prevalence of pain among professional dancers, the factors associated with pain conditions and its impact on everyday life in order to plan new forms of prevention and plan new forms of prevention and treatment within a multidisciplinary approach© 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Traffic congestion has become a severe scourge in large cities, in both the industrialized and developing countries. Increasing demand for urban transport and transit has led to longer travel times, and a greater incidence of accidents, environmental problems and deterioration in the quality of life than is considered acceptable for citizens. A multidisciplinary approach is required in order to keep the negative effects of congestion under control and to ensure standards of living remain sustainable. In view of the seriousness of the problem, ECLAC with the support of the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) is carrying out a project to study measures that contribute to traffic control. As part of this project, initiatives regarding the supply of, and the demand for, transport have been examined, and a programme to disseminate information is being conducted.For further information, please contact Mr Alberto Bull .


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Investiga-se diferentes trajetórias de agentes que desenvolvem conjuntos de atividades convergentes para a pecuária bovina de corte na região sudeste do Pará, especificamente no município de São Félix do Xingu, uma nova frente pioneira na Amazônia e uma das zonas de maior índice de desmatamento. Articula-se conceitos de espaço geográfico e território às noções de paradigmas e trajetórias tecnológicas para abordagem multidisciplinar da realidade amazônica, com a mobilização de diversas ferramentas científicas, com destaque para a geografia, economia e antropologia. Para alcançar este objetivo, desenvolveu-se uma metodologia de levantamento e análise de dados chamada de Análise de Coerências Sucessivas com vistas à realização de etnografias de agentes camponeses e patronais para compreender a relação entre as trajetórias que desenvolvem esses agentes e a dinâmica do território. Verifica-se que a relação entre essas duas categorias de agentes é sistêmica, não só na divisão do trabalho quanto na geopolítica de uso do território.


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O diagnóstico preciso e a elaboração de um plano de tratamento adequado podem constituir uma tarefa bastante complexa, especialmente nos traumatismos dentoalveolares, pois necessitam de uma abordagem multidisciplinar e conhecimento sobre o processo de reparo após o traumatismo. O objetivo do trabalho foi analisar o conhecimento dos cirurgiões dentistas sobre plano de tratamento das injúrias do ligamento periodontal após traumatismo dentoalveolar. Para tanto, a partir de um questionário, foram abordadas perguntas referentes ao perfil dos profissionais entrevistados e conduta frente às injúrias do ligamento periodontal (concussão, subluxação, luxação extrusiva, luxação lateral e luxação intrusiva) ocasionadas por traumatismo dentoalveolar. Seiscentos e noventa e três cirurgiões dentistas que participaram da 23ª Reunião Anual da SBPqO (2006) responderam o questionário e os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise descritiva, enquanto o teste estatístico foi aplicado para demonstrar as freqüências e o nível de significância entre as variáveis (Teste qui-quadrado ou Teste Exato de Fisher). De acordo com os resultados obtidos, grandes dificuldades foram encontradas com relação ao plano de tratamento das luxações extrusiva, lateral e intrusiva. De maneira geral, a especialidade não influenciou na elaboração de planos adequados para as injúrias mais complexas. Foi possível concluir que os cirurgiões dentistas não apresentam conhecimento suficiente para tratar de maneira adequada as injúrias mais severas do ligamento periodontal após traumatismo dentoalveolar


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This paper presents the results of an applied qualitative study with dental students and professionals who work with people suffering from temporomandibular disorder. The aim was to investigate the way that dental practitioners and students perceive patients affected by this disorder, how they feel faced with the patients' suffering, and the importance they assign to a multidisciplinary approach, highlighting the treatments used. It is noteworthy that various factors are involved in the temporomandibular disorder framework, including emotional factors, as cited by the majority of the respondents. The data obtained indicated that the knowledge of the professionals and students related to caring for people with temporomandibular disorders was appropriate, however, important inadequacies were highlighted, such as the fact that professionals do not investigate the life history of the person in their psychosocial context.


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The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of oral lesions in infectious-contagious diseases patients being treated in the University Hospital of the Federal University of Para, northern Brazil. One hundred seven patients with infectious diseases were clinically investigated for oral lesions at the University Hospital of Para, northern Brazil. From total sample, most patients were men (65.7%) with a mean age of 45.4 years. About prevalence of systemic diseases, tuberculosis was the most frequent illness, followed by AIDS, hepatitis types B and C, leishmaniasis, and meningitis. Analyzing oral manifestations, periodontal diseases and candidiasis were the most prevalent diseases in both genders, followed by recurrent aphthous ulcers, saburral tongue, simplex herpes, and squamous cell carcinoma. Of all 107 patients, only 10 males and 6 females did not present any oral manifestation. There was no statistical difference between genders with any systemic condition (P > 0.05). The great prevalence of oral manifestations in hospitalized patients with systemic disorder emphasizes the need of integral dental care in this context, aiming at a multidisciplinary approach of patients. Therefore, presence of some oral conditions, such as candidiasis, should be an alert to different systemic conditions, once in assistance with physicians; dentists can influence the early diagnosis and treatment.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This article introduces the Public’s Field, which brings together teachers and students of undergraduate courses in Public Administration, Public Management, Public Policy, Public Management and Social Policy in Brazil, around the republican and democratic ethos as values, and multidisciplinary approach as proposed construction of knowledge. Based on a literature review, documental analysis, and especially in participant observation of the authors as actors in the construction Field, the article is per se a dossier. It starts with the definition of the Field and describes - in detail - their constituent movement in the last 12 years, culminating in the approval of the National Curriculum Guidelines of Public Administration in 2013. The text shows the achievement and growth of Field in the country before the growing supply of undergraduate courses, stimulated by upgrading and expansion of the public sector. Finally, we list some challenges, concerning the process of institutionalization and identity.