Designing personalized video-based crossmedia informal learning environments beyond iTV

Autoria(s): Prata, Alcina Maria Narciso, 1969-

Chambel, Maria Teresa Caeiro, 1965-






Tese de doutoramento, Informática (Engenharia Informática), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014

Video is a very rich medium, in cognitive and affective terms, to convey information and support learning and entertainment like no other medium, and TV is a privileged way to watch it. However, by being traditionally watched in a more experiential and passive cognitive mode, TV and video are limited in their capacity to fully support learning so important in the lifelong learning era where learning is taking place in a wide variety of contexts and locations that calls for flexible environments. TV and video are limited in their capacity to fully support learning but may induce viewers to engage in more reflective modes, that can be supported to some extent by their adequate design, in interactive contexts and augmented by other media and devices, in diverse situations. The inclusion of iTV that has been gaining increasing attention from researchers, and practitioners, in the last few years, as part of rich and flexible crossmedia environments brings new opportunities in this respect. This situation justifies our research main goal to efficiently and flexibly support users learning informal opportunities created in video-based crossmedia environments, taking into account the different cognitive modes, contexts of use and taking advantage of the diverse devices being used in order to have each device contributing with what it does best. In order to illustrate, explore and validate our research, the eiTV application was conceptualized, prototyped and evaluated. It is capable to create videobased crossmedia informal learning environments, created as additional information to the video being watched, initially via iTV. These environments are accessed from iTV, PC and mobile devices (the most commonly used in crossmedia scenarios), depending on the preferred or most adequate device in each context of use.

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT, SFRH/PROTEC/67727/2010, projeto UTA-Est/MAI/0010/2009)







Palavras-Chave #Engenharia informática #Televisão #Web #Interacção #Interfaces para utilizadores #Vídeo interactivo #Teses de doutoramento - 2014
