1000 resultados para Innovació educativa -- Ensenyament universitari
El artículo es un estudio realizado con el objetivo de observar la utilización de recursos de aprendizaje en diferentes asignaturas presenciales, semipresenciales y no presenciales de la Universidad de Lleida. La investigación se desarrolló bajo la modalidad de estudio de casos, recogiendo datos de profesorado y estudiantado a través de análisis documental, cuestionarios y entrevistas. El estudio mostró que, independientemente de la modalidad formativa de las asignaturas, se utilizaba una variedad considerable de recursos para hacer llegar la información a los estudiantes, aunque se detectó una baja mediación entre los materiales que el profesorado publicaba y el acceso a estos por parte de los estudiantes. Consideramos que todavía queda camino por recorrer en el aprovechamiento de los recursos TIC en los procesos formativos universitarios.
El objetivo de esta investigación es conocer la tipología de aportaciones, que se producen en el entorno virtual colaborativo Knowledge Forum y comprobar si está teniendo lugar un aprendizaje colaborativo a través del ordenador (CSCL). Las contribuciones a los diferentes 30 foros han sido analizados y categorizados usando un esquema de codificación en base a las scaffolds o andamiajes que dicho entorno proporciona. Los resultados muestran que en conjunto los 308 estudiantes universitarios aportan nueva información y opinan, pero hay escasez de mensajes con diferentes opiniones que lleven a la discusión y a intercambios de puntos de vista distintos.
La importancia del tratamiento de una situación tan compleja como el dolor hace en ocasiones insuficientes los conocimientos incluidos en los planes de estudio de las titulaciones de ciencias de la salud. Por otro lado, existe un gran desconocimiento entre los alumnos de estas carreras sanitarias sobre cual es el papel que desempeñan las otras profesiones sanitarias lo que puede dificultar la posibilidad de trabajar en el futuro de una manera multidisciplinar. Para poder dar solución a estos problemas, la Facultad de Enfermería de la Universidad de Lleida ha puesto en práctica una actividad piloto en la que participan alumnos de enfermería y fisioterapia. La actividad tiene como finalidad el ampliar y unificar los conocimientos de la fisiología y valoración del dolor de una manera multidisciplinar. Lo favorable de los resultados sugiere la necesidad de incorporar este tipo de actividades a otras asignaturas, a la vez que se evidencia la necesidad de incorporar otras carreras sanitarias a dicha actividad.
This work presents an analysis of the assessment tools used by professors at the Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya to assess the generic competencies introduced in the Bachelor’s Degrees in Engineering. In order to conduct this study, a survey was designed and administered anonymously to a sample of the professors most receptive to educational innovation at their own university. All total, 80 professors responded to this survey, of whom 26% turned out to be members of the university’s own evaluation innovation group (https://www.upc.edu/rima/grups/grapa), GRAPA. This percentage represents 47% of the total GRAPA membership, meaning that nearly half of the professors most concerned about evaluation at the university chose to participate. The analysis of the variables carried out using the statistical program SPSS v19 shows that for practically 49% of those surveyed, rubrics are the tools most commonly used to assess generic competencies integrated in more specific ones. Of those surveyed, 60% use them either frequently or always. The most frequently evaluated generic competencies were teamwork (28%), problem solving (26%), effective oral and written communication (24%) and autonomous learning (13%), all of which constitute commonly recognized competencies in the engineering profession. A two-dimensional crosstabs analysis with SPSS v19 shows a significant correlation (Asymp. Sig. 0.001) between the type of tool used and the competencies assessed. However, no significant correlation was found between the type of assessment tool used and the type of subject, type of evaluation (formative or summative), frequency of feedback given to the students or the degree of student satisfaction, and thus none of these variables can be considered to have an influence on the kind of assessment tool used. In addition, the results also indicate that there are no significant differences between the instructors belonging to GRAPA and the rest of those surveyed
The aim of this paper was to explore whether self-efficacy as teacher and researcher perceived by university lecturers was related to teaching styles and approaches. Two instruments were administered to 259 teachers at the University of Girona (Spain), who were active researchers and had a teaching workload of 9 ECTS or above. The results showed that self-efficacy as a researcher was the variable which yielded most differences. The higher the self-efficacy of the researcher, the stronger the belief that teaching was guided by research. Certain beliefs about the teaching-research nexus were very different according to the degree of self-efficacy as a researcher, while there were fewer differences in terms of gender and field of study
In this paper, we reflect about the broadening of the field of application of CRM from the business domain to a wider context of relationships in which the inclusion of non-profit making organizations seems natural. In particular, we focus on analyzing the suitability of adopting CRM processes by universities and higher educational institutions dedicated to e-learning. This is an issue that, in our opinion, has much potential but has received little attention in research so far.
Teachers of the course Introduction to Mathematics for Engineers at the UOC, an online distance-learning university, have designed,developed and tested an online studymaterial. It includes basic pre-university mathematics, indications for correct follow-up of this content and recommendations for finding appropriate support and complementarymaterials. Many different resources are used,depending on the characteristics of thecontents: Flash sequences, interactive applets, WIRIS calculators and PDF files.During the last semester, the new study material has been tested with 119 students. The academic results and student satisfaction have allowed us to outline and prioritise future lines of action.
Teachers of the course Introduction to Mathematics for Engineers at the UOC, an online distance-learning university, have designed and produced online study material which includes basic pre-university mathematics, instructions for correct follow-up of this content and recommendations for finding appropiate support and complementary materials.
In this paper we identify the requirements for creating formal descriptions of learning scenarios designed under the European HigherEducation Area paradigm, using competences and learning activities as the basic pieces of the learning process, instead of contents and learning resources, pursuing personalization. Classical arrangements of content based courses are no longer enough to describe all the richness of this new learning process, where user profiles, competences and complex hierarchical itineraries need to be properly combined. We study the intersection with the current IMS Learning Design specification and theadditional metadata required for describing such learning scenarios. This new approach involves the use of case based learning and collaborativelearning in order to acquire and develop competences, following adaptive learning paths in two structured levels.
E-learning arises in all educative contexts and levels with the use of information and communication technologies and massive access to internet connected computers. On the other hand, the fast development of social networking tools and web 2.0 technologies are producing an evolution of e-learning towards what is called a learning 2.0 paradigm. In this short paper weshall present the main technologies and pedagogical issues related to that new way of learning and how we can use them to improve the acquisition of competences and new knowledge.
The teaching of higher level mathematics for technical students in a virtual learningenvironment poses some difficulties, but also opportunities, now specific to that virtuality.On the other hand, resources and ways to do now manly available in VLEs might soon extend to all kinds of environments.In this short presentation we will discuss anexperience carried at Universitat Oberta deCatalunya (UOC) involving (an on line university), first, the translation of LaTeX written existent materials to a web based format(specifically, a combination of XHTML andMathML), and then the integration of a symbolic calculator software (WIRIS) running as a Java applet embedded in the materials, intending to achieve an evolution from memorising concepts and repetitive algorithms to understanding and experiment concepts and the use of those algorithms.