353 resultados para missões jesuíticas


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Em resposta ao repto antes enunciado e pensando no caso concreto dos museus, a problemática a esclarecer neste estudo prende-se com a questão de saber como romper com o modelo instituído de avaliação, manifestamente desadequado para captar a complexidade de estratégias, evidências, resultados e visões que informam a realidade museológica contemporânea nas suas múltiplas vocações e missões.


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Esta pesquisa destinou-se a estudar e analisar a política da Gestão Democrática com ênfase na “Participação da Família” nos processos decisórios da escola. Enfoques sobre esse tema é concernente à aprendizagem, onde se busca conhecer as influências da interação das famílias com a escola e o impacto dessa relação na aprendizagem. O processo da democratização e descentralização contribui muito para a formulação de estratégias políticas visando à participação, ou seja, garante essa participação através de representações que os pais fazem nas instituições como Associações de Pais e Mestres, Conselhos Escolares e outros, como processo fundamental para fortalecer as lideranças escolares e a gestão democrática e participativa nas unidades de ensino público. Sem esquecer que quando se fala em comunidade escolar, além dos segmentos de alunos, professores e funcionários envolvidos (comunidade externa) está falando de todo um segmento de pessoas posicionadas no entorno das escolas, dedicando-se às mais variadas atividades, e, com especial ênfase, está se referindo às famílias desses alunos. Em linhas gerais, a lógica da gestão é orientada pelos princípios democráticos, caracterizada pelo reconhecimento da importância da participação consciente e esclarecida das pessoas nas decisões das atividades escolares. A pesquisa foi extensiva investigando 4 escolas, sendo 2 da zona urbana, 2 da zona rural, estendendo-se aos conselhos escolares com participação em reuniões, assembléias, entrevistas e momentos de observação durante 4 meses. Neste sentido, os Conselhos Escolares e entrevistados, afirmam a importância da participação na Gestão Escolar, contudo, ainda faltam requisitos técnicos para se consolidar um trabalho mais efetivo de participação. Os resultados também apontam à necessidade de repensar a formação e capacitação dos gestores, voltada para a promoção de uma cultura de reflexão, crítica e assimilação de idéias, associadas à ação, pelo conjunto dos que fazem à realidade escolar, contemplando a relação entre Escola e Família.


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Este artigo analisa o renascimento do martírio no contexto da confessionalização da Cristandande europeia e das missões ultramarinas nos sécs. XVI e XVII na Europa. Imagens, poemas e canções relativas à morte no Ultramar tornaram-se um importante instrumento de publicidade nas lutas confessionais na Europa. O seu impacto no Ultramar consistiu um importante testemunho do seu objectivo de representar a verdadeira Igreja Apostólica para a Igreja Católica.


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O processo de construção de uma comunidade europeia de segurança iniciou-se em 1953. Apenas em 2003 foi adotada uma Estratégia Europeia de Segurança e só em 2010, com a entrada em vigor do Tratado de Lisboa, se criou uma política comum de segurança e defesa. Desde 2003, nestes 10 anos de PESD/PCSD, foram lançadas cerca de 30 missões em regiões diferentes como os Balcãs, a África Subsahariana, o Sahel e o espaço da ex-União Soviética, tocando áreas tão vastas como a reforma do setor da segurança, a formação e controlo alfandegário, o combate à pirataria ou a formação militar. Portugal participou em 11 dessas missões. O elenco de riscos e ameaças constantes da Estratégia Europeia de Segurança, revisto e atualizado em 2008, é exaustivo e mantém-se ajustado à presente situação internacional. As dificuldades da UE, no domínio da PCSD, prendem-se sobretudo com um conjunto de défices, em particular de vontade política e de recursos materiais e finanaceiros e não com a revisão da EES. Uma abordagem pragmática, que passe pela melhor definição de prioridaddes, de estratégias regionais, do reforço das capacidades e das industriais de defesa, seria a melhor orientação que o Conselho EUropeu de Dezembro de 2013 poderia dar às Instituições Europeias e aos Estados membros, no sentido de um esforço conjunto com vista a manter e a reforçar o papel da União Europeia enquanto fornecedor de segurança no sistema internacional.


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El artículo discute el papel de las narrativas jesuíticas alemanas en la construcción de una conciencia-mundo en el contexto del orden colonial durante la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII. Para ello aborda las prácticas de significación y representación por parte de editores, autores y lectores de textos misioneros, así como la formulación de discursos identitarios en la confluencia de los conceptos de nación, imperio e imaginarios de lo global.


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Background Pharmacy aseptic units prepare and supply injectables to minimise risks. The UK National Aseptic Error Reporting Scheme has been collecting data on pharmacy compounding errors, including near-misses, since 2003. Objectives The cumulative reports from January 2004 to December 2007, inclusive, were analysed. Methods The different variables of product types, error types, staff making and detecting errors, stage errors detected, perceived contributory factors, and potential or actual outcomes were presented by cross-tabulation of data. Results A total of 4691 reports were submitted against an estimated 958 532 items made, returning 0.49% as the overall error rate. Most of the errors were detected before reaching patients, with only 24 detected during or after administration. The highest number of reports related to adult cytotoxic preparations (40%) and the most frequently recorded error was a labelling error (34.2%). Errors were mostly detected at first check in assembly area (46.6%). Individual staff error contributed most (78.1%) to overall errors, while errors with paediatric parenteral nutrition appeared to be blamed on low staff levels more than other products were. The majority of errors (68.6%) had no potential patient outcomes attached, while it appeared that paediatric cytotoxic products and paediatric parenteral nutrition were associated with greater levels of perceived patient harm. Conclusions The majority of reports were related to near-misses, and this study highlights scope for examining current arrangements for checking and releasing products, certainly for paediatric cytotoxic and paediatric parenteral nutrition preparations within aseptic units, but in the context of resource and capacity constraints.


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Parametric software effort estimation models consisting on a single mathematical relationship suffer from poor adjustment and predictive characteristics in cases in which the historical database considered contains data coming from projects of a heterogeneous nature. The segmentation of the input domain according to clusters obtained from the database of historical projects serves as a tool for more realistic models that use several local estimation relationships. Nonetheless, it may be hypothesized that using clustering algorithms without previous consideration of the influence of well-known project attributes misses the opportunity to obtain more realistic segments. In this paper, we describe the results of an empirical study using the ISBSG-8 database and the EM clustering algorithm that studies the influence of the consideration of two process-related attributes as drivers of the clustering process: the use of engineering methodologies and the use of CASE tools. The results provide evidence that such consideration conditions significantly the final model obtained, even though the resulting predictive quality is of a similar magnitude.


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The incidence of breast cancer has risen worldwide to unprecedented levels in recent decades, making it now the major cancer of women in many parts of the world.1 Although diet, alcohol, radiation and inherited loss of BRCA1/2 genes have all been associated with increased incidence, the main identified risk factors are life exposure to hormones including physiological variations associated with puberty/pregnancy/menopause,1 personal choice of use of hormonal contraceptives2 and/or hormone replacement therapy.3–6 On this basis, exposure of the human breast to the many environmental pollutant chemicals capable of mimicking or interfering with oestrogen action7 should also be of concern.8 Hundreds of such environmental chemicals have now been measured in human breast tissue from a range of dietary and domestic exposure sources7 ,9 including persistent organochlorine pollutants (POPs),10 polybrominated diphenylethers and polybromobiphenyls,11 polychlorinated biphenyls,12 dioxins,13 alkyl phenols,14 bisphenol-A and chlorinated derivatives,15 as well as other less lipophilic compounds such as parabens (alkyl esters of p-hydroxybenzoic acid),16 but studies investigating any association between raised levels of such compounds and the development of breast cancer remain inconclusive.7–16 However, the functionality of these chemicals has continued to be assessed on the basis of individual chemicals rather than the environmental reality of long-term low-dose exposure to complex mixtures. This misses the potential for individuals to have high concentrations of different compounds but with a common mechanism of action. It also misses the complex interactions between chemicals and physiological hormones which together may act to alter the internal homeostasis of the oestrogenic environment of mammary tissue.


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Within development communication, gaps remain in theory and practice: communication innovations are taking place which either do not incorporate theory or fail to challenge the assumptions of development communication and HIV/AIDS theory. This can lead to the implementation of unsuccessful interventions that lack theoretical frameworks or to uninformed practice, making it difficult to replicate. Further, research has demonstrated that Entertainment Education (EE) interventions have a measurable impact on behaviour in areas such as HIV/AIDS prevention. Given the transitions in EE practice and evidence of its impact, EE theory and practice can contribute insight into these challenges. A pilot study investigated these dilemmas within the context of the monitoring and evaluation of development communication. Framing this discussion is the concept of South-North dialogue, using comparative analysis of EE interventions to distil lessons through contrasting experiences in two diverse settings. It holds as a principle that lessons from the experience of EE in the Southern context can inform lessons for the North. Further, comparison of the case studies can generate insights for the broader development communication field. We present four case studies, informed by key informant interviews, of EE interventions in the UK and South Africa. We address how communication is defined in planning, implementation and evaluation, highlighting how it often misses the importance of 'listening'. The case studies show that HIV/AIDS communication, and development communication more broadly, has not internalised ideas of evaluation and listening in communication. Successes in the case studies can be partially attributed to responsiveness and context-specificity rather than following rigid planning templates, such as those found in some development communication literature. This indicates the importance of flexibility and responsiveness to context for both development communication and HIV/AIDS communication.


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The quality control, validation and verification of the European Flood Alert System (EFAS) are described. EFAS is designed as a flood early warning system at pan-European scale, to complement national systems and provide flood warnings more than 2 days before a flood. On average 20–30 alerts per year are sent out to the EFAS partner network which consists of 24 National hydrological authorities responsible for transnational river basins. Quality control of the system includes the evaluation of the hits, misses and false alarms, showing that EFAS has more than 50% of the time hits. Furthermore, the skills of both the meteorological as well as the hydrological forecasts are evaluated, and are included here for a 10-year period. Next, end-user needs and feedback are systematically analysed. Suggested improvements, such as real-time river discharge updating, are currently implemented.


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This Viewpoint focuses on the debate in market research around the gap between academia and practitioners. It argues that the debate misses the key role that universities play in the provision of market research skills and that it is this skills gap that needs to be addressed in order to ensure the future of research as a profession.


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This chapter evaluates the potential for legal regulation of the resort to cyber warfare between states under the ‘jus ad bellum’ (the law on the use of force). Debate in the literature has largely concerned whether cyber warfare falls within the scope of Article 2(4) UNC. The first part of this chapter sets out this debate. It then goes on to argue that the ‘Article 2(4) debate’ often misses the fact that an act of cyber warfare can be considered a breach of a different legal rule: the principle of non-intervention. The chapter further considers some of the issues in applying either the prohibition of the use of force or the principle of non-intervention to cyber warfare, and then concludes by arguing that the debate should be reoriented to focus on another existing international legal obligation: the duty to prevent cyber-attacks.


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This essay outlines the case for a new, scholarly edition of Beckett's critical writings, one that would be complete and with critical annotation. For the most part these texts (critical writings, tributes, in memoria and epigraphs) have been published in a range of places. As well as in the magazines, newspapers, books and special-issue publications in which pieces originally appeared, a number were collected in Disjecta (Calder 1983 & Grove 1984). This volume, however, is not exhaustive; it misses out a number of important texts (not least Proust) and contains some textual inaccuracies. Furthermore, Beckett's critical writings are currently not available from the UK publishers Faber and the Grove Press Centenary Edition of Beckett's works, the fourth volume of which contains a section entitled ‘Criticism’, presents only three works of criticism by Beckett (Proust, ‘Dante … Bruno . Vico . . Joyce’ and ‘Three Dialogues’). In this essay, we give a brief (and far from exhaustive) overview of the publication history of Beckett's non-fiction prose texts, before outlining some of the editorial challenges they pose. Although Beckett tended to be dismissive of these works, they form an integral part of his canon.


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OBJECTIVE: to explore perspectives and experiences of antenatal care and partner involvement among women who nearly died during pregnancy ('near-miss'). DESIGN: a study guided by naturalistic inquiry was conducted, and included extended in-community participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and focus group discussions. Qualitative data were collected between March 2013 and April 2014 in Kigali, Rwanda. FINDINGS: all informants were aware of the recommendations of male involvement for HIV-testing at the first antenatal care visit. However, this recommendation was seen as a clear link in the chain of delays and led to severe consequences, especially for women without engaged partners. The overall quality of antenatal services was experienced as suboptimal, potentially missing the opportunity to provide preventive measures and essential health education intended for both parents. This seemed to contribute to women's disincentive to complete all four recommended visits and men's interest in attending to ensure their partners' reception of care. However, the participants experienced a restriction of men's access during subsequent antenatal visits, which made men feel denied to their increased involvement during pregnancy. CONCLUSIONS: 'near-miss' women and their partners face paradoxical barriers to actualise the recommended antenatal care visits. The well-intended initiative of male partner involvement counterproductively causes delays or excludes women whereas supportive men are turned away from further health consultations. Currently, the suboptimal quality of antenatal care misses the opportunity to provide health education for the expectant couple or to identify and address early signs of complications IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: these findings suggest a need for increased flexibility in the antenatal care recommendations to encourage women to attend care with or without their partner, and to create open health communication about women's and men's real needs within the context of their social situations. Supportive partners should not be denied involvement at any stage of pregnancy, but should be received only upon consent of the expectant mother.


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O ajustamento intercultural tem sido considerado fator determinante do sucesso em missões internacionais e o conceito-chave do modelo de ajustamento internacional de Black, Mendenhall e Oddou (1991a). O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o ajustamento intercultural de executivos japoneses expatriados. Realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa com 37 executivos japoneses expatriados, em 21 empresas de diversos setores no Brasil. Apesar de a literatura considerar os expatriados japoneses exemplos de sucesso,