895 resultados para CRANIAL OSTEOLOGY
Systematic review of Late Jurassic sauropods from the Museu Geológico collections (Lisboa, Portugal)
The Museu Geológico collections house some of the first sauropod references of the Lusitanian Basin Upper Jurassic record, including the Lourinhasaurus alenquerensis and Lusotitan atalaiensis lectotypes, previously considered as new species of the Apatosaurus and Brachiosaurus genera, respectively. Several fragmentary specimens have been classical referred to those taxa, but the most part of these systematic attributions are not supported herein, excluding a caudal vertebra from Maceira (MG 8804) considered as cf. Lusotitan atalaiensis. From the material housed in the Museu Geológico were identified basal eusauropods (indeterminate eusauropods and turiasaurs) and neosauropods (indeterminate neosauropods, diplodods and camarasaurids and basal titanosauriforms). Middle caudal vertebrae with lateral fossae, ventral hollow border by pronounced ventrolateral crests and quadrangular cross-section suggest for the presence of diplodocine diplodocids in north area of the Lusitanian Basin Central Sector during the Late Jurassic. A humerus collected from Praia dos Frades (MG 4976) is attributed to cf. Duriatitan humerocristatus suggesting the presence of shared sauropod forms between the Portugal and United Kingdom during the Late Jurassic. Duriatitan is an indeterminate member of Eusauropoda and the discovery of new material in both territories is necessary to confirm this systematic approach. The studied material is in according with the previous recorded paleobiodiversity for the sauropod clade during the Portuguese Late Jurassic, which includes basal eusauropods (including turiasaurs), diplodocids and macronarians (including camarasaurids and basal titanosauriforms).
Cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) deficiency is the leading cause of lameness affecting the stifle joints of large breed dogs, especially Labrador Retrievers. Although CCL disease has been studied extensively, its exact pathogenesis and the primary cause leading to CCL rupture remain controversial. However, weakening secondary to repetitive microtrauma is currently believed to cause the majority of CCL instabilities diagnosed in dogs. Techniques of gait analysis have become the most productive tools to investigate normal and pathological gait in human and veterinary subjects. The inverse dynamics analysis approach models the limb as a series of connected linkages and integrates morphometric data to yield information about the net joint moment, patterns of muscle power and joint reaction forces. The results of these studies have greatly advanced our understanding of the pathogenesis of joint diseases in humans. A muscular imbalance between the hamstring and quadriceps muscles has been suggested as a cause for anterior cruciate ligament rupture in female athletes. Based on these findings, neuromuscular training programs leading to a relative risk reduction of up to 80% has been designed. In spite of the cost and morbidity associated with CCL disease and its management, very few studies have focused on the inverse dynamics gait analysis of this condition in dogs. The general goals of this research were (1) to further define gait mechanism in Labrador Retrievers with and without CCL-deficiency, (2) to identify individual dogs that are susceptible to CCL disease, and (3) to characterize their gait. The mass, location of the center of mass (COM), and mass moment of inertia of hind limb segments were calculated using a noninvasive method based on computerized tomography of normal and CCL-deficient Labrador Retrievers. Regression models were developed to determine predictive equations to estimate body segment parameters on the basis of simple morphometric measurements, providing a basis for nonterminal studies of inverse dynamics of the hind limbs in Labrador Retrievers. Kinematic, ground reaction forces (GRF) and morphometric data were combined in an inverse dynamics approach to compute hock, stifle and hip net moments, powers and joint reaction forces (JRF) while trotting in normal, CCL-deficient or sound contralateral limbs. Reductions in joint moment, power, and loads observed in CCL-deficient limbs were interpreted as modifications adopted to reduce or avoid painful mobilization of the injured stifle joint. Lameness resulting from CCL disease affected predominantly reaction forces during the braking phase and the extension during push-off. Kinetics also identified a greater joint moment and power of the contralateral limbs compared with normal, particularly of the stifle extensor muscles group, which may correlate with the lameness observed, but also with the predisposition of contralateral limbs to CCL deficiency in dogs. For the first time, surface EMG patterns of major hind limb muscles during trotting gait of healthy Labrador Retrievers were characterized and compared with kinetic and kinematic data of the stifle joint. The use of surface EMG highlighted the co-contraction patterns of the muscles around the stifle joint, which were documented during transition periods between flexion and extension of the joint, but also during the flexion observed in the weight bearing phase. Identification of possible differences in EMG activation characteristics between healthy patients and dogs with or predisposed to orthopedic and neurological disease may help understanding the neuromuscular abnormality and gait mechanics of such disorders in the future. Conformation parameters, obtained from femoral and tibial radiographs, hind limb CT images, and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, of hind limbs predisposed to CCL deficiency were compared with the conformation parameters from hind limbs at low risk. A combination of tibial plateau angle and femoral anteversion angle measured on radiographs was determined optimal for discriminating predisposed and non-predisposed limbs for CCL disease in Labrador Retrievers using a receiver operating characteristic curve analysis method. In the future, the tibial plateau angle (TPA) and femoral anteversion angle (FAA) may be used to screen dogs suspected of being susceptible to CCL disease. Last, kinematics and kinetics across the hock, stifle and hip joints in Labrador Retrievers presumed to be at low risk based on their radiographic TPA and FAA were compared to gait data from dogs presumed to be predisposed to CCL disease for overground and treadmill trotting gait. For overground trials, extensor moment at the hock and energy generated around the hock and stifle joints were increased in predisposed limbs compared to non predisposed limbs. For treadmill trials, dogs qualified as predisposed to CCL disease held their stifle at a greater degree of flexion, extended their hock less, and generated more energy around the stifle joints while trotting on a treadmill compared with dogs at low risk. This characterization of the gait mechanics of Labrador Retrievers at low risk or predisposed to CCL disease may help developing and monitoring preventive exercise programs to decrease gastrocnemius dominance and strengthened the hamstring muscle group.
Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária
Aim The aim of my Ph.D. was to implement a diffusion tensor tractography (DTT) pipeline to reconstruct cranial nerve I (olfactory) to study COVID-19 patients, and anterior optic pathway (AOP, including optic nerve, chiasm, and optic tract) to study patients with sellar/parasellar tumors, and with Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON). Methods We recruited 23 patients with olfactory dysfunction after COVID-19 infection (mean age 37±14 years, 12 females); 27 patients with sellar/parasellar tumors displacing the optic chiasm eligible for endonasal endoscopic surgery (mean age 53. ±16.4 years, 13 female) and 6 LHON patients (mutation 11778/MT-ND4, mean age 24.9±15.7 years). Sex- and age-matched healthy control were also recruited. In LHON patients, optical coherence tomography (OCT) was performed. Acquisitions were performed on a clinical high field 3-T MRI scanner, using a multi-shell HARDI (High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging) sequence (b-values 0-300-1000-2000 s/mm2, 64 maximum gradient directions, 2mm3 isotropic voxel). DTT was performed with a multi-tissue spherical deconvolution approach and mean diffusivity (MD) DTT metrics were compared with healthy controls using an unpaired t-test. Correlations of DTT metrics with clinical data were sought by regression analysis. Results In all 23 hypo/anosmic patients with previous COVID-19 infection the CN I was successfully reconstructed with no DTT metrics alterations, thus suggesting the pathogenetic role of central olfactory cortical system dysfunction. In all 27 patients with sellar/parasellar tumors the AOP was reconstructed, and in 11/13 (84.7%) undergoing endonasal endoscopic surgery the anatomical fidelity of the reconstruction was confirmed; a significant decrease in MD within the chiasma (p<0.0001) was also found. In LHON patients a reduction of MD in the AOP was significantly associated with OCT parameters (p=0.036). Conclusions Multi-shell HARDI diffusion-weighted MRI followed by multi-tissue spherical deconvolution for the DTT reconstruction of the CN I and AOP has been implemented, and its utility demonstrated in clinical practice.
A pterosaur bone bed with at least 47 individuals (wing spans: 0.65-2.35 m) of a new species is reported from southern Brazil from an interdunal lake deposit of a Cretaceous desert, shedding new light on several biological aspects of those flying reptiles. The material represents a new pterosaur, Caiuajara dobruskii gen. et sp. nov., that is the southermost occurrence of the edentulous clade Tapejaridae (Tapejarinae, Pterodactyloidea) recovered so far. Caiuajara dobruskii differs from all other members of this clade in several cranial features, including the presence of a ventral sagittal bony expansion projected inside the nasoantorbital fenestra, which is formed by the premaxillae; and features of the lower jaw, like a marked rounded depression in the occlusal concavity of the dentary. Ontogenetic variation of Caiuajara dobruskii is mainly reflected in the size and inclination of the premaxillary crest, changing from small and inclined (∼ 115°) in juveniles to large and steep (∼ 90°) in adults. No particular ontogenetic features are observed in postcranial elements. The available information suggests that this species was gregarious, living in colonies, and most likely precocial, being able to fly at a very young age, which might have been a general trend for at least derived pterosaurs.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic chronic inflammatory disorder that can compromise the cervical spine in up to 80% of the cases. The most common radiological presentations of cervical involvement are atlantoaxial subluxation (AAS), cranial settling and subaxial subluxation (SAS). We performed a systematic review in the PubMed Database of articles published later 2005 to evaluate the prevalence, progression and risk factors for cervical spine involvement in RA patients. Articles were classified according to their level of evidence. Our literature review reported a wide range in the prevalence of cervical spine disease, probably explained by the different studied populations and disease characteristics. Uncontrolled RA is probably the main risk factor for developing a spinal instability. Adequate treatment with DMARD and BA can prevent development of cervical instabilities but did not avoid progression of a pre-existing injury. MRI is the best radiological method for diagnosis cervical spine involvement. AAS is the most common form of RA. Long term radiological follow-up is necessary to diagnosis patients with late instabilities and monitoring progression of diagnosed injuries.
Traira (Hoplias malabaricus) is a neotropical fish that is widely distributed in freshwater environments in South America. In the present study, we documented the occurrence of metacercariae of Austrodiplostomum spp. (Diplostomidae) in the eyes and cranial cavity of H. malabaricus and described parasite-induced behavioral changes in the host. The fish were collected from the upper São Francisco River, in the Serra da Canastra mountain range, Minas Gerais, transported alive to the laboratory, observed for 2 weeks, and subsequently examined for parasites. Of the 35 fish examined, 28 (80 %) had free metacercariae in the vitreous humor (mean intensity=95.4; mean abundance=76.3), and 24 (68.57 %) had free metacercariae in the cranial cavity, mainly concentrated below the floor of the brain, at the height of the ophthalmic lobe (mean intensity=12.91; mean abundance=8.85). Specimens of H. malabaricus with a high intensity of infection in the brain displayed changes in swimming behavior.
The premature fusion of unilateral coronal suture can cause a significant asymmetry of the craniofacial skeleton, with an oblique deviation of the cranial base that negatively impacts soft tissue facial symmetry. The purpose of this study was to assess facial symmetry obtained in patients with unilateral coronal synostosis (UCS) surgically treated by 2 different techniques. We hypothesized that nasal deviation should not be addressed in a primary surgical correction of UCS. Consecutive UCS patients were enrolled in a prospective study and randomly divided into 2 groups. In group 1, the patients underwent total frontal reconstruction and transferring of onlay bone grafts to the recessive superior orbital rim (n = 7), and in group 2, the patients underwent total frontal reconstruction and unilateral fronto-orbital advancement (n = 5). Computerized photogrammetric analysis measured vertical and horizontal axis of the nose and the orbital globe in the preoperative and postoperative periods. Intragroup and intergroup comparisons were performed. Intragroup preoperative and postoperative comparisons showed a significant (all P < 0.05) reduction of the nasal axis and the orbital-globe axis in the postoperative period in the 2 groups. Intergroup comparisons showed no significant difference (all P > 0.05). Facial symmetry was achieved in the patients with UCS who underwent surgery regardless of surgical approach evaluated here. Our data showed a significant improvement in nasal and orbital-globe deviation, leading us to question the necessity of primary nasal correction in these patients.
We studied the clinical aspects of 100 consecutive premature newborns with and without intraventricular and periventricular hemorrhage (IPVH).The diagnosis of IPVH was obtained by ultrasonic scans of the skull during the first week of life and at the age of one month. Forty eight percent of newborns with IPVH had abnormal results, and there was a significant correlation with the neurological evaluation in 85% of the infants. The probability of normality for a child with no associated brain abnormalities was 72%, whereas for a child of the same gestational age with associated brain abnormalities was 48.7%.
Video-polygraphic-EEG studies were performed in the first 24 life-hours of 26 healthy full-term newborns without perinatal injuries. The neurological examination and cranial ultrasonography were normal. The newborns were divided into two groups: one, with full-term appropriate - birth weight 11 newborns (control group ) and the other with full-term low-birth weight 15 newborns. Thirteen newborns of the second group had video-polygraphic-EEG study abnormalities. The most frequent abnormalities were found in 11 cases, as far as sleep architecture is concerned. Also, when compared with the control group, 8 cases of an excessive amount of startles and 2 cases of low behavior activities were found. The results demonstrate the usefulness of video-polygraphic-EEG study in the full-term newborns with intra-uterine growth retard. This examination was sensitive to detect behavior, sleep architecture and EEG standard differences in the low birth-weight newborns as to the control group.
We evaluated children in the first grade of a elementary school using neurological examination. With no previous knowledgement of their educational performance, were invited all children attending five classes of the first grade of an elementary public school chosen randomly, in Itatiba / Sao Paulo / Brazil, whose parents assigned a Commitment Term for participation in this research. Children who missed three evaluations in different days or whose parents did not assigned the Commitment Term were excluded. The Traditional Neurological Examination (ENT) (Lefevre, 1972) was applied. It was considered for normal the measurement of the skull circumference, proposed by Diament & Rodrigues (1976), and the application of all ENT items. The data were stored in a database of the Epi6 Program (Epidemiologic Information), and analyzed by percentage calculation and by the c2 test. The significance level was 0.05. Children evaluated were 124. The ENT results were normal in 87 (70.16%) and altered in 37 (29.83%). Among the alterations, there were observed: light tremor, light muscular hypotonia, speech acquisition delay, macrocephaly, microcephaly, hyperactivity, cranial nerve syndrome, central facial paralysis. One child presented corticospinal tract impairment syndrome of the distal lower extremities.
A 33-year-old woman complained of unilateral eyelid edema and blurred vision. Initial ophthalmic examination disclosed anterior chamber reaction with keratic precipitates on the cornea, without posterior abnormalities. Anterior uveitis was treated. Despite that, patient showed rapidly progressive unilateral vision loss with optic nerve swelling. Systemic workup was inconclusive, as well as cranial magnetic resonance imaging and cerebrospinal fluid examination. Based on the hypothesis of optic neuritis, intravenous methylprednisolone pulse was performed with no success. During the following days, the patient presented pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponade, progressing to death. Necropsy was performed and diagnosis of extranodal natural killers/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type with ocular involvement was confirmed by immunohistochemistry.
Case report of a patient who three weeks after a Plasmodium falciparum malaria presented the Guillain-Barré syndrome. There was a severe type of polyradiculoneuritis with tetraplegia and involvement of several cranial nerves (VI, VII, IX, X) evolving to death. The Guillain-Barré syndrome has been considered a immune disorder with several eliciting antigenic stimuli. The case suggests that protozoan may be one these antigenic factors.
The authors present the analysis of 27 computed tomography scans (CT) of 18 children which were divided in three groups according to clinical and tomographic criteria. Group 1 was characterized mainly by epilepsy and calcifications. Group 2 was characterized by intracranial hypertension and several tomographic aspects: edema, cysts and nodules were seen in three patients; hydrocephaly and calcifications were seen in two patients and CT was normal in one patient. Group 3 had patients with epilepsy or headache and variable tomographic patterns. The results are discussed based on the available literature.
Craniosynostosis syndromes are characterized by premature closure of one or more cranial sutures, associated with other malformations, the most frequent of which are the Crouzon and Apert syndromes. Few studies in the literature have addressed the oral health of these individuals. The purpose of this study was to compare the periodontal status of individuals with Apert, Crouzon, Pfeiffer and Saethre-Chotzen syndromes before toothbrushing and compare the efficiency of plaque removal before and after mechanical toothbrushing. The probing depth, plaque index (according to Löe and O'Leary), clinical attachment level, gingival index (according to Silness and Löe) and amount of keratinized mucosa were evaluated before toothbrushing, and the O'Leary plaque index was assessed before and immediately after toothbrushing, on the same day, in 27 individuals aged 11 to 36 years. There was statistically significant difference in the mean probing depth and clinical attachment level among regions (p=0.00; p=0.01, respectively). The gingival index did not reveal statistically significant differences. With regard to the plaque index, the left region exhibited higher plaque index values than the right and anterior regions. No significant results were found in the analysis of keratinized mucosa. Comparison of the O'Leary plaque index before and after toothbrushing revealed statistically significant difference for all syndromes except for the Pfeiffer syndrome (p<0.05). In conclusion, there was no difference in the periodontal status among individuals with syndromic craniosynostosis. The posterior region was more affected than the anterior region as to the presence of plaque, loss of insertion and probing depth. Individuals with Pfeiffer syndrome exhibited greater toothbrushing efficiency than individuals with the other craniosynostosis syndromes.