A high-resolution sedimentology and age determination of core PS2185 from the central Arctic Ocean

Autoria(s): Spielhagen, Robert F; Bonani, Georges; Eisenhauer, Anton; Frank, Martin; Frederichs, Thomas; Kassens, Heidemarie; Kubik, Peter W; Mangini, Augusto; Nørgaard-Pedersen, Niels; Nowaczyk, Norbert R; Schäper, Stefan; Stein, Ruediger; Thiede, Jörn; Tiedemann, Ralf; Wahsner, Monika

LATITUDE: 87.529300 * LONGITUDE: 144.166200 * DATE/TIME START: 1991-09-02T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1991-09-02T00:00:00




A high-resolution multiparameter stratigraphy allows the identification of late Quaternary glacial and interglacial cycles in a central Arctic Ocean sediment core. Distinct sandy layers in the upper part of the otherwise fine-grained sediment core from the Lomonosov Ridge (lat 87.5°N) correlate to four major glacials since ca. 0.7 Ma. The composition of these ice-rafted terrigenous sediments points to a glaciated northern Siberia as the main source. In contrast, lithic carbonates derived from North America are also present in older sediments and indicate a northern North American glaciation since at least 2.8 Ma. We conclude that large-scale northern Siberian glaciation began much later than other Northern Hemisphere ice sheets.


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Supplement to: Spielhagen, Robert F; Bonani, Georges; Eisenhauer, Anton; Frank, Martin; Frederichs, Thomas; Kassens, Heidemarie; Kubik, Peter W; Mangini, Augusto; Nørgaard-Pedersen, Niels; Nowaczyk, Norbert R; Schäper, Stefan; Stein, Ruediger; Thiede, Jörn; Tiedemann, Ralf; Wahsner, Monika (1997): Arctic Ocean evidence for late Quaternary initiation of northern Eurasian ice sheets. Geology, 25(9), 783-786, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(1997)025<0783:AOEFLQ>2.3.CO;2

Palavras-Chave #>500 µm; >63 µm; 10Be; 10Be std dev; 1 sigma, BP; Age; AGE; Age, 14C AMS; Age, comment; Age, dated; Age, dated standard deviation; Age dated; Age model; Age model, composite; Age std dev; ARK-VIII/3; AWI_Paleo; Beryllium 10; Beryllium 10, standard deviation; BP; Carb; Carb detr; Carbonate, detritic/terrigenic; Carbonates; Chl; Chlorite; Comm; Counting 125-500 µm fraction; Depth; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; Depth bot; Depth top; Event; Foraminifera, planktic indeterminata; Foram plankt indet; GEOMAR; Giant box corer; GIK/IfG; GKG; Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel; Ice rafted debris, general; Ill; Illite; Incl (NRM); Institute for Geosciences, Christian Albrechts University, Kiel; IRD; KAL; Kaolinite; Kasten corer; Kln; Lab no; Lomonosov Ridge, Arctic Ocean; NRM, Inclination; Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions from Marine Sediments @ AWI; Polarstern; PS19/186; PS19 ARCTIC91; PS2185-3; PS2185-6; Quaternary Environment of the Eurasian North; QUEEN; Sample, optional label/labor no; Single sample demagnetization; Size fraction > 0.063 mm, sand; Size fraction > 0.500 mm, gravel; Sme; Smectite; total IRD as # grains >500 µm; X-ray diffraction TEXTUR, clay fraction
