189 resultados para 10Be


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Radiocarbon ages on CaCO3 from deep-sea cores offer constraints on the nature of the CaCO3 dissolution process. The idea is that the toll taken by dissolution on grains within the core top bioturbation zone should be in proportion to their time of residence in this zone. If so, dissolution would shift the mass distribution in favor of younger grains, thereby reducing the mean radiocarbon age for the grain ensemble. We have searched in vain for evidence supporting the existence of such an age reduction. Instead, we find that for water depths of more than 4 km in the tropical Pacific the radiocarbon age increases with the extent of dissolution. We can find no satisfactory steady state explanation and are forced to conclude that this increase must be the result of chemical erosion. The idea is that during the Holocene the rate of dissolution of CaCO3 has exceeded the rain rate of CaCO3. In this circumstance, bioturbation exhumes CaCO3 from the underlying glacial sediment and mixes it with CaCO3 raining from the sea surface.


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We present a high-resolution 10Be profile from deep sea sediments (sampled from Hole 502B in the Caribbean sea) that strongly resembles the 10Be record in ice core profiles, particularly the Vostok core from Antarctica. This high-resolution profile revealed occurrences of enhanced 10Be concentrations at about 23-24, 37-39 and 60-65 ka. The excellent match between these peaks appearing in a georeservoir profile other than in polar ice, strengthens the implications that can be inferred from 10Be and provide global markers for chronological correlation of climatic events. The position at low latitude of the studied sediment section is, unlike the case with the high latitude polar regions, excellent for exposing causes of modulation in 10Be production. We interpret the source of the pattern and enhancements, particularly the 37-39 ka peak, of 10Be to be global and do not strictly relate to climatic conditions and/or production rates specific to the polar regions.


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Hydrogenetic ferromanganese crusts were dredged from four seamounts in the western Pacific, OSM7, OSM2, Lomilik, and Lemkein, aligned in a NW-SE direction parallel to Pacific Plate movement. The crusts consist of four well-defined layers with distinct textural and geochemical properties. The topmost layer 1 is relatively enriched in Mn, Co, Ni, and Mo compared to the underlying layer 2, which is relatively enriched in Al, Ti, K, and Rb and Cu, Zn, and excess Ba. Textural and geochemical properties of layer 2 suggest growth conditions under high biogenic and detrital flux. Such conditions are met in the equatorial Pacific (i.e., between the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) and equatorial high-productivity zone). Layer 2 likely formed when each seamount was beneath the equatorial Pacific along its back track path. On the other hand, layer 1 probably started to grow after seamounts moved northwest from the ITCZ. This interpretation is consistent with the thickness of layer 1 across the four crusts, which increases to the northwest. Ages of the layer 1-layer 2 boundary in each crust, a potential proxy for northern margin of the ITCZ, also increase to the northwest at 17, 11, 8, and 5 Ma for OSM7, OSM2, Lomilik, and Lemkein, respectively. Assuming Pacific Plate motion of 0.3°/Myr, the seamounts were located at 12°N, 11°N, 9°N, and 8°N at the time of boundary formation. This result suggests that the north edge of the ITCZ has shifted south since the middle Miocene in the western Pacific, which agrees with information from the eastern Pacific.


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Subduction zone magmatism is an important and extensively studied topic in igneous geochemistry. Recent studies focus on from where arc magmas are generated, how subduction components (fluids or melts) are fluxed into the source of the magmas, and whether or how the subduction components affect partial melting processes beneath volcanic arcs at convergent boundaries. ^ At 39.5°S in the Central Southern Volcanic Zone of the Andes, Volcano Villarrica is surrounded by a suite of Small Eruptive Centers (SEC). The SECs are located mostly to the east and northeast of the stratovolcano and aligned along the Liquine-Ofqui Fault Zone, the major fracture system in this area. Former studies observed the geochemical patterns of the SECs differ distinctively from those of V. Villarrica and suggested there may be a relationship between the compositions of the volcanic units and their edifice sizes. This work is a comprehensive geochemical study on the SECs near V. Villarrica, using a variety of geochemical tracers and tools including major, trace and REE elements, Li-Be-B elements, Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes and short-lived isotopes such as U-series and 10Be. In this work, systematic differences between the elemental and isotopic compositions of the SECs and those of V. Villarrica are revealed and more importantly, modeled in terms of magmatic processes occurring at continental arc margins. Detailed modeling calculations in this work reconstruct chemical compositions of the primary magmas, source compositions, compositions and percentages of different subduction endmembers mixed into the source, degrees of partial melting and different time scales of the SECs and V. Villarrica, respectively. Geochemical characteristics and possible origins of the two special SECs—andesitic Llizan, with crustal signatures, and Rucapillan, to the northwest toward the trench, are also discussed in this work. ^


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A high-resolution multiparameter stratigraphy allows the identification of late Quaternary glacial and interglacial cycles in a central Arctic Ocean sediment core. Distinct sandy layers in the upper part of the otherwise fine-grained sediment core from the Lomonosov Ridge (lat 87.5°N) correlate to four major glacials since ca. 0.7 Ma. The composition of these ice-rafted terrigenous sediments points to a glaciated northern Siberia as the main source. In contrast, lithic carbonates derived from North America are also present in older sediments and indicate a northern North American glaciation since at least 2.8 Ma. We conclude that large-scale northern Siberian glaciation began much later than other Northern Hemisphere ice sheets.


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Be and Nd isotope compositions and metal concentrations (Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu) of surface and subsurface ferromanganese hardground crusts from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 194 Marion Plateau Sites 1194 and 1196 provide new insights into the crusts' genesis, growth rates, and ages. Metal compositions indicate that the hardgrounds, which have grown on erosional surfaces in water depths of <400 m because of strong bottom currents, are not pure hydrogenetic precipitates. Nevertheless, the ratios between cosmogenic 10Be and stable 9Be in hardgrounds from the present-day seafloor at Site 1196 between 1 x 10**-7 and 1.5 x 10**-7 are within the range of values expected for Pacific seawater, which shows that the hardgrounds recorded the isotope composition of ambient seawater. This is also confirmed by their Nd isotope composition (epsilon Nd between -3 and 0). The 10Be/9Be ratios in the up to 30-mm-thick and partly laminated hardgrounds do not show a decrease with depth, which suggests high growth rates on the present-day seafloor. The subsurface crust at Site 1194 (117 m below the seafloor) grew during a sedimentation hiatus, when bottom currents in the late Miocene prevented sediment accumulation on the carbonate platform during a sea level lowstand. The age of 8.65 ± 0.50 Ma for this crust obtained from 10Be-based dating agrees well with the combined seismostratigraphic and biostratigraphic evidence, which suggests an age for the hiatus between 7.7 and 11.8 Ma.


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Increases in the production rate of cosmogenic radionuclides associated with geomagnetic excursions have been used as global tie-points for correlation between records of past climate from marine and terrestrial archives. We have investigated the relative timing of variations in 10Be production rate and the corresponding palaeomagnetic signal during one of the largest Pleistocene excursions, the Iceland Basin (IB) event (ca. 190 kyr), as recorded in two marine sediment cores (ODP Sites 1063 and 983) with high sedimentation rates. Variations in 10Be production rate during the excursion were estimated by use of 230Thxs normalized 10Be deposition rates and authigenic 10Be/9Be. Resulting 10Be production rates are compared with high-resolution records of geomagnetic field behaviour acquired from the same discrete samples. We find no evidence for a significant lock-in depth of the palaeomagnetic signal in these high sedimentation-rate cores. Apparent lock-in depths in other cores may sometimes be the result of lower sample resolution. Our results also indicate that the period of increased 10Be production during the IB excursion lasted longer and, most likely, started earlier than the corresponding palaeomagnetic anomaly, in accordance with previous observations that polarity transitions occur after periods of reduced geomagnetic field intensity prior to the transition. The lack of evidence in this study for a significant palaeomagnetic lock-in depth suggests that there is no systematic offset between the 10Be signal and palaeomagnetic anomalies associated with excursions and reversals, with significance for the global correlation of climate records from different archives.


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High resolution 230Thex and 10Be and biogenic barium profiles were measured at three sediment gravity cores (length 605-850 cm) from the Weddell Sea continental margin. Applying the 230Thex dating method, average sedimentation rates of 3 cm/kyr for the two cores from the South Orkney Slope and of 2.4 cm/kyr for the core from the eastern Weddell Sea were determined and compared to delta18O and lithostratigraphic results. Strong variations in the radionuclide concentrations in the sediments resembling the glacial/interglacial pattern of the delta18O stratigraphy and the 10Be stratigraphy of high northern latitudes were used for establishing a chronostratigraphy. Biogenic Ba shows a pattern similar to the radionuclide profiles, suggesting that both records were influenced by increased paleoproductivity at the beginning of the interglacials. However, 230Thex0 fluxes (0 stands for initial) exceeding production by up to a factor of 4 suggest that sediment redistribution processes, linked to variations in bottom water current velocity, played the major role in controlling the radionuclide and biogenic barium deposition during isotope stages 5e and 1. The correction for sediment focusing makes the 'true' vertical paleoproductivity rates, deduced from the fluxes of proxy tracers like biogenic barium, much lower than previously estimated. Very low 230Thex0 concentrations and fluxes during isotope stage 6 were probably caused by rapid deposition of older, resedimented material, delivered to the Weddell Sea continental slopes by the grounded ice shelves and contemporaneous erosion of particles originating from the water column.


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At four sites in the central equatorial Pacific Ocean the flux of extraterrestrial 3He, determined using the excess 230Th profiling method, is 8 * 10**-13 cm**3 STP/cm**2/ka. This supply rate is constant to within 30%. At these same sites, however, the burial rate of 3He, determined using chronostratigraphic accumulation rates, varies by more than a factor of 3. The lowest burial rates, which occur north of the equator at 1°N, 139°W are lower than the global average rate of supply of extraterrestrial 3He by 20% and indicate that sediment winnowing may have occurred. The highest burial rates, which are recorded at the equator and at 2°S, are higher than the rate of supply of extraterrestrial 3He by 100%, and these provide evidence for sediment focusing. By analyzing several proxies measured in core PC72 sediments spanning the past 450 kyr we demonstrate that periods of maximum burial rates of 230Th, 3He, 10Be, Ti, and barite, with a maximum peak-to-trough amplitude of a factor of 6, take place systematically during glacial time. However, the ratio of any one proxy to another is constant to within 30% over the entire length of the records. Given that each proxy represents a different source (234U decay in seawater, interplanetary dust, upper atmosphere, continental dust, or upper ocean), our preferred interpretation for the covariation is that the climate-related changes in burial rates are driven by changes in sediment focusing.


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A high resolution study of authigenic Be isotopes (10Be and 9Be) combined with continuous relative paleointensity records has been performed along the same marine sedimentary sequences from the Portuguese margin (NE Atlantic) covering the past 300 kyr in order to assess relationships between geomagnetic moment variations and 10Be production rate variations. A careful examination of the various ways of taking into account environmental disturbing effects on the authigenic 10Be concentration leads to the conclusion that the most reliable proxy of cosmonuclide production rates is presently the authigenic 10Be/9Be ratio. Eight intervals of significant authigenic 10Be/9Be enhancement evidence geomagnetic moment drops related to global paleomagnetic excursions, some being already admitted, others being proposed as new geomagnetic features. Since, unlike sedimentary magnetic remanence, the authigenic 10Be/9Be records dipole moment variations without significant acquisition delay, it provides better constraints on their timing. Comparison of 10Be/9Be and benthic delta18O records from the same cores suggests that dipole moment lows preferentially occurred during or at the end of interglacial episodes, with a quasi-period of 100 kyr.


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The reliability of paleomagnetic records as proxies of the geomagnetic field intensity is still a matter of controversy since volcanic materials hardly provide continuous records, and marine sediments are suspected to carry a remanence biased by post-depositional realignments and/or by overprints. Such long standing debate emphasizes the need for the development of methods independent from paleomagnetism to decipher geomagnetic intensity variations. High resolution measurements of authigenic 10Be/9Be along with a detailed sedimentary record of directional and relative paleointensity variations evidence, over the 0.6-1.3 Ma time interval, frequent and recurrent excursions or short events in the late Matuyama and the early Brunhes epochs, among which two Brunhes-Matuyama reversal precursors and an intra-Jaramillo excursion. The results of this study confirm the idea of a highly unstable geomagnetic field as suggested by paleomagnetic evidences.