1000 resultados para Colombes (Hauts-de-Seine)
ENGLISH: This report presents information on the fishery for bluefin in the northeastern Pacific Ocean derived from purse seiner logbook records and landing statistics. Information on the size composition of the fish in the catch is also presented. The logbook records cover the period 19611980; however, catch statistics and length-frequency data from previous years are also presented. SPANISH: Este informe presenta los datos sobre la pesca del T. thynnus en el Océano Pacífico nordeste, obtenidos de los cuadernos de bitácora de los barcos cerqueros y de las estadísticas de desembarque. Se presenta además la información sobre la composición de talla de los peces en la captura. Los registros de bitácora abarcan el período de 1961 a 1980; no obstante, se presentan además las estadísticas de captura y los datos de la frecuencia de talla de años anteriores. (PDF contains 105 pages.)
ENGLISH: A two-stage sampling design is used to estimate the variances of the numbers of yellowfin in different age groups caught in the eastern Pacific Ocean. For purse seiners, the primary sampling unit (n) is a brine well containing fish from a month-area stratum; the number of fish lengths (m) measured from each well are the secondary units. The fish cannot be selected at random from the wells because of practical limitations. The effects of different sampling methods and other factors on the reliability and precision of statistics derived from the length-frequency data were therefore examined. Modifications are recommended where necessary. Lengths of fish measured during the unloading of six test wells revealed two forms of inherent size stratification: 1) short-term disruptions of existing pattern of sizes, and 2) transition zones between long-term trends in sizes. To some degree, all wells exhibited cyclic changes in mean size and variance during unloading. In half of the wells, it was observed that size selection by the unloaders induced a change in mean size. As a result of stratification, the sequence of sizes removed from all wells was non-random, regardless of whether a well contained fish from a single set or from more than one set. The number of modal sizes in a well was not related to the number of sets. In an additional well composed of fish from several sets, an experiment on vertical mixing indicated that a representative sample of the contents may be restricted to the bottom half of the well. The contents of the test wells were used to generate 25 simulated wells and to compare the results of three sampling methods applied to them. The methods were: (1) random sampling (also used as a standard), (2) protracted sampling, in which the selection process was extended over a large portion of a well, and (3) measuring fish consecutively during removal from the well. Repeated sampling by each method and different combinations indicated that, because the principal source of size variation occurred among primary units, increasing n was the most effective way to reduce the variance estimates of both the age-group sizes and the total number of fish in the landings. Protracted sampling largely circumvented the effects of size stratification, and its performance was essentially comparable to that of random sampling. Sampling by this method is recommended. Consecutive-fish sampling produced more biased estimates with greater variances. Analysis of the 1988 length-frequency samples indicated that, for age groups that appear most frequently in the catch, a minimum sampling frequency of one primary unit in six for each month-area stratum would reduce the coefficients of variation (CV) of their size estimates to approximately 10 percent or less. Additional stratification of samples by set type, rather than month-area alone, further reduced the CV's of scarce age groups, such as the recruits, and potentially improved their accuracy. The CV's of recruitment estimates for completely-fished cohorts during the 198184 period were in the vicinity of 3 to 8 percent. Recruitment estimates and their variances were also relatively insensitive to changes in the individual quarterly catches and variances, respectively, of which they were composed. SPANISH: Se usa un diseño de muestreo de dos etapas para estimar las varianzas de los números de aletas amari11as en distintos grupos de edad capturados en el Océano Pacifico oriental. Para barcos cerqueros, la unidad primaria de muestreo (n) es una bodega de salmuera que contenía peces de un estrato de mes-área; el numero de ta11as de peces (m) medidas de cada bodega es la unidad secundaria. Limitaciones de carácter practico impiden la selección aleatoria de peces de las bodegas. Por 10 tanto, fueron examinados los efectos de distintos métodos de muestreo y otros factores sobre la confiabilidad y precisión de las estadísticas derivadas de los datos de frecuencia de ta11a. Se recomiendan modificaciones donde sean necesarias. Las ta11as de peces medidas durante la descarga de seis bodegas de prueba revelaron dos formas de estratificación inherente por ta11a: 1) perturbaciones a corto plazo en la pauta de ta11as existente, y 2) zonas de transición entre las tendencias a largo plazo en las ta11as. En cierto grado, todas las bodegas mostraron cambios cíclicos en ta11a media y varianza durante la descarga. En la mitad de las bodegas, se observo que selección por ta11a por los descargadores indujo un cambio en la ta11a media. Como resultado de la estratificación, la secuencia de ta11as sacadas de todas las bodegas no fue aleatoria, sin considerar si una bodega contenía peces de un solo lance 0 de mas de uno. El numero de ta11as modales en una bodega no estaba relacionado al numero de lances. En una bodega adicional compuesta de peces de varios lances, un experimento de mezcla vertical indico que una muestra representativa del contenido podría estar limitada a la mitad inferior de la bodega. Se uso el contenido de las bodegas de prueba para generar 25 bodegas simuladas y comparar los resultados de tres métodos de muestreo aplicados a estas. Los métodos fueron: (1) muestreo aleatorio (usado también como norma), (2) muestreo extendido, en el cual el proceso de selección fue extendido sobre una porción grande de una bodega, y (3) medición consecutiva de peces durante la descarga de la bodega. EI muestreo repetido con cada método y distintas combinaciones de n y m indico que, puesto que la fuente principal de variación de ta11a ocurría entre las unidades primarias, aumentar n fue la manera mas eficaz de reducir las estimaciones de la varianza de las ta11as de los grupos de edad y el numero total de peces en los desembarcos. El muestreo extendido evito mayormente los efectos de la estratificación por ta11a, y su desempeño fue esencialmente comparable a aquel del muestreo aleatorio. Se recomienda muestrear con este método. El muestreo de peces consecutivos produjo estimaciones mas sesgadas con mayores varianzas. Un análisis de las muestras de frecuencia de ta11a de 1988 indico que, para los grupos de edad que aparecen con mayor frecuencia en la captura, una frecuencia de muestreo minima de una unidad primaria de cada seis para cada estrato de mes-área reduciría los coeficientes de variación (CV) de las estimaciones de ta11a correspondientes a aproximadamente 10% 0 menos. Una estratificación adicional de las muestras por tipo de lance, y no solamente mes-área, redujo aun mas los CV de los grupos de edad escasos, tales como los reclutas, y mejoró potencialmente su precisión. Los CV de las estimaciones del reclutamiento para las cohortes completamente pescadas durante 1981-1984 fueron alrededor de 3-8%. Las estimaciones del reclutamiento y sus varianzas fueron también relativamente insensibles a cambios en las capturas de trimestres individuales y las varianzas, respectivamente, de las cuales fueron derivadas. (PDF contains 70 pages)
ENGLISH: This report presents fine-scale spatial summaries of annual catch and effort information compiled by the IATTC staff. These data summaries are presented in a graphical format, and display only information collected from purse-seine vessels fishing in the eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO) during 1965-1998. Data collected from baitboat and longline vessels fishing in the EPO are not considered in this report. Equivalent data from Japanese longline vessels fishing in the EPO are presented by Uosaki and Bayliff(1999) for 1988-1992 and by' references cited in that publication for 1956-1987. SPANISH: Este informe presenta resúmenes espaciales a escala fina de información sobre captura y esfuerzo anuales compilada por el personal de la CIAT. Se presentan los resúmenes en formato gráfico, e incluyen solamente información tomada de barcos cerqueros pescando en el Océano Pacifico oriental (OPO) durante 1965-1998. No se consideran en el informe datos provenientes de barcos de camada y palangreros que pescan en el OPO. Se presentan datos equivalentes de barcos palangreros japoneses pescando en el OPO en Uosaki y Bayliff (1999) para 1988-1992 yen las referencias citadas en dicha publicación para 1956-1987. (PDF contains 104 pages.)
Über die Situation der Nutzfischbestände in der westlichen Ostsee gab es in den vergangenen Jahren aus Sicht des Stellnetzfischers nur selten etwas Positives zu berichten. Abgesehen vom Hering, dessen Befischung wegen der mangelnden Absatzmöglichkeiten und ungenügenden Preisen kaum lonte, gingen fast alle übrigen Arten rapide zurück. Scholle und Makrele sind schon seit einem Jahrzehnt praktisch verschwunden. Der Dorschbestand ist in den letzten fünf Jahren so weit zusammengeschmolzen, daß eine genügende Erzeugung von Nachwuchs nicht mehr gesichert erscheint. Selbst bei Flunder und Kliesche ist in jüngster Zeit eine deutliche Abnahme zu bemerken. Die Ursachen hierfür sind wohl teils die Überfischung, teils aber auch in dem Ausfall von mehreren nachwuchsjahrgängen zu sehen. Letzteres steht sicherlich mit der zunehmenden Verschlechterung der wasserqualität sowohl in den tieferen Becken der Ostsee - den Laichgebieten von Dorsch und Scholle - als auch in den Flußmündungen und Uferzonen - den Aufwuchsgebieten der meisten Jungfische - in direktem Zusammenhang.
From research carried, out on a section of the Levriere, concretions (granules, nodules, which were sometimes joined together) partly covering the river ”bottom” were observed. The authors propose to make besides a petrographic examination of the calcareous precipitations and to see if their origin is connected to a biological activity, or if it is purely a case of a physical-chemical precipitation. The hydrological background of the Levriere, a small river of the Normandy Vexin, is given and conditions of the formation of the concretions studied.
Information on bycatches of sharks collected by observers of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) between 1993 and 2004 is presented in this data report. This report contains two sections. The first section summarizes information used by the staff of the IATTC to review and revise IATTC observers’ at-sea species identifications of Carcharhinus falciformis, C. limbatus, and C. longimanus. The revisions were based on 1) data collected on species-specific diagnostic characteristics as part of a special sampling program conducted between March 2000, and March 2001 and 2) a review of observers’ archival field notes for the 1993-2004 period. The second section summarizes the shark bycatches reported by IATTC observers between 1993 and 2004, incorporating the revisions of observers’ at-sea identifications. The IATTC-observed shark bycatch data are summarized as tables with annual tallies of observed bycatches and maps of the spatial distributions of the average bycatches per set and size compositions of the bycatches.
Skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis), yellowfin (Thunnus albacares), and bigeye (Thunnus obesus) tunas are caught by purse-seine vessels in the eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO). Although there is no evidence to indicate that current levels of fishing-induced mortality will affect the sustainability of skipjack or yellowfin tunas, fishing mortality on juvenile (younger than 5 years of age) bigeye tuna has increased, and overall fishing mortality is greater than that necessary to produce the maximum sustainable yield of this species. We investigated whether time-area closures have the potential to reduce purse-seine bigeye catches without significantly reducing skipjack catches. Using catch and effort data for 1995–2002, we identified regions where the ratio of bigeye to skipjack tuna catches was high and applied simple closed-area models to investigate the possible benefits of time-area closures. We estimated that the most optimistic and operationally feasible 3-month closures, covering the equatorial region of the EPO during the third quarter of the year, could reduce bigeye catches by 11.5%, while reducing skipjack tuna catches by 4.3%. Because this level of bigeye tuna catch reduction is insufficient to address sustainability concerns, and larger and longer closures would reduce catches of this species signficantly, we recommend that future research be directed toward gear technology solutions because these have been successful in many other fisheries. In particular, because over 50% of purse-seine catches of bigeye tuna are taken in sets in which bigeye tuna are the dominant species, methods to allow the determination of the species composition of aggregations around floating objects may be important.
Size-related differences in power production and swim speed duration may contribute to the observed deficit of nursing calves in relation to lactating females killed in sets by tuna purse-seiners in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean (ETP). Power production and swim-speed duration were estimated for northeastern spotted dolphins (Stenella attenuata), the species (neonate through adult) most often captured by the fishery. Power required by neonates to swim unassisted was 3.6 times that required of an adult to swim the same speed. Estimated unassisted burst speed for neonates is only about 3 m/s compared to about 6 m/s for adults. Estimated long-term sustainable speed is about 1 m/s for neonates compared to about 2.5 m/s for adults. Weight-specific power requirements decrease as dolphin calves increase in size, but power estimates for 2-year-old spotted dolphin calves are still about 40% higher than power estimates for adults, to maintain the same speed. These estimated differences between calves and adults are conservative because the calculations do not include accommodation for reduced aerobic capacity in dolphin calves compared to adults. Discrepancies in power production are probably ameliorated under normal circumstances by calves drafting next to their mothers, and by employing burst-coast or leap-burst-coast swimming, but the relatively high speeds associated with evasion behaviors during and after tuna sets likely diminish use of these energy-saving strategies by calves.
In Mozambique, compliance with regulations in beach seines fishery is improved when the fishers themselves choose the season the government will declare closed. Beneficial side effects of co-management include a stronger sense of community and individual responsibility toward the common good. This article reports on a case study of fisheries co-management in the community of Inhassoro in the northern part of the province of Inhambane, about 800 km north of the capital of Mozambique, Maputo.
This contribution is a summary of the results of the study conducted by the University of the Philippines in the Visayas team from November 1990 to June 1991. The purpose of this research is to estimate demand and output supply elasticities in gillnet and seine fishing in Guimaras Strait (Philippines) and adjacent waters.
A proportionate random sample survey of 10 percent of the driftnet and Payang seine fishers in West Sumatra was carried out in 1998. A total of 45 driftnet and 66 lampara fishers were interviewed to obtain socioeconomic data on the fisheries. About 40 percent of the driftnet and 76 percent of the lampara fishers owned and operated their fishing vessels and gears indicating a high level of ownership of fishing assets by these small scale fishers. The lampara catches consisted mainly of eastern little tuna, skipjack tuna, yellow fin tuna and mackerel, while the driftnets caught mainly Spanish mackerel, Indian mackerel, eastern little tuna and scad.
Ring seines are lightly constructed purse seines adapted for operation in the traditional sector. Fish production and energy requirement in the ring seine operations, off Cochin, Kerala, India are discussed in this paper, based on data collected during 1997- 1998. The results reflect the Gross Energy Requirement (GER) situation that existed during 1997-1998. Mean catch per ring seiner per year worked out to be 211.9 t of which sardines (Sardinella spp.) constituted 44.3%, followed by Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) 29.7%, carangids 11.4%, penaeid prawns 2.2%, pomfrets 1.1% and miscellaneous fish 11.3%. Total energy inputs into the ring seine operations were estimated to be 1300.8 GJ. Output by way of fish production was determined to be 931.85 GJ. GER is the sum of all non-renewable energy resources consumed in making available a product or service and is a measure of intensity of non-renewable resource use. GER per tonne of fish landed by ring seiners was estimated to be 6.14. Among the operational inputs, kerosene constituted 73.4% of the GER, followed by petrol (12.7%), diesel (6.7%) and lubricating oil (2.4%). Fishing gear contributed 3.8%, engine 0.8% and fishing craft 0.3% of the GER. Energy ratio for ring seining was 0.72 and energy intensity 1.40.
Through the mid 1990’s, the bait purse-seine fishery for Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus, in the Virginia portion of Chesapeake Bay was essentially undocumented. Beginning in 1995, captains of Virginia bait vessels maintained deck logs of their daily fishing activities; concurrently, we sampled the bait landings for size and age composition of the catch. Herein, we summarize 15 years (1995–2009) of data from the deck logbooks, including information on total bait landings by purse seine, proportion of fishing to nonfishing days, proportion of purse-seine sets assisted by spotter pilots, nominal fishing effort, median catches, and temporal and areal trends in catch. Age and size composition of the catch are described, as well as vessel and gear characteristics and disposition of the catch.