954 resultados para Associação informal
Dissertação de mest., Didáctica e Inovação no Ensino das Ciências (Biologia/Geologia), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2011
Dissertação de mestrado, Marketing, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Trabalho de projeto de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Formação de Adultos), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2013
Tese de doutoramento, Informática (Engenharia Informática), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014
This thesis explores the processes through which scarcity is constructed in informal settlements and how conditions emerging within its limits gives way to particular socio-spatial phenomena and influence the emergence of self-organisation and creative strategies from a non-expert perspective. At the same time, this thesis deconstructs these emerging tactics (reactive and transformative) in a diagrammatic way to generate a critical study of their potential for socio-spatial change that goes beyond the everyday survival. Most people associate scarcity with “not having enough” of something, most usually of a material nature. In contrast, this paper is based on the premise that scarcity is a constructed condition, therefore exploring it beyond its immediate manifestation and illustrating its discursive, distributive and socio-material components. In this line, the research uses Assemblage Theory as both an approach and a tool for analysis. This approach allows the research to depart from everyday narratives of the residents, and gradually evolve into a multi-scalar, non-linear reading of scarcity, by following leads into different realms and unpacking a series of routine events to uncover their connections to wider processes and particular elements affecting the settlement and the city as a whole. For this purpose, the research is based on a qualitative, flexible and multi-sited methodology, using different case studies as testing grounds. Collected data stems from a 11-months ethnographic fieldwork in informal settlements in Ecuador and Kenya, analysing the socio-spatial practices and strategies deployed by the different actors producing the built environment and arising from everyday and latent experiences of scarcity. The thesis examines the multi-scalar nature of these strategies, including self-building and management tactics, the mobilisation of grassroots organisations, the innovative ways of collaborating deployed by different coalitions and the reformulation of urban development policies. As outcomes of the research, the thesis will show illustrative diagrams that allow a better understanding of, firstly, the construction of scarcity in the built environment beyond its immediate manifestation and secondly, the way that emerging tactics a) improve existing conditions of scarcity, b) reinforce the status quo or c) contribute to the worsening of the original condition. Therefore, this thesis aims to offer lessons with both practical and theoretical considerations, by firstly, giving an insight into the complexity and transcalar nature of the construction of scarcity in informal settlements; secondly, by illustrating how acute conditions related to scarcity gives birth to a plethora of particular phenomena shaping the territory, social relationships and processes; and thirdly, by identifying specific characteristics within the informal that might allow for new readings of the city and possibilities for socio-spatial change under conditions of scarcity.
Managerial discretion is the focal theme bridging the clash between two schools of thoughts; whether executives have greater influence on their firms’ outcomes or other factors restrain their actions (Hambrick & Finkelstein, 1987). It is argued that constraints come from inertial, normative and environmental forces (e.g. DiMaggio & Powell, 1983). Of these restraints is the institutional environment in which a firm is headquartered. Our paper falls within this research stream and provides an extension for Crossland and Hambrick (2007, 2011) work. We investigate the national level of discretion in new cross-cultural contexts, provide deeper understanding of its concept, and shed the light on undiscovered discretion’s antecedents and consequences. We adopt a quantitative approach in which questionnaires represent our data collection instrument. We anticipate that in high discretion countries firms tend to follow what Miles & Snow (1978) labeled ‘Prospector’ strategy as opposed to low discretion countries in which firms incline to implement a ‘Defender’ strategy.
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Assessoria de Administração
Objectivo: Verificar a associação entre o nível de actividade física e o refluxo venoso dos membros inferiores e a existência de um nível profilático. Métodos: A 49 estudantes, aplicouse o Questionário Internacional Actividade Física, avaliou-se o refluxo venoso pelo ecodoppler e a resistência do tricípite sural por um teste de fadiga local. Resultados: O nível de actividade física e o refluxo venoso dos membros inferiores estão associados (p=0,013). Estudantes com menores índices físicos apresentaram piores resultados. Conclusão: O nível de actividade física e o refluxo venoso estão associados. Não foi possível inferir acerca do nível de actividade física mais adequado.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Empreendedorismo e Internacionalização, sob orientação de Doutora Deolinda Meira e Mestre Paula Alferes
A Obesidade é considerada um grave problema de saúde pública, com consequências negativas para os indivíduos obesos, nomeadamente dificuldades no desempenho de atividades de vida diária, na locomoção e na prática de exercício físico, o que pode restringir a participação em atividades sociais e de lazer. Esta investigação consiste num estudo quantitativo descritivo e tem como objetivo principal descrever de que forma os indivíduos adultos obesos classificam a sua adaptação ocupacional, a partir dos conceitos de identidade e competência ocupacional. Com este estudo, pretende-se ainda verificar se os indivíduos obesos apresentam níveis de atividade física mais baixos e valores mais elevados de pressão plantar, em relação a indivíduos com peso normal. A amostra é constituída por dez indivíduos adultos, de ambos os sexos, com índice de massa corporal igual (IMC) ou superior a 30 Kg/m2, e os instrumentos de avaliação utilizados são o Questionário Ocupacional (adaptado por N. Riopel com assistência de G. Kielhofner e J. Hawkins Watts – 1986), o IPAQ – Versão Curta e o Sistema de Palmilhas Pedar. A partir dos resultados, pode-se verificar que os indivíduos obesos apresentam uma rotina diária em que a maioria das atividades realizadas está relacionada com a casa, o trabalho e o descanso e que a percentagem de atividades de lazer em que participam é reduzida. No entanto, parecem satisfeitos com o seu desempenho na maior parte das atividades, consideram que muitas delas são importantes para si e estão motivados para as realizar. Dos resultados obtidos, podemos sugerir que os indivíduos obesos apresentam boa adaptação ocupacional. Pode-se ainda dizer que os indivíduos obesos apresentam um baixo nível de intensidade de atividade física, não se observando diferenças significativas relativamente aos indivíduos com peso normativo e que os seus valores máximos de pressão plantar normalizados são inferiores quando comparados com a população de peso normal.
O presente trabalho de projeto centra-se numa questão silenciosa na sociedade portuguesa: a violência no trabalho. A proposta apresentada visa dar visibilidade a um problema humano, social e económico com reflexos no quotidiano de milhares de pessoas em todo o mundo. Consciencializar as organizações e os/as trabalhadores/as para a necessidade de atitudes preventivas é o principal objetivo da estratégia de comunicação aqui apresentada. Esta estratégia baseia-se numa revisão de literatura e analise da situação da violência no trabalho em Portugal.
Learning and teaching processes, like all human activities, can be mediated through the use of tools. Information and communication technologies are now widespread within education. Their use in the daily life of teachers and learners affords engagement with educational activities at any place and time and not necessarily linked to an institution or a certificate. In the absence of formal certification, learning under these circumstances is known as informal learning. Despite the lack of certification, learning with technology in this way presents opportunities to gather information about and present new ways of exploiting an individual’s learning. Cloud technologies provide ways to achieve this through new architectures, methodologies, and workflows that facilitate semantic tagging, recognition, and acknowledgment of informal learning activities. The transparency and accessibility of cloud services mean that institutions and learners can exploit existing knowledge to their mutual benefit. The TRAILER project facilitates this aim by providing a technological framework using cloud services, a workflow, and a methodology. The services facilitate the exchange of information and knowledge associated with informal learning activities ranging from the use of social software through widgets, computer gaming, and remote laboratory experiments. Data from these activities are shared among institutions, learners, and workers. The project demonstrates the possibility of gathering information related to informal learning activities independently of the context or tools used to carry them out.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.
According to recent studies, informal learning accounts for more than 75% of our continuous learning through life. However, the awareness of this learning, its benefits and its potential is still not very clear. In engineering contexts, informal learning could play an invaluable role helping students or employees to engage with peers and also with more experience colleagues, exchanging ideas and discussing problems. This work presents an initial set of results of the piloting phase of a project (TRAILER) where an innovative service based on Information & Communication Technologies was developed in order to aid the collection and visibility of informal learning. This set of results concerns engineering contexts (academic and business), from the learners' perspective. The major idea that emerged from these piloting trials was that it represented a good way of collecting, recording and sharing informal learning that otherwise could easily be forgotten. Several benefits were reported between the two communities such as being helpful in managing competences and human resources within an institution.
The evolution of new technology and its increasing use, have for some years been making the existence of informal learning more and more transparent, especially among young and older adults in both Higher Education and workplace contexts. However, the nature of formal and non-formal, course-based, approaches to learning has made it hard to accommodate these informal processes satisfactorily, and although technology bring us near to the solution, it has not yet achieved. TRAILER project aims to address this problem by developing a tool for the management of competences and skills acquired through informal learning experiences, both from the perspective of the user and the institution or company. This paper describes the research and development main lines of this project.