1000 resultados para mixed Permian floras


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To experimentally investigate the potential of mixed species polycultures for bioremediation of nutrient rich prawn farm effluent, a series of experiments was performed with banana prawns Penaeus (Fenneropenaeus) merguiensis, sea mullet Mugil cephalus and rabbitfish Siganus nebulosus to determine their compatibilities during particular life stages. Rabbitfish demonstrated a high tendency to prey upon banana prawn juveniles when no other food was available. Mullet of various sizes did not appear to prey upon banana prawn postlarvae (PL16) or juveniles in a fed or unfed environment. The study confirms the good potential for mullet and banana prawn polycultures.


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A ternary metal-nucleotide complex, Na2[Cu(5’-IMP)2(im)o,8(H20)l,2(H20)2h]as~ 1be2e.n4 pHr2ep0a,r ed and its structure analyzed by X-ray diffraction (5’-IMP = inosine 5’-monophos hate; im = imidazole). The complex crystallizes in space group C222, with a = 8.733 (4) A, b = 23.213 (5) A, c = 21.489 (6) 1, and Z = 4. The structure was solved by the heavy-atom method and refined by full-matrix least-squares technique on the basis of 2008 observed reflections to a final R value of 0.087. Symmetry-related 5’-IMP anions coordinate in cis geometry through the N(7) atoms of the bases. The other cis positions of the coordination plane are statistically occupied by nitrogen atoms of disordered im groups and water oxygens with occupancies 0.4 and 0.6, respectively. Water oxygens in axial positions complete the octahedral coordination of Cu(I1). The complex is isostructural with C~S-[P~(S’-IMP),(NH~)~a] m”,o del proposed for Pt(I1) binding to DNA. The base binding observed in the present case is different from the typical ”phosphate only” binding shown from earlier studies on metal-nucleotide complexes containing various other ?r-aromatic amines.


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Transition metal molybdates of the formulaAMoO4 whereA=Fe, Co or Ni exhibit a first-order phase transition between 670K–970K. An investigation of the lowtemperature (lt) and high-temperature (ht) phases by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, x-ray absorption spectroscopy, magnetic susceptibility and other physical methods shows that the phase transition is associated with a valence change of the typeA 2++Mo6+αA 3++Mo5+ in the cases of iron and cobalt molybdates.


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The project uses participatory methods to engage primary producers and advisers in central Queensland, southern Queensland, and north east New South Wales on-farm trials and demonstrations to adapt mixed farming systems to changed climate conditions. The focus is adaptation to climate change but will support abatement of greenhouse gas emissions by building soil carbon, better managing soil nitrogen and soil organic carbon. Data will be collected and integrated with data from Round 1 of the Climate Change Research Program to extend industry understanding beyond a general awareness of ‘climate change’. Nitrous oxide and soil carbon data will help farmers/advisers understand the implications of climate change and develop adaptation strategies for a more sustainable, climate sensitive future.


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Aim: The requirement for an allied health workforce is expanding as the global burden of disease increases internationally. To safely meet the demand for an expanded workforce of orthotist/prosthetists in Australia, competency based standards, which are up-to-date and evidence-based, are required. The aims of this study were to determine the minimum level for entry into the orthotic/prosthetic profession; to develop entry level competency standards for the profession; and to validate the developed entry-level competency standards within the profession nationally, using an evidence-based approach. Methods: A mixed-methods research design was applied, using a three-step sequential exploratory design, where step 1 involved collecting and analyzing qualitative data from two focus groups; step 2 involved exploratory instrument development and testing, developing the draft competency standards; and step 3 involved quantitative data collection and analysis – a Delphi survey. In stage 1 (steps 1 and 2), the two focus groups – an expert and a recent graduate group of Australian orthotist/prosthetists – were led by an experienced facilitator, to identify gaps in the current competency standards and then to outline a key purpose, and work roles and tasks for the profession. The resulting domains and activities of the first draft of the competency standards were synthesized using thematic analysis. In stage 2 (step 3), the draft-competency standards were circulated to a purposive sample of the membership of the Australian Orthotic Prosthetic Association, using three rounds of Delphi survey. A project reference group of orthotist/prosthetists reviewed the results of both stages. Results: In stage 1, the expert (n = 10) and the new graduate (n = 8) groups separately identified work roles and tasks, which formed the initial draft of the competency standards. Further drafts were refined and performance criteria added by the project reference group, resulting in the final draft-competency standards. In stage 2, the final draft-competency standards were circulated to 56 members (n = 44 final round) of the Association, who agreed on the key purpose, 6 domains, 18 activities, and 68 performance criteria of the final competency standards. Conclusion: This study outlines a rigorous and evidence-based mixed-methods approach for developing and endorsing professional competency standards, which is representative of the views of the profession of orthotist/prosthetists.


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The polymerization of methyl methacrylate initiated by a mixed ligand complex. [NN-ethylenebis(salicylideneiminato)](benzoylacetonato)cobalt(III) has been studied in bulk and in benzene at 70° and 80°. The rate of polymerization is proportional to (concentration of the chelate)Image and the monomer exponent is close to 1.5. The activation energy and the kinetic and transfer constants are evaluated. A free radical mechanism has been proposed.


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A study of the phase transitions in (NH4)2SO4 and (NH4)2SO4---K2SO4 mixed crystals by EPR of the CrO3- ion is reported. The results indicate a bilinear coupling of the order parameter with spontaneous polarization and a crossover from a discontinuous to a continuous nature of the phase transition in mixed crystals.


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Mixed species plantations using native trees are increasingly being considered for sustainable timber production. Successful application of mixed species forestry systems requires knowledge of the potential spatial interaction between species in order to minimise the chance of dominance and suppression and to maximise wood production. Here, we examined species performances across 52 experimental plots of tree mixtures established on cleared rainforest land to analyse relationships between the growth of component species and climate and soil conditions. We derived site index (SI) equations for ten priority species to evaluate performance and site preferences. Variation in SI of focus species demonstrated that there are strong species-specific responses to climate and soil variables. The best predictor of tree growth for rainforest species Elaeocarpus grandis and Flindersia brayleyana was soil type, as trees grew significantly better on well-draining than on poorly drained soil profiles. Both E. grandis and Eucalyptus pellita showed strong growth response to variation in mean rain days per month. Our study generates understanding of the relative performance of species in mixed species plantations in the Wet Tropics of Australia and improves our ability to predict species growth compatibilities at potential planting sites within the region. Given appropriate species selections and plantation design, mixed plantations of high-value native timber species are capable of sustaining relatively high productivity at a range of sites up to age 10 years, and may offer a feasible approach for large-scale reforestation.


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Mango is an important horticultural fruit crop and breeding is a key strategy to improve ongoing sustainability. Knowledge of breeding values of potential parents is important for maximising progress from breeding. This study successfully employed a mixed linear model methods incorporating a pedigree to predict breeding values for average fruit weight from highly unbalanced data for genotypes planted over three field trials and assessed over several harvest seasons. Average fruit weight was found to be under strong additive genetic control. There was high correlation between hybrids propagated as seedlings and hybrids propagated as scions grafted onto rootstocks. Estimates of additive genetic correlation among trials ranged from 0.69 to 0.88 with correlations among harvest seasons within trials greater than 0.96. These results suggest that progress from selection for broad adaptation can be achieved, particularly as no repeatable environmental factor that could be used to predict G x E could be identified. Predicted breeding values for 35 known cultivars are presented for use in ongoing breeding programs.


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To quantify the impact that planting indigenous trees and shrubs in mixed communities (environmental plantings) have on net sequestration of carbon and other environmental or commercial benefits, precise and non-biased estimates of biomass are required. Because these plantings consist of several species, estimation of their biomass through allometric relationships is a challenging task. We explored methods to accurately estimate biomass through harvesting 3139 trees and shrubs from 22 plantings, and collating similar datasets from earlier studies, in non-arid (>300mm rainfallyear-1) regions of southern and eastern Australia. Site-and-species specific allometric equations were developed, as were three types of generalised, multi-site, allometric equations based on categories of species and growth-habits: (i) species-specific, (ii) genus and growth-habit, and (iii) universal growth-habit irrespective of genus. Biomass was measured at plot level at eight contrasting sites to test the accuracy of prediction of tonnes dry matter of above-ground biomass per hectare using different classes of allometric equations. A finer-scale analysis tested performance of these at an individual-tree level across a wider range of sites. Although the percentage error in prediction could be high at a given site (up to 45%), it was relatively low (<11%) when generalised allometry-predictions of biomass was used to make regional- or estate-level estimates across a range of sites. Precision, and thus accuracy, increased slightly with the level of specificity of allometry. Inclusion of site-specific factors in generic equations increased efficiency of prediction of above-ground biomass by as much as 8%. Site-and-species-specific equations are the most accurate for site-based predictions. Generic allometric equations developed here, particularly the generic species-specific equations, can be confidently applied to provide regional- or estate-level estimates of above-ground biomass and carbon. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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The polymerization of methyl methacrylate initiated by a mixed ligand complex. [NN′-ethylenebis(salicylideneiminato)](benzoylacetonato)cobalt(III) has been studied in bulk and in benzene at 70° and 80°. The rate of polymerization is proportional to (concentration of the chelate)1/2 and the monomer exponent is close to 1.5. The activation energy and the kinetic and transfer constants are evaluated. A free radical mechanism has been proposed.


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Polymerization of methyl methacrylate in the presence of a mixed ligand complex, [N,N-ethylenebis(salicylideneiminato)](acetylacetonato)cobalt(III) in benzene was studied. The rate of polymerization was proportional to the square root of the concentration of the chelate and the monomer exponent was 1.67 and 1.69 at 60 and 70°C, respectively. The activation energy and the kinetic and transfer constants were evaluated. A free-radical mechanism has been proposed.


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Many problems in analysis have been solved using the theory of Hodge structures. P. Deligne started to treat these structures in a categorical way. Following him, we introduce the categories of mixed real and complex Hodge structures. Category of mixed Hodge structures over the field of real or complex numbers is a rigid abelian tensor category, and in fact, a neutral Tannakian category. Therefore it is equivalent to the category of representations of an affine group scheme. The direct sums of pure Hodge structures of different weights over real or complex numbers can be realized as a representation of the torus group, whose complex points is the Cartesian product of two punctured complex planes. Mixed Hodge structures turn out to consist of information of a direct sum of pure Hodge structures of different weights and a nilpotent automorphism. Therefore mixed Hodge structures correspond to the representations of certain semidirect product of a nilpotent group and the torus group acting on it.


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Mixed valency in CePd3 has been examined by a study of the LIII (Ce) absorption edge in this compound as well as other model compounds. In CePd3, peaks characteristic of 3+ and 4+ states of Ce are found to be separated by 2 eV.