992 resultados para larvas L3
Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias con acentuación en Entomología Médica) UANL, 2014.
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
Diminutas, blancas, silenciosas, similares a los ‘gusanos’ que se encuentran en una guayaba, son las larvas esterilizadas de una mosca verde conocida científicamente como Lucilia sericata, capaces de sanar las heridas de una vaca y varios conejos. Así lo pudieron constatar los miembros del grupo de investigación en terapia larval de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad del Rosario, dirigidos por el profesor Felio Bello, biólogo y Ph.D en Entomología. Aunque las investigaciones, experimentos, mediciones y cura no se están aplicando en Colombia en humanos en esta primera fase del proyecto, la terapia larval, conocida en el mundo como terapia de gusano, terapia de desbridamiento larval o biocirugía, sí es una esperanza de cura para personas diabéticas, por ejemplo, que sufren de úlceras crónicas en la piel cuando sus heridas no responden a tratamientos convencionales.(1) La terapia larval, como alternativa de tratamiento para estas heridas que no cicatrizan, es un método más económico, de evolución más rápida y seguro. (1) Stoddard et al.1995, Mumcuoglu et al. 1998, 1999, Thomas et al. 1999, Tantawi et al. 2007.
La terapia larval es una técnica que permite aplicarlas larvas de algunas especies de dípteros sobre heridas crónicas o sobre focos de infección localizados, con la finalidad de restaurar el tejido afectado. La velocidad y la eficacia del tratamiento, sumadas a la casi nula pérdida de tejido sano durante el proceso de reparación tisular, han hecho de la terapia larval o biocirugía una alternativa viable para la curación de heridas asociadas con entidades como pie diabético, úlceras venosas, úlceras crónicas de la piel y quemaduras, así como de ciertos tipos de tumores benignos, abscesos y osteomielitis. Aunque la medicina moderna ha sido, en muchos casos, reticente a la aplicación de terapias de esta índole, eventos como la resistencia a los antibióticos y las alteraciones en el proceso de cicatrización en las heridas crónicas han permitido modificar la posición inicial de muchos médicos al respecto.
Resumen tomado de la publicación. Resumen en inglés y castellano
Resumen tomado de la publicación. Resumen en castellano e inglés
Dentro del contexto de la inclusión de una segunda lengua extranjera (L3) en los Planes de estudio en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de Córdoba, se analiza si además de conocer la segunda lengua, se debe hacer reflexionar al alumno sobre la enseñanza/aprendizaje de esta lengua.
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Lysinibacillus sphaericus (Lsp) é uma bactéria entomopatógena que produz a toxina Bináriav(Bin) com atividade larvicida para culicídeos. A sua ação em Culex quinquefasciatus depende da ligação da toxina Bin à α-glicosidase (Aglu) Cqm1, que atua como receptor no epitélio intestinal de larvas. Na colônia R2362, foram caracterizados dois alelos de resistência ao Lsp: cqm1REC e cqm1REC-2, cujas mutações impedem a expressão da Aglu Cqm1. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a atividade catalítica da Cqm1 e comparar a atividade α-glicosidase e o desenvolvimento pré-imaginal de larvas de indivíduos susceptíveis (S) e resistentes (R) para cada alelo. Para isto, foram avaliados os seguintes parâmetros: atividade catalítica da Cqm1 recombinante; padrão de transcrição de outras Aglus parálogas à Cqm1; atividade de Aglus nativas em larvas; sobrevivência de indivíduos frente a diferentes dietas. A Aglu Cqm1 mostrou atividade enzimática ótima à 37o C, pH 7,5-8,0 e utilizando o substrato sintético pNαG. A atividade α-glicosidase total em larvas S e R foi similar, apesar da ausência de expressão da Cqm1 nas larvas R. A investigação in silico revelou 18 proteínas parálogas à Cqm1 e, dentre 11 investigadas, nove são expressas em larvas S e R. A análise quantitativa de três parálogas demonstrou que duas tem um padrão de transcrição mais elevado em larvas resistentes, sugerindo a existência de um mecanismo de compensação de expressão de α-glicosidases. O desenvolvimento pré-imaginal de larvas S foi decrescente nas seguintes dietas: ração de gatos, ração de peixes, leite desnatado, extrato de levedura e sacarose. De uma forma global, a taxa de sobrevivência de larvas R foi inferior à S em todas as dietas testadas. Os dados obtidos mostram que as mutações ligadas aos alelos cqm1REC e cqm1REC-2 não parecem impactar a atividade Aglu nas larvas e que o custo biológico observado poderia estar relacionado a outros genes e vias metabólicas.
The present article addresses the following question: what variables condition syntactic transfer? Evidence is provided in support of the position that third language (L3) transfer is selective, whereby, at least under certain conditions, it is driven by the typological proximity of the target L3 measured against the other previously acquired linguistic systems (cf. Rothman and Cabrelli Amaro, 2007, 2010; Rothman, 2010; Montrul et al., 2011). To show this, we compare data in the domain of adjectival interpretation between successful first language (L1) Italian learners of English as a second language (L2) at the low to intermediate proficiency level of L3 Spanish, and successful L1 English learners of L2 Spanish at the same levels for L3 Brazilian Portuguese. The data show that, irrespective of the L1 or the L2, these L3 learners demonstrate target knowledge of subtle adjectival semantic nuances obtained via noun-raising, which English lacks and the other languages share. We maintain that such knowledge is transferred to the L3 from Italian (L1) and Spanish (L2) respectively in light of important differences between the L3 learners herein compared to what is known of the L2 Spanish performance of L1 English speakers at the same level of proficiency (see, for example, Judy et al., 2008; Rothman et al., 2010). While the present data are consistent with Flynn et al.’s (2004) Cumulative Enhancement Model, we discuss why a coupling of these data with evidence from other recent L3 studies suggests necessary modifications to this model, offering in its stead the Typological Primacy Model (TPM) for multilingual transfer.
The goal of this article is to introduce the reader to contemporary adult multilingual acquisition research within generative linguistics. In much the same way as monolingual and bilingual acquisition studies are approached within this paradigm, generative multilingual research focuses primarily on the psycholinguistic and cognitive aspects of the acquisition process. Herein, we critically present a panoramic view of the research questions and empirical work that have dominated this nascent field, taking the reader through several interrelated epistemological discussions that are at the vanguard of contemporary multilingual morphosyntax work. We finish this article with some thoughts looking towards the near future of adult multilingual acquisition studies.
This article serves as a state-of the-science review of the blossoming field of generative third language (L3) acquisition as well as an introduction to this special issue on the same topic. We present and argue for the relevance of adult L3/Ln acquisition for many perennial questions that have sat at the core of linguistic approaches to adult language acquisition since the Principles and Parameters framework was first adopted into second language acquisition (SLA; e.g. Flynn, 1985, 1987; Liceras, 1985; White, 1985a, 1985b; Schwartz, 1986). Furthermore, we highlight the unique, specific questions that have emerged from studying L3/Ln from a generative perspective thus far while suggesting refinements to these questions and additional ones that should emerge in future inquiry.
One central question in the formal linguistic study of adult multilingual morphosyntax (i.e., L3/Ln acquisition) involves determining the role(s) the L1 and/or the L2 play(s) at the L3 initial state (e.g., Bardel & Falk, Second Language Research 23: 459–484, 2007; Falk & Bardel, Second Language Research: forthcoming; Flynn et al., The International Journal of Multilingualism 8: 3–16, 2004; Rothman, Second Language Research: forthcoming; Rothman & Cabrelli, On the initial state of L3 (Ln) acquisition: Selective or absolute transfer?: 2007; Rothman & Cabrelli Amaro, Second Language Research 26: 219–289, 2010). The present article adds to this general program, testing Rothman's (Second Language Research: forthcoming) model for L3 initial state transfer, which when relevant in light of specific language pairings, maintains that typological proximity between the languages is the most deterministic variable determining the selection of syntactic transfer. Herein, I present empirical evidence from the later part of the beginning stages of L3 Brazilian Portuguese (BP) by native speakers of English and Spanish, who have attained an advanced level of proficiency in either English or Spanish as an L2. Examining the related domains of syntactic word order and relative clause attachment preference in L3 BP, the data clearly indicate that Spanish is transferred for both experimental groups irrespective of whether it was the L1 or L2. These results are expected by Rothman's (Second Language Research: forthcoming) model, but not necessarily predicted by other current hypotheses of multilingual syntactic transfer; the implications of this are discussed.