972 resultados para nutrition care
OBJECTIVE: To identify the inpatient maternal and neonatal factors associated to the weaning of very low birth weight (VLBW) infants. METHODS: One hundred nineteen VLBW (<1500 g) infants were monitored from July 2005 through August 2006, from birth to the first ambulatory visit after maternity discharge. This maternity unit uses the Kangaroo Method and the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative. Out of 119 VLBW infants monitored until discharge, 88 (75%) returned to the facility, 22 (25%) were on exclusive breastfeeding (EB), and 66 (75%) were weaned (partial breastfeeding or formula feeding). RESULTS: Univariate analysis found an association between weaning and lower birth weight, longer stays in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), and longer hospitalization times, in addition to more prolonged enteral feeding and birth weight recovery period. Logistic regression showed length of NICU stay as being the main determinant of weaning. CONCLUSION: The negative repercussion on EB of an extended stay in the NICU is a significant challenge for health professionals to provide more adequate nutrition to VLBW infants.
This project was funded by National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Health Technology Assessment Programme and will be published in full in Health Technology Assessment; Vol. 20, No. 50. See the NIHR Journals Library website for further project information.
Peer reviewed
Copyright © 2015 Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (Scottish charity number SC005317) and Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Acknowledgements We would like to thank the Scottish Intensive Care Society Audit Group (SICSAG) for providing the data for this study. Mr Jan Jansen is in receipt of an NHS Research Scotland fellowship which includes salary funding.
This survey was funded by a grant from the Chief Scientist Office (CSO), Grant No: CZH/4/998.
Copyright © 2015 Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (Scottish charity number SC005317) and Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Acknowledgements We would like to thank the Scottish Intensive Care Society Audit Group (SICSAG) for providing the data for this study. Mr Jan Jansen is in receipt of an NHS Research Scotland fellowship which includes salary funding.
This survey was funded by a grant from the Chief Scientist Office (CSO), Grant No: CZH/4/998.
© The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Geriatrics Society. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oup.com.
CDL thanks the School of Health Sciences (HESAV) at the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland for their support.
This paper is dedicated to our friend Divine Ikenwilo, who passed away on the 27th November 2015. Divine was a gifted researcher who was taken from us too early and will be sorely missed by everyone in the team. Our thoughts are with his family. This research was funded by a research grant (CGZ/2/533) from the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government. The Health Economics Research Unit is funded by the Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorate. The usual disclaimer applies.
© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Funding: No specific funding was received from any bodies in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors to carry out the work described in this article. Disclosure statement: G.T.J. and G.J.M. have received research funding from Pfizer and AbbVie. L.E.D. conducted the analysis while funded by an Medical Research Council PhD studentship
Acknowledgements and funding We would like to thank the GPs who took part in this study. We would also like to thank Marie Pitkethly and Gail Morrison for their help and support in recruiting GPs to the study. WIME was funded by the Chief Scientist Office, grant number CZH/4/610. The Health Services Research Unit, University of Aberdeen, is core funded by the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government Health Directorates.
Funding and trial registration: Scottish Government Chief Scientist Office grant CZH/3/17. ClinicalTrials.gov registration NCT01602705.
The CHDI Foundation, Inc. funds Enroll-HD and the activities of the Enroll-HD Care Improvement Committee, including the present survey. We would like to acknowledge the Enroll-HD and REGISTRY administrative staff that assisted in the recruitment of sites and sites that completed the survey.