988 resultados para Botryosphaeria ribis EC-01


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Biological soil crusts are important in reversing desertification. Ultraviolet radiation, however, may be detrimental for the development of soil crusts. The cyanobacterium Microcoleus vaginatus can be a dominant species occurring in desert soil crusts all over the world. To investigate the physico-chemical consequences of ultraviolet-B radiation on M. vaginatus, eight parameters including the contents of chlorophyll a, reactive oxygen species, malondialdehyde and proline, as well as the activities of photosynthesis, superoxide dismutase (EC, peroxiclase (EC and catalase (EC were determined. As shown by the results of determinations, ultraviolet-B radiation caused decreases both in contents of chlorophyll a and in ratios of variable fluorescence over maximum fluorescence that indicate the growth and photosynthesis of M. vaginatus, besides, increases both in levels of reactive oxygen species and in contents of malondialdehyde and proline, while intensified activities of superoxide dismutase, peroxiclase and catalase reflecting the abilities of enzymatic preventive substances to oxidative stress of the treated cells. Therefore, ultraviolet-B radiation affects the growth of M. vaginatus and leads to oxidative stress in cells. Under ultraviolet-B radiation, the treated cells can improve their antioxidant abilities to alleviate oxidative injury. The change trends of reactive oxygen species, superoxide dismutase, peroxiclase and catalase are synchronous. These results suggest that a balance between the antioxidant system and the reactive oxygen species content may be one part of a complex stress response pathway in which multiple environmental factors including ultraviolet-B radiation affect the Survival of M. vaginatus. (C) 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Polyurethane foam unit (PFU) systems were collected from 11 lakes and three rivers in the Yunnan Plateau, China and, the PFU extrusion liquids, were analyzed for organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) by gas chromatography with electron capture detection (GCECD). The concentrations of pp'-DDE, HCB and HCHs were undetectable to 1.86 mu g l(-1) (mean 0.27 mu g l(-1)), undetectable to 0.72 mu g l(-1) (mean 0.11 mu g l(-1)), and 0.24-21.95 mu g l(-1) (mean 7.39 mu g l(-1)) respectively in lakes; and those in rivers were undetectable to 0.23 mu g l(-1) (mean 0.08 mu g l(-1)), 0.68-2.93 mu g l(-1) (mean 1.70 mu g l(-1)), and 2.71-37.56 mu g l(-1) (mean 17.01 mu g l(-1)) respectively. Notably, some residue levels of OCPs exceeded the US National Recommended Water Quality Criteria, implying Yunnan has levels of OCPs potentially harmful to human health. Further, the contamination by OCPs showed an obvious spatial distribution pattern. Amongst the lakes, Dianchi, Xingyun, Lugu and Yangzonghai had the highest OCP levels dominated by beta-HCH, whereas among rivers, Nujiang and Lancang Rivers had the highest contents of OCPs dominated by alpha-HCH. This demonstrates that HCHs are the predominant contaminants and some point sources of HCHs may still exist in Yunnan. The pollution levels in Yunnan were compared with other studies, suggesting the PFU method is suitable for long-term on-line monitoring of trace OCPs in aquatic ecosystems. Therefore, continuous studies monitoring OCPs in lakes and rivers are needed to further understand the future trend of contamination. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Glycogen phosphorylase (GlgP, EC catalyzes the cleavage of glycogen into glucose-1-phosphate (Glc-1-P), the first step in glycogen catabolism. Two glgP homologues are found in the genome of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, a unicellular cyanobacterium: sll1356 and slr1367. We report on the different functions of these glgP homologues. sll1356, rather than slr1367, is essential for growth at high temperatures. On the other hand, when CO2-fixation and the supply of glucose are both limited, slr1367 is the key factor in glycogen metabolism. In cells growing autotrophically, sll1356 plays a more important role in glycogen digestion than slr1367. This functional divergence is also supported by a phylogenetic analysis of glgP homologues in cyanobacteria.


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The performance of a wetland system in treating lead (Pb)/zinc (Zn) mine drainage was evaluated by using the polyurethane foam unit (PFU) microbial community (method), which has been adopted by China as a standardized procedure for monitoring water quality. The wetland system consisted of four cells with three dominant plants: Typha latifolia, Phragmites australis and Paspalum distichum. Physicochemical characteristics [pH, EC, content of total suspended solid (TSS) and metals (Pb, Zn, Cd, and Cu)] and PFU microbial community in water samples had been investigated from seven sampling sites. The results indicated that the concentrations of Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, and TSS in the mine drainage were gradually reduced from the inlet to the outlet of the wetland system and 99%, 98%, 75%, 83%, and 68% of these metals and TSS respectively, had been reduced in concentration after the drainage passed through the wetland system. A total of 105 protozoan species were identified, the number of protozoa species and the diversity index (DI) gradually increased, while the heterotrophic index (HI) gradually decreased from the inlet to the outlet of the wetland system. The results indicated that DI, HI, and total number species of protozoa could be used as biological indicators indicating the improvement of water quality.


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A set of GaNxAs1-x samples with a small content of nitrogen (N) (< 1%) were investigated by continuous-wave photoluminescence (PL), pulse-wave excitation PL, and photo reflectance technology. Temperature-and excitation-dependence of PL disclosed the intrinsic band gap properties of alloy states in GaNxAs1-x, which was extremely different from the N-related impurity states. At the same time, PR spectra were also studied in this work.


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随着工业化的发展,大气中二氧化碳的浓度(CO2)预测从现在的平均350μmol·mol-1升高到2030年的570μmol·mol-1,其增温作用将持续多个世纪。植被在大气二氧化碳减排以及调控区域水热状况过程中起重要作用,而其机理过程目前十分不清楚。本实验应用自控、封闭、独立生长室,研究了CO2浓度和温度升高对红桦根、茎、叶和枝可溶性蛋白含量和分配的影响,从蛋白水平上来解释川西亚地区的建群种-红桦对CO2升高和温度升高及其交互作用的响应规律,为全球气候变暖川西亚高山的植被保护和恢复提供理论依据。研究结果表明: 1. CO2浓度升高增加了可溶性蛋白的总量,改变了可溶性蛋白分配模式,即,可溶性蛋白分配到根的比例增加,分配到茎、枝、叶的比例减少。可能意味:在CO2浓度升高条件下,红桦根系的生长和营养物质吸收功能将会增强。 2. CO2浓度升高增加了根和茎的清蛋白含量,降低了叶片的清蛋白含量,叶片的球蛋白含量、醇溶蛋白含量和谷蛋白含量均增加。表明CO2浓度升高增加了清蛋白在根中积累,球蛋白、醇溶蛋白和谷蛋白大量在叶片中积累;前人研究所指出的CO2浓度升高使植物叶片可溶性蛋白的含量降低可能仅仅是由于清蛋白含量的降低造成的。 3. 温度升高使红桦幼苗整株所含可溶性蛋白总量增加,但可溶性蛋白总量的分配因红桦幼苗器官的不同而异。温度升高下根、茎、叶和枝的分配量分别占总可溶性蛋白的27.74%、35.57%、23.00%、13.68%,即茎>根>叶>枝。对照的根茎叶枝的分配量分别占总可溶性蛋白的21.01%、41.41%、23.08%、14.50%,即茎>叶>根>枝。表明温度升高使可溶性蛋白分配到根的比例增加,有利于根的可溶性蛋白的积累,增强了根吸收水分和矿质营养的能力,从而有利于根系的生长。 4. 温度升高处理下清蛋白和球蛋白在根中含量升高,在茎、叶和枝中含量下降,但没有达到显著水平;醇溶蛋白在根和叶中含量显著增加;谷蛋白在茎中的含量显著降低。表明温度升高增加清蛋白和球蛋白在红桦幼苗根部的积累,也有利于根和叶醇溶蛋白的积累,但不利于谷蛋白在茎的积累;温度升高条件下叶片可溶性蛋白升高是醇溶蛋白在叶片中积累的结果。 5. CO2浓度和温度同时升高条件下红桦幼苗的可溶性蛋白总量增加很少,只有分配到茎的可溶性蛋白比例增加,并且对可溶性蛋白分配规律没有影响。CO2和温度同时升高下红桦幼苗枝的可溶性蛋白含量的降低是可溶性蛋白总量的降低而不是碳水化合物稀释的结果,并且CO2和温度同时升高对红桦幼苗的生长没有明显的促进作用。 6. CO2和温度同时升高处理对可溶性蛋白含量有显著影响。清蛋白含量在根、茎、叶和枝中均降低,球蛋白含量在根中显著降低,醇溶蛋白含量在根、茎、叶和枝中均降低,谷蛋白含量在根中显著降低。表明CO2浓度和温度同时升高对根的影响显著,即降低了根的可溶性蛋白含量,可能导致根的吸收能力下降。 7. 因此,CO2和温度同时升高对可溶性蛋白影响不能简单地通过CO2和温度单因子影响机理来解释。 It is well known that atmospheric CO2 concentration and temperature are increasing as a consequence of human activities. Atmospheric CO2 concentration are predicted to increase from 350μmol·mol-1 now to 570μmol·mol-1 2030. And temperature will continue to increase for several centuries as a result of CO2 enrichment. Vegetation play a key role in reducing atmospheric CO2 and adapting and controlling warter and energy process in a certain region, while the underlying mechanism are not clear, yet. Betula albo-sinensis, as the dominating tree species of subalpine dark coniferous forest in west Sichuan province, play an important role in determing structure and function of forest ecosystem. In our study, effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration (ambient±350±25μmol·mol-1), increased temperature (ambient±2.0±0.5℃) and their combination on contents and allocation of soluble protein were studied in independent and enclosed-top chamber system under high-frigid conditions. Chambers with ambient CO2 concentration and temperature are taken as control. The results are as the following, 1) Elevated atmospheric CO2 increased the accumulation of total weight of soluble protein in whole plant and changed allocation of soluble protein in red birch by increasing its allocation to roots and reducing its allocation to stem. This caused much more accumulation of soluble protein in roots which might help to prompt growth, development and nutrient absorption ability of roots. 2) Treatment EC increased content of albumin in roots and stems, reduced the content of albumin in leaves, and increased the content of globulin, promalin and glutenin in leaves. That is to say EC increased the accumulation of albumin in roots and accumulation of globulin, promalin and glutenin in leaves. The reduced soluble protein contents in plant leaves by EC, as reported by former researchers, are mainly resulted from the reduced content of albumin in leaves. 3) Elevated temperature increased the total of soluble proteins, but its allocation was dependent on organs. In treatment ET, roots, stems, leaves and branches take 27.74%, 35.57%, 23.00% and 13.68% of total weight of soluble protein. In treatment CK, roots, stems, leaves and branches take 21.01%, 41.41%, 23.08% and 14.50%. Elevated temperature changed allocation of soluble proteins in that it stimulated soluble proteins accumulation in roots and improved the uptake of water in roots. 4) Treatment ET increased the content of albumin and globulin in roots, and reduced the content of albumin and globulin in stems, leaves and branches. The content of promalin in roots and leaves was increased significantly, and the content of glutenin in stems was reduced significant. This suggested that ET stimulated the accumulation of albumin and globulin in roots and accumulation of promalin in leaves and roots; that treatment ET increased content of soluble protein in leaves was mainly resulted from the increased promalin content in leaves. 5) Regarding treatment ETC, the total of weight of soluble proteins increased, but not significantly; but increased in stems. So the combination of elevated atmospheric CO2 and temperature had not changed the allocation of soluble proteins in red birch seedling and reduced soluble proteins in branches were not the result of increased carbohydrate. 6) Treatment ETC reduced the content of albumin and promalin in roots, stems, leaves and branches, reduced the content of globulin and glutenin in roots significantly. That is to say elevated atmospheric CO2 and temperature reduced the content of soluble proteins in roots significantly which might help to prompt growth, development and nutrient absorption ability of roots. 7) The effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 and temperature on soluble protein cannot be simply interpreted through their mechanism that obtained when they were imposed on plant separately.


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土壤微生物(Soil microbes)是生态系统的重要组成部分,它参与土壤中复杂有机物质的分解和再合成,也参与C、N、S、P等的循环。土壤酶(Soil enzyme)是土壤中具有生物活性的蛋白质,它与微生物一起推动着土壤的生物化学过程,并在树木营养物质的转化中起着重要的作用。鉴于土壤微生物和土壤酶对环境变化的敏感性,它们在CO2浓度和温度升高时的反应将在很大程度上影响森林生态系统的结构和功能。因此,要全面评价大气CO2浓度和温度升高对整个生态系统的影响,有必要对CO2浓度和温度升高条件下的土壤微生物的反应进行深入的研究与探讨。本文应用自控、封闭、独立的生长室系统,研究了川西亚高山岷江冷杉(Abies faxoniana)根际、非根际土壤微生物数量,红桦(Betula albosinensis)根际微生物数量以及根际、非根际土壤酶活性对大气CO2浓度(环境CO2浓度+350±25μmol·mol-1,EC)和温度(环境温度+2.0±0.5℃,ET)升高及两者同时升高(ECT)的响应。结果表明: 1) EC和ET显著增加岷江冷杉根际微生物数量,但不同微生物种类对EC和ET的反应有所差异。6、8和10月,岷江冷杉根际微生物数量与对照(CK)相比,EC处理的根际细菌数量分别增加了35%、164%和312%,ET处理增加了30%、115%和209%;EC和ET处理对根际放线菌和根际真菌数量影响不显著。ECT处理的根际放线菌数量分别增加了49%、50%和96%,根际真菌数量增加了151%、57%和48%;而ECT对根际细菌数量影响不显著。EC、ET和ECT处理对岷江冷杉土壤微生物总数的根际效应明显,其R/S值分别为1.93、1.37和1.46(CK的R/S值为0.81)。 2) 红桦根际微生物数量对EC、ET和ECT的响应不同。生长季节(5~10月),高密度的红桦根际细菌数量与CK 相比,EC的根际细菌数量分别增加28%、33%、423%、65%、43%和79%,而低密度的红桦根际细菌数量增加不显著。ET能显著增加根际细菌数量(7~10月),其中高密度的根际细菌数量分别增加了377%、107%、35%、22%,而低密度的根际细菌数量分别增加了27%、27%、64%、48%;ECT对两个密度水平下根际细菌数量均未产生有显著的影响。高、低密度的红桦根际放线菌和根际真菌数量与 CK 相比,EC显著增加了低密度的红桦根际放线菌数量,而对高密度的根际放线菌数量无显著影响;ET和ECT对高低密度的红桦根际放线菌数量均未产生显著影响。EC和ET对高低密度的根际真菌数量也无显著影响,而ECT却显著增加了高低密度的根际真菌数量。 3) EC、ET和ECT处理的低密度红桦根际微生物(细菌、放线菌和真菌)数量没有显著高于或低于高密度根际微生物数量,表明短期内密度对红桦根际微生物数量不产生影响。 4) 不同种类的氧化还原酶对EC、ET和ECT的响应不同。5~10月,EC的红桦根际过氧化氢酶活性是CK 的1.44、1.06、1.11、1.10、1.12和1.24倍,差异显著(6月除外);ET和ECT处理根际过氧化氢酶活性无显著增加。EC的红桦根际多酚氧化酶活性比CK显著增加;ET的根际多酚氧化酶活性显著高于CK(8月除外)。ECT的根际多酚氧化酶活性高于CK,差异不显著。EC的根际脱氢酶活性分别增加了46%、40%、133%、48%、17%和26%,差异显著。5~7月,ET和ECT的根际脱氢酶活性高于CK的脱氢酶活性,而8~9月则相反,差异性均不显著。 5) EC、ET和ECT对不同种类的水解酶的影响不同。EC能显著增加红桦根际脲酶活性,5~10月分别增加了29%、42%,、70%、67%、59%和57%。ET和ECT 对根际脲酶活性未产生显著影响。EC显著提高根际转化酶活性,5、6和9月EC的根际转化酶活性分别比CK高51%、42%和40%。5和10月,ET的根际转化酶活性低于CK,而其余月份却高于CK,但均具有显著性差异。ECT的根际转化酶活性与CK的根际转化酶活性有显著性差异(9月除外),5、6和7月的根际转化酶活性分别提高了94%、198%和67%。 6) 与CK相比,EC、ET和ECT的非根际土壤微生物数量以及非根际土壤酶活性均无显著提高。EC、ET和ECT的过氧化氢酶、脲酶的根际效应明显,而多酚氧化酶和脱氢酶根际效应不明显。EC和ECT的转化酶根际效应明显,而ET的转化酶根际效应不明显。 It is well known that atmospheric CO2 concentration and temperature are increasing as a consequence of human activities. In past decades, considerable efforts had been put into investigating the effects of climate change on processes of forest ecological system. In general, studies had been mainly focused on the effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on plant physiology and development, litter quality, and soil microorganisms. Studies showed that there was variation in the responses of root development and below-ground processes to climate between different plant communities. Since the concentration of CO2 in soil was much higher (10~50 times) than in the atmosphere, increasing levels of atmospheric CO2 may not directly in fluence below ground processes. Betula albosinensis and Abies faxoniana, as the dominated tree species of subalpine dark coniferous forest in the western Sichuan province, which play an important role in the structure and function of this kind of forest ecosystem. In our study, effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration (350±25μmol·mol-1), increased temperature (2.0±0.5℃) and both of the two on the number of rhizospheric microbe and rhizospheric enzyme activity were studied by the independent and enclosed-top chamber’ system under high-frigid conditions. Responses of rhizospheric bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi number of Betula albosinensis and Abies faxoniana under different densities(high density with 84 stems·m-2, low density with 28 stems·m-2 ), and rhizospheric enzyme activity of Betula albo-sinensis to elevated CO2 concentration and increased temperature were analyzed and discussed. The results are as the following, 1) In comparion with the control, the numbers of rhizospheric bacteria of Abies faxoniana were increased by 35%, 164% and 312% significantly in June, August and October respectively of EC, and were increased by 30%, 115% and 209% respectively of ET.However the effect of EC and ET on rhizospheric actinomycetes and fungi was not significant. The number of rhizospheric actinomycetes of ECT were increased significantly by 49%, 50% and 96% respectively, and the increment of rhizospheric fungi were 151%, 57% and 48% respectively .The effect of ECT on rhizospheric bacteria was not significant. Rhizospheric effect of soil microbe for all treatments was significant, with the R/S of 1.93, 1.27 and 1.46 for EC, ET and ECT, respectively. 2) Treatment EC improved the number of rhizospheric bacteria of Betula albosinensis under high density significantly in comparison with the control, over the growing season, the greatest increment of rhizospheric bacteria was from July. However, EC had no effect on the number of rhizospheric bacteria under low density. Except May and June, treatment ET improved the number of rhizospheric signifcantly. The effect of treatment ECT on the number of rhizospheric bacteria under different densities was not significant. Of treatment EC, the number of rhizospheric actinomycetes of Betula albosinensis under low density were increased significantly, however, treatment EC did not stimulate the number of rhizospheric actinomycetes under high density. Simultaneously, treatment ET and ECT did not stimulate the number of rhizospheric actinomycetes. Finally, in treatment ECT, the number of rhizospheric fungi under high density were increased significantly, however treatment EC and ET did not stimulate the number of rhizospheric fungi under different densities. 3) Of treatment EC, ET and ECT, the number of rhizospheric microbe of Betula albosinensis under low density were not more or fewer than that of microbe under hign density along the growing season, which showed that plant density had no effect on the nmber of microbe. 4) From May to October, 2004,rhizospheric catalase activity of Betula albosinensis of treatment EC was 1.44, 1.06, 1.11, 1.10, 1.12 and 1.24 times as treatment CK respectively, and the difference was statistically significant(except June). Treatment ET and ECT did not increase rhizospheric catalase activity significantly. In treatment EC, the rhizospheric pohyphenol oxidase activity was higher than treatment CK significantly. The rhizospheric pohyphenol oxidase activity of treatment ET was higher than CK significantly (except August). The rhizospheric pohyphenol oxidase activity of treatment ECT was higher than CK, but the difference was not statistically significant. Over the growing period, the rhizospheric dehydrogenase activity were increased 46%, 40%, 133%, 48%, 17% and 26% respectively by treatment EC, and the difference was statistically significant. From May to July, the rhizospheric dehydrogenase activity in treatment ET and ECT was higher than CK, but from August to October, the rhizospheric dehydrogenase activity was lower than CK, the difference was not significant. 5) Treatment EC increased rhizospheric urease activity significantly, from May to October, rhizospheric urease activity were increased 29%, 42%, 70%, 67%, 59% and 57% respectively by EC. Treatment ET and ECT had no effect on rhizospheric urease activity. Treatment EC improved rhizospheric invertase activity significantly, in May, June and September, the rhizospheric invertase activity of treatment EC were increased 51%, 42% and 40% in comparison with the control. Except May and October, the rhizospheric invertase activity of treatment ET was markly higher than CK. The rhizospheric invertase activity of treatment ECT was significantly different from CK (except September), in May, June and July treatment ECT increased rhizospheric invertase activity by 94%, 198% and 67% respectively. 6) In comparison with the control, treatment EC, ET, and ECT had no effect on the number of non-rhizospheric microbe and non-rhizospheric enzyme activity. Rhizospheric effect of catalase and urease for all treatments was significant, but rhizospheric effect of pohyphenol oxidase and dehydrogenase was not significant. Rhizospheric effect of invertase of EC and ECT was significant, but rhizospheric effect of invertase of ET was not significant.


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碳水化合物按其存在的形式可分为结构性碳水化合物和非结构性碳水化合物两种。前者主要用于植物体的形态建成;后者是参与植物生命代谢的重要物质。迄今为止,有关CO2浓度升高对植物叶片中的碳水化合物含量的研究较多,而对其它器官中碳水化合物含量以及碳水化合物在植物体内的分配响应研究较少。碳水化合物含量在植物各器官中的变化能够反映光合同化产物在叶和茎、枝和根中的转运情况;碳水化合物的分配与植物的生长模式相关,它的变化会对植物的生长情况产生影响。因此,为全面认识植物生理生化与生长过程对大气CO2浓度升高响应情况,需要对CO2浓度升高条件下植物体内碳水化合物的含量及分配变化进行深入的研究与探讨。本文应用自控、独立、封闭的生长室系统,研究了红桦幼苗根、茎、叶和枝的碳水化合物含量以及分配格局对大气CO2浓度升高(环境CO2浓度+350 µmol·mol-1) 的响应。研究结果表明:1) CO2浓度升高使红桦幼苗叶片中的非结构性碳水化合物含量显著增加。这可能会对光合作用造成反馈抑制,降低光合速率。2) CO2浓度升高使红桦幼苗根、茎和枝中的还原糖、蔗糖、总可溶性糖、淀粉和总的非结构性碳水化合物(TNC) 含量显著增加。说明CO2浓度升高促进了碳水化合物由叶片向枝、茎和根中的运输转移,支持了Finn和Brun的假设。3) 在总的非结构性碳水化合物(TNC) 中,淀粉所占比例最大。同样地,CO2浓度升高使TNC含量增加的部分中,淀粉所占的比例也最大。在叶片、枝、茎和根中淀粉含量增加部分占TNC含量增加部分的91.45%、88.23%、83.23%和82.01%。4) CO2浓度升高使红桦幼苗根、茎、叶和枝内的纤维素含量有增加的趋势,但未达到显著水平。需要进一步研究长期CO2浓度升高下,纤维素含量的响应程度。5) CO2浓度升高使碳水化合物在红桦幼苗体内的分配发生了改变。红桦幼苗体内碳水化合物分配变化的一致趋势是由地上部分向地下部分分配转移。其中,测定的所有碳水化合物均向根中分配增多。同时,CO2浓度升高使红桦幼苗的根冠比显著增大;根系干重显著增加。这些结果支持了Gorissen 和Cotrufo的假设,即碳水化合物向根中分配增多是根冠比增大的主要原因。6) CO2浓度升高使红桦幼苗体内的氮含量显著下降。氮含量的下降可能主要是由生长的加快和TNC (主要是淀粉) 含量的增加对氮的稀释造成的。Carbohydrates found in plants are frequently grouped into two different classes:structural carbohydrates and non-structural carbohydrates. The former mainlyconstruct the plant basic framework, while the latter are essential for plant growth andmetabolism. As yet there is lack of information on the effects of elevated CO2concentration on carbohydrate contents in stem, branch and root of plant, and oncarbohydrate allocation in organs of plant although there have been many reports onthe responses of carbohydrate contents to elevated CO2 concentration in plant foliages.A shift of carbohydrate contents in plant reflects a change in transporting ofphotosynthetic production from leaf to stem, branch and root of plant. The allocationof carbohydrates that is correlated to plant growth patterns affects plant growth. Thus,in order to understand the influences of elevated CO2 on biochemical process,physiological change and plant growth well, the response of carbohydrate contentsand allocation in plant to elevated CO2 should be further investigated. In our study, theeffects of elevated CO2 on carbohydrate contents and their allocation between leaf,stem, branch and root tissue of Betula albosinensis seedlings were determined. Theseedlings were grown in independent and enclosed-top chambers. Chambers werecontrolled to reproduce ambient (CK) and ambient + 350 µmol·mol-1 CO2 (EC)concentration for 1 year. The results here showed that,1) Elevated CO2 significantly increased non-structural carbohydrate contents in leafof red birch seedlings. This will reduce photosynthetic rate.2) Elevated CO2 also significantly increased non-structural carbohydrate contentsin root, stem and branch of red birch seedlings. These findings supported thehypothesis that elevated CO2 accelerated carbohydrates from leaf to branch, stem androot.3) Starch makes up the largest parts of total non-structural carbohydrate. In thesame way, the increase of starch plays a main role in the increase of totalnon-structural carbohydrate under elevated CO2. In leaf, branch, stem and root, theincrements of starch contents comprised 91.45%, 88.23%, 83.23% and 82.01% of theincrements of total non-structural carbohydrate contents.4) Under elevated CO2 the cellulose contents have an increasing tendency in redbirch seedlings. It is needed to investigate the effects of long-term elevated CO2 oncellulose contents in plant.5) There are significant CO2 effects on the allocation of carbohydrate in organs ofred birch seedlings. Under elevated CO2 more carbohydrates were allocated to root.Moreover, CO2 enrichment significantly increased the root to shoot ratio of red birchseedlings and the dry weight of roots. These results supported Gorissen and Cotrufo ‘shypothesis that increase of carbohydrate allocation to root mostly contributed to theincrease of root to shoot ratio.6) Elevated CO2 brought about a reduction in the nitrogen contents of leaf, stem,branch and root. The decline of nitrogen contents under elevated CO2 is mainlycaused by the dilution effects of increasing starch level and growth of red birchseedlings.


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In this paper, bioconversion of trans-cinnamic acid(t-Ca)to L-phenylalanine (L-phe) has been investigated by using immobilized yeast cells with induced L-phe Ammonia-lyase(PAL, EC. as biocatalysts. The contents are the following. (1) Thirty strains of yeasts, including two genera (Rhodotorula, Sporobolomyces), six species (R. glutinis R. minuta,R.rubra,R.sineses,R.roseus and S.salmonicolor)were screened for their ability to converse the substrates, t-Ca and ammonia, to the product, L-phe, by using yeast cells as biocatalyst, and primary evaluation for PAL activity of the selected strains was investigated. From the results of the screening experiments, it was found that 22 strains were able to produce L-phe from t-Ca with the range of conversion yield from 2% to 67%. Studies on PAL formation time course during cultivation show that the maximum PAL activity of several different strains ranges from 2.3 to 14.4×10-3U/mg cell dry weight. The biomass of tested strains at their maximum enzyme activity is also greatly varied. (2)One of the selected strains, R. rubra as 2.166, was used for immobilized cells as biocatalysts to produce L-phe. The optimum conversion conditions and effective stablization agents were investigated. The results shown that polyacrylamide gel was chosen as a suitable matrix for immobilization of the yeast cells, and it can retain 88% of the PAL activity in the reverse direction at the following reactive conditions: [t-Ca]: 34mM. [NH4OH]: 6.OM.PH10.00, temperature: 30℃. (3) The effects of various kinds of effectors on the production of L-phe were also examined. Membrane permeabilizing agents can stimulate L-phe synthesis, but make the stability of PAL decline greatly. Polyalchoholic agents and glutamic acid were very effective for the stabilization of PAL. At the presence of glutamic acid (5%), the half life of L-phe productivity with the immobilized cells was extended to 192 hours, which was much higher than most of that having been reproted, while the half life of resting cells was only about 15 hours. (4) Use of initial velocity studies on the kinetics of enzyme-catalized reaction indicated that the apparent Km value was 13.0mM for the immobilized cells, and 4.8mM for the resting cells. Thermostability of the immobilized cells was better than the resting cells. Fluid bed bioreactor is more effective than batch bioreator in prolonging the thermostability of the biocatalysts. (5) CGA- 688 resin column chromatographic procedure was employed in the isolation and purification of L-phe, t-Ca and other substances from the reactire mixture. (6) Preparative-scale production of L-phe on a level of gram amount by immobilized cells from the culture broth of R. rubra AS2.166 allowed for the conversion yield with 30%. The characteristic physico-chemical criteria (including melting point, optical activity, elements analysis, IR, NMR) are the same with the standard L-phe. 本文报告了利用诱导的苯丙氨酸解氨酶 (PAL.EC.催化反式肉桂酸(t-Ca)氨加 成制备L-苯丙氨酸(L-phe)的研究,主要内容为:(1) 我们搜集了三十株酵母菌株,利用全细胞转化t-Ca生成L-phe的能力进行了直 接筛选,并对其PAL活性水平进行了初步评估研究。研究结果表明,其中22株酵母具有转化t-Ca生产L-phe的能力,它们包括 Rhodotorula glutinis,R.rubra, R.sineses 和Sporobolomyces roseus 的菌株,转化率在2-67%。细胞生长和PAL形成过程的研究 表明,不同菌株PAL最大活力在2.3-14.4×10-3U/mg 细胞干重,达到最大PAL活性时各株酵母的生长情况也极不一致。(2) 利用筛 选出的一株深红酵母R.rubra AS2.166 作为供试菌株,研究了细胞固定化条件下生物转化的最适条件及PAL在固定化条件下的稳定 性。结果表明以聚丙烯酰胺凝胶包埋法较为理想,能使细胞合成L-phe活力保持88%,最适t-Ca浓度为34mM,最适NH4OH浓度为6M,最 适PH10.0,最适温度45℃。(3) 多种效应物对L-phe 合成的影响研究表明:表面活性剂能刺激L-phe的合成,但使PAL稳定性下降。 多羟基化合物及Glu对PAL的稳定十分有效在有Glu存在下,能使固定化细胞合成L-phe的半寿期达192小时左右,高于大部分现已报 导的固定化结果。(4) 用初速度法研究了深红酵母AS2.166中PAL的酶促反应特征,测得固定化细胞对t-Ca的表观米氏常数Km为 13.0mM,全细胞为4.8mM,细胞固定后热稳定性提高。(5) 建立了适合低浓度分离纯化产物与底物的聚苯乙烯大孔树脂柱层析技术 ,能使L-phe与t-Ca及产物混合物中其它成分有效分开。(6) 利用固定化的R.rubra AS2.166细胞所做的制备实验能够使L-phe的产 率达到30%左右,其主要的理化指标(包括熔点、比旋光度、元素分析、IR、NMR等)与标准L-phe一致。


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