1000 resultados para História urbanismo português
Bordéus, 1940 Cidade de salvamento de uma Europa assolada e aflita pela barbaria nazista e a fúria de Hitler, Bordéus é a segunda casa de um homem a quem, por toda a eternidade, a França e o resto do mundo serão gratos: Aristides de Sousa Mendes. O cônsul Português teve a coragem de desobedecer às ordens proíbitivas de Salazar, salvando assim trinta mil pessoas, incluindo dez mil judeus, dos campos de concentração e extermínio. Sem distinção de sexo, raça, crenças religiosas ou políticas, de facto, assinou outros tantos vistos e passaportes para a liberdade a homens, mulheres e crianças. Por ocasião do 70º aniversário de este ato de generosidade, altruísmo e amor sem limites, a popularidade póstuma de Sousa Mendes ainda está a crescer, sobretudo graças ao empenho e à autoridade de órgãos como a Comissão Nacional Francesa em homenagem a Aristides de Sousa Mendes. Trata-se de glorificar o heroísmo de um Justo entre as Nações como Aristides de Sousa Mendes, cujo nome ressoará para sempre na história como sinónimo do epíteto de Cônsul Desobediente.
Nestes últimos três anos encontrei muitas semelhanças entre o Português e o Siciliano. Cada vez que ouvia palavras similares, ficava muito surpreendido porque eram palavras que na própria história deles não sempre tinham a raiz comum do latim. Foi por isso que comecei a perguntar-me qual fosse a língua que, junto com o latim, tivesse deixado rastos tão importantes. Comecei por fazer algumas pesquisas e descobri que Portugal e a Sicília, se bem que sejam bastante afastados geograficamente, não têm somente algumas palavras em comum, mas também muitos elementos culturais. É também uma coisa facilmente imaginável: são dois paises e dois povos muito ligados ao sol, ao mar, ao amor pela própria terra, à força dos seus cidadãos além da pobreza que impediu muitos momentos da história deles. Então, decidi escrever a minha tese de licenciatura sobre o tema da comparação línguistica entre português e o siciliano ocidental. Fazendo pesquisas mais aprofundadas não foi possível encontrar estudos de linguística comparativa que comparassem estas duas línguas. Por esta razão o trabalho preliminar foi muito complexo e todas as reflexões deduzidas são fruto de uma análise pessoal. Decidi concentrar-me sobre as semelhanças das canções populares portuguesas e sicilianas porque além de me darem a possibilidade de fazer uma comparação línguistica, põem em luz a proximidade das duas culturas através das temáticas e do estilo que distinguem ambas as canções e através de duas cantoras (Amália Rodrigues e Rosa Balistreri) que tiveram duas vidas muito difíceis e que foi somente com o canto que lhes permitiu que se encontrassem e que trablhassem juntas tendo sempre o objectivo de enfrentar a vida com mais força e de lutar pela própria terra tão amada.
Tese de doutoramento, História (Arte, Património e Restauro), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2016
In this work, we investigate the symbolic construction of a particular spatiality, starting from the theoretical assumption that spaces are subjective constructions guided by different cultures, feelings and rationales, but mostly spaces are human constructs driven by social relations, as a result of the material investment and symbol that reflects the needs of a particular society at a given time of historical development. Accordingly, we analyze the construction and symbolic imagery of the central region of Portugal, the Alentejo, from the literary production (1916 – 1930) the English poet Florbela Espanca D'Alma Conception Espanca. Thus, we propose to analyze the florbelian work not only from its internal relations, but also external, emphasizing the link between history, space and literature. Thus, we propose to inquire about the symbolic dimension – the meanings of images and representations – which prompted one of the most controversial Portuguese poets of the early twentieth to look into the poetic construction of space Alentejo century, questioning not only the senses brokered by speech literary Florbela Espanca to invent your Alentejo, adorned with memories, pain and longing, but investigate how the socio-cultural environment influenced your work, in your life and ways to feel and live the Alentejo. To better understand how the poet means the Alentejo spatiality, throughout this work we question three categories of space in the work of Florbela Espanca: the region, the countryside and the landscape of the Alentejo. Thus, this research falls within the field of cultural history in the medical we will work with the entire literary output Florbela Espanca, letters, diaries, photos and biographical and literary criticism, by establishing the time frame of 1916 – beginning of intellectual activity Florbela Spank – the 1930 – publication of Blossom Heath (posthumous) and the suicide of the poet. Therefore, a constant symbolic exercise of words crossed by more subjective feelings of the subject, all the time our work will be guided by the question of what would be the Alentejo for the poet, who senses and meanings across this spatiality that marked so sovereignly happiest memories and sad life Florbela Espanca.
Training in Architecture and Urbanism with its general characteristic involves, in its nature, knowledge of various areas (technology, theory, history, representation, and design), being the space of design conception that place where the synthesis of this knowledge is reflected more clearly. We believe that the integrated work in the architectural curriculum can provide an overview of the project, thus contributing to better training of the architect. This research aims to reflect on the role of integration and interdisciplinary in teaching architectural design. This theme has been work recurrently by critics in the teaching area of project and events of the area as the seminars of the Projetar, highlighted by several authors to search integration as an essential pedagogical approach to design education. The work aims to contribute to reflection and awareness of those involved on the importance of integration in the architectural course of project processes. For this, we analyzed the potential and limits of this process in Architecture and Urbanism Course (CAU) at the Universidade Potiguar (UNP) Mossoró, which has the integration and interdisciplinary recorded since the Pedagogical Project of the Course. This analysis will be performed by observing the development of “interdisciplinary work” in the fifth term during the first half of 2014.1. This research concerns an exploratory qualitative study that aims to investigate specific issues on the teaching/learning architecture project and the integration in architecture courses, following a non-participant observation in architectural design classes in the fifth term of CAU/UnP/ Mossoró, and analysis of final products, which would be the work of the last unit of the semester, called “Interdisciplinary work”. Questionnaires for the teachers who participated in the process has been apply via email and analyzed. Reflection supports several other already carried out to identify the difficulties inherent in applying these principles satisfactorily. Noting, however, that interdisciplinarity, in fact, it goes beyond integration and is even more difficult to achieve. In addition to an educational project that incorporates these principles, such as the course of Architecture and Urbanism of the UNP-Mossoró, full adhesion it is necessary by the faculty and students of this teaching philosophy.
Training in Architecture and Urbanism with its general characteristic involves, in its nature, knowledge of various areas (technology, theory, history, representation, and design), being the space of design conception that place where the synthesis of this knowledge is reflected more clearly. We believe that the integrated work in the architectural curriculum can provide an overview of the project, thus contributing to better training of the architect. This research aims to reflect on the role of integration and interdisciplinary in teaching architectural design. This theme has been work recurrently by critics in the teaching area of project and events of the area as the seminars of the Projetar, highlighted by several authors to search integration as an essential pedagogical approach to design education. The work aims to contribute to reflection and awareness of those involved on the importance of integration in the architectural course of project processes. For this, we analyzed the potential and limits of this process in Architecture and Urbanism Course (CAU) at the Universidade Potiguar (UNP) Mossoró, which has the integration and interdisciplinary recorded since the Pedagogical Project of the Course. This analysis will be performed by observing the development of “interdisciplinary work” in the fifth term during the first half of 2014.1. This research concerns an exploratory qualitative study that aims to investigate specific issues on the teaching/learning architecture project and the integration in architecture courses, following a non-participant observation in architectural design classes in the fifth term of CAU/UnP/ Mossoró, and analysis of final products, which would be the work of the last unit of the semester, called “Interdisciplinary work”. Questionnaires for the teachers who participated in the process has been apply via email and analyzed. Reflection supports several other already carried out to identify the difficulties inherent in applying these principles satisfactorily. Noting, however, that interdisciplinarity, in fact, it goes beyond integration and is even more difficult to achieve. In addition to an educational project that incorporates these principles, such as the course of Architecture and Urbanism of the UNP-Mossoró, full adhesion it is necessary by the faculty and students of this teaching philosophy.
The implementation of the railway in Triângulo Mineiro and Alto Paranaíba helped to develop the area and connexion with other states: São Paulo, Goiás and Mato Grosso. The railway used to transport people and goods throughout many train stations in urban and rural areas and some major railroad complexes. There were many factors that led to the decline and abandonment of these properties: governmental policies which were in favour of road transportation and automotive industry, the replacement of the steam locomotive for electric and electric-diesel locomotives, changing part of the railway plan, removal of railways and loss of function of the buildings, extinction of passenger trains, which led the stations to lose its main purpose: people transport. 53% of the stations built inside the study area were demolished and most of them are in rural areas. There are several situations: stations on a precarious conservation state, most of them in the city s rural area, stations being used in urban and rural areas with new uses, stations working with cargo and goods transportation. The stations in Triângulo Mineiro and Alto Paranaíba area in Minas Gerais are the object of this dissertation, wherein the main interest lies on the stations that are in operation, 21 buildings, seeking to verify their conservation state, their agents and role in preserving the train memory. Maps, charts and tables were made for this collection s understanding, having visited the stations that are listed by the cultural heritage and the ones that are in operation with new functions. Field records were made allowing the understanding of these properties in operation. It is observed that only the buildings listing, despite ensuring the non-demolition, does not help on the use and preservation of these stations, because there are some buildings that have this protection level, but are abandoned and in disrepair. The use of these stations by a train company, operating with cargo and goods transportation do not also guarantee the buildings preservation, as they are not treated with any preservation interest, their maintenance are precarious. The using by these companies are various, however, only a few stations have internal spaces dedicated to the railroad memory. Most of the stations did not have preservation projects with architects and specialists participation and the major concern, during maintenance process, is on the building s external part. The stations conservation begins on the local government interest, that preserve these properties, most of them are in urban areas, the major challenge is on their using definition and occupancy, especially in the countryside, wherein the buildings uses must be sustainable, as regards the appreciation and management of this heritage.
O presente artigo situa-se nos domínios de especialidade da Fonética e Fonologia. Pretende-se, com efeito, destacar algumas características fonético-fonológicas do português culto falado em Angola, nomeadamente no domínio do vocalismo, identificadas e recolhidas de enunciados orais de cidadãos angolanos e residentes em Angola, estudantes e profissionais com nível de instrução médio-alto. No falar português desses indivíduos constam elementos que se opõem a determinados usos e hábitos linguísticos normativos do Português europeu, recomendados como usos e hábitos oficiais. Procura-se, assim, demonstrar que, pelo menos em relação ao sistema vocálico, o português angolano das camadas cultas da população difere do Português europeu.
A relação entre as comunicações, os media e o império português é o tema principal do dossiê que se propõe. O volume tem uma base interdisciplinar, acolhendo estudos de comunicação, história, literatura, entre outros domínios dos estudos humanísticos e das ciências sociais, que contribuam para a melhor compreensão das relações entre as comunicações e a política imperial de Portugal desde o século XVIII até finais da década de 1970. A partir de uma perspectiva alargada de comunicação, que pode abranger as estruturas físicas de transporte e todas as formas de comunicação simbólica (correio, imprensa, mass media, literatura, arquitetura, iconografia, etc), encoraja-se a apresentação de estudos que esclareçam as articulações e tensões entre os mais diversos media e o estabelecimento e manutenção de um império português no Brasil, em Angola, Moçambique, São Tomé e Príncipe, Cabo Verde, Guiné-Bissau, India (Goa, Damão e Diu), Timor-Leste e Macau. Procuram-se pesquisas que privilegiem uma multiplicidade de perspectivas da metrópole e das colônias e que enfatizem as interações entre comunicação, política, economia, sociedade e identidades culturais e nacionais. Aceitam-se contribuições em tópicos como: Conjugações e conexões entre transportes e comunicação na dinâmica imperial; Relação entre missões exploratórias, cartografia, infraestruturas de comunicação e estabelecimento de um Império; Media e comemoracionismo; Imprensa, propaganda, opinião pública e domínio imperial; Imperialismo e cultura popular; Meios de comunicação nas colónias (imprensa, rádio, literatura), resistência e constituição de identidades nacionais.
The towns presently named Pombal and Sousa, located in the hinterland of the State of Paraíba, Brazil, still keep vestiges of the colonization process they went through along the 18th and 19th centuries, when they both emerged as settlement nuclei in the extreme West of the then captaincy of Paraíba and attained the status of freguesia and vila in a later period. This research aims to comprehend the process of urban formation and development of the colonial urban nuclei of Pombal and Sousa as they became povoados (hamlets), freguesias (parishes) and vilas (small urban communities with a local government), according to territorial expansion policies implemented by the Portuguese government from 1697 to 1800. The choice of the two urban settlements for this survey lies in the fact that they were part of the great conquest and colonization program undertaken by the Portuguese Crown. Another aspect that was considered was the fact that those towns are the oldest urban nuclei of Paraíba s hinterland. They came into being as early as in the times of the colony, thus producing a favorable environment to the study of the changes that occurred in the captaincy s hinterland scenery resulting from the process of formation and development of the colonial urban space. Three fundamental categories of analysis were defined since they have a direct bearing upon the urban configuration of the two colonization nuclei: povoado, freguesia and vila. The three of them are related to civil and ecclesiastic jurisdictions. Field, documentation and bibliography surveys were undertaken in order to develop the study. They allowed for the finding of vestiges of the old, colonial urban structures and for the development of theoretical analysis based on present-day studies of issues relating to the colonial urban history. The study purposes were, therefore, to try to understand how the old urban nuclei of Pombal and Sousa fit in the territorial expansion policies undertaken by the Portuguese government; to relate the process of urban formation and development of such nuclei with the categories of analysis povoação-freguesia-vila by discussing the relations and influences they exert over one another and their territory, as well as to unveil, as much as possible, the configuration the urban spaces that were shaped along the 18th century
O presente projeto de investigação, propõe compreender a cultura visual contemporânea do design do selo postal português, de 2001 a 2013, considerando os avanços e os novos meios tecnológicos digitais. Para isso, partiu-se da história do selo postal como objeto de testemunho histórico, cultural e visual repleto de valores duradouros e possuidores de uma linguagem gráfica distinta. A esse conjunto de caraterísticas que determinam o selo postal, as mesmas, representam um grau de importância associados à história e à cultura de um país, evidenciando uma linguagem característica da vida social e da época que se encontra, que ao longo dos anos possuem valores de importância e sentimento para a humanidade. Primeiramente, procedeu-se a uma pesquisa exaustiva sobre os principais designers e ateliers portugueses, quer realizada em livros de coleções dos CTT, quer na internet em motores de busca. Seguidamente, realizou-se uma análise geral sobre a sintaxe da linguagem visual, baseada no trabalho de Donis A. Dondis (2003), declinada sobre a comunicação visual no design, para este caso, nos selos postais. Partindo dessa análise, posteriormente, efetuou-se a criação de uma emissão de selos postais juntamente com a tecnologia da realidade aumentada, tendo como base a temática centrada na cidade do Porto e que pode ser repercutida em diferentes cidades do país “Uma visita portuguesa com certeza”. Com este projeto conseguiu-se demonstrar e implementar uma tecnologia digital a um artefacto de cariz físico, usualmente, apresentado em suporte papel. O estudo pretende assim, contribuir para a inovação ao nível do design filatélico e histórico do selo postal português, tendo como base o uso dessa tecnologia.
La présente étude a comme objectif comprendre la relation entre l implantation et le développement du Tourisme à Natal et les conflits urbains établits entre 2006 et 2010 et publiés par les médias imprimés, élaborant ses impacts dans le quotidien des résidents. Tandis qu une relecture partielle de la méthode régressive-progressive développée par le philosophe français Henri Lefebvre, cherche à recouper du présent, des contradictions qui promeuvent des réactions dans le quotidien de la ville; ainsi qu identifier des moments du passé qui puissent contribuer à sa compréhension. Aujourd hui, nous avons les médias, comme principale source pour observer la perception locale des problèmes causés par l espace conçu, à partir des actions de l État référentes à l activité. Par rapport au passé, ces situations sont recherchées dans des sources secondaires, mettant en évidence le dialogue avec le Relatório Conflitos Urbanos (Rapport Conflits Urbains) à Natal-1976-1986 (ANDRADE et al.,1986), qui présente les conflits existants à des moments qui ont précédé ou ont acompagné le début du développement de l activité au RN, spécialement à Natal. Alors que dans la contribution à la compréhension du rôle du Tourisme dans l apparition de conflits urbains de la ville sont aussi inclues nos coupures vécues, des actions de l État par rapport à la consolidation, ainsi comme pour les conflits qui se sont plus demarqués ou qui ont conduit à la réaction de la population de la ville pendant les périodes analysées. Au final, on cherche à démontrer les limites de la responsabilité de l activité touristique dans l urgence des principaux conflits urbains dans la ville. L analyse des données de la recherche, avec l identification des conflits urbains de Natal et sa relation avec le Tourisme; la présentation des conflits par rapport à la localisation, fréquence et son encadrement dans les catégories de l analyse adoptée; l identification des agents intéressés et la relation entre eux; ont amené à la confirmation de l hypothèse proposée. De cette façon, en prenant en compte les coupures temporelles et spatiales, la source de recherche et la méthodologie adoptées, nous arrivons à la conclusion que l activité touristique à Natal n est pas directement responsable de l apparition des conflits urbains de la ville
O presente trabalho pretende dar um contributo na divulgação do património musical português dos séculos XVI e XVII, partindo da confluência das várias perspectivas musicais que cruzaram o Mosteiro de Santa Cruz de Coimbra durante este período. Apresenta-se desta forma o potencial pedagógico da instituição, bem como os compositores a ela associados no âmbito da História da Música, no que diz respeito ao ensino vocacional. Contém a exploração de algumas obras do reportório cuja observação constituirá, desejavelmente, motivo de reflexão, contribuindo para a sua divulgação, como elemento distintivo e enriquecedor.
Na sequência de trabalhos anteriores, analisam-se aqui algumas das reflexões de natureza fonético-fonológica presentes na obra de Francisco José Freire, Reflexões sobre a língua portuguesa, avaliando a sua contribuição para o conhecimento da língua portuguesa no séc. XVIII.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Património, Museologia e Desenvolvimento, 8 de Julho de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.