998 resultados para segmento nodal
Turismo e Desporto são elementos fundamentais da cultura dos nossos dias e mostram uma influência muito específica no comportamento das sociedades atuais. Um dos tipos de turismo desportivo é o turismo ativo. Este tem sido um dos pontos de transformação no contexto do turismo, uma vez que mais do que sítios diferentes ou oportunidades de descanso, as pessoas viajam cada vez mais à procura de novas experiências, novas vivências associadas a diversas práticas ativas. Dando corpo ao turismo desportivo ativo, a modalidade que melhor o tem caracterizado é o golfe. O golfe têm-se pautado como um dos principais produtos mais conhecidos a nível mundial, sobretudo se associado ao turismo. O presente estudo decorre de um trabalho de campo, realizado na Região Autónoma da Madeira, cujo propósito passa por aferir a existência de um mercado específico de turismo de golfe. Como instrumento de pesquisa, utilizou-se o inquérito por questionário, aplicado numa amostra de 240 turistas. A inquirição decorreu nos três campos de golfe existentes no destino. Os objetivos do estudo incidem na caracterização do perfil do turista de golfe, em enumerar as motivações do mesmo para visitar o destino, na medição do seu grau de fidelização para com o destino, em identificar os clusters representativos do perfil do turista de golfe e em avaliar a experiência dos golfistas no destino. Os resultados indicaram que de facto existe um mercado específico de turismo de golfe, isto porque 60% dos praticantes de golfe turístico que visitam o destino são motivados em primeiro lugar pela possibilidade de praticar golfe. Concluiu-se também que este segmento apresenta dois clusters associados, o turista de golfe e o turista de beleza natural & golfe. São apresentadas ainda algumas sugestões de procedimentos, ao nível das administrações como também a nível científico.
The theme Corporate Social Responsibility is relatively recent both in the academic field and in the business practice. Because of the lack of socialization of experiences and precision of concepts, there are gaps regarding the understanding of the subject and, also, how to conduct operations. This study just seeks to investigate such matter, focusing applications of social responsibility in business. It takes, as empirical field, winners of the PSQT - SESI Prize of Quality at Work in Rio Grande do Norte (2002-2007) in order to systematize the various approaches on the issue, aiming to reveal subjective visions and perspectives of the theme. It is characterized as a qualitative study, carried out by structured interview. The universe was composed by 15 companies. It was used analysis of content categorical as an axis for the interpretation of the information. Three approaches guided the analysis: Business Ethics, (normative); Business & Society (contractual); Social Issues Management (strategic). The findings are related in three ways: 1) reasons for the CSR practice; 2) the results obtained; 3) the means of CSR. It was found that the award participation occurs, mostly, linked to SESI invitations, so, as an articulated movement of industrial corporations in Brazil it occurs, also, because of the organizational commitment with the society and the possibility of internal and social growths and because of the importance attributed to the report as an instrument of consultancy. There are no indicators to check impacts of organizational interventions, in spite of the existence of planning for the actions. Social responsibility appears as a tool to reinforce the organizational image and to increase satisfaction of the employees. There is a tendency of large and medium firms to a contractual commitment while the small and the micros firms are on strategic or normative level. The analysis of the perspectives of social responsibility future revealed trends towards for strategic approach
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are among the largest public health problems, especially in developing countries. The acquisition of these infections during early sexual activity is common and many infections have a benign course. However, in some pathogens remain in the state of latency can be reactivated and cause productive infection that may progress to severe forms. In addition, some of them are transmitted vertically resulting in congenital infection, causing immediate damage or long-term child. The classic risk factors for sexually transmitted agents are: early onset of sexual and reproductive health, multiple sexual partners throughout life, use of oral contraceptives and co-infections with different pathogens. We present the results of a cross-sectional study aimed to estimate the prevalence of genital infection by human papillomavirus (HPV), Herpes simplex virus (HSV) and Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) in a segment of the female population of the metropolitan area Christmas, among those who enrolled voluntarily sought, Basic Health Units for the examination of cancer screening cervix in the period 2008 to 2010. All participants, a total of 261 women answered a standard questionnaire by which identified the socio-demographic characteristics, classical risk factors for STDs, reproductive and sexual activity and smoking. Of each patient were obtained two samples, one for the completion of the Pap test for detection of cellular changes and the other processed for DNA extraction and analyzed by PCR (polymerase chain reaction) to detect the three pathogens studied. The population of the study was composed of sexually active women aged between 13 and 79 years, mean 38.7 years, most of them being married, low education levels and low incomes. The majority (87%) had normal results on cytology and only 2.7% had low-grade cytological abnormalities. Prevalence rates were 37.9% for HPV, 4.6% for CT and 26% for HSV. HPV prevalence was higher in women under 25, unmarried and in those who had multiple sexual partners. Women with simultaneous infection by HSV-1 and 2 had higher prevalence of HPV infection. The prevalence of HSV infection showed no association whatsoever with the risk factors analyzed and HSV-1 was the predominant type among the cases of genital HSV infection. The overall prevalence of C. Trachomatis was relatively low, thus providing greater value in younger women aged less than or equal to 20 years
This research proposed to question the development of what was defined as historical practices (commercial, social and political institutions), of the economic activity of the real estate brokerage in the Rio Grande do Norte from the progressive institutionalization of economic agents - individuals (realtors) and legal (real estate) - based on two main approaches: a) the development of economic activity as an integral segment of a fraction of capital (POULANTZAs, 1985; LESSA, 1981). This work set out from a socio-historical approach of the historical practices development the of real estate brokerage in Brazil started in the Southeast, especially in the cities of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo as a result of the "expansion of capitalist relations by the housing sector" (RIBEIRO , 1996). especially the real estate capital ; b) the historical development of relations between labor and capital within the activity, in other words, the development of the relationship between realtors and Real Estate in relation to "group of interests" and their "collective actions" (OFFE, 1984). These historical practices are defined in this research as: 1) mercantile practices, times when there was no distinction between the activity of real estate brokerage and other forms of mercantile capital; 2) social practices, which began in the 1930s, when agents of real estate are to be distinguished from each other within the activity through Taylorist division of labor between workers realtors and developers of real estate; 3) political and institutional practices, initiated in 1962, characterized by State action, in the individualization and distinction of the agents of real estate brokerage as socioprofessional category regulated throughout Brazil by Law 4.116/62 and 6.530/78. The results achieved by the present study showed that in Rio Grande do Norte, due to the specifics as to the peripheral processes of urbanization of the constitution of the land market, as well as the process of conservative modernization of the oligarchic State from the 1960s (CLEMENTINE, 1995; FERREIRA, 1996, 2010, TRINDADE, 2004), the State was led to the development of a late manifestation of the historical practices of real estate brokerage. In other words, it was a process in which historical practices, in particular social practices, not fully developed, mitigating, thus the perception of realtors from his position in the process of exploitation of labor by the Real Estate. And, as a result, of their collective interests front of them.
In recent debates about the issues of quality, the theme organizational culture and Six Sigma has appeared ever more frequently. In this context several authors suggest that the adoption of Six Sigma practices is influenced by culture. This work focuses on the relationship of organizational culture and quality to the practices of Six Sigma quality. Thus a descriptive-exploratory and correlational study of forty pharmacies of manipulation from Rio Grande do Norte was undertaken. Data collection identified features of companies and the level of use of the practices of Six Sigma quality that have been identified in the literature. For the Organizational Culture evaluation was used the Competitive Value Model (Cameron & Quinn, 1996), tested on north-American organizations and considered a high value academic and professional instrument. This model has been involved with the taximetrics created by Cameron who classifies quality culture in four levels. The results suggest that the Group and Developmental cultures are associated with higher levels of use of the practices of Six Sigma quality than the Rational and Hierarchical Cultures. Regarding the levels of the culture s quality, the highest levels were most frequently cited in Errors Prevention and Perpetual Improvement and Creativity, being the last one more positively related to the Six Sigma indicators
The pursuit of competitive advantage is lobbying organizations to strategically plan the use of their material, human, technological and financial resources, so that it s possible to add value to the product, even when it is considered a commodity. The scenario for this planning should not be limited to the company in question, but cover an entire supply chain, which is composed of several organizations which have common goals of growth and sustainability of the market. They should form trade links, integrating the chains of individual values, in a perspective of value system. In this supply chain there is a flow of services, payments and information, as products well as. The training of these links can be supported by the adoption of a set of information technology, here called solutions business-to-business (B2B), which will be responsible for the production, storage and distribution of relevant information to business transactions between the companies involved. On this view, this thesis aims to describe the B2B solutions adopted in the downstream segment of the supply chain of a distributor of fuel and the nature of these technologies as well as their impact on the creation of value for business and optimization of the relationship between companies. This is a case study on a national distributor of fuels, from a model of research produced under the influence of theories of integrated logistics system and value of Michael Porter. The analyses came to the conclusion that information technology is perceived as an essential tool to the operation of all activities carried out by the company. Among them, at was also brought the key activities of integrated logistics: administration of applications, inventory management, management transport and customer services, which were highlighted in this study. It was also noticed that even these activities are, in principle, purely operational; they all had in the adoption of strategies for leadership in cost or differentiation, supported by B2B solutions identified, making it more conducive to business and direct customer, the clinic reseller of fuel, to obtain value and benefits of this market segment as competitive
The objective of this scientific article is to introduce the opportunities of implementation of cleaner production (CP) in a shrimp culture farm. The methodology used for this was exploratory research implemented in a production unit located in the Northeast Brazil. The scientific article approaches since generic aspects of the technique about the management to use water, energy and the effluent characterization of this productive activity. It discusses quantitative aspects, environmental questions and chances of P+L during the productive process phases. The results points to input economy in the form of feed, soil correctives, medicines, and energy applied to the process, which range from 4% to 27%, emphasizing the small profit should be viewed as a source of considerable environment return. The authors conclude for the adoption property of this technique in this agribusiness segment, point out to the management importance of the input dosage in the quality of the final effluent, besides the adoption of a physical-chemistry remediation mechanism to the residual of Sodium metabissulphite used in the process of shrimp caught
The adhesion molecules E-cadherin and β-catenin have been studied as possible markers to distinguish carcinomas with and without metastatic potential. The objective of this research was to study the imunohistochemistry expression of the E-cadherin and β-catenin in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), aiming to contribute for the better understanding of the biological behavior of this lesion. The sample consisted of 30 cases of OSCC, being 15 of tongue and 15 of lower lip. The profile and intensity of labeling and semi quantitative analysis of the percentage of immunopositive tumoral cells in membrane for E-cadherin and β-catenin had been related with the anatomical localization of the lesion, the presence or not of nodal metastasis and the histological grade of malignancy in the invasive front area of the tumor. It was registered the presence or not of cytoplasmic and nuclear labeling of the β-catenin. The results had been submitted to the statistical analysis, being used the Mann-Whitney Test, the Fisher Test and the Spearman Correlation Coefficient (α=0, 05). The results showed that the expression in membrane for E-cadherin and β-catenin was, predominantly, the heterogeneous profile in the lower lip and tongue carcinomas, as well as in the cases with and without nodal metastasis. It was not observed significant statistical difference between expression profile and amount of immunopositive cells for E-cadherin, β-catenin and the anatomical localization of the lesion and for the presence or not of nodal metastasis. However, there was significant difference of the reduced expression of these proteins with the high score of malignancy. It was verified that the expression of the β-catenin in cytoplasm was present in 22 (73.33%) of the 30 analyzed cases, and 6 cases (20%) showed nuclear expression. The statistical analysis detected significant association between the expression of the β-catenin in the cytoplasm with the histological grade of malignancy, being this molecule more frequently present in the cytoplasm in the cases of high score of malignancy. It was concluded that the reduced immunoexpression of these proteins in membrane can be related with the lowest cellular differentiation, as well as with the pattern of invasion in nests and isolated cells, demonstrated in the cases of OSCC with high histological grade of malignancy
In this work, three welding programs for orbital TIG previously developed were used, using pulsed current and increasing speed (M), constant current (#B) and pulsed current and decreasing current (#C). One of those should be used for the propulsion system of the satellite CBERS (CHINA-BRAZIL EARTH RESOURCES SATELLITE). Welded joints using tubes of commercially pure titanium were obtained with these procedures, which were characterized by means of mechanical and metallographic tests. The obtained results show that the three welding procedures produce welded joints free of defects and with adequate shape. Although small differences on mechanical properties and microstructure have been observed, the three welding programs attained compatible results with international standards used in the aerospace segment. The welding program #B, due the reduced heat input used, was considered to obtain slightly advantage over the others.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência de lesões cutâneas actínicas em portadores de carcinoma basocelular do segmento cefálico. MÉTODOS: Foi conduzido estudo tipo caso-controle. Os casos, constituídos por pacientes com carcinoma basocelular sólido, primário, menor que dois centímetros, no segmento cefálico; e controles, por pacientes com outras dermatoses. Foram analisadas variáveis constitucionais, comportamentais e lesões actínicas. RESULTADOS: Avaliaram-se 120 casos e 360 controles. Mílio facial (OR = 2,3), leucodermia puntacta de membros superiores (OR = 2,9) e cutis romboidalis nuchae (OR = 1,8) associaram-se à neoplasia independentemente das demais variáveis, sugerindo um fenótipo de risco. Houve ainda associação com fenótipos claros, genética familiar e exposição solar cumulativa. Queimadura solar, tabagismo e alcoolismo não foram identificados como fatores de risco. O uso de fotoprotetores não evidenciou proteção; porém, o grupo controle era composto por pacientes dermatológicos, aos quais são indicados fotoprotetores regularmente. CONCLUSÃO: Lesões actínicas foram mais prevalentes em portadores de carcinoma basocelular sólido do segmento cefálico que em controles, especialmente mílio, cutis romboidalis nuchae e leucodermia puntacta, independentemente dos demais fatores de risco conhecidos.
This study analyzed measurements of the aeolian transport using vertical sand traps across the field dunes of Jenipabu, in the municipality of Extremoz, Rio Grande do Norte state to the North of Natal city. These measurements were used as parameters for the sand aeolian transport in the region. Before the field trips a map of landscape units was made. Three visits to the field were done in September 2011 (field a - the 13th, field b - the 21st, field c - the 29th), period of the year with the highest wind speed, and another in December 8th, 2011 (field d ) when the wind speed starts to decrease. The sand traps used were of the type "I" with collecting opening of 25 cm from the surface level, and type "S" with collecting opening of 25 cm located 25 cm from the surface level in six collecting points in two of the visits (fields a and d ), and sand traps of the type "T" with the collecting opening of 50 cm from the surface level in the other field trips (fields "b" and "c"). A set of records was also collected by using a portable meteorological station complemented with information such as frequency and intensity of winds, precipitation and relative air humidity in the region, from the Estação Meteorológica de Natal , located 12 km from the study area. The sediments collected were treated and the data obtained permitted calculating the ratio of sediment transport. In September, the sedimentation ratio varied from 0.01 to 11.39 kg.m-1.h-1 and in December this ratio varied from 0.33 to 1.30 kg.m-1.h-1 in the type T collectors. In type I collectors they ranged from 0.01 to 11.39 kg.m-1.h-1, while the same parameters varied from 0.01 to 0.73 kg.m-1.h-1 in type S collector. Based on the statistical analysis done, we concluded that the sediment transport increased proportionally to the wind speed 25 cm from the surface. However, this is not true above 25 cm from the surface. The transport of sediments is more intense near the surface where sedimentation ratios greater than 10 kg.m-1.h-1 were found, whilst a maximum value of 3 kg.m-1.h-1 was observed 25 cm below the surface. The volume of sediments collected increases with the increasing wind speed at the surface level, whereas this relationship is opposed far away from that surface
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In the 1980s D. Eisenbud and J. Harris posed the following question: What are the limits of Weierstrass points in families of curves degenerating to stable curves not of compact type? In the present article, we give a partial answer to this question. We consider the case where the limit curve has components intersecting at points in general position and where the degeneration occurs along a general direction. For this case we compute the limits of Weierstrass points of any order. However, for the usual Weierstrass points, of order one, we need to suppose that all of the components of the limit curve intersect each other.
The objective of the present research was to investigate the ultrastructural peculiarities of the aortic wall of the rat. Seven young adult rats were used, from which fragments of the infrarenal abdominal aorta were collected. After collection, the vascular segments were fixed and sent for analysis by scanning electron microscope. The elastic lamellae appear interposed with smooth muscular fibers; this pattern was verified mainly at the medial layer structure. Among the mural elements a well defined interrelationship was established through connective lamellae of the arterial wall. The collagen lamellae mainly provided anchoring among the elastic and smooth muscular constituents. The intimal layer showed special ultrastructural features, such as a non-continuous inner elastic lamina presented in certain sites of the vascular wall, followed by endothelial pores. This mural pattern of the abdominal aorta provided support to vascular functions such as shrinkage among the laminar composition of the arterial layers, also acting in mechanical properties of the vascular wall, such as viscoelasticity and contractility - essential actions to blood vessel hemodynamics.