970 resultados para job order production


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The generation of a high productivity cell line is a critical step in the production of a therapeutic protein. Many innovative engineering strategies have been devised in order to maximize the expression rate of production cells for increased process efficiency. Less effort has focused on improvements to the cell line generation process, which is typically long and laborious when using mammalian cells. Based on unexpected findings when generating stable CHO cell lines expressing human IL-17F, we studied the benefit of expressing this protein during the establishment of production cell lines. We demonstrate that IL-17F expression enhances the rate of selection and overall number of selected cell lines as well as their transgene expression levels. We also show that this benefit is observed with different parental CHO cell lines and selection systems. Furthermore, IL-17F expression improves the efficiency of cell line subcloning processes. IL-17F can therefore be exploited in a standard manufacturing process to obtain higher productivity clones in a reduced time frame.


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Production flow analysis (PFA) is a well-established methodology used for transforming traditional functional layout into product-oriented layout. The method uses part routings to find natural clusters of workstations forming production cells able to complete parts and components swiftly with simplified material flow. Once implemented, the scheduling system is based on period batch control aiming to establish fixed planning, production and delivery cycles for the whole production unit. PFA is traditionally applied to job-shops with functional layouts, and after reorganization within groups lead times reduce, quality improves and motivation among personnel improves. Several papers have documented this, yet no research has studied its application to service operations management. This paper aims to show that PFA can well be applied not only to job-shop and assembly operations, but also to back-office and service processes with real cases. The cases clearly show that PFA reduces non-value adding operations, introduces flow by evening out bottlenecks and diminishes process variability, all of which contribute to efficient operations management.


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RESUME Depuis les années 1980, les stéroïdes androgéniques anabolisants (SAA) sont restés les produits dopants les plus utilisés par les sportifs. Les propriétés principales attribuées à ces substances sont une augmentation de la masse et de la force musculaire ainsi qu'une agressivité supérieure pouvant s'avérer bénéfique lors des entraînements ou des compétitions. En plus de cette "tradition" liée à la consommation des SAA, une autre problématique est apparue dans le monde antidopage suite à la fulgurante expansion de l'utilisation des compléments alimentaires par les athlètes professionnels et amateurs. Dès la fin des années 1990, une recrudescence de cas positifs de dopage aux SAA a été attribuée à la contamination des compléments alimentaires par des composés anabolisants tels que la testostérone ou la nandrolone ou par des prohormones se situant en amont dans le métabolisme de certains SAA et conduisant à la présence, dans les urines, de traces de substances interdites par l'Agence Mondiale Antidopage (AMA). Afin de mettre en garde les autorités antidopage ainsi que les athlètes quant aux problèmes liés aux compléments alimentaires, le Laboratoire Suisse d'Analyse du Dopage (LAD) a décidé d'étudier de manière plus précise la composition d'une centaine de produits accessibles en Suisse par l'intermédiaire d'internet. Cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence un taux de non conformité des produits avoisinant les 20%, avec une contamination plus importante des produits contenant des hormones ou des prohormones. La consommation de doses journalières recommandées des produits contaminés a mené à la détection dans les urines de la présence de substances interdites par l'AMA. Ces résultats confirment ainsi que l'usage de compléments alimentaires peut s'avérer dangereuse dans le cadre de contrôles antidopage et que les effets sur l'état physique et mental des athlètes peuvent dépasser les effets désirés et être dramatiques pour la poursuite d'une carrière sportive. D'autre part, cela démontre que l'alimentation peut mener à la présence urinaire de substances proscrites telles que les métabolites de la nandrolone, la 19-norandrostéreone (19-NA) et la 19-norétiocholanolone (19-NE). Afin de démontrer un effet potentiel de l'exercice physique sur l'excrétion urinaire des métabolites de la nandrolone, une première étude clinique a été réalisée avec 34 volontaires. Deux doses orales de nandrolone marquée avec deux atomes de C13 ont été administrées aux sujets. Les urines ont été récoltées durant les 5 jours suivant les prises orales (études d'excrétion) ainsi qu'avant et après les 8 séances d'entraînements du protocole. Les analyses des études d'excrétion ont permis d'établir une variabilité intra- et inter-individuelle du métabolisme et de la pharmacocinétique de la 19-NA et de la 19-NE. En dépit de la rapide élimination urinaire des métabolites de la nandrolone C13, les analyses des échantillons prélevés avant et après les différents efforts n'ont pas révélé une influence nette de l'exercice physique sur les concentrations urinaires de la 19-NA et 19-NE. Une seconde étude clinique a été effectuée, avec la participation de 30 volontaires. Il s'agissait de déterminer si la consommation de multiples doses orales d'un décanoate de testostérone, de 19-norandrostenedione (un précurseur de la nandrolone) ou de placebo durant un mois, pouvait avoir des effets bénéfiques sur la récupération et la performance physique. En parallèle, les sujets étaient soumis à un entrainement d'endurance intense et individualisé. Divers paramètres physiologiques ont été étudiés dans le sérum et les urines afin de mettre en évidence une meilleure récupération de l'organisme. Aucun de ses paramètres n'a permis de conclure que la consommation orale de SAA est favorable pour optimaliser les capacités de récupération des athlètes. De plus, les performances physiques ont été évaluées avant et après l'entraînement et le traitement. Aucune différence significative n'a été démontrée entre les trois groupes de volontaires. L'état psychologique des volontaires a été évalué à l'aide de questionnaires (short Profile of Mood State, sPOMS) remplis à trois reprises au cours du protocole. De manière générale, l'évolution observée est une augmentation de la fatigue avec une diminution de la vigueur. Des analyses statistiques ont révélé que des prises orales de testostérone, et dans une moindre mesure de 19-norandrostenedione, ont une légère influence sur cette évolution générale en diminuant les effets de l'entrainement sur le profil psychologique. Les urines récoltées durant le protocole ont été analysées par GC/C/IRMS et GCMS afin de détecter les variations des concentrations des hormones liées au métabolisme de la testostérone. Les résultats ont démontré une variabilité interindividuelle du métabolisme de la testostérone qui implique que les critères de positivité imposés par l'AMA ne sont pas forcément valables pour tous les individus. La détection de la 19-NA et de la 19-NE, issus du métabolisme in vivo de la 19norandrostenedione, a confirmé les résultats obtenus sur la pharmacocinétique et le métabolisme de la nandrolone C13 obtenus lors de la première étude clinique. Ce travail a permis de clarifier certains points en lien avec l'abus de la nandrolone dans le sport et notamment par rapport à la consommation de compléments alimentaires. Les deux études cliniques n'ont pas véritablement apporté les réponses souhaitées aux hypothèses de départ. Cependant certains aspects intéressants en relation avec le métabolisme des SAA ont été découverts et pourront peut-être permettre à la lutte antidopage d'évoluer vers une meilleure efficacité. SUMMARY Since 1980's, anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) are still the most used doping agents in sports. The main properties attributed to these substances are an increase of muscle mass and strength and also a higher aggressiveness that could be beneficial during trainings and competitions. In addition to this "tradition" linked to the AAS intake, another problematics has raised in the antidoping field. Indeed, nutritional supplements have been more and more used by professional and amateur athletes. Since the end of the 1990's, an outburst of positive doping cases with AAS has been attributed to nutritional supplements contaminations with anabolic compounds like testosterone or nandrolone or with prohormones located above in the metabolism of some AAS and prompting urinary traces of forbidden compounds by the World Antidoping Agency (WADA). In order to inform the antidoping authorities and the athletes about the problems linked to the nutritional supplements, the Swiss Laboratory for Doping Analyses (LAD) decided to investigate more precisely the composition of about hundred products accessible in Switzerland through different web sites. This study showed that about 20% of the products were not conformed to the composition announced by the manufacturers. The oral intake of daily recommended doses of the contaminated products revealed the presence in urines of forbidden substances by the WADA. Hence, these results confirm that the use of nutritional supplements can lead to adverse analytical findings in antidoping controls and that the effects on athletes' physical and mental state could be different from the ones desired and could be dramatic for the continuation of an athlete's career. Moreover, this demonstrates that the diet can lead to the presence in urines of proscribed substances like nandrolone metabolites, i.e. 19-norandrosterone (19-NA) and 19-noretiocholanolone (19-NE). To put forward a potential effect of physical exercise on urinary nandrolone metabolites excretion rate, a first clinical study was done with 34 volunteers. Two oral doses of nandrolone labelled with two C13 atoms were administered to the subjects. The urines were collected during the 5 days following the treatment (excretion studies) and before and after the 8 exercise sessions of the protocol. The analyses of excretion studies revealed an intra- and inter-individual variability of the metabolism and the pharmacokinetics of 19-NA and 19-NE. In spite of the rapid urinary elimination of the nandrolone C13 metabolites, the analyses of the urine samples gathered before and after efforts did not show a clear influence of physical exercise on the urinary 19-NA and 19-NE concentrations. A second clinical study was done with the participation of 30 volunteers. The main aim was to determine if multiple oral doses of testosterone undecanoate, 19-norandrostenedione (a nandrolone precursor) or placebo during one month, could have beneficial effects on recovery and physical performance. Meanwhile, the individuals had to follow an intense and personalized endurance training program. Several physiological parameters were investigated in serum and urines in order to demonstrate a better organism's recovery. None of these parameters lead to the conclusion that oral intake of AAS is useful to optimise the recovery capacities of athletes. In addition, physical performances were evaluated before and after the training and treatment month. No significant difference was shown between the three volunteers groups. The psychological state of the volunteers was assessed through questionnaires (short Profile of Mood State, sP4MS) filled three times during the protocol. The global evolution is an increase of fatigue with an decrease of vigour. Statistical analyses revealed that the oral intake of testosterone, and to a lesser extent of 19= norandrostenedione, have a small influence on this general evolution in decreasing the effect of training on the psychological profile. The urines collected during the protocol were analysed by GC/C/IRMS and GCMS to detect concentrations variations of hormones related to the testosterone metabolism. The results revealed an interindividual variability of testosterone metabolism which implies that the guidance concerning endogenous steroids prescribed by the WADA are not uniformly valid for all individuals. Detection of 19-NA and 19-NE, coming from the in vivo metabolism of 19norandrostenedione, confirmed the results previously obtained on the pharamcokinetics and metabolism of the nandrolone C13 in the first clinical study. This work allowed to clarify some aspects linked to nandrolone abuse in sports and noteworthy related to nutritional supplements intake. The two clinical studies did not really bring plain answers to the basal hypotheses but some interesting aspects in relation with AAS metabolism were put forth and would perhaps allow an evolution of a more effective fight against doping.


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Plant cell cultures constitute a promise for the production of a high number of phytochemicals, although the majority ofbioprocesses that have been developed so far have not resultedcommercially successful. An overview indicates that most of theresearch carried out until now is of the empirical type. For this reason,there is a need for a rational approach to the molecular and cellularbasis of metabolic pathways and their regulation in order to stimulatefuture advances.The empirical investigations are based on the optimization of theculture system, exclusively considering input factors such as theselection of cellular lines, type and parameters of culture, bioreactordesign and elicitor addition, and output factors such as cellular growth,the uptake system of nutrients, production and yield. In a rationalapproach towards the elucidation of taxol and related taxaneproduction, our group has studied the relationship between the taxaneprofile and production and the expression of genes codifying forenzymes that participate in early, intermediate and late steps of theirbiosynthesis in elicited Taxus spp cell cultures. Our results show that elicitors induce a dramatic reprogramming of gene expression in Taxus cell cultures, whichlikely accounts for the enhanced production of taxol and related taxanes and we have alsodetermined some genes that control the main flux limiting steps. The application ofmetabolic engineering techniques for the production of taxol and taxanes of interest is also discussed.


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Harinera La Montserrat, S.A, a company involved in the manufacturing and trading of cereals and flour, was founded in Girona in 1898 by José Ensesa y Cía., Sociedad en Comandita. With the objective to determine how the product activity of this business was structured, we have studied in detail the operations that were carried out over the agricultural year 1903-1904. We have focused on three main aspects. Firstly, the purchasing of wheat (origin, transportation, prices); secondly, the production of flour (using internal and external wheat, profits); and thirdly, its distribution (customers, destination). Finally, we have analyzed the profit and loos account for this period in order to find out if this business was profitable


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Background Enzymatic biodiesel is becoming an increasingly popular topic in bioenergy literature because of its potential to overcome the problems posed by chemical processes. However, the high cost of the enzymatic process still remains the main drawback for its industrial application, mostly because of the high price of refined oils. Unfortunately, low cost substrates, such as crude soybean oil, often release a product that hardly accomplishes the final required biodiesel specifications and need an additional pretreatment for gums removal. In order to reduce costs and to make the enzymatic process more efficient, we developed an innovative system for enzymatic biodiesel production involving a combination of a lipase and two phospholipases. This allows performing the enzymatic degumming and transesterification in a single step, using crude soybean oil as feedstock, and converting part of the phospholipids into biodiesel. Since the two processes have never been studied together, an accurate analysis of the different reaction components and conditions was carried out. Results Crude soybean oil, used as low cost feedstock, is characterized by a high content of phospholipids (900 ppm of phosphorus). However, after the combined activity of different phospholipases and liquid lipase Callera Trans L, a complete transformation into fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs >95%) and a good reduction of phosphorus (P <5 ppm) was achieved. The combination of enzymes allowed avoidance of the acid treatment required for gums removal, the consequent caustic neutralization, and the high temperature commonly used in degumming systems, making the overall process more eco-friendly and with higher yield. Once the conditions were established, the process was also tested with different vegetable oils with variable phosphorus contents. Conclusions Use of liquid lipase Callera Trans L in biodiesel production can provide numerous and sustainable benefits. Besides reducing the costs derived from enzyme immobilization, the lipase can be used in combination with other enzymes such as phospholipases for gums removal, thus allowing the use of much cheaper, non-refined oils. The possibility to perform degumming and transesterification in a single tank involves a great efficiency increase in the new era of enzymatic biodiesel production at industrial scale.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of different grazing periods on beef animal production and on wheat forage and grain yield. The experiment was carried out in Pato Branco, PR, Brazil. Six grazing periods were evaluated (0, 21, 42, 63, 84, and 105 days) on dual-purpose wheat cultivar BRS Tarumã. Purunã steers, with average live weight of 162 kg and ten months of age, were kept under continuous grazing using a variable stocking rate, in order to maintain the established sward height of 25 cm. Greater increases in total animal gain (TAG) occurred with longer grazing periods. However, there was little increase after 63 days (490 kg ha-1), and TAG decreased from 552 to 448 kg ha-1 between 84 and 105 days. Grain yield decreased from 2,830 to 610 kg ha-1 when the grazing period increased from 0 to 105 days, but there was little change after 63 days (750 kg ha-1). Cultivar BRS Tarumã shows excellent animal production potential, and the decision on how long wheat pastures should be grazed must be based on relative prices of grain and livestock.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the dry matter production of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) genotypes, managed under intermittent stocking. A completely randomized design was used, with two genotypes and three replicates. The treatments consisted of factorial combinations (2x2x2) of genotypes ('BRS Kurumi' and the clone CNPGL 00‑1‑3), two light interception levels (LI) at the onset of grazing (90 and 95%), and two post‑grazing canopy heights (30 and 50 cm). A total of 24 Holstein x Zebu crossbred heifers were used. The stocking density varied in order to finish the grazing periods in two days. The interval between the defoliation, based on 95% LI, resulted in a higher leaf mass per grazing cycle. The post‑grazing height of 30 cm did not affect the number of grazing cycles but provided a greater herbage accumulation rate. The cultivar BRS Kurumi has higher pasture growth, lower rest period, and greater number of grazing cycles, which results in increased forage production in the growing season.


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In a system where tens of thousands of words are made up of a limited number of phonemes, many words are bound to sound alike. This similarity of the words in the lexicon as characterized by phonological neighbourhood density (PhND) has been shown to affect speed and accuracy of word comprehension and production. Whereas there is a consensus about the interfering nature of neighbourhood effects in comprehension, the language production literature offers a more contradictory picture with mainly facilitatory but also interfering effects reported on word production. Here we report both of these two types of effects in the same study. Multiple regression mixed models analyses were conducted on PhND effects on errors produced in a naming task by a group of 21 participants with aphasia. These participants produced more formal errors (interfering effect) for words in dense phonological neighbourhoods, but produced fewer nonwords and semantic errors (a facilitatory effect) with increasing density. In order to investigate the nature of these opposite effects of PhND, we further analysed a subset of formal errors and nonword errors by distinguishing errors differing on a single phoneme from the target (corresponding to the definition of phonological neighbours) from those differing on two or more phonemes. This analysis confirmed that only formal errors that were phonological neighbours of the target increased in dense neighbourhoods, while all other errors decreased. Based on additional observations favouring a lexical origin of these formal errors (they exceeded the probability of producing a real-word error by chance, were of a higher frequency, and preserved the grammatical category of the targets), we suggest that the interfering effect of PhND is due to competition between lexical neighbours and target words in dense neighbourhoods.


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The objective of this work was to compare random regression models for the estimation of genetic parameters for Guzerat milk production, using orthogonal Legendre polynomials. Records (20,524) of test-day milk yield (TDMY) from 2,816 first-lactation Guzerat cows were used. TDMY grouped into 10-monthly classes were analyzed for additive genetic effect and for environmental and residual permanent effects (random effects), whereas the contemporary group, calving age (linear and quadratic effects) and mean lactation curve were analized as fixed effects. Trajectories for the additive genetic and permanent environmental effects were modeled by means of a covariance function employing orthogonal Legendre polynomials ranging from the second to the fifth order. Residual variances were considered in one, four, six, or ten variance classes. The best model had six residual variance classes. The heritability estimates for the TDMY records varied from 0.19 to 0.32. The random regression model that used a second-order Legendre polynomial for the additive genetic effect, and a fifth-order polynomial for the permanent environmental effect is adequate for comparison by the main employed criteria. The model with a second-order Legendre polynomial for the additive genetic effect, and that with a fourth-order for the permanent environmental effect could also be employed in these analyses.


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Tutkimuksen päätavoite on arvioida, ovatko neljä ohjelmistovaihtoehtoa riittäviä tuotannon aikataulutuksen työkaluja ja mikä työkaluista sopii toimeksiantajayritykselle. Alatavoitteena on kuvata tuotannon aikataulutuksen nyky- ja tahtotila prosessimallinnuksen avulla, selvittää työkalun käyttäjätarpeet ja määritellä priorisoidut valintakriteerit työkalulle.Tutkimuksen teoriaosuudessa tutkitaan tuotannon aikataulutuksen logiikkaa ja haasteita. Työssä tarkastellaan aikataulutusohjelmiston valintaa rinnakkain prosessinmallinnuksen kanssa. Aikataulutusohjelmistovaihtoehdot ja metodit käyttäjätarpeiden selvittämiseksi käydään läpi. Empiriaosuudessa selvitetään tutkimuksen suhde toimeksiantajayrityksen strategiaan. Käyttäjätarpeet selvitetään haastattelujen avulla jaanalysoidaan QFD matriisin avulla. Toimeksiantajayrityksen tuotannon aikataulutuksen nyky- ja tahtotilaprosessit mallinnetaan, jotta ohjelmistojen sopivuutta, aikataulutusprosessia tukevana työkaluna voidaan arvioida.Tutkimustuloksena ovatpriorisoidut valintakriteerit aikataulutustyökalulle eli käyttäjätarpeista johdetut tärkeimmät toiminnalliset ominaisuudet, järjestelmätoimittaja-arvio sekä suositukset jatkotoimenpiteistä ja lisätutkimuksesta.


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Diplomityön tavoitteena oli kehittää Fazer Suklaan oston tilaus-toimitusprosesseja, jotta raaka-aineet ja pakkausmateriaalit pystytään hoitamaan mahdollisimman tehokkaasti. Ensin selvitettiin kirjallisuuden avulla tilaus-toimitusprosessin päävaiheet ja niihin vaikuttavat tekijät. Empiirisessä osassa lähdettiin liikkeelle käymällä läpi Fazer Suklaan oston nykytilanne, joka tehtiin ostajille suunnatun aikaselvityksen, haastatteluiden ja nykyisten tilaus-toimitusprosessien kuvaamisen avulla. Tavoitetilanteen rakentaminen aloitettiin ostettavien materiaalien ja toimittajien luokittelemisella. Tämän perusteella nämä materiaalit voitiin jakaa kolmen eri tilaus toimitusprosessin alle. Automaattisessa tilaus-toimitusprosessissa eri vaiheet automatisoidaan yhdessäavain toimittajien kanssa. Puoliautomaattinen prosessi perustuu systeemiin, jossa toimittaja näkee internetin kautta Fazerin tuotantosuunnitelman ja tekee tämän perusteella materiaalien täydennykset. Yksinkertaisessa prosessissa ostoarvoltaan alhaiset materiaalit hoidetaan mahdollisimman lähellä käyttöpistettä ja prosessin vaiheet tehdään mandollisimman pienellä työmäärällä. Tavoiteprosessien implementoinnilla todettiin suurimmiksi eduiksi prosessivaiheiden vähentyminen ja manuaalisen työn automatisoituminen. Tätä kautta saatiin prosessin eri vaiheiden työmäärää vähennettyä, sekä alennettua varastotasoja ja näin tilaus toimitusprosessin kokonaiskustannuksia pystyttiin pienentämään.


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Fiber damages comprise fiber deformations, characterized as fiber curl, kink, dislocations and strength losses as well as some yet unidentified factors. This recently discovered phenomenon is especially evident in mill scale kraftpulps. Laboratory produced pulps tend to have less damages and superior strength properties compared to those produced in pulp mills. Generally fiber damages pose a problem in the production of reinforcement pulp because they tend to decrease the ability of fibers to transmit load. Previous studies on fiber damage have shown that most of the fiber damages occur during brown stock processing starting from cooking and discharging. This literature review gives an overall picture on fiber damages occurring during softwood kraft pulp production with an emphasis on the oxygen delignification stage. In addition the oxygen delignification stage itself is described in more detailed extent in order to understand the mechanisms behind the delignification and fiber damaging effect. The literature available on this subject is unfortunately quite contradictory and implicates a lotof different terms. Only a few studies have been published which help to understand the nature of fiber damages. For that reason the knowledge presented in this work is not only based on previous studies but also on research scientist and mill staff interviews.


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Finland has large forest fuel resources. However, the use of forest fuels for energy production has been low, except for small-scale use in heating. According to national action plans and programs related to wood energy promotion, the utilization of such resources will be multiplied over the next few years. The most significant part of this growth will be based on the utilization of forest fuels, produced from logging residues of regeneration fellings, in industrial and municipal power and heating plants. Availability of logging residues was analyzed by means of resource and demand approaches in order to identify the most suitable regions with focus on increasing the forest fuel usage. The analysis included availability and supply cost comparisons between power plant sites and resource allocation in a least cost manner, and between a predefined power plant structure under demand and supply constraints. Spatial analysis of worksite factors and regional geographies were carried out using the GIS-model environment via geoprocessing and cartographic modeling tools. According to the results of analyses, the cost competitiveness of forest fuel supply should be improved in order to achieve the designed objectives in the near future. Availability and supply costs of forest fuels varied spatially and were very sensitive to worksite factors and transport distances. According to the site-specific analysis the supply potential between differentlocations can be multifold. However, due to technical and economical reasons ofthe fuel supply and dense power plant infrastructure, the supply potential is limited at plant level. Therefore, the potential and supply cost calculations aredepending on site-specific matters, where regional characteristics of resourcesand infrastructure should be taken into consideration, for example by using a GIS-modeling approach constructed in this study.