968 resultados para Cascading Style Sheets Workshop


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The study proposes a method for identifying the personal imprint of literary translators in translated works of fiction. The initial assumption was that the style of a target text is not determined solely by the literary style of the author but also by features of its translator s idiolect. A method was developed for identifying the idiolectal features of individual translators, which were then used to describe personal translation styles. The method is not restricted to a particular language pair. To test the method and to establish the nature of the proposed personal imprint empirically, extracts from four English-language literary source texts (two novels by James Joyce and two by Ernest Hemingway) were first compared with their translations into Finnish (by four different translators) in order to identify changes, or shifts, that had taken place at the formal linguistic level in the translation process. To allow individual propensities to manifest themselves, only optional shifts in which the translators had a range of choices available to them were included in the study. In the second phase, extracts by different authors rendered into Finnish by the same translator were compared in order to gauge the extent of the potential impact of the author's style on the translator's work. In-depth analysis of the types of shifts made most frequently by the individual translators revealed further intersubjective differences, and the shifts were used to construct translation profiles for each of the translators. In order to determine the potential effects of frequently occurring shifts on the target text, some central concepts of narratology were adapted and used to establish an intermediate link between microlevel choices and macrolevel effects. In this way the propensity of an individual translator to opt for certain types of shift could be linked with the overall artistic effect of the target text.


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Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan jalkapallokieltä erikoiskielenä tyylintutkimuksen näkökulmasta. Tutkimusaineistoksi on valittu kuusi noin 2000 sanan pituista otosta erilaisista jalkapalloa käsittelevistä teksteistä, joista kolme on kirjoitettu suomeksi ja kolme englanniksi. Työssä pyritään selvittämään, mitä eroa yleiskieltä lähestyvillä ja erikoiskieliksi katsottavilla jalkapalloteksteillä on ja kuinka jalkapallokieli erikoiskielenä vertautuu muihin erikoiskieliin. Tutkimukseen sisältyy lisäksi tutkittuja tekstejä koskeva kyselyosio. Lopuksi pohditaan sitä, mitä merkitystä saadulla tiedolla on kääntämiselle. Käytetty tutkimustapa on luonteeltaan melko kvantitatiivinen, ja se pohjautuu pitkälti käsityksiin hyvästä luettavuudesta. Ensin teksteistä lasketaan keskimääräinen lausepituus, eri sanaluokkien frekvenssejä sekä aktiivi- ja passiivimuodossa olevien verbien suhde. Tämän jälkeen pohditaan, mitä merkitystä tuloksilla voisi olla tekstien tyylille ja luettavuudelle. Tekstit annetaan vielä luettaviksi koehenkilöille, jotka vastaavat tekstit luettuaan tyyliä ja luettavuutta koskevaan kyselyyn. Lopulta kyselyn tuloksia verrataan tyylianalyysin avulla saatuihin tuloksiin. Analysoiduista teksteistä saadut tulokset eivät vastaa aiemmin erikoiskielistä saatuja tuloksia, eikä jalkapallon erikoiskielestä synny kiistatonta kokonaiskuvaa. Substantiivien määrä etenkin suomenkielisissä jalkapalloteksteissä on niin suuri, että se vaikuttaa tekstien luettavuuteen ja tyyliin. Teksteissä käytetyt virkkeet eivät toisaalta ole kovin pitkiä tai monimutkaisia, mikä yhdistää jalkapallokieltä ja muissa urheilulajeissa käytettyä kieltä. Englanninkielisissä teksteissä käytetään enemmän adjektiiveja ja anaforista viittausta kuin suomenkielisissä, mikä on huomionarvoista käännöksissä, koska suomalaisilla kirjoittajilla vaikuttaisi analysoitujen tekstien perusteella todellakin olevan taipumusta substantiivien liialliseen käyttöön. Kyselystä saadut tulokset eivät vastaa frekvenssianalyyseistä saatuja tuloksia, ja kysely paljastaa myös sen, ettei lukunopeus ole aina luotettava luettavuuden mittari. Jos aihetta tutkittaisiin lisää, olisi tutkimusaineiston syytä olla laajempi, jotta saataisiin kouriintuntuvampia tuloksia. Mikäli tutkitaan myös tekstien luettavuutta, on syytä ottaa huomioon, ettei lukunopeuden mittaaminen ole välttämättä luotettava menetelmä luettavuuden toteamiseksi. Avainsanat Nyckelord Keywords Tyyli, luettavuus, rekisteri, tekstilaji, erikoiskielet, tyylintutkimus Säilytyspaikka Förvaringställe Where deposited Käännöstieteen laitoksen kirjasto


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This is the fourth TAProViz workshop being run at the 13th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM). The intention this year is to consolidate on the results of the previous successful workshops by further developing this important topic, identifying the key research topics of interest to the BPM visualization community. Towards this goal, the workshop topics were extended to human computer interaction and related domains. Submitted papers were evaluated by at least three program committee members, in a double blind manner, on the basis of significance, originality, technical quality and exposition. Three full and one position papers were accepted for presentation at the workshop. In addition, we invited a keynote speaker, Jakob Pinggera, a postdoctoral researcher at the Business Process Management Research Cluster at the University of Innsbruck, Austria.


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There are renewed calls for end-user participation and the integration of local knowledge in agricultural research. In Australia, the response has included an increased emphasis on participatory on-farm research with farmers and commercial agronomists that tests accepted principals to answer practical local farming questions. However, this pursuit of greater relevance has often led to compromises in research designs, unclear results and frustration amongst farmers, commercial agronomists and Research Development and Extension (RDE) agency researchers. This paper reports on a series of pre-season planning workshops from `Doing successful on-farm research', a workshop-based initiative that provides guidelines and a series of interactive activities to plan better participatory on-farm research. The workshop approach helps people design on-farm research that is appropriate to their own needs and local conditions. It assists them to clearly identify their issues, develop specific research questions and decide the best approach to answer those questions with the appropriate rigour for their own situations. These `Doing successful on-farm research' workshops address four potential deficiencies in on-farm research and farming systems RDE more generally in Australia: (1) variable participation of scientists and farmers in on-farm research; (2) the lack of clear guidelines for effective participatory practice and on-farm research; (3) limited support for on-farm research beyond the intensive investigations conducted by RDE agencies and (4) limited support for industry and farmers to contextualise information and research outcomes for specific individual circumstances and faster adaptation of technology. This may be a valuable contribution to balancing the demands for both relevance and rigour in on-farm research in Australia. In "Ground–breaking Stuff’- Proceedings of the 13th Australian Society of Agronomy Conference, 10-14 September 2006, Perth, Western Australia.


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This thesis evaluates the effectiveness of the prescribed design and distribution requirements of the Australian Government's home loan key facts sheets (KFS) aimed at helping borrowers compare loan costs. The findings show that despite effectively improving borrower decision-making, few borrowers were aware of their existence and function. It was also demonstrated that KFS have had limited market impact over the four year window since introduction, likely due to the requirement that KFS provision is not required unless formally requested by a borrower. Recommendations include transferring the burden of disclosure to lenders in the first instance to address this information gap.


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Public apathy on the issue of Anthropogenic Climate Change (ACC) is widespread, with more than half of surveyed Australians and Britons in denial of the phenomenon. While much is known about media influences and strategies such as message framing, there is little in the way of research on the impact of designed visual communication. This study builds knowledge and challenges assumptions by employing a relational approach between ACC visual communications, the professionals producing them, and the members of society that these communications are attempting to influence, contributing knowledge to the fields of graphic design, science communication and social science.


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In response to student requests, a peer leader led revision skills workshop was run just prior to a mid-semester exam in pharmacology. This skills workshop was well attended and received by equal percentages of both accelerated and traditional students (who were in their 4th semester at university). This suggests that both accelerated and traditional students can benefit from peer led revision skills workshops.


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Accurate and confident identification of the insects, spiders and mites in vegetable crops is the first step towards successful management of pests and natural enemies. It is an essential prerequisite for crop monitoring, which is the backbone of an effective pest management program. This workshop manual and trainer's handbook were compiled as part of an insect, spider and mite identification program for Australian vegetable growers. The workshop training is designed to help growers to: • know how to collect and preserve insects for identification • be able to classify most common insects (particularly those of horticultural significance) into broad groups • appreciate the importance of these groups in pest, predator and parasite identification and management • collect and classify some insect pests, predators and parasites of horticultural importance.


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This publication provides information on chemical, physical and biological aspects of soil, all of which contribute to a healthy soil environment for growing turfgrass.


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A method to identify β-sheets in globular proteins from extended strands, using only α-carbon positions, has been developed. The strands that form β-sheets are picked up by means of simple distance criteria. The method has been tested by applying it to three proteins with accurately known secondary structures. It has also been applied to ten other proteins wherein only α-carbon coordinates are available, and the list of β-sheets obtained. The following points are worth noting: (i) The sheets identified by the algorithm are found to agree satisfactorily with the reported ones based on backbone hydrogen bonding, wherever this information is available. (ii) β-Strands that do not form parts of any sheet are a common feature of protein structures. (iii) Such isolated β-strands tend to be short. (iv) The conformation corresponding to the preferred right-handed twist of the sheet is overwhelmingly observed in both the sheet-forming and isolated β-strands.


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Workshops to increase participants understanding and knowledge by farm businesses and healthy catchments farmers about the role of soil health in supporting sustainable through variable circumstances, farm businesses and healthy catchments.


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The stress corrosion cracking (SCC) characteristics of agr-titanium sheets in a bromine-methanol solution have been studied in the annealed and cold-rolled conditions using longitudinal and transverse specimens. The times to failure for annealed longitudinal specimens were longer than those for similarly tested transverse specimens. The cold-rolled specimens developed resistance to SCC, but failed by cleavage when notched, unlike the intergranular separation in annealed titanium. The apparent activation energy was found to be texture dependent and was in the range 30 to 51 kJ mol–1 for annealed titanium, and 15kJ mol–1 for cold-rolled titanium. The dependence of SCC behaviour on the texture is related to the changes in the crack initiation times. These are caused by changes in the passivation and repassivation characteristics of the particular thickness plane. The thickness planes are identified with the help of X-ray pole figures obtained on annealed and cold-rolled material. On the basis of the activation energy and the electrochemical measurements, the mechanism of SCC in annealed titanium is identified to be the one involving stress-aided anodic dissolution. On the other hand, the results on the cold-rolled titanium are in support of the hydrogen embrittlement mechanism consisting of hydride precipitation. The cleavage planes identified from the texture data match with the reported habit planes for hydride formation.


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Small spindleless veneer lathe technology was used to produce veneer sheets as an alternative processing option to optimise the use of small log plantation resource. Thinned (300 spha) and unthinned control (1000 spha) plantings of 10.5-year-old Corymbia citriodora ssp. variegata (CCV) and E. dunnii (Dunn’s white gum) grown in two contrasting sites from climatic regions with large annual rainfall differences were studied. Overall veneer gross recoveries ranged from 50% to 70%, which were up to 3 times higher than typical sawn green-off saw recoveries from small plantation hardwood logs of similar diameter. Major limiting factors preventing veneer from meeting higher grades were the presence of kino defects and encased knots. Splits in E. dunnii veneer also contributed to reduced grade quality. Differences between two thinning treatments for veneer properties and grade recovery were generally small. There was significant evidence of site and species differences on veneer quality. The good quality site with higher rainfall in northern New South Wales produced denser and stiffer veneers with higher grade recoveries. CCV is a superior structural veneer species with high wood density and hardness as well as very good veneer stiffness exceeding 15,000 MPa but Dunn’s white gum has also demonstrated good potential as a useful structural plywood resource. Results indicate that relatively high veneer recoveries were achieved for the sub-tropical plantation hardwoods combined with very superior mechanical properties which suggest that veneer production have suitable attributes for a range of engineered wood products including plywood and laminated veneer lumber.