607 resultados para reductive paraphrase


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Sodium ethylselenolates with functional groups X (where X = -OH, -COOH, -COOMe and -COOEt) at beta-carbon were prepared in situ by reductive cleavage of corresponding diselenide with NaBH4 either in methanol or aqueous ammonia. Treatment of these selenolates with [M2Cl2(mu-Cl)(2)(PR'(3))(2)] (M = Pd or Pt; PR'(3) = PMePh2, PnPr(3)) in different stoichiometry yielded various bi- and tri-nuclear complexes. The homoleptic hexanuclear complexes [Pd(mu-SeCH2CH2X)(2)](6) (X = OH, COOH, COOEt), were obtained by reacting Na2PdCl4 with NaSeCH2CH2X. All these complexes have been fully characterized. Molecular structures of ethylselenolates containing hydroxyl and carboxylic acid groups revealed solid state associated structures through inter-molecular hydrogen bond interactions. Trinuclear complex, [Pd3Cl2(mu-SeCH2CH2COOH)(4)(PnPr(3))(2)] (3a), was disposed in a boat form unlike chair conformation observed for the corresponding methylester complex. The effect of beta-functionality in ethylselenolate ligands towards reactivity, structures and thermal properties of palladium and platinum complexes has been extensively Studied.


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The goal of the study is to build an image of deafness and of the lives of the deaf from their own per-spectives. The lives of deaf sign language users are analysed through the concept of identity. The start-ing point for the study is the idea that identities are moulded and structured in action and interaction and are, therefore, continuous processes. The terminology and ideas used in the present study are mostly based on Erving Goffman s (1971, 1986) work in which he sees identity as a representation of self. Via our language and our actions we build and present an image of ourselves to others and to ourselves alike. The research aims at answering the following questions concerning the lives of deaf sign language users: how do deaf people build an image of themselves as deaf people, what kind of meanings does deafness acquire in their lives, and what opportunities do they have to be perceived by others as they feel they are, i.e. to present their true self . In order to answer these questions, the narratives provided by eighteen deaf young adults, aged 25 35, in narrative interviews carried out in sign language, have been analysed. The methodology used is that of a data-based, qualitative analysis and narrative analy-sis. The study follows the lines of prior qualitative research carried out in the field of sociology of health and in the study of everyday life. The subjects are divided into three groups according to the linguistic environment dominant in the family: 1) a deaf child in a deaf family, 2) a deaf child in a hearing family using sign language, and 3) a deaf child in a hearing family where sign language was not used. The childhood family has great significance in the way a child constructs his or her identity as a deaf person. The process of construct-ing an identity in the first group can be defined as being automatic or inherited, in the second group the process can be described as being a collective/joint identity-building process, whereas in the third group the process is ambivalent and delayed. The opportunities the deaf have in building their identi-ties as deaf people have been examined through the concept of a collective story reservoir. Research shows that the deaf have, at least partly, a different collective story reservoir that they can rely on from the one the hearing have. Interaction with other deaf people and access to the collective story reservoir is important, because it enables the deaf to form an idea of their own deafness and the life of a deaf person. Three different ways of understanding deafness can be conceptualized from the narratives of the inter-viewed deaf people. In the outdated counter-narrative and the reductive narrative of deafness as an abnormality, the subjects are not capable of seeing themselves as forming part of the narratives or identifying themselves with the ways the deaf are depicted. Yet, the characterizations prevalent in them are the ones that the deaf constantly come across in their day-to-day lives. The narrative through which the subjects depict themselves and their lives can be defined as a pluralistic narrative. The plu-ralistic narrative consists of three elements: the coexistence of the world of the deaf and that of the hearing, the orientation to sign language, and the replacement of local networks with global networks. Although modern Finnish society and its varied social services and subsidy systems enable the realiza-tion of the kind of life described in the pluralistic narrative, the issues of power and inequality still frequently emerge in the narratives in which the deaf young adults described themselves and their lives. Two kinds of power mechanisms can be perceived in the descriptions: belittling and excluding power. These considerably diminish the opportunities of sign language users to create the kind of life that would reflect their personalities while limiting the chances for presenting the self to others.


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The first step in the molybdenum cofactor (Moco) biosynthesis pathway involves the conversion of guanosine triphosphate (GTP) to precursor Z by two proteins (MoaA and MoaC). MoaA belongs to the S-adenosylmethioninedependent radical enzyme superfamily and is believed to generate protein and/or substrate radicals by reductive cleavage of S-adenosylmethionine using an Fe-S cluster. MoaC has been suggested to catalyze the release of pyrophosphate and the formation of the cyclic phosphate of precursor Z. However, structural evidence showing the binding of a substrate-like molecule to MoaC is not available. Here, apo and GTP-bound crystal structures of MoaC from Thermus thermophilus HB8 are reported. Furthermore, isothermal titration calorimetry experiments have been carried out in order to obtain thermodynamic parameters for the protein-ligand interactions. In addition, molecular-dynamics (MD) simulations have been carried out on the protein-ligand complex of known structure and on models of relevant complexes for which X-ray structures are not available. The biophysical, structural and MD results reveal the residues that are involved in substrate binding and help in speculating upon a possible mechanism.


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A practical synthesis of enantiopure bis-aziridines 11 and 15, bis-epoxides 12 and 17, and aziridino-epoxides 27 and 30 is reported using inexpensive d-mannitol as the starting material. The key transformation involves the reductive cleavage of bis-benzylidene acetal 3 to form dimesylate 4, which was further converted to monoazides and diazides followed by reduction, mesylation, and cyclization to furnish the required compounds in good yields.


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Enantiospecific total synthesis of (+)-pinguisenol 1, a sesquiterpene containing a cis-1,2,6,7-tetramethylbicyclo[4.3.0]nonane carbon framework incorporating two vicinal quaternary carbon atoms and four cis-oriented methyl groups on four contiguous carbon atoms, isolated from a liverwort, is described. The orthoester Claisen rearrangement of the allyl alcohol 9, obtained from (R)-carvone, generates the ester 12. Intramolecular cyclopropanation of the diazo ketone 13, derived from the ester 12, furnishes the tricyclic ketone 7. Degradation of the isopropenyl group followed by regioselective reductive cyclopropane ring cleavage transforms compound 7 into the hydroxy ketone 21. Wolff–Kishner reduction of the hydroxy ketone 21 followed by oxidation and Grignard reaction furnishes pinguisenol (+)- 1.


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The reactivity of Grignard reagents towards imines in the presence of catalytic and stoichiometric amounts of titanium alkoxides is reported.Alkylation, reduction, and coupling of imines take place. Whereas reductive coupling is the major reaction in stoichiometric reactions, alkylation is favored in catalytic reactions. Mechanistic studies clearly indicate that intermediates involved in the two reactions are different. Catalytic reactions involve a metal alkyl complex. This has been confirmed by reactions of deuterium-labeled substrates and different alkylating agents. Under the stoichiometric conditions, however, titanium olefin complexes are formed through reductive elimination, probably through a multinuclear intermediate.


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Both enantiomers of 1-phenylethane-1,2-diol were synthesized with good to excellent enantioselectivities via selective reduction of the phenylglyoxalates derived from bile acids, followed by reductive cleavage. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Oxovanadium(IV) complexes VO(L)(B)] (1-3), where H2L is a Schiff base ligand 2-(2-hydroxybenzylideneamino) phenol and B is 1,10-phenanthroline (phen for 1), dipyrido3,2-d:2',3'-f]quinoxaline (dpq for 2) or dipyrido3,2-a:2',3'-c]phenazine (dppz for 3), have been prepared, characterized and their DNA binding property and photo-induced DNA cleavage activity studied. Complex 3 which is structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography shows the presence of an oxovanadium(IV) moiety in a six coordinate VO3N3 coordination geometry. The complexes show a d-d band within 800-850 nm in DMF. The complexes display an oxidative response near 0.7 V versus SCE for V(V)-V(IV) and a reductive response within -1.1 to -1.3 V due to V(IV)-V(III) couple in DMF-0.1 M TBAP. The complexes are avid binders to calf thymus DNA giving binding constant values of 4.2 x 10(4) to 1.2 x 10(5) M (1). The complexes do not show any ``chemical nuclease'' activity in dark. The dpq and dppz complexes are photocleavers of plasmid DNA in UV-A light of 365 nm via O-1(2) pathway and in near-IR light (752.5 to 799.3 nm IR optics) by HO* pathway. Complex 3 exhibits significant photocytotoxicity in visible light in HeLa cells giving IC50 value of 13 mu M, while it is less toxic in dark (IC50 = 97 mu M). (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Työssä tutkitaan yhtäältä saksankielisen elokuvan Muiden elämä ( Das Leben der Anderen ) kolmen suomenkielisen tekstitysversion tekstityksen muotoseikkoja, kuten välimerkkien käyttöä, repliikki- ja rivijakoa, ja toisaalta tekstityksen sisältöseikkoja, joita tarkastellaan tekstityksessä käytettävien käännösstrategioiden avulla. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan, ovatko tekstityksissä käytetyt muotoseikat konventioiden mukaisia ja minkälaisia käännösstrategioita tekstityksissä on käytetty sekä johtaako tietyn käännösstrategian käyttö merkityksen muutoksiin ja kaventumisiin tekstityksessä. Tutkielman aineistona on elokuva Muiden elämä ja sen kolme suomenkielistä tekstitystä: elokuvateattereissa esitetty versio, DVD-tekstitys ja televisiossa esitetty versio. Hypoteesina oli, että kaikkien versioiden muotoseikat ovat konventioiden mukaisia ja että versioilla on eroavuuksia ruututekstien määrässä ja repliikkijaossa. Lisäksi oletettiin, että tietyn käännösstrategian käytön ja merkityksen muutoksien välillä on yhteys, niin että merkityksen muutoksia esiintyy eniten silloin, kun kaikkea sanottua ei voida kääntää. Tutkielman teoriataustassa esitellään aluksi lyhyesti av-kääntämisen muita lajeja, kuten ns. dubbausta eli jälkiäänitystä, selostusta ja voice-overia, jonka jälkeen syvennytään tekstityksen teoriaan, tekstityksen muotoseikkoihin ja konventioihin sekä tekstityksen käännösstrategioihin. Tekstityksen sisältöseikkojen analyysin viitekehyksenä ovat Henrik Gottliebin (1994, 1997) kymmenen käännösstrategiaa: lisäys (engl. expansion), para-fraasi (paraphrase), suora käännös (transfer), imitaatio (imitation), transkriptio (transcription), siirtäminen (dislocation), tiivistäminen (condensation), lyhentäminen (decimation), poisjättäminen (deletion) ja resignaatio (resignation). Tutkielmassa analysoitiin kaikkien tekstitysversioiden muotoseikat. Tekstityksen sisältöseikkojen tutkimuksessa jokainen dialogin lause tai sivulause analysoitiin omana verbaalisena segmenttinään. Yhteensä analysoitiin 1311 verbaalista segmenttiä ja tutkittiin, mitä käännösstrategiaa missäkin tekstitysversiossa oli missäkin osakäännöksessä käytetty, sekä tarkasteltiin, muuttuuko repliikissä merkitys alkutekstiin verrattuna. Strategiat kuvataan ja niiden käyttöä valaistaan esimerkkien avulla. Tulokset ovat hypoteesia tukevia: Tutkielmassa havaittiin, että kaikkien tekstitysversioiden muotoseikat ovat suurimmalta osin konventioiden mukaisia. Eroja oli havaittavissa tavuviivan, pilkun ja kursiivin käytössä. Versiot eroavat myös ruututekstien määrässä: elokuvaversiossa on eniten ruututekstejä (1091), vaikka siinä on vähiten sanoja (3968); DVD-tekstityksessä on 876 ruututekstiä ja 4278 sanaa ja TV-tekstityksessä on 983 ruututekstiä ja 5293 sanaa. Eroavaisuudet selittyvät sillä, että elokuvatekstityksen ruututekstit ovat lyhyempiä ja nopeammin ilmestyviä kuin DVD- tai TV-tekstitysten. Tutkittu DVD-tekstitys on elokuvatekstityksen muokkaus, mistä johtuu sen vähäinen sana- ja ruututekstimäärä. Tutkielmassa havaittiin myös, että kaikissa versioissa yleisimmin käytetty käännösstrategia oli suora käännös, mutta TV-tekstityksessä sitä oli käytetty yli 50 %:ssa kaikista osakäännöksistä ja DVD- ja elokuvaversiossa yli 35 %:ssa, eli TV-tekstityksessä sitä oli käytetty huomattavasti enemmän kuin muissa versioissa. Lyhentämistä ja poisjättämistä oli DVD- ja elokuvatekstityksessä käytetty enemmän kuin TV-tekstityksessä. Nämäkin erot selit-tynevät elokuvatekstityksen pienemmällä tilalla ja tämän tekstityksen muokkaamisesta DVD-tekstitykseksi. Merkityksen muutoksia ja kaventumisia esiintyi eniten strategioiden poisjättäminen ja lyhentäminen yhteydessä, muiden strategioiden yhteydessä merkityksen muutoksia ja kaventumisia esiintyi vain marginaalisesti. Tulokset tukevat hypoteesia siitä, että merkitys muuttuu ja kaventuu eniten silloin, kun kaikkea sanottua ei voida kääntää.


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The details of the first total synthesis of a natural thapsane lg containing three contiguous quaternary carbon atoms, starting from cyclogeraniol (9) '5 described. The Claisen rearrangement of 9 with methoxypropene in the presence of a catalytic amount of propionic acid produced ketone 10. Rhodium acetate-catalyzed intramolecular cyclopropanation of a-diazo-&keto ester 12, obtained from 10 via 8-keto ester 8, furnished cyclopropyl keto ester 7. Lithium in liquid ammonia reductive cleavage of cyclopropyl compound 7 gave a 1:l mixture of hydrindanone 6 and keto1 13. Wittig methylenation of 6 furnished ester 21. Epoxidation of 21, followed by BF3-OEt2-catalyzed rearrangement of epoxide 23 afforded hemiacetal 25. Treatment of hemiacetal 25 with triethylsilane in trifluoroacetic acid furnished lactone 22, a degradation product of various thapsanes. Finally, DIBAH reduction of lactone 22 generated the thapsane


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The synthesis of (±)-3a,4,4,7a-tetramethylhydrindan-2-one 8, containing three contiguous quaternary carbons as present in thapsanes, and the total synthesis of thaps-7(15)-ene 6 and thaps-6-ene 7, probable biogenetic precursors of thapsanes, have been achieved. Thus, orthoester Claisen rearrangement of cyclogeraniol 14, followed by hydrolysis of the resultant ester 16 furnished the eneacid 13. Copper sulfate-catalysed intramolecular cyclopropanation of the diazo ketone 18, derived from the acid 13, generated the cyclopropyl ketone 12. Regiospecific reductive cleavage of cyclopropyl ketone 12 furnished the hydrindanone 8, whereas the diazo ketone 26 furnished the hydrindanone 28avia the cyclopropyl ketone 27. Wittig methylenation of the hydrindanone 28a furnished thaps-7(15)-ene 6, which on isomerisation gave thaps-6-ene 7. Allylic oxidation of thaps-6-ene furnished the thapsenone 31, a degradation product of the natural thapsane 1b.


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We describe three different families of metal oxides, viz., (i) protonated layered perovskites, (ii) framework phosphates of NASICON and KTiOPO4 (KTP) structures and (iii) layered and three-dimensional oxides in the H-V-W-O system, synthesized by 'soft-chemical' routes involving respectively ion-exchange, redox deinteracalation and acid-leaching from appropriate parent oxides. Oxides of the first family, HyA2B3O10(A = La/Ca; B = Ti/Nb), exhibit variable Bronsted acidity and intercalation behaviour that depend on the interlayer structure. V2(PO4)3 prepared by oxidative deintercalation from Na3V2(PO4)3 is a new host material exhibiting reductive insertion of lithium/hydrogen, while K0.5Nb0.5 M0.5OPO4(M = Ti, V) are novel KTP-like materials exhibiting second harmonic generation of 1064 nm radiation. HxVxW1-xO3 for x = 0.125 and 0.33 possessing alpha-MoO3 and hexagonal WO3 structures, prepared by acid-leaching of LiVWO6, represent functionalized oxide materials exhibiting redox and acid-base intercalation reactivity.


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We describe in this paper the synthesis and characterization of a new layered phosphate, MoOPO4 . 2H(2)O (I), and its intercalation chemistry. The phosphate I, crystallizing in a tetragonal structure (a = 6.375(7), c = 7.80(1) Angstrom, and Z = 2) similar to that of VOPO4 . 2H(2)O, has been synthesized by the reduction of MoO2(HPO4). H2O (II) using ethylene glycol in an CH3CN medium at similar to 60 degrees C. Interestingly, I could be readily oxidized back to II using Br-2 in CH3CN at room temperature. Considering the close structural relationship existing between I and II, it is likely that the reduction and oxidation of the phosphates proceed by a topotactic mechanism. I is a novel layered host intercalating a variety of organic bases such as n-alkylamines, pyridine, and aniline, mainly through an acid-base interaction. Unlike VOPO4 . 2H(2)O, I does not exhibit reductive intercalation reactivity.


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A concise total synthesis of 11-O-methyldebenzoyltashironin is reported in which oxidative dearomatization-IMDA-RCM triad constitutes the key ring forming steps, while an unorthodox DIBAL-H mediated stereo- and regioselective reductive epoxide openings and implementation of the vinyl bromide-carbonyl equivalency concept were pivotal to the success of this endeavor. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Oxovanadium(IV) complexes VO(L)(B)](ClO4) (1-3) of N-2-pyridylmethylidine-2-hydroxyphenylamine (HL) Schiff base and phenanthroline bases (B), viz. 1,10-phenanthroline (phen in 1), dipyrido3,2-d: 2',3'-f] quinoxaline (dpq in 2) or dipyrido3,2-a: 2',3'-c] phenazine (dppz in 3), were prepared, characterized and their DNA binding property, photo-induced DNA cleavage activity and photocytotoxicity in HeLa cells studied. The crystal structure of 1 shows the presence of a VO2+ moiety in VO2N4 coordination geometry. The complexes show a d-d band at similar to 830 nm in DMF. The complexes display an oxidative V(V)-V(IV) response near 0.5 V versus SCE and a reductive V(IV)/V(III) response near -0.65 V in DMF -0.1 M TBAP. The complexes that are avid binders to CT DNA giving K-b values within 7.1 x 10(4) to 3.2 x 10(5) M-1, do not show any significant chemical nuclease activity in presence of 3-mercaptopropionic acid or glutathione. The dpq and dppz complexes are photocleavers of pUC19 DNA in UV-A light of 365 nm forming both O-1(2) and (OH)-O-center dot radicals and in near-IR light of 785 nm forming (OH)-O-center dot radicals. The dppz complex exhibits photocytotoxicity in visible light in HeLa cells (IC50 = 6.8 mu M). Flow-cytometric study on this complex shows a high sub-G1 phase in light compared to dark indicating PDT effect. (C) 2011 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.