869 resultados para Awareness in Evil


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El presente texto comienza con la definición y explicación de algunos de los conceptos básicos de mayor importancia para la familiarización con el presente trabajo. A continuación construimos tres pilares fundamentales que soportan la idea de una actuación moralmente responsable. Empezamos con el reconocimiento de aportes éticos y filosóficos desde el siglo XVI hasta nuestros días. Seguidamente, examinamos el componente económico y el aspecto ético, en donde encontramos evidencia de la falta de compromiso moral de los actores económicos y hallamos evidencia que soporta al nuevo orden económico mundial. Por último, evaluamos el comportamiento que se debería seguir en el ámbito empresarial. Analizamos la conducta que debería guiar el camino empresarial; se debe buscar un punto medio en donde se es socialmente responsable y se logra incrementar los beneficios financieros. Tras apoyarnos sobre estos tres pilares llegamos al diseño de un modelo de responsabilidad social en el que las empresas deben ser vistas como una familia económica. Con esto intentamos hacer énfasis en la redefinición del contrato social, en el que las empresas vean a los stakeholders y al medio ambiente de la misma forma en que un padre responsable ve a sus hijos y a su familia. Quisimos hacer ver, inicialmente, un panorama extenso acerca del punto crítico en el que nos encontramos hoy buscando una concienciación general para el entendimiento que el bienestar social y ambiental favorece a todos, pues mejora la calidad de vida a nivel mundial y aumente el desempeño empresarial a lo largo del planeta.


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Objetivo: Determinar condiciones laborales de los trabajadores de cuatro hospitales de primer nivel y dos de segundo nivel en el departamento del Quindío - Colombia 2012. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal con una muestra de 577 trabajadores del sector sanitario de cuatro hospitales de primer nivel y dos de segundo nivel en el departamento de Quindío – Colombia mediante la recolección de datos demográficos y la aplicación de las siguientes encuestas: “Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Trabajo” del Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo de España (INSHT), en su versión validada para el idioma español: “Irritation Index”. Con fines de analizar la información obtenida se creó una base de datos con base en lo contenido en las encuestas válidas y se realizaron tablas dinámicas en Excel Resultados: participaron 577 trabajadores hospitalarios, encontrándose un 72% de personal femenino y un 28% de personal masculino con una relación H:M 2:6. De la población total encuestada, un 72% corresponde a trabajadores del área asistencial y un 28% al área administrativa. Se encontró una alta percepción de riesgo ergonómico (manejo de cargas, 81%, movimientos repetitivos 91%, posturas forzadas, 49%). Los síntomas osteomusculares referidos fueron: dolor cervical 20%, dolor en región dorsal media 17%, dolor en el hombro 62%, dolor en muñeca 27% y dolor en codo 10%. En la percepción de carga mental y factores de riesgo psicosocial se observó que el 92% de los trabajadores requiere un alto nivel de atención en la ejecución de sus tareas, el 77%, debe atender varias tareas al mismo tiempo, el 52% realiza tarea complejas, el 49% ve necesario esconder sus emociones en el sitio de trabajo, el 13% considera que su trabajo es excesivo, el 43% manifiesta la necesidad de trabajar rápido en el desarrollo de sus funciones, el 69% trabaja con plazos estrictos muy cortos el66% considera que el ritmo de trabajo está determinado por plazos temporales a cumplir. Por otro lado se encuentra una adecuada percepción de la autonomía (93-94%) en la escogencia del método de trabajo, ritmo de trabajo, establecimiento del orden de las tareas a cumplir. En general las relaciones interpersonales son percibidas de manera positiva encontrándose que el 98% recibe ayuda de sus compañeros y el 97% afirma contar con la ayuda de sus superiores. En cuanto a la violencia física en el lugar de trabajo se encuentra que un 6 % ha sido víctima de agresión por parte de personas ajenas al lugar de trabajo. En lo concerniente al percepción de la salud física, el 48% refiere un óptimo estado de salud, mientras que en lo referente a la salud mental se encuentra más frecuentemente alteraciones del sueño (20%), sensación de tensión (20%), tristeza y/o depresión (13%), dificultad para desconectarse del trabajo (15%). Discusión: En la población estudiada se encontró una alta percepción de condiciones ergonómicas inadecuadas dadas por posturas forzadas, manipulación de cargas y movimientos repetitivos, así como exposición a riesgo biológico y factores de riesgo psicosocial. Resulta importante destacar que los hallazgos obtenidos reflejan lo reportado en la literatura internacional y dejan de manifiesto la importancia de reflexionar sobre la necesidad de identificar los riesgos, sensibilizar a la población y de priorizar las actuaciones preventivas.


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El plan de saneamiento básico empleado en el Club El Racho de la ciudad de Bogotá, busca primordialmente mejorar las operaciones dentro de los espacios de preparación de alimentos del club, brindando en si una serie de lineamientos y parámetros básicos para lograr un óptimo desarrollo del mismo. Dentro de este plan se estudian y se exponen una serie de fases que requieren no sólo una implementación adecuada, sino también un proceso de seguimiento posterior a dicha implementación, con el único objetivo de controlar y mitigar reacciones y posibles alteraciones del programa. Llevando a cabo programas de limpieza y desinfección, de manejo de residuos sólidos y de control de plagas en los casinos del club, se busca también, lograr una concientización general tanto en empleados como socios y demás usuarios de los establecimientos y así darle al plan de saneamiento básico una ruta exitosa que garantice, así mismo, un desarrollo sostenible y una responsabilidad social.


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Benjamin Libet ha argumentado que cambios específicos en la actividad electroencefalográfica del córtex cerebral son registrados varios cientos de milisegundos antes que las personas tengan la intención consciente para actuar. Según Libet este hallazgo prueba que los movimientos voluntarios se inician de manera inconsciente. Siendo así, pone en duda nuestra percepción de libre albedrío según la cual nosotros somos iniciadores conscientes de nuestras acciones voluntarias. En este artículo haré objeciones empíricas a su modelo experimental argumentando que Libet no mide en realidad lo que él cree que está midiendo y, que el uso de electroencefalografía con electrodo de registro en cuero cabelludo no suministra datos fiables que permitan correlacionar cambios de la actividad cerebral y fenómenos psíquicos. También haré objeciones teóricas a las conclusiones filosóficas derivadas de sus experimentos, argumentado que la acción simple (mover el dedo) no puede ser una acción paradigmática para estudiar libre albedrío y que Libet al no estudiar la naturaleza de las intenciones distales ni su probable rol causal en la formación de intenciones proximales, no puede demostrar que el cerebro decide inconscientemente iniciar la acción. Concluyo que Libet nunca llega a probar que no actuamos por nuestro propio libre albedrío.


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O projeto que se apresenta tem por finalidade investigar processos de aperfeiçoamento da competência de escrita do texto argumentativo de alunos do Ensino Secundário. Considerou-se as contribuições convergentes das teorias e técnicas da psicologia cognitiva e de perspetivas sociais da linguagem. Em consequência, associou-se o modelo de revisão de Hayes e Flower (1983; 1980), e de Hayes, Flower, Schriver, Stratman e Carey (1987), ao modelo de análise do discurso de Bronckart (2004; 1996) e à proposta linguística de Adam (2006; 1992). A hipótese que sustenta a investigação é que a consciência (meta)linguística pode facilitar a revisão textual e o aperfeiçoamento da competência de escrita de textos argumentativos, em contexto de Oficina de Escrita. A investigação conjugou duas fases. Na fase intensiva do estudo de caso, os alunos do 11.º ano de Português de uma Escola do Porto progrediram, através de trabalho continuado em Oficina de Escrita. Após a experiência, mesmo alunos com dificuldades revelaram domínio de metalinguagem, mais consciência (meta)linguística na revisão e autorregulação da sua aprendizagem. Na fase extensiva, foi aplicado um inquérito por questionário a uma amostra probabilística de professores do Secundário, igualmente do Porto. Os docentes valorizaram os aspetos supracitados, bem como a leitura de textos argumentativos e o treino do conhecimento explícito da língua. Contudo, em triangulação, as respostas indiciam um ensino centrado no professor, pouco aberto a projetos de escrita, a novas tecnologias e à divulgação de textos à Escola e ao meio. Os resultados indicam que a competência de escrita de textos argumentativos é passível de aperfeiçoamento em Oficina de Escrita, através de interiorização do género textual e aprofundamento da competência (meta)linguística. No contexto do estudo, comprova-se a influência de um treino de escrita inserido em Projetos de Escola, tendo o aluno como sujeito da sua própria aprendizagem, em interação com o meio.


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A key highlight of this study is generating evidence of children ‘making aware the unaware’, making tacit knowledge explicit. The research explores the levels of awareness in thinking used by eight 7–8 year-old children when engaged in school-based genre writing tasks. The focus is on analysing children’s awareness of their thought processes, using a framework originally devised by Swartz and Perkins (1989), in order to investigate ways in which children can transform their tacit knowledge to explicit within the writing process. Classroom ‘think aloud’ protocols are used to help children ‘manage their knowledge transfer’, to speak the unspoken. In their framework Swartz and Perkins distinguish between four levels of thought that they view as hierarchical and ‘increasingly metacognitive.’ However, there is little evidence in this study to show that levels of awareness in thinking are increasingly progressive and observations made during the study suggest that young writers move in and out of the suggested levels of thinking during different elements of a writing task. The reasons for this may depend on a number of factors which are noted in this paper. Evidence does suggest children in this age group are consciously aware of their own and others’ thought processes both with and without adult prompting. By using collaborative talk, their awareness of these thought processes is highlighted enabling the co-construction and integration of new ideas into their existing knowledge base.


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Objective: To assess the perspectives of couples who requested vasectomy in a public health service on the use of male participation contraceptive methods available in Brazil: male condoms, natural family planning/calendar, coitus interruptus and vasectomy. Methods: A qualitative study with semi-structured interviews was held with 20 couples who had requested vasectomy at the Human Reproduction Unit of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil. Data analysis was carried out through thematic content analysis. Findings: The couples did not, in general, know any effective contraceptive options for use by men and/or participating in their use, except for vasectomy. The few methods with male participation that they knew of were perceived to interfere in spontaneity and in pleasure of intercourse. Men accepted that condom use in extra-conjugal relations offered them protection from sexually transmitted diseases; that their wives might also participate in extra-marital relationships was not considered. Discussion: The few contraceptive options with male participation lead to difficulty in sharing responsibilities between men and women. On the basis of perceived gender roles, women took the responsibility for contraception until the moment when the situation became untenable, and they faced the unavoidable necessity of sterilization. Conclusion: Specific actions are necessary for men to achieve integral participation in relation to reproductive sexual health. These include education and discussions on gender roles, leading to greater awareness in men of the realities of sexual and reproductive health.


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Leadership is about synchronizing people into doing actions together to reach a common goal. To be able to do such thing you have to be a good leader. A mutual feature between good leaders is a good self awareness in order to be able to lead others. By letting others evaluate the features of a leader it can give a good self image of the leaders’ leadership. This is for seeing if there is a gap between the leaders own and the co-workers opinions about the leaders’ leadership. The purpose is to analyze if there could be a gap between a leader and its co-workers opinions about the leaders’ leadership and also to analyze why such a gap could exist.The method that has been used for analyzing the leadership is a 360 degree evaluation. The 360 degree evaluation is used in such way that the chosen leader, beyond its self assessment, is getting evaluated by its co-workers closest to him or her. This was implemented by questionnaires and interviews. The questionnaires are made after Adizes leadership roles and Hersey and Blanchards’ situational leadership.A leader often has different features, these does not accentuate because of the organizational structure and the position of the leaders in the organization emphasizes different features.


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The aim of this essay was to study if social workers have a gender awareness in the social work they perform and if it appears in the assessment of needs and intervention. A qualitative vignette study with four social workers who handle adult- and addictive clients have been performed. Gender theory is used to interpret the empirical results. The results of the study show that social workers doesn´t see any differences in the clients situation, or make any different assessment of needs depending on if the client is a man or a woman. Social workers also propose the same interventions to men and women. The interviews was done in two parts, before and after the primary design of the study was unveiled. In the first part the social workers didn´t reflect about gender at all, when they assessed the introduced vignette. In the second part of the interviews, a certain attention appeared concerning gender when the social workers reflected about social interventions that is given to men and women with an addiction. Based on the definition of gender awareness, the empirical material, the analysis of the result, prior research and gender theory the conclusion is drawn that social workers have some gender awareness in the social work they perform.Keywords: Gender, sex, gender awareness, social worker, assessment, equality


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Há uma preocupação crescente sobre a necessidade de produção e consumo de alimentos mais saudáveis, sem uso de agrotóxicos nem fertilizantes químicos. Neste contexto se insere a prática da agricultura orgânica que, contudo, apresenta resultados ainda pouco avaliados. Assim, pretendeu-se, nesta pesquisa diagnosticar a produção orgânica na região citrícola do Vale do Rio Caí, no Rio Grande do Sul. Inicialmente foram selecionadas propriedades de oito agricultores, todas já convertidas ao sistema orgânico de produção há pelo menos cinco anos. Para tanto foram aplicadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas junto às unidades familiares, visando diagnosticar os aspectos sociais, econômicos e técnicoambientais. Os agricultores orgânicos mostram-se satisfeitos com o sistema orgânico de produção, que de maneira geral proporciona boas produtividades com custos de produção menores do que no sistema convencional de cultivo. Os agricultores que se dedicam ao sistema orgânico de produção revelam bom conhecimento sobre o meio ambiente, plantas, solos e processos agroecológicos, aspectos políticos, econômicos e sociais, adquiridos através da participação em cursos, palestras, congressos, dias de campo, treinamentos, e através das reuniões e assembléias da Cooperativa ECOCITRUS. A constante troca de experiências entre os agricultores orgânicos tem contribuído na melhoria da qualificação técnica dos produtores, além de melhor conscientizá-los nos aspectos políticos, econômicos e sociais. A participação dos produtores na ECOCITRUS tem proporcionado melhor organização dos mesmos, contribuindo na viabilização da produção orgânica, inclusive com vantagens econômicocomerciais, pela obtenção de insumos orgânicos, venda da produção e estímulo ao beneficiamento da produção, visando agregar renda à propriedade.


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A key to maintain Enterprises competitiveness is the ability to describe, standardize, and adapt the way it reacts to certain types of business events, and how it interacts with suppliers, partners, competitors, and customers. In this context the field of organization modeling has emerged with the aim to create models that help to create a state of self-awareness in the organization. This project's context is the use of Semantic Web in the Organizational modeling area. The Semantic Web technology advantages can be used to improve the way of modeling organizations. This was accomplished using a Semantic wiki to model organizations. Our research and implementation had two main purposes: formalization of textual content in semantic wiki pages; and automatic generation of diagrams from organization data stored in the semantic wiki pages.


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Consumer dissatisfaction, when properly handled, is a significant information source for the manager. Studies in this area allow broadening the understanding of certain customer attitudes and behaviors, such as loyalty, repurchase intention or satisfaction and trust increase. Above and beyond supporting consumer feedback, dissatisfaction can provide significant opportunities for organizational learning. Starting from dissatisfied customer information, companies can detect service flaws and develop new products. This work presents the results of an investigation on the behavior of businesses belonging to the hotel sector in Natal, RN, through the dissatisfaction of their customers. We have sought to map the main problems presented by customers to hotels, in the perception of managers and employees, as well as to understand both the process of dissatisfactionrelated data collection, analysis, and processing, and the utilization of such information by businesses. Beyond this, we have compared the habits of organizations to the company reaction approaches described in the literature: Complaint Handling, Complaint Management, and Dissatisfaction Management. The used methodology has been based on case study. Data was collected via indepth interviews with managers and employees in six hotels, two independent ones and four belonging to national and international hotel networks. We have also made use of documents provided by the organizations, such as guest complaint registers and reports from satisfaction surveys on which content analysis was subsequently performed. The results of the investigation point to a high level of awareness in the companies concerning the importance of consumer dissatisfaction. Even though the maximum grade in the procedure scale is not achieved, it has been observed that answer to dissatisfaction is given in planned and systematic form, geared towards consumer satisfaction and improvement of products and processes. Hotel businesses still have to look into other possibilities for mapping consumer dissatisfaction, which implies, among other aspects, articulation with a range of public and private organizations in such a way as to guarantee sustainability of touristic activities in the long term


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The research aimed at investigating the dimensions and the universe of social representations of environmental education, as well as identifying the senses and meanings Environmental Education. This study admitted as presumption the education and environment dimensions. In this investigation was adopted as reference the dimension or representation scope of Moscovici. One hundred and twenty (120) students from Public Schools of Basic Education participated of this study and moreover three hundred and twenty-three (323) from Higher Education in the area of the UPE-FACETEG. The following questions were admitted: 1) What are the dimensions/categories that exist in the semantic scope of social representations of the environmental education? 2) What are the senses and meanings of environmental education? 3) The student s representations of Basic Education are similar or different from the Higher Education? The software EVOC helped in the organization of semantic scope for construction of the categories, with support of the contents analysis. The justifications are sorted on lexical classes using the software ALCESTE, through of the speech analyses. The free association of words answered the question dimension/categories and its semantic scope, being: a) Nature/Environment; b) values; c) Attitudes; d) Actions; e) Implications; f) Mediation. Six lexical classes were found with its meanings enumerated in this way: 1.Awareness, as a factor of belief for the preservation of nature and society. The students are clamoring for environmental education in the school, emphasizing the importance of awareness in the development of the respect to the environment linking the education and family; 2. The consciousness-knowledge relationship for the environment-nature preservation. 3. The environment and human interventions, in search of indicators of solutions. 4. Nature /background/ environment and its constituting elements, a thinking of values and an acting for mediation. 5. The human-nature interaction in social representations of environmental education and the symbolic-life size. 6. Nature / environment /, values, attitudes, actions, implications, and mediation in nature-man relationships. The groups more representatives according to these lexical classes were, the Basic Education in the class-4, represented exclusively by the Primary and Secondary Education and the class-6 represented by both two the Basic Education (47,37%) and the Higher Education (52,63%) - History, Pedagogy, Psychology, Mathematics, Language and Literature. The classes 4 and 6 are related to the class-3 which in turn is formed by students of Higher Education (Mathematics, Biology, Pedagogy, Psychology, Language and Literature) and Basic Education (Primary and Secondary Education). The Higher Education is most represented by the lexical classes (1, 2 and 5). The class 2 corresponded to 80% of the researched groups. In the class-1 the biggest representation was concerning to the Psychology, Geography, Biology and Language and Literature courses, whereas the class-5 was best represented by Psychology, Biology, Pedagogy, Language and Literature, Geography and History. From the results, one may conclude that the imagery is nature/environment; that life is the symbolic dimension that permeates the whole imaginary, and that preservation, awareness and respect are inserted in the speech that circulate to protect life


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The present study inserts on the international environmental thematic, approaching the integrated management of solid waste and the participation of the social actors in the search of the sustainable development. The awareness in combining it still describes a Selective Collection Program SCP of solid waste, in partnership with the municipal public power, in the development of joint actions that result in better alternatives of waste management in the urban centers, providing better life quality for the population and conservation of the environment. The aim of this research is to study problematic of the management of solid waste under the point of view of the environmental awareness and the participation of the population in a city of Brazil. In this matter, the target of the work is focusing on the strategy of solid waste management, through the attitudes and the respondents behaviors to aid in the making decision of the public manager related to the implantation of a selective collection program in Natal/RN. The methodology used in this work constitutes in the application of a questionnaire with scales of the type Likert being constituted of variables that compose the aspects of attitudes and of behaviors, besides a social-demographic scale. For analysis statistics is used the Pearson s Chi-Square Method in order to verify the dependence of the associations between the social-demographic variables and the attitude and the behavior ones. The results appear for a larger participation in a SCP, since this provides a better quality of life of the population (28,3 %), followed for offering a financial advantage (27,3%). Other results indicate the existence of the variables that exercise influence on the environmental awareness of the population to its demographic aspects


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The search for sustainable solutions through an appropriate environmental administration of the available natural resources, that comes from encounter to the aspirations of preservation of the environment and of the human being, in way to diagnose and to solve the environmental and social problems with the smallest possible impact to the nature and the man, it is the great challenge, so much for that generation, as for the future generations. The study of the environmental problems of the water and the participation and the social actors' environmental understanding as a whole, interferes in the field of the thematic environmental international, contemplating the strategic need of an appropriate administration of that very natural one, through a program returned to the diagnosis of the problems and in the search of compatible maintainable solutions, in a social and environmental politics of planning and environmental education, centered above all in the citizen's voice , user of that system. The present thesis she seeks to study the problem of the maintainable administration of the water, focusing the participation and the citizen's environmental understanding in the use of that very natural one for urban residential activities, in what concerns the approach and analyses of variables that treat of the measurement of general knowledge and you adapt, sense of community of the access to the means of information and of the attitudes and environmental behaviors, besides the variables of partner-demographic characterization or personal identification of the interviewed ones of an exploratory research of the type " survey ", accomplished through a stratified aleatory sampling, being the strata each one of the 4 (four) Political-Administrative Areas of the Natal city, having happened the collection of the data in the period of february to april/2002. The methodology used in this work it constitutes in the application of questionnaires with scales of the type Likert to measure the echo-varied of the study, besides a partner-demographic scale for the characterization of the studied sample. For the analysis of the results, it was made an exploratory descriptive study initially, followed by the use of techniques statistical multivariate s, such as, factorial analysis through the application of main components, besides the accomplishment of studies of multiple lineal regression. To complement this study, the accomplishment of Tests of Independence was proceeded through the Qui-square of Pearson, in way to verify the dependence of the associations between the partner-demographic variables and the principal selected variables and presents in the resulting factors of the factorial analysis. The results appear for a low level of environmental knowledge, of access to the information and community's sense, besides the verification that the principal factors resultants send for the need of feeling emphasis in the programs and administration actions addressed for the environmental understanding, the behaviors and attitudes that approach the information and the environmental education, besides the reuse of the water