998 resultados para virtudes artificiais
Os escoamentos no interior de zonas urbanas, apresentam grande heterogeneidade, pelo que a sua caracterização, requer uma formulação que incorpore explicitamente essa variabilidade espacial. A caracterização, simulação (à escala) e modelação do escoamento em canais artificiais e a aplicação a um caso de estudo, no Laboratório de Hidráulica da UMa, representa o cerne desta dissertação. Os objetivos principais desta dissertação são: a caracterização e desenvolvimento de ferramentas de simulação do comportamento do escoamento em canais artificiais, no caso de uma variação súbita dos caudais afluentes, mecanismos de prevenção de cheia; o desenvolvimento de um modelo de simulação hidrodinâmico, considerando os escoamentos variáveis em superfície livre no caso de situações de cheia, na simulação entre as condições variáveis das afluências, das condições hidromorfológicas do canal e da instalação e operação dos sistemas e regulação dos escoamentos; e ainda a análise da viabilidade da simulação (modelo) na gestão e prevenção de cheias em canais artificiais. Numa primeira instância, procede-se à recolha de toda a informação bibliográfica disponível. Com recurso aos modelos digitais do terreno e ao programa ArcGis, é efetuada toda uma exaustiva caracterização da bacia hidrográfica, relativa ao caso de estudo (canal artificial), a partir da qual foi possível obter os dados inerentes às características geométricas, características de relevo e características de drenagem. Segue-se a análise da precipitação com recurso a folhas de cálculo e dados fornecidos pelas instituições pertinentes, de forma a obter valores de precipitação média diária e anual para aplicação de fórmulas, tanto para calcular valores de tempo de concentração, bem como caudais. O próximo passo é selecionar os troços relevantes do canal em estudo e com recurso ao equipamento disponível no Laboratório de Hidráulica da UMa, à folha de cálculo programada e ao programa HEC-RAS procede-se à simulação/modelação/análise desses troços, comparando o resultado/comportamento simulado, com o expectável e entre os vários métodos. Por fim, são expostas as conclusões, bem como algumas considerações finais e uma listagem de objetivos a manter ou alcançar nos próximos anos, onde se incluem, ações prioritárias e recomendações visando, não só melhorar o processo de caracterização do escoamento em canais artificiais, bem como simplificar a prevenção e gestão de cheias.
Forecast is the basis for making strategic, tactical and operational business decisions. In financial economics, several techniques have been used to predict the behavior of assets over the past decades.Thus, there are several methods to assist in the task of time series forecasting, however, conventional modeling techniques such as statistical models and those based on theoretical mathematical models have produced unsatisfactory predictions, increasing the number of studies in more advanced methods of prediction. Among these, the Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are a relatively new and promising method for predicting business that shows a technique that has caused much interest in the financial environment and has been used successfully in a wide variety of financial modeling systems applications, in many cases proving its superiority over the statistical models ARIMA-GARCH. In this context, this study aimed to examine whether the ANNs are a more appropriate method for predicting the behavior of Indices in Capital Markets than the traditional methods of time series analysis. For this purpose we developed an quantitative study, from financial economic indices, and developed two models of RNA-type feedfoward supervised learning, whose structures consisted of 20 data in the input layer, 90 neurons in one hidden layer and one given as the output layer (Ibovespa). These models used backpropagation, an input activation function based on the tangent sigmoid and a linear output function. Since the aim of analyzing the adherence of the Method of Artificial Neural Networks to carry out predictions of the Ibovespa, we chose to perform this analysis by comparing results between this and Time Series Predictive Model GARCH, developing a GARCH model (1.1).Once applied both methods (ANN and GARCH) we conducted the results' analysis by comparing the results of the forecast with the historical data and by studying the forecast errors by the MSE, RMSE, MAE, Standard Deviation, the Theil's U and forecasting encompassing tests. It was found that the models developed by means of ANNs had lower MSE, RMSE and MAE than the GARCH (1,1) model and Theil U test indicated that the three models have smaller errors than those of a naïve forecast. Although the ANN based on returns have lower precision indicator values than those of ANN based on prices, the forecast encompassing test rejected the hypothesis that this model is better than that, indicating that the ANN models have a similar level of accuracy . It was concluded that for the data series studied the ANN models show a more appropriate Ibovespa forecasting than the traditional models of time series, represented by the GARCH model
Artificial lakes must differ from natural lakes in important structural and functional aspects that need to be understood so that these ecosystems can be properly managed. The aim of this work was to test the hypothesis that the artificial lakes (impoundments) in the semi-arid region of the Rio Grande do Norte State are more eutrophic and turbid and have different trophic structure when compared to the natural coastal lakes that occur in the humid eastern coast of the State. To test this hypothesis, 10 natural lakes and 8 artificial lakes with about 100 ha were sampled between September and November 2005 for the determination of some limnological variables and the abundance of the main fish species, which were grouped in three trophic guilds: facultative piscivores, facultative planktivores and omnivores. The results show that the artificial lakes had significantly higher concentrations of total nitrogen, total phosphorus, chlorophyll a , total and volatile suspended solids than the natural lakes. Results also show that the values of pH, total alkalinity, electric conductivity, turbidity as well as the coefficient of vertical attenuation of light were significantly higher in the artificial lakes than in the natural lakes. In the artificial lakes, the abundance of facultative planktivores was significantly higher, while the abundance of facultative piscivores significantly lower than in the natural lakes. There was no significant difference in the abundance of omnivorous fish between the two types of lakes. These results suggest that the increase in turbidity together with the other changes in the water quality of the artificial lakes, modifies the trophic structure of the fish communities reducing the importance of piscivores and the length of the food chains
This work aims to obtain a low-cost virtual sensor to estimate the quality of LPG. For the acquisition of data from a distillation tower, software HYSYS ® was used to simulate chemical processes. These data will be used for training and validation of an Artificial Neural Network (ANN). This network will aim to estimate from available simulated variables such as temperature, pressure and discharge flow of a distillation tower, the mole fraction of pentane present in LPG. Thus, allowing a better control of product quality
In this paper artificial neural network (ANN) based on supervised and unsupervised algorithms were investigated for use in the study of rheological parameters of solid pharmaceutical excipients, in order to develop computational tools for manufacturing solid dosage forms. Among four supervised neural networks investigated, the best learning performance was achieved by a feedfoward multilayer perceptron whose architectures was composed by eight neurons in the input layer, sixteen neurons in the hidden layer and one neuron in the output layer. Learning and predictive performance relative to repose angle was poor while to Carr index and Hausner ratio (CI and HR, respectively) showed very good fitting capacity and learning, therefore HR and CI were considered suitable descriptors for the next stage of development of supervised ANNs. Clustering capacity was evaluated for five unsupervised strategies. Network based on purely unsupervised competitive strategies, classic "Winner-Take-All", "Frequency-Sensitive Competitive Learning" and "Rival-Penalize Competitive Learning" (WTA, FSCL and RPCL, respectively) were able to perform clustering from database, however this classification was very poor, showing severe classification errors by grouping data with conflicting properties into the same cluster or even the same neuron. On the other hand it could not be established what was the criteria adopted by the neural network for those clustering. Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) and Neural Gas (NG) networks showed better clustering capacity. Both have recognized the two major groupings of data corresponding to lactose (LAC) and cellulose (CEL). However, SOM showed some errors in classify data from minority excipients, magnesium stearate (EMG) , talc (TLC) and attapulgite (ATP). NG network in turn performed a very consistent classification of data and solve the misclassification of SOM, being the most appropriate network for classifying data of the study. The use of NG network in pharmaceutical technology was still unpublished. NG therefore has great potential for use in the development of software for use in automated classification systems of pharmaceutical powders and as a new tool for mining and clustering data in drug development
It was studied the incorporation or not of shredded stems of sugarcane varieties to artificial diets and their effect in the biology of Diatraea saccharalis (Fabr., 1794) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) under laboratory conditions. The experiment was carried out at the Department of Plant Protection of FCAV-UNESP, Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brazil, in 2007, using diets with different amounts of their components (100, 75, 25 e 25% of concentration of the standard diet). The experiment had a complete randomized design in a 4x3 factorial scheme, using 4 concentrations of diets and three treatments, in a total of 12, with 6 replications. The larval, pupal an total periods and viability were evaluated, as well as the larval weight at 15 days, the pupal weight after 24 hours and the longevity of adults without feeding. The diet with 25% concentration of the components compared to the standard diet had a negative effect in the development of D. saccharlis larvae. Shredded dry stalks incorporated or not to the diet affected only the larval and pupal weight whereas the larval weight was more affected when the resistant (RB83-5486) and susceptible (SP80-3280) varieties due to the use of diet with 50% of its components. The diet with 100% concentration of its components are more favorable to the development of D. saccharalis, with 25% while that is less favorable. The diet with 100% concentration of the components associated with the presence of SP80-3280 (susceptible) stem variety provides greater larval weight. The weights of larvae and pupae of insects are negatively affected when RB83-5486 (resistant) shredded dry stem variety is incorporated into the diet. regarding to larval weight the diet with 50% of the concentration of its components provides better discrimination between genotypes resistant and susceptible to sugarcane borer.
The bidimensional periodic structures called frequency selective surfaces have been well investigated because of their filtering properties. Similar to the filters that work at the traditional radiofrequency band, such structures can behave as band-stop or pass-band filters, depending on the elements of the array (patch or aperture, respectively) and can be used for a variety of applications, such as: radomes, dichroic reflectors, waveguide filters, artificial magnetic conductors, microwave absorbers etc. To provide high-performance filtering properties at microwave bands, electromagnetic engineers have investigated various types of periodic structures: reconfigurable frequency selective screens, multilayered selective filters, as well as periodic arrays printed on anisotropic dielectric substrates and composed by fractal elements. In general, there is no closed form solution directly from a given desired frequency response to a corresponding device; thus, the analysis of its scattering characteristics requires the application of rigorous full-wave techniques. Besides that, due to the computational complexity of using a full-wave simulator to evaluate the frequency selective surface scattering variables, many electromagnetic engineers still use trial-and-error process until to achieve a given design criterion. As this procedure is very laborious and human dependent, optimization techniques are required to design practical periodic structures with desired filter specifications. Some authors have been employed neural networks and natural optimization algorithms, such as the genetic algorithms and the particle swarm optimization for the frequency selective surface design and optimization. This work has as objective the accomplishment of a rigorous study about the electromagnetic behavior of the periodic structures, enabling the design of efficient devices applied to microwave band. For this, artificial neural networks are used together with natural optimization techniques, allowing the accurate and efficient investigation of various types of frequency selective surfaces, in a simple and fast manner, becoming a powerful tool for the design and optimization of such structures
A new method to perform TCP/IP fingerprinting is proposed. TCP/IP fingerprinting is the process of identify a remote machine through a TCP/IP based computer network. This method has many applications related to network security. Both intrusion and defence procedures may use this process to achieve their objectives. There are many known methods that perform this process in favorable conditions. However, nowadays there are many adversities that reduce the identification performance. This work aims the creation of a new OS fingerprinting tool that bypass these actual problems. The proposed method is based on the use of attractors reconstruction and neural networks to characterize and classify pseudo-random numbers generators
Nowadays, where the market competition requires products with better quality and a constant search for cost savings and a better use of raw materials, the research for more efficient control strategies becomes vital. In Natural Gas Processin Units (NGPUs), as in the most chemical processes, the quality control is accomplished through their products composition. However, the chemical composition analysis has a long measurement time, even when performed by instruments such as gas chromatographs. This fact hinders the development of control strategies to provide a better process yield. The natural gas processing is one of the most important activities in the petroleum industry. The main economic product of a NGPU is the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). The LPG is ideally composed by propane and butane, however, in practice, its composition has some contaminants, such as ethane and pentane. In this work is proposed an inferential system using neural networks to estimate the ethane and pentane mole fractions in LPG and the propane mole fraction in residual gas. The goal is to provide the values of these estimated variables in every minute using a single multilayer neural network, making it possibly to apply inferential control techniques in order to monitor the LPG quality and to reduce the propane loss in the process. To develop this work a NGPU was simulated in HYSYS R software, composed by two distillation collumns: deethanizer and debutanizer. The inference is performed through the process variables of the PID controllers present in the instrumentation of these columns. To reduce the complexity of the inferential neural network is used the statistical technique of principal component analysis to decrease the number of network inputs, thus forming a hybrid inferential system. It is also proposed in this work a simple strategy to correct the inferential system in real-time, based on measurements of the chromatographs which may exist in process under study
This work proposes hardware architecture, VHDL described, developed to embedded Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP). The present work idealizes that, in this architecture, ANN applications could easily embed several different topologies of MLP network industrial field. The MLP topology in which the architecture can be configured is defined by a simple and specifically data input (instructions) that determines the layers and Perceptron quantity of the network. In order to set several MLP topologies, many components (datapath) and a controller were developed to execute these instructions. Thus, an user defines a group of previously known instructions which determine ANN characteristics. The system will guarantee the MLP execution through the neural processors (Perceptrons), the components of datapath and the controller that were developed. In other way, the biases and the weights must be static, the ANN that will be embedded must had been trained previously, in off-line way. The knowledge of system internal characteristics and the VHDL language by the user are not needed. The reconfigurable FPGA device was used to implement, simulate and test all the system, allowing application in several real daily problems
In a real process, all used resources, whether physical or developed in software, are subject to interruptions or operational commitments. However, in situations in which operate critical systems, any kind of problem may bring big consequences. Knowing this, this paper aims to develop a system capable to detect the presence and indicate the types of failures that may occur in a process. For implementing and testing the proposed methodology, a coupled tank system was used as a study model case. The system should be developed to generate a set of signals that notify the process operator and that may be post-processed, enabling changes in control strategy or control parameters. Due to the damage risks involved with sensors, actuators and amplifiers of the real plant, the data set of the faults will be computationally generated and the results collected from numerical simulations of the process model. The system will be composed by structures with Artificial Neural Networks, trained in offline mode using Matlab®
Conventional methods to solve the problem of blind source separation nonlinear, in general, using series of restrictions to obtain the solution, often leading to an imperfect separation of the original sources and high computational cost. In this paper, we propose an alternative measure of independence based on information theory and uses the tools of artificial intelligence to solve problems of blind source separation linear and nonlinear later. In the linear model applies genetic algorithms and Rényi of negentropy as a measure of independence to find a separation matrix from linear mixtures of signals using linear form of waves, audio and images. A comparison with two types of algorithms for Independent Component Analysis widespread in the literature. Subsequently, we use the same measure of independence, as the cost function in the genetic algorithm to recover source signals were mixed by nonlinear functions from an artificial neural network of radial base type. Genetic algorithms are powerful tools for global search, and therefore well suited for use in problems of blind source separation. Tests and analysis are through computer simulations
This dissertation contributes for the development of methodologies through feed forward artificial neural networks for microwave and optical devices modeling. A bibliographical revision on the applications of neuro-computational techniques in the areas of microwave/optical engineering was carried through. Characteristics of networks MLP, RBF and SFNN, as well as the strategies of supervised learning had been presented. Adjustment expressions of the networks free parameters above cited had been deduced from the gradient method. Conventional method EM-ANN was applied in the modeling of microwave passive devices and optical amplifiers. For this, they had been proposals modular configurations based in networks SFNN and RBF/MLP objectifying a bigger capacity of models generalization. As for the training of the used networks, the Rprop algorithm was applied. All the algorithms used in the attainment of the models of this dissertation had been implemented in Matlab
Industrial automation networks is in focus and is gradually replacing older architectures of systems used in automation world. Among existing automation networks, most prominent standard is the Foundation Fieldbus (FF). This particular standard was chosen for the development of this work thanks to its complete application layer specification and its user interface, organized as function blocks and that allows interoperability among different vendors' devices. Nowadays, one of most seeked solutions on industrial automation are the indirect measurements, that consist in infering a value from measures of other sensors. This can be made through implementation of the so-called software sensors. One of the most used tools in this project and in sensor implementation are artificial neural networks. The absence of a standard solution to implement neural networks in FF environment makes impossible the development of a field-indirect-measurement project, besides other projects involving neural networks, unless a closed proprietary solution is used, which dos not guarantee interoperability among network devices, specially if those are from different vendors. In order to keep the interoperability, this work's goal is develop a solution that implements artificial neural networks in Foundation Fieldbus industrial network environment, based on standard function blocks. Along the work, some results of the solution's implementation are also presented