968 resultados para L22 - Firm Organization and Market Structure


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Bi1.5ZnTa1.5O7 (BZT) has been synthesized using an alkoxide based sol-gel reaction route. The evolution of the phases produced from the alkoxide precursors and their properties have been characterized as function of temperature using a combination of thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) coupled with mass spectrometry (MS), infrared emission spectrometry (IES), X-ray diffraction (XRD), ultraviolet and visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and N2 adsorption/desorption isotherms. The lowest sintering temperature (600∘C) to obtain phase pure BZT powders with high surface area (14.5m2/g) has been determined from the thermal decomposition and phase analyses.The photocatalytic activity of the BZT powders has been tested for the decolorization of organic azo-dye and found to be photoactive under UV irradiation.The electronic band structure of the BZT has been investigated using density functional theory (DFT) calculations to determine the band gap energy (3.12 eV) and to compare it with experimental band gap (3.02 eV at 800∘C) from optical absorptionmeasurements. An excellent match is obtained for an assumption of Zn cation substitutions at specifically ordered sites in the BZT structure.


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A modeling paradigm is proposed for covariate, variance and working correlation structure selection for longitudinal data analysis. Appropriate selection of covariates is pertinent to correct variance modeling and selecting the appropriate covariates and variance function is vital to correlation structure selection. This leads to a stepwise model selection procedure that deploys a combination of different model selection criteria. Although these criteria find a common theoretical root based on approximating the Kullback-Leibler distance, they are designed to address different aspects of model selection and have different merits and limitations. For example, the extended quasi-likelihood information criterion (EQIC) with a covariance penalty performs well for covariate selection even when the working variance function is misspecified, but EQIC contains little information on correlation structures. The proposed model selection strategies are outlined and a Monte Carlo assessment of their finite sample properties is reported. Two longitudinal studies are used for illustration.


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Our current understanding of the evolution of the histone gene family suffers from a lack of information on plant histone genes1. With a view to gathering some much needed information on these genes, we studied a rice genomic clone in pBR322 carrying H2A, H2B and H4 histone genes on a DNA fragment2 of 6.64 kilobases (kb). A restriction map of the insert was constructed and the organization of the three genes on this insert was determined. H2A and H2B histone genes were located at one end of the insert and H4 gene at the other with a 3.1 kb spacer in between. This cluster of three histone genes was found to be transcribed in a bidirectional fashion with H2A and H2B genes being encoded by one strand and the H4 gene by the other. These results indicate that plant histone gene organization differs from that of the sea urchin, but shows many similarities to the systems in other animals.


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Thioacetamide has a dipole moment substantially higher than the vector sum of the normal characteristic moments of its constituent bonds. However, the effect can reasonably be accounted for on the scheme of alterations in charge distribution and hence of bond moments proposed by Smith, Ree, Magee and Eyring. The same is probably true for chloroacetamide even though the problem of rotation about the C-C single bond renders the conclusion less certain. For cyanoacetamide, the observed moment cannot be accounted for satisfactorily on this basis.


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tRNA synthetases (aaRS) are enzymes crucial in the translation of genetic code. The enzyme accylates the acceptor stem of tRNA by the congnate amino acid bound at the active site, when the anti-codon is recognized by the anti-codon site of aaRS. In a typical aaRS, the distance between the anti-codon region and the amino accylation site is approximately 70 Å. We have investigated this allosteric phenomenon at molecular level by MD simulations followed by the analysis of protein structure networks (PSN) of non-covalent interactions. Specifically, we have generated conformational ensembles by performing MD simulations on different liganded states of methionyl tRNA synthetase (MetRS) from Escherichia coli and tryptophenyl tRNA synthetase (TrpRS) from Human. The correlated residues during the MD simulations are identified by cross correlation maps. We have identified the amino acids connecting the correlated residues by the shortest path between the two selected members of the PSN. The frequencies of paths have been evaluated from the MD snapshots[1]. The conformational populations in different liganded states of the protein have been beautifully captured in terms of network parameters such as hubs, cliques and communities[2]. These parameters have been associated with the rigidity and plasticity of the protein conformations and can be associated with free energy landscape. A comparison of allosteric communication in MetRS and TrpRS [3] elucidated in this study highlights diverse means adopted by different enzymes to perform a similar function. The computational method described for these two enzymes can be applied to the investigation of allostery in other systems.


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Complexation of alkali and alkaline earth metal ions with crown ethers is well known (1) and chemical and crystallographic studies have been carried out for number of complexes (2,3). The interaction of the metal with the crown ether depends on the nature of the cation and particularly on the basicity of the anion (4) , In this paper we report the crystal and molecular structure of a lithium picrate complex of benzo-15-crown-5, the first x-ray crystallographic study of a lithlum-crown system.


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The crystal structure of TANDEM (des-N-tetramethyltriostin A), a synthetic analogue of the quinoxaline antibiotic triostin A, has been determined independently at -135 and 7 'C and refined to R values of 0.088 and 0.147, respectively. The molecule has approximate 2-fold symmetry, with the quinoxaline chromophores and the disulfide cross-bridge projecting from opposite sides of the peptide ring. The quinoxaline groups are nearly parallel to each other and separated by about 6.5 A. The peptide backbone resembles a distorted antiparallel 13 ribbon joined by intramolecular hydrogen bonds N-H(LVal)--O(L-Ala). At low temperatures, the TANDEM molecule is surrounded by a regular first- and second-order hydration sphere containing 14 independent water molecules. At room temperature, only the first-order hydration shell is maintained. Calculations of the interplanar separation of the quinoxaline groups as a function of their orientation with respect to the peptide ring support the viability of TANDEM to intercalate bifunctionally into DNA.


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The controversy with regard to the structures of the closely related polyisoprenylated phenolic compounds, garcinol, isogarcinol, camboginol, cambogin, xanthochymol and isoxanthochymol is cleared by X-ray crystallographic analysis of the naturally occurring isogarcinol. The unusual UV spectral characteristics of the chromophore of isogarcinol are discussed.


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Improving avocado fruit quality and market potential by pre and post harvest factors.


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Neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2) is a dominantly inherited disorder, which predisposes to multiple tumours of the nervous system, typically schwannomas and meningiomas. Biallelic inactivation of the NF2 gene occurs both in sporadic and NF2-related schwannomas and in most meningiomas. The NF2 gene product merlin (or schwannomin) is structurally related to the ERM proteins, ezrin, radixin and moesin, which act as molecular linkers between the actin cytoskeleton and the plasma membrane. Merlin is a tumor suppressor that participates in cell cycle regulation. Merlin s phosphorylation status appears to be associated with its tumour suppressor activity, i.e. non-phosphorylated merlin functions as a tumour suppressor, whereas protein phosphorylation results in loss of functional activity. This thesis study was initiated to investigate merlin s role as a tumor suppressor and growth inhibitor. These studies show, that like many other tumor suppressors, also merlin is targeted to the nucleus at some stages of the cell cycle. Merlin s nuclear localization is regulated by cell cycle phase, contact inhibition and adhesion. In addition, a potential nuclear binding partner for merlin was identified, Human Enhancer of Invasion 10 (HEI10), a cyclin B interacting protein. Many tumor suppressors interact with microtubules and this thesis work shows that also merlin colocalizes with microtubules in mitotic structures. Merlin binds microtubules directly, and increases their polymerization in vitro and in vivo. In addition, primary mouse Schwann cells lacking merlin displays disturbed microtubule cytoskeleton. Fourth part of this thesis work began from the notion that PKA phosphorylates an unidentified site from the merlin N-terminus. Our studies show that serine 10 is a target for PKA and modulation of this residue regulates cytoskeletal organization, lamellipodia formation and cell migration. In summary, this thesis work shows that merlin s role is much more versatile than previously thought. It has a yet unidentified role in the nucleus and it participates in the regulation of both microtubules and the actin cytoskeleton. These studies have led to a better understanding of this enigmatic tumor suppressor, which eventually will aid in the design of specific drugs for the NF2 disease.


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The crystal structure of the cobalt( 11) complex with 2'-deoxyinosine 5'-monophosphate (5'- dlMP), [Co(5'-dlMP) (H,0),]-2H20, has been analysed by X-ray diffraction. The complex crystallizes in the space group P2,2,2, with a = 6.877(3), b = 10.904(2), c = 25.421 (6) A, and Z = 4. The structure was solved by the heavy-atom method and refined to an R value of 0.043 using 1 776 unique reflections. The cobalt ion binds only to the 6-oxopurine base of the nucleotide at the N(7) position, the octahedral co-ordination of the metal being completed by five water oxygens. The phosphate oxygens are involved in hydrogen bonding with the co-ordinated water molecules. The structure is closely similar to that of the corresponding ribonucleotide complex. The nucleotide has the energetically preferred conformation: an anti base, a C(3') -endo sugar pucker, and a gauche-gauche conformation about the C(4')-C( 5') bond. The significance of sugar puckering in the monomeric complexes of general formula [ M (5'-nucleotide) (H20),] is explained in terms of the structural requirements for metal-water-phosphate bridging interactions.


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In this paper, we report the synthesis and self assembly of various sizes of ZnO nanocrystals. While the crystal structure and the quantum confinement of nanocrystals were mainly characterized using XRD and UV absorption spectra, the self assembly and long range ordering were studied using scanning tunneling microscopy after spin casting the nanocrystal film on the highly oriented pyrolytic graphite surface. We observe self assembly of these nanocrystals over large areas making them ideal candidates for various potential applications. Further, the electronic structure of the individual dots is obtained from the current-voltage characteristics of the dots using scanning tunneling spectroscopy and compared with the density of states obtained from the tight binding calculations. We observe an excellent agreement with the experimentally obtained local density of states and the theoretically calculated density of states.


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The infrared spectra of monothiodiacetamide (MTDA, CHaCONHCSCH3) and its N-deuterated compound in solution, solid state and at low temperature are measured. Normal coordinate analysis for the planar vibrations of MTDAd o and -dl have been performed for the two most probable cis-trans-CONHCSor -CSNHCO-conformers using a simple Urey-Bradley force function. The conformation of MTDA derived from the vibrational spectra is supported by the all valence CNDO/2 molecular orbital method. The vibrational assignments and the electronic structure of MTDA are also given.


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The crystal structure of 1,3-di benzyl -2 - (4,4-dimet hyl- 2,5- bist hioxocyclo hexylidene) imidazolidine (2) shows a twist of 80.8(5)' about the inter-ring bond, which has a length of 1.482(6) A. The near orthogonality of the donor and acceptor parts of this formal push-pull ethylene makes the structure approach that of a zwitterion, as evidenced by bond lengths indicating strong electron delocalization. The acceptor part approaches a vinylogous dithioate structure, the donor part an amidinium system. The U.V. spectrum shows an n + R and a R + R transition, at 51 1 and 41 7.5 nm, respectively; according to CNDO/S calculations these are located entirely in the [S-C-C-C-SI- part. Two bands at shorter wavelength are ascribed to transitions from combinations of the lone-pair orbitals on the sulphur atoms to a n* orbital in the [N-C-N] + part; this is facilitated by the near perpendicularity of the two parts of the molecule.


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The hexahydrate of a 1:1 complex between L-histidyl-L-serine and glycyl-L-glutamic acid crystallizes in space group P1 with a = 4.706(1), b= 8.578(2), c= 16.521(3) ÅA; α= 85.9(1), β= 89.7(1)°, = 77.4(1). The crystal structure, solved by direct methods, has been refined to an R value of 0.046 for 2150 observed reflections. The two peptide molecules in the structure have somewhat extended conformations. The unlike molecules aggregate into separate alternating layers. Each layer is stabilized by hydrogen bonded head-to-tail sequences as well as sequences of hydrogen bonds involving peptide groups. The arrangement of molecules in each layer is similar to one of the plausible idealized arrangements of L-alanyl-L-alanine worked out from simple geometrical considerations. Adjacent layers in the structure are held together by interactions involving side chains as well as water molecules. The water structure observed in the complex provides a good model, at atomic resolution, for that in protein crystals. An interesting feature of the crystal structure is the existence of two water channels in the interfaces between adjacent peptide layers.