951 resultados para Approximation en probabilité


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We propose a general procedure for solving incomplete data estimation problems. The procedure can be used to find the maximum likelihood estimate or to solve estimating equations in difficult cases such as estimation with the censored or truncated regression model, the nonlinear structural measurement error model, and the random effects model. The procedure is based on the general principle of stochastic approximation and the Markov chain Monte-Carlo method. Applying the theory on adaptive algorithms, we derive conditions under which the proposed procedure converges. Simulation studies also indicate that the proposed procedure consistently converges to the maximum likelihood estimate for the structural measurement error logistic regression model.


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Increasing global competition, rapidly changing markets, and greater consumer awareness have altered the way in which corporations do business. To become more efficient, many industries have sought to model some operational aspects by gigantic optimization problems. It is not atypical to encounter models that capture 106 separate “yes” or “no” decisions to be made. Although one could, in principle, try all 2106 possible solutions to find the optimal one, such a method would be impractically slow. Unfortunately, for most of these models, no algorithms are known that find optimal solutions with reasonable computation times. Typically, industry must rely on solutions of unguaranteed quality that are constructed in an ad hoc manner. Fortunately, for some of these models there are good approximation algorithms: algorithms that produce solutions quickly that are provably close to optimal. Over the past 6 years, there has been a sequence of major breakthroughs in our understanding of the design of approximation algorithms and of limits to obtaining such performance guarantees; this area has been one of the most flourishing areas of discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science.


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We investigated how human subjects adapt to forces perturbing the motion of their ams. We found that this kind of learning is based on the capacity of the central nervous system (CNS) to predict and therefore to cancel externally applied perturbing forces. Our experimental results indicate: (i) that the ability of the CNS to compensate for the perturbing forces is restricted to those spatial locations where the perturbations have been experienced by the moving arm. The subjects also are able to compensate for forces experienced at neighboring workspace locations. However, adaptation decays smoothly and quickly with distance from the locations where disturbances had been sensed by the moving limb. (ii) Our experiments also how that the CNS builds an internal model of the external perturbing forces in intrinsic (muscles and / or joints) coordinates.


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Almost thirty years have passed since the City Council of Madrid approved the first Municipal Plan against Drugs, thus laying the foundations of the current commitment to offer assistance to drug addicts. A Service that has been continuously growing (in funding), maturing (in organizations) and diversifying (in actions) during these decades, in the same manner as the scenario in which these actions are deployed has been evolving. But, what can be said today about the status of drugaddiction intervention? This study adopts a sociological approach that starts with and is focused on what has been defined as the hegemonic vision on drug addiction, with the aim of studying (precisely and progressively) the different and most widely accepted theoretical-practical developments and to understand how certain conceptions or positions determine the form of this social fact. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to understand and evaluate the performative effects of certain practices, techniques and professionals on defining and addressing a reality that is in question and/or in conflict, as a social problem. In addition, this study is focused on identifying a series of fundamental elements to address what is understood as the state of the issue of drug addiction in depth (discourse of drugs Vs. discourse on drugs) in order to offer a series of sociological questions and insights to focus attention onto this reality. For this purpose, once its intentions have been defined and due to the social nature of the object under study, the present research deploys qualitative methodology as a tool for approximation, delimiting the scope that professional technicians assume regarding the issue in question as well as their own professional practices within their organizations. Thus, we have contacted certain public as well as non-governmental organizations with long-term experience in drug addiction, so as to find out first hand, in addition to their writings, the different meanings they find in the performance of their specific practice (micro) as well as the framework within which their practice is defined and materialised (macro) on a population defined or characterised by (drug) addiction...


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This thesis studies the rural collective action processes between 1920 and 1965 in Ecuador with a social history and political sociology approach. An approximation is carried out towards the conflicts, mobilizations and protests where indigenous and not indigenous peasants participated. Because of this, they are considered two periods, the first one that last from 1931 to 1947, sealed by the political instability and a constant change of governments; and the second one between 1948 and 1965, in a phase of successive constitutionally governments that ruled between 1948 and 1960. The conflicts and rural mobilizations reached a major visibility since 1958, deeply affecting the public opinion. The importance and magnitude of the rural mobilizations between 1959 and 1963 generated a controversy on their political effects in the agrarian change. Certainly, the rural mobilizations influenced in the outcome that took the political crisis, which concluded in the implantation of a military government in 1963. This government issued an Agrarian Reform Law in 1964, which modified partially the working relations and the land ownership. And, in addition, it defined a new type of military intervention in the policies that combined repression with reforms. The existence of a landowner social segment that backed a reform in the rural highland (sierra) society has been generally identified by Galo Plaza's figure. In his government (1948-1952), transformations were accentuated in the State intervention, mainly orientated towards the economic and political modernization. This was a new moment of coastal agro-exportation development with the leadership of the banana production. There were stimulated measures of promotion of the production and exportation of bananas. So, the road infrastructure was intensively spread and connected the producing zones with the export ports...


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In the context of real-valued functions defined on metric spaces, it is known that the locally Lipschitz functions are uniformly dense in the continuous functions and that the Lipschitz in the small functions - the locally Lipschitz functions where both the local Lipschitz constant and the size of the neighborhood can be chosen independent of the point - are uniformly dense in the uniformly continuous functions. Between these two basic classes of continuous functions lies the class of Cauchy continuous functions, i.e., the functions that map Cauchy sequences in the domain to Cauchy sequences in the target space. Here, we exhibit an intermediate class of Cauchy continuous locally Lipschitz functions that is uniformly dense in the real-valued Cauchy continuous functions. In fact, our result is valid when our target space is an arbitrary Banach space.


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Esta investigación estudia la influencia de la comprensión de la aproximación a un número y de los modos de representación en la construcción de la concepción dinámica del límite en estudiantes de Bachillerato. El análisis de realizó usando el análisis implicativo (Gras, Suzuki, Guillet y Spagnolo, 2008). Los resultados indican que la construcción paulatina de la concepción dinámica del límite se realiza mediante procesos diferenciados de aproximación en el dominio y en el rango, y, dentro de estos últimos, aquellos en los que las aproximaciones laterales coinciden de las que no coinciden. Además, nuestros resultados indican que el modo numérico o el modo algebraico-numérico desempeñan un papel relevante en el desarrollo de la comprensión de la concepción dinámica de límite.


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La incorporación de la perspectiva de género al planeamiento es una obligación de las administraciones públicas españolas, nacionales, autonómicas y locales. El ayuntamiento de Albacete y la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla La Mancha, en cumplimiento de estos preceptos y en ocasión de la revisión del Plan General de Ordenación Urbana, encargan a la autora del presente artículo la dirección de los equipos de trabajo para la gestión de la participación ciudadana, que se sitúa en la base misma de la consecución de los objetivos propuestos. El trabajo presentado se centra en la experiencia metodológica de la participación in situ, en la investigación que la sustentó y en las innovaciones que aporta. Se exponen los mecanismos e instrumentos habilitados para la participación que, habida cuenta de la casi total ausencia de referencias en España, constituyen una primera aproximación de posibles buenas prácticas a aplicar en otros proyectos similares.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es caracterizar la flexibilidad, entendida como habilidad para modificar la estrategia de resolución de un problema cuando se modifica la demanda de la tarea, de estudiantes de educación secundaria (12-16 años) en problemas de reconocimiento de patrones con varios apartados. Se utiliza una metodología de tipo cualitativo analizando las respuestas de los estudiantes en base a dos criterios: corrección de las respuestas y estrategias de resolución, y agrupando las que presentan características semejantes. Los resultados indican tres perfiles de estudiantes en relación a la flexibilidad en el uso de estrategias y el éxito alcanzado. El primero agrupa a los estudiantes que usan sólo la estrategia recursiva; la mayor parte de ellos se bloquea al aumentar la demanda cognitiva de la tarea; predominan los estudiantes de 12-13 años. El segundo perfil corresponde a los que cambian de una estrategia recursiva a una aproximación proporcional dando un resultado incorrecto; es más frecuente en los estudiantes de 13-14 años. Finalmente, el tercer perfil agrupa a los estudiantes que al aumentar la demanda cognitiva de la tarea cambian con éxito de una estrategia recursiva a una funcional; su frecuencia aumenta con la edad. Se concluye que la flexibilidad necesaria para identificar patrones cuando se incrementa la demanda de la tarea está relacionada con los conocimientos de los estudiantes y con el control y la regulación del proceso de resolución. Por otra parte, los estudiantes más jóvenes manifestaron menor grado de flexibilidad que los más mayores.


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Reconocido como una de las figuras clave en la difusión de la inoculación contra la viruela en España, el médico de origen irlandés Timoteo O'Scanlan dejó publicadas 3 obras y numerosos artículos de prensa en los que plasmó su pericia e interés por una práctica que se inició de forma tardía en nuestro país. Aceptado como miembro de la Real Academia Médica de Madrid en noviembre de 1778, leyó su discurso de ingreso en abril de 1779. El texto, que constituye la primera aproximación de O'Scanlan a la inoculación, que venía practicando con éxito desde 1771, fue incluido con algunas modificaciones y sin citar la fecha de redacción en la introducción de su primera obra, Práctica moderna de la inoculación (1784). El manuscrito se encuentra en el Archivo del Conde de Campomanes (Fundación Universitaria Española, Madrid).


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We address the optimization of discrete-continuous dynamic optimization problems using a disjunctive multistage modeling framework, with implicit discontinuities, which increases the problem complexity since the number of continuous phases and discrete events is not known a-priori. After setting a fixed alternative sequence of modes, we convert the infinite-dimensional continuous mixed-logic dynamic (MLDO) problem into a finite dimensional discretized GDP problem by orthogonal collocation on finite elements. We use the Logic-based Outer Approximation algorithm to fully exploit the structure of the GDP representation of the problem. This modelling framework is illustrated with an optimization problem with implicit discontinuities (diver problem).


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We present an extension of the logic outer-approximation algorithm for dealing with disjunctive discrete-continuous optimal control problems whose dynamic behavior is modeled in terms of differential-algebraic equations. Although the proposed algorithm can be applied to a wide variety of discrete-continuous optimal control problems, we are mainly interested in problems where disjunctions are also present. Disjunctions are included to take into account only certain parts of the underlying model which become relevant under some processing conditions. By doing so the numerical robustness of the optimization algorithm improves since those parts of the model that are not active are discarded leading to a reduced size problem and avoiding potential model singularities. We test the proposed algorithm using three examples of different complex dynamic behavior. In all the case studies the number of iterations and the computational effort required to obtain the optimal solutions is modest and the solutions are relatively easy to find.


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El objetivo de este estudio es identificar perfiles de estudiantes en la forma en que aproximan el área de la superficie bajo una curva. Los estudiantes participaron en un experimento de enseñanza dirigido a la construcción del concepto de integral definida partiendo de la idea de aproximación al área de una superficie. Las tareas fueron diseñadas atendiendo a una trayectoria hipotética de aprendizaje considerando las fases de construcción de un concepto apoyadas en la abstracción reflexiva. El análisis de las respuestas, teniendo en cuenta los distintos momentos del proceso de abstracción reflexiva, permitió identificar tres perfiles en la comprensión de la aproximación al área de una superficie bajo una curva.


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Very often the experimental data are the realization of the process, fully determined by some unknown function, being distorted by hindrances. Treatment and experimental data analysis are substantially facilitated, if these data to represent as analytical expression. The experimental data processing algorithm and the example of using this algorithm for spectrographic analysis of oncologic preparations of blood is represented in this article.


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This paper is sponsored by the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Bulgaria in the framework of project No 105 “Multimedia Packet Switching Networks Planning with Quality of Service and Traffic Management”.