961 resultados para Genetic Testing


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This study aimed to develop and validate The Cancer Family Impact Scale (CFIS), an instrument for use in studies investigating relationships among family factors and colorectal cancer (CRC) screening when family history is a risk factor. We used existing data to develop the measure from 1,285 participants (637 families) across the United States who were in the Johns Hopkins Colon Cancer Genetic Testing study. Participants were 94% white with an average age of 50.1 years, and 60% were women. None had a personal CRC history, and eighty percent had 1 FDR with CRC and 20% had more than one FDR with CRC. The study had three aims: (1) to identify the latent factors underlying the CFIS via exploratory factor analysis (EFA); (2) to confirm the findings of the EFA via confirmatory factor analysis (CFA); and (3) to assess the reliability of the scale via Cronbach's alpha. Exploratory analyses were performed on a split half of the sample, and the final model was confirmed on the other half. The EFA suggested the CFIS was an 18-item measure with 5 latent constructs: (1) NEGATIVE: negative effects of cancer on the family; (2) POSITIVE: positive effects of cancer on the family; (3) COMMUNICATE: how families communicate about cancer; (4) FLOW: how information about cancer is conveyed in families; and (5) NORM: how individuals react to family norms about cancer. CFA on the holdout sample showed the CFIS to have a reasonably good fit (Chi-square = 389.977, df = 122, RMSEA= 0.058 (.052-.065), CFI=.902, TLI=.877, GF1=.939). The overall reliability of the scale was α=0.65. The reliability of the subscales was: (1) NEGATIVE α = 0.682; (2) POSITIVE α = 0.686; (3) COMMUNICATE α = 0.723; (4) FLOW α = 0.467; and (5) NORM α = 0.732. ^ We concluded the CFIS to be a good measure with most fit levels over 0.90. The CFIS could be used to compare theoretically driven hypotheses about the pathways through which family factors could influence health behavior among unaffected individuals at risk due to family history, and also aid in the development and evaluation of cancer prevention interventions including a family component. ^


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Trimethylaminuria (TMAU) or Fish odor syndrome is an autosomal recessive disease that is characterized by pungent body odor with subsequent psychosocial complications. There are limited studies of the sequence variants causing TMAU in the literature with most studies describing only one or two patients and lacking genotype-phenotype correlations. Also to date, there is no laboratory in the US or Europe that offers TMA genetic testing on a clinical basis. We have recently validated genetic testing in the University of Colorado DNA Diagnostic Laboratory. We have a database of a few dozen patients with a biochemical diagnosis of TMA at the University of Colorado at Denver Health Sciences Center (UCDHSC) which includes a few patients with the classical form of the disease. We have used the newly established clinical test in our institution to attempt to characterize the genotype (sequence variants including mutations and polymorphisms) of classical TMAU patients and to establish a genotype-phenotype (biochemical and clinical) association. The questionnaire results confirmed most of the previously reported epidemiological findings of TMAU and also indicated that TMAU patients use multiple intervention measures in attempt to control their symptoms with dietary control being most effective. Despite the complexity of intervention, most patients did not have any medical follow up and there was underutilization of specialist care. In a set of our patients, two deleterious mutations were identified in 4/12 patients including a novel T237P sequence variant, while the majority of our patients (8/12) did not reveal any mutations. Some of the latter were double heterozygous for the E158K and E308G polymorphisms which could explain a mild phenotype while others had only the E158K variant which raised the question of undetected mutations. These results indicate that further experiments are needed to further delineate the full mutational spectrum of the FMO3 gene. ^


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Objectives. Previous studies have shown a survival advantage in ovarian cancer patients with Ashkenazi-Jewish (AJ) BRCA founder mutations, compared to sporadic ovarian cancer patients. The purpose of this study was to determine if this association exists in ovarian cancer patients with non-Ashkenazi Jewish BRCA mutations. In addition, we sought to account for possible "survival bias" by minimizing any lead time that may exist between diagnosis and genetic testing. ^ Methods. Patients with stage III/IV ovarian, fallopian tube, or primary peritoneal cancer and a non-Ashkenazi Jewish BRCA1 or 2 mutation, seen for genetic testing January 1996-July 2007, were identified from genetics and institutional databases. Medical records were reviewed for clinical factors, including response to initial chemotherapy. Patients with sporadic (non-hereditary) ovarian, fallopian tube, or primary peritoneal cancer, without family history of breast or ovarian cancer, were compared to similar cases, matched by age, stage, year of diagnosis, and vital status at time interval to BRCA testing. When possible, 2 sporadic patients were matched to each BRCA patient. An additional group of unmatched, sporadic ovarian, fallopian tube and primary peritoneal cancer patients was included for a separate analysis. Progression-free (PFS) & overall survival (OS) were calculated by the Kaplan-Meier method. Multivariate Cox proportional hazards models were calculated for variables of interest. Matched pairs were treated as clusters. Stratified log rank test was used to calculate survival data for matched pairs using paired event times. Fisher's exact test, chi-square, and univariate logistic regression were also used for analysis. ^ Results. Forty five advanced-stage ovarian, fallopian tube and primary peritoneal cancer patients with non-Ashkenazi Jewish (non-AJ) BRCA mutations, 86 sporadic-matched and 414 sporadic-unmatched patients were analyzed. Compared to the sporadic-matched and sporadic-unmatched ovarian cancer patients, non-AJ BRCA mutation carriers had longer PFS (17.9 & 13.8 mos. vs. 32.0 mos., HR 1.76 [95% CI 1.13–2.75] & 2.61 [95% CI 1.70–4.00]). In relation to the sporadic- unmatched patients, non-AJ BRCA patients had greater odds of complete response to initial chemotherapy (OR 2.25 [95% CI 1.17–5.41]) and improved OS (37.6 mos. vs. 101.4 mos., HR 2.64 [95% CI 1.49–4.67]). ^ Conclusions. This study demonstrates a significant survival advantage in advanced-stage ovarian cancer patients with non-AJ BRCA mutations, confirming the previous studies in the Jewish population. Our efforts to account for "survival bias," by matching, will continue with collaborative studies. ^


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The American Thyroid Association recently classified all MEN2A-associated codons into increasing risk levels A-C and stated that some patients may delay prophylactic thyroidectomy if certain criteria are met. One criterion is a less aggressive family history of MTC but whether families with the same mutated codon have variable MTC aggressiveness is not well described. We developed several novel measures of MTC aggressiveness and compared families with the same mutated codon to determine if there is significant inter-familial variability. Pedigrees of families with MEN2A were reviewed for codon mutated and proportion of RET mutation carriers with MTC. Individuals with MTC were classified as having local or distant MTC and whether they had progressive MTC. MTC status and age were assessed at diagnosis and most advanced MTC stage. For those without MTC, age was recorded at prophylactic thyroidectomy or last follow-up if the patient did not have a thyroidectomy. For each pedigree, the mean age of members without MTC, with MTC, and the proportion of RET mutation carriers with local or distant and progressive MTC were calculated. We assessed differences in these variables using ANOVA and the Fisher’s exact test. Sufficient data for analysis were available for families with mutated codons 609 (92 patients from 13 families), 618 (41 patients from 7 families), and 634 (152 patients from 13 families). The only significant differences found were the mean age of patients without MTC between families with codon 609 and 618 mutations even after accounting for prophylactic thyroidectomy (p=0.006 and 0.001, respectively), and in the mean age of MTC diagnosis between families with codon 618 and 634 mutations even after accounting for symptomatic presentation (p=0.023 and 0.014, respectively). However, these differences may be explained by generational differences in ascertainment of RET carriers and the availability of genetic testing when the proband initially presented.


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At issue is whether or not isolated DNA is patent eligible under the U.S. Patent Law and the implications of that determination on public health. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has issued patents on DNA since the 1980s, and scientists and researchers have proceeded under that milieu since that time. Today, genetic research and testing related to the human breast cancer genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 is conducted within the framework of seven patents that were issued to Myriad Genetics and the University of Utah Research Foundation between 1997 and 2000. In 2009, suit was filed on behalf of multiple researchers, professional associations and others to invalidate fifteen of the claims underlying those patents. The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, which hears patent cases, has invalidated claims for analyzing and comparing isolated DNA but has upheld claims to isolated DNA. The specific issue of whether isolated DNA is patent eligible is now before the Supreme Court, which is expected to decide the case by year's end. In this work, a systematic review was performed to determine the effects of DNA patents on various stakeholders and, ultimately, on public health; and to provide a legal analysis of the patent eligibility of isolated DNA and the likely outcome of the Supreme Court's decision. ^ A literature review was conducted to: first, identify principle stakeholders with an interest in patent eligibility of the isolated DNA sequences BRCA1 and BRCA2; and second, determine the effect of the case on those stakeholders. Published reports that addressed gene patents, the Myriad litigation, and implications of gene patents on stakeholders were included. Next, an in-depth legal analysis of the patent eligibility of isolated DNA and methods for analyzing it was performed pursuant to accepted methods of legal research and analysis based on legal briefs, federal law and jurisprudence, scholarly works and standard practice legal analysis. ^ Biotechnology, biomedical and clinical research, access to health care, and personalized medicine were identified as the principle stakeholders and interests herein. Many experts believe that the patent eligibility of isolated DNA will not greatly affect the biotechnology industry insofar as genetic testing is concerned; unlike for therapeutics, genetic testing does not require tremendous resources or lead time. The actual impact on biomedical researchers is uncertain, with greater impact expected for researchers whose work is intended for commercial purposes (versus basic science). The impact on access to health care has been surprisingly difficult to assess; while invalidating gene patents might be expected to decrease the cost of genetic testing and improve access to more laboratories and physicians' offices that provide the test, a 2010 study on the actual impact was inconclusive. As for personalized medicine, many experts believe that the availability of personalized medicine is ultimately a public policy issue for Congress, not the courts. ^ Based on the legal analysis performed in this work, this writer believes the Supreme Court is likely to invalidate patents on isolated DNA whose sequences are found in nature, because these gene sequences are a basic tool of scientific and technologic work and patents on isolated DNA would unduly inhibit their future use. Patents on complementary DNA (cDNA) are expected to stand, however, based on the human intervention required to craft cDNA and the product's distinction from the DNA found in nature. ^ In the end, the solution as to how to address gene patents may lie not in jurisprudence but in a fundamental change in business practices to provide expanded licenses to better address the interests of the several stakeholders. ^


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Mitochondrial diseases, predominantly mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes (MELAS), may occasionally underlie or coincide with ischemic stroke (IS) in young and middle-aged individuals. We searched for undiagnosed patients with MELAS in a target subpopulation of unselected young IS patients enrolled in the Stroke in Young Fabry Patients study (sifap1). Among the 3291 IS patients aged 18-55 years recruited to the sifap1 study at 47 centers across 14 European countries, we identified potential MELAS patients with the following phenotypic features: (a) diagnosed cardiomyopathy or (b) presence of two of the three following findings: migraine, short stature (≤165 cm for males; ≤155 cm for females), and diabetes. Identified patients' blood samples underwent analysis of the common MELAS mutation, m.3243A>G in the MTTL1 gene of mitochondrial DNA. Clinical and cerebral MRI features of the mutation carriers were reviewed. We analyzed blood samples of 238 patients (177 with cardiomyopathy) leading to identification of four previously unrecognized MELAS main mutation carrier-patients. Their clinical and MRI characteristics were within the expectation for common IS patients except for severe hearing loss in one patient and hyperintensity of the pulvinar thalami on T1-weighted MRI in another one. Genetic testing for the m.3243A>G MELAS mutation in young patients with IS based on phenotypes suggestive of mitochondrial disease identifies previously unrecognized carriers of MELAS main mutation, but does not prove MELAS as the putative cause.


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Once considered rare, primary aldosteronism (PAL) is now regarded as the commonest potentially curable and specifically treatable form of hypertension. At Greenslopes Hospital Hypertension Unit (GHHU), the decision in 1991 to screen all (and not just hypokalemic or resistant) hypertensives by aldosterone/renin ratio (ARR) testing led to a 10-fold increase in detection rate of PAL and four-fold increase in removal rate of aldosterone-producing adenomas (APAs). The GHHU/Princess Alexandra Hospital Hypertension Unit PAL series stands at 977 patients and 250 APAs removed with hypertension cured in 50-60% (remainder improved). Reliable detection requires that interfering medications are withdrawn (or their effects considered) before ARR measurement, and reliable methods (such as fludrocortisone suppression testing) to confirm PAL. Adrenal venous sampling is the only dependable way to differentiate APA from bilateral adrenal hyperplasia. Genetic testing has facilitated detection of alucocorticoid-remediable, familial PAL. Identification of mutations causing the more common familial variety described by GHHU in 1991 should further aid in detection of PAL. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Hereditary pancreatitis is an autosomal dominant condition characterized by recurrent episodes of acute pancreatitis, usually starting in childhood. We present a family who was ascertained when an 11-year-old girl presented with an episode of acute pancreatitis. Her father and other family members had also had recurrent bouts of acute pancreatitis. Genetic testing revealed a pathogenic mutation in the cationic trypsinogen gene in the proband, her father and her paternal grandmother. As far as we are aware, this is the first Aboriginal kindred with mutation-proven hereditary pancreatitis. Hereditary pancreatitis is an important differential diagnosis to consider in a patient with recurrent episodes of acute pancreatitis with no obvious precipitating cause. This family is of Aboriginal descent and the implications of the family's background are also discussed when considering the aetiology of the condition. We emphasize the need to ascertain a full family history from patients with a history of repeated episodes of acute pancreatitis and also emphasize the need to avoid ethnic stereotypes when assessing patients.


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This paper briefly explains why it would be unwise to use genetic and neurobiological knowledge to prevent cigarette smoking and tobacco-related disease. However implausible these uses may seem to those who are well informed about the genetics of tobacco use or tobacco-control policy, it is the preventive uses of genetic information and nicotine vaccines that most excite the interest of the media and the public. The major challenges that these approaches face need to be widely understood if we are to prevent these superfi cially attractive but controversial uses from undermining effective control policies and the development of better methods of helping smokers to quit.


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This report presents and discusses selected findings regarding gender differences from an Australian-based study that investigated attitudes of individuals at risk for Huntington's disease (HD) towards genetic risk and predictive testing. Clear gender differences emerged regarding perceived coping capacity with regard to predictive testing, as well as disclosure of the genetic risk for HD to others. Female participants were more likely to disclose their genetic risk to others, including their medical practitioners, while male participants were three times more fearful of disclosing their genetic risk to others. These findings are of interest in light of gender differences that have consistently been reported regarding the uptake of predictive testing for HD, other genetic conditions, and health services more generally. While gender differences cannot provide a fully explanatory framework for differential uptake of predictive genetic testing, men and women may experience and respond differently to the genetic risk for HD and possibly other inherited disorders. The meanings of genetic risk to men and women warrants further exploration, given anticipated increases in genetic testing for more common conditions, especially if post-test interventions are possible. These issues are also relevant within the context of individuals' concerns about the potential for discrimination on the basis of genetic risk or genetic test information.


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Marfan syndrome (MFS) is a multisystem disorder of connective tissue that is inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion, and results from mutations in the FBN1 gene on chromosome 15. Diagnosis is challenging as it requires definition of diverse clinical features and input from a variety of specialists. Genetic testing of FBN1 is time consuming, expensive and complex, and may not solve the diagnostic dilemma. Failure to make a diagnosis or making an inappropriate diagnosis of MFS has social, lifestyle and medical consequences for the individual as well as the family.


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Congenital disorders of glycosylation (CDG) are a recently described, underrecognized group of syndromes characterized biochemically by abnormal glycosylation of serum and cellular glycoproteins. We report a previously undiagnosed adult male who presented with early-onset cerebellar ataxia in the context of mental impairment, peripheral neuropathy, retinopathy, body dysmorphism, cardiomyopathy, and hypogonadism. Newly available screening and genetic testing confirmed the diagnosis as CDG type Ia. This case emphasizes that CDG should be considered as a differential diagnosis for adults with early-onset cerebellar ataxia, particularly in those persons with the aforementioned features, and that undiagnosed cases of childhood ataxia may require reassessment now that testing is available. © 2006 Movement Disorder Society